I Lastern Clackamas News Entered at the poatoflfiee in Estacada Oregon, as second-class mail. Published every Thursday at Estacada, Oregon UPTON H. GIBBS Editor and Manager. S u b s c r ip t io n •tie year Six months . . . Thursday, R ates . . F ebruary . $1.50 .75 21. 1924. BIBLE THOUGHT FOR TODAY — 111 EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21.1924. NEW BIG PACKAGE Cigarettes T hought« m em ori*ed will v. priceless h e ritag e in a fte r years. heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him —I Corinthians 2:9. TH E HUMAN M A K EU P PORTLAND WE Dr. Mellenthin Are in the Market S P E C IA L IS T for Good in Internal Medicine for the Past Twelve Year». POTATOES DOES NOT OPERATE Will Be at Want 2 4 > 15 i 5 C A R S terpart of God. The tragedy of human life consists in this, that the counterpart becomes too often instead a distortion and EYE HATH NOT SEEN, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the a counterfeit. I Bibi« C o m in g to BENSON H O TEL WEDNESDAY, T H U R S D A Y , FRIDAY and Saturday. FEB. 27, 28, 29 AND MARCH 1 Right Away Office Hours 10 a. to 4 p. m. FOUR DAYS ONLY Bartholomew & Lawrence Here’s to George Washington, who was “first in war, first in pe^ce and first in the hearts of his countrymen.’’ It is not like­ ly that his especial niche in the hall of fame will be taken by any other, although Lincoln is running him very closely. The two are so separated by time, circumstances and events, that it is impossible to decide who was the greater man. It is enough that each was the man of the hour, in his day and generation. Who will rank next to them is an interesting prob­ lem which won’t be determined yet for some years. I ~n~ every hand. Our human constitution, we “They have a definite objective have seen, is composed of three as those the forefathers traveled parts, body, soul and spirit. How in had, hut their goal lies east are these connected together so instead of west. They will end as to make an organic whole? up eventually in the capital city Is there something that unites of the country. them as the keystone in an arch “ However, they will not make There is, this is the “ I” or self that long journey as the first of man. Without this the hu settlers rolled off the weary man constitution would fall to miles. After Ohians have seen pieces. It is this self who speaks, the covered wagons, they are to thinks, wills and discerns right be loaded on flat cars and trans­ from wr ng; who functions in ported to Washington. each of the three parts and “Such is the start of a pic­ whose existence gives unity and turesque atttempt by a group of connection to the whole, The Ohio men to bring before the A petition was circulated last body is its vesture or visible people what they consider too manifestation, the soul is its week to put the name of Presi­ high rates of taxation. The idea natural endowment, but spirit dent Coolidge on the republican was originated by C. A. Dyer of is its life and substance. By ballot to succeed himself. Presi­ the Ohio grange. Three or more virtue of this self man is a per dent Coolidge has acquired a son, with an individuality of his reputation of taciturnity. The schooners are wending their way own, distinguishing him from old adage saith, “Speech is sil­ over the state gathering up peti­ others of his species, animals and ver, but silence is golden;” As tions asking taxation reduction. things. In other words it is the we have a silver tongued gover­ Eventually they will be routed personality of m a n w h i c nor we should have a golden into Columbus, and from there be transported into Washington makes him an organic whole or mouthed president. where the petitions will be pre­ unit. sented to congress. Secretary of the Navy, Denby, Personality is impossible of “ Additional wagons soon are definition because we cannot has resigned to save President At­ to be sent from Portage, Hamil­ place ourselves outside of it, we Coolidge embarrassment. can only know it by a reflection torney-General Dougherty might ton and Lorain counties, and those behind the movement are on how it has expressed itself in do well to follow his example. hopeful that it will become na language, literature and the in lion-wide. Btitutions of human life. Its P ra irie S ch o o n e r C ru sad e “ The schooners bear this ban fundamental] characteristic is A campaign which recalls the self consciousness, it knows that famous march of Coxey’s army ner: ‘Lower taxes and less legis­ it is “I.” As the great German to Washington nearly thirty philosopher, Kant, said, ‘‘I think, years ago has been started in lation. Let’s get back to the therefore I amj” A person has Ohio. The following Associated ways of our fathers—simplicity, been defined as one who thinks, Press dispatch is one of the honesty and economy in govern­ wills and loves. And in so doing many wire stories sent out de­ ment.’ ” he uses his body, soul and spirit, scribing the movement of the The first wagon was started for in human experience soul and prairie schooner: from North Lima, near Youngs­ spirit cannot act until they are “ Clumsy prairie schooners, town, by the Mahoning County enshrined in a body. Their very their canvass tops filling in the Grange, and the second by entrance into the world is condi­ wind, are traveling Ohio these grange leaders near Cleveland. tioned on a body having been days. They are lumbering along prepared to receive them, by the roads, an incongruous sight Don’t forget the dance under and through which they can op­ with automobiles whizzing by the auspices of the W. 0. W. at erate. them, and other evidences of Logah grange hall on Saturday Whence then is this person­ twentieth century progress on night, ality? It is certainly not self originating, for while an indi­ vidual unit, it is organically re­ lated to other units of like na­ Confectionery, Phonographs, ture. A long line of ancestors profoundly influence it and to a great degree predetermine its R. G . M A R C H B A N K , character. But yet it has a life of its very own, distinguished L IG H T L u n c h e s . from those of its forbears, so it can ¡with ¡truth say, ‘‘my life, ESTACADA, OREGON. my thought, mv will.” If then it is not self originating it must be originated, a creation. Thru Cigars and Tobaccco, International Clothes, Its ancestry we trace its deriva­ tion back to the starting point, the Creator or God. It is indeed a new or fresh creation but mod­ ified by the conditions of the route by which it has come into being. If the man is a reproduction H. C. GOHRING Prop. of his human parentage all along its line, and shares in its charac­ teristics, so his self or person­ y V Specials for Saturday ^ ality must be a reproduction of Lard, ! Olb pail .......................................... $1.65 his divine Originator. And this Lard, 51b pail............................................... 85c is what the scriptures declare Our own make. which furnish the truest, because Hams .......................................... 25 cts a pound it is the noblest and most exalted ®*con ............................................23 cts a pound conception of man. namely that Bacon Backs .... ...................... 20 cts a pound he is a being created in the im­ Picnics .......................................... 18 cts a pound age and after the likeness of ...............................................23 cts a pound God. In short, man, though on an infinitely smaller and limited Estacada s : Oregon acale, is designed to be a coun- __ y »■ THE ESTACADA MEAT CO. 1924. No Charge for Consultation HAIL TO TH E CHIEF! NOTICE In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas. In the matter of the 1 Estate of John A. Inglish, Deceased. ) To all whom it may concern. NOTICE is hereby given that the uunersigned, Belle Duus, Administra­ trix of the estate of iohn A. Inglish, deceased, has filed in the above enti­ tled Court? her final account ms such ad­ ministratrix, and that the 25th day of February, 1924, at the hour of 1« o’clock A. M., at the Court House in Oregon City, Clackamas County, Ore­ gon, has been fixed by order of the above entitled Court as the time and place for hearing obiactions to said Final Account, if any there be. All persons having objections to said Final Account are hereby notified to present the same to said Court at said time and place. BELLE DUUS, Administratrix. ARTHUR J. MOULTON, 1107, Spalding Bldg. Portland, Oregon, Attorney for Administratrix. Date of first publication, January 24, Date of last publication, February 21. L)r. Mellenthin is a regular graduate in medicine and surgery and is licensed by the state of Oregon, He does not operate for chronic appendicitis, gall stones, ulcers of the stomach, tonsils or adenoids. He has to his credit wonderful re­ sults in diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kid­ ney, bladder bed wetting, catarrh, weak lungs, rhenmatism, sciatica, leg ulcers, and rectal ailments. Below are the^names of a few of his many satisfied patients in Oregon: J. A. Smith, Ontario, Ore,, ulcers of the stomach. Leona Ford, Washougal, Ore., ade­ noids. W. H. Kellendonk. Estacada, Ore., high blood pressure. Mrs. Ed. Eberhardt, Scio, Ore., gall stones. E. C. Nichols,|Lebanon, Ore , appen­ dicitis. Remember above date, that consul­ tation on this trip will be free and that his treatment is different. Manied women must be accompanied by their husbands. Address: 211 Bradbury Bldg., Los Angeles, California. NOTICE In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas in probate. In the matter of the Estate of [ Elizabeth Amann, Deceased j NOTICE is hereby given that W. J. Amann, administrator of the estate of Elizabeth Amann, Deceased, has filed with the County Clerk of Clackamas County, Oregon, his final account as such administrator, and that the Coun­ ty Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, has set the 17th day of March, 1924, at the hour of 10:00 o’clock a. m., in the County CourtRoom for Clackamas Coun­ ty Oregon, as the time and place for hearing any and all objections to said final account. W. J. AMANN. Administrator. ALBERT T. ELOTT, Estacada, Ore. Attorney for Administrator. Date of first publication February )4, 1924. Date of last publication March 13, 1924 1924. A FULL LINE OF Eastman Kodaks and Supplies at my temporary location in LINN’S RESTAURANT Leave Filins there to be developed ED. BONER 1 .0 . O F . Estacada Lodge N o . 175. Meets every Saturday evening in their lodge room, corner of Bioad- way and Third streets. Visiting brothers are always welcome. J. H. Tracy, N. G. J. K. Ely, Secretary, COMPOUND INTEREST O N M A R C H 1st, interest will be credited in our Savings Department and may be withdrawn in cash, or if allowed to remain, will compound at the rate of Four per cent. T h is feature, in addition to the ad vantages afforded for accumu­ lating a fund through systematic savings, makes a saving account a most desirable investment. SEE US ABOUT OPENING AN ACCOUNT ESTACADA STATE BANK FOUR Per Cent Interest on Time and Savings Deposits T H E U N IV E R S A L C A R B u y Y o u r Fo rd N o w W / 1 T H spring almost here thousands of families, antici- V V pating the demand that is certain to exist for Ford Cars and Trucks are placing their orders for immediate delivery. Sales now are far ahead of sales at this time last year. Advance orders calling for delivery under the Ford W eekly Purchase Plan have already reached a total of 255,758 Cars and Trucks. The prospect of securing prompt delivery is daily becom­ ing more uncertain. W e cannot urge too strongly, there­ fore, the necessity for placing your order immediately, if you are planning to drive a Ford Car this spring. See the nearest Authorized Ford Dealer C V3 Detroit, Michigan k la an« nacaaaary to pay toy io» ye« yew lo aacun dak very. Tou raa ^ car hi loll É» orda» pi aty d rhvary by m tk w q a <>. if ye« wWh, yeu c » «rane» io» dtUvary ih» tarma of iba Fard W eakly Purc ka aa PI««. •4