_ . 1 taiilmt (narlutmas Nfuts Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County V olume 17, U P P E R EAGLE CREEK PROFESSIONAL CARDS. -pvR. W. W. RHO DES O S T E O P A T H IC PH Y SIC IA N AND SURGEON Office in LichthOrn B ldg., E stacada, T'XR. G. F. MIDFOKD ^PHYSICIAN a n d SURGEON. A m ovem ent h as sta rte d In eastern O regon to organize th e stockm en Into a co-operative selling agency. T he city of Monroe has accepted th e new w aterw o rk s sy stem recently Installed by S w artley B ro th ers of Cor­ vallis. EVENINC WORK BY APPOINTMENT ALBERT T. ELOTT ATTORNEY AT LAW RESIDENT LAWYER ESTACADA. - - OREGON A D espite th e addition of a Bchool building durin g th e year, th e schools of Salem a re now crow ded to ca­ pacity. W M . G. DUNLAP H igh school stu d e n ts of B row nsville have sta rte d a cam paign to ra ise $500 A t E stacada, in th e office of Woodle for erectio n of a gym nasium on the R ealty Co., on S a tu rd a y s—P o rtlan d o f­ school grounds. fice 1524 Yeon Building. U lric R. Gray, m arket-road engineer r \ I). EBY, of B aker county has ten d ered his ATTORNEY AT LAW. resig n atio n to th e county co u rt to tak e G eneral P ractice. Confidential Ad­ effect M arch 1. viser. O regon C ity, Oregon. P o rtlan d h as Invited th e grand lodge ATTORNEY AT LAW of th e B enevolent and P ro tectiv e IWT c G U IR K & SC H N E ID E R O rder of E lk s to hold Its 1925 con­ a tto r n ey s at law . vention In th a t city. A t G resham office—T uesdays, T h u rs­ W ill E. H olbein, form erly of N orth days ana S atu rd ay s, 203-5, W ithrow building. P o rtlan d office, 721 C orbett D akota, has been employed a s secre­ building. ta ry and m an ag e r by th e R oseburg ch am b er of com m erce. § E. WOOSTER F o rm er G overnor T. T. Geer, who w as strick en w ith p araly sis a t P o rt­ land a week ago, is rep o rted to be in a v ery weak condition. AVA Real Estate, Loans, Insurance, Rentals, Farm Loans a Specialty. Telephone Estacada, Ore. EDWARD SHEARER OUT FOR REPRESENTATIVE ily, and Samuel Wilson. T}K. Phones: Office, 315; Resilience 4712 E stacad a, Oregon. BARTON including the children. Mrs. Burt Twining was in The political pot is beginning Brief Resume of Happenings of present, A short business meeting was Portland most of last week. Dr. H. H. Hughes of Gresham to boil, and candidates are com­ the Week Collected for held before noon, w’hen a recess was called Tuesday night, to at­ ing forward. For representa­ was given in order to partake of Mrs. W. J. Moore visited Port­ tend Mrs. Fred Turner, who was tives to the state legislature on Our Headers. land relatives and friends last norm al school will be conducted In P endleton again th is su m m er for a six w eeks’ course. DENTIST LOCAL ITEMS OREGON NEWS ITEMS Eagle Creek Grange held its CARVER STATE BANK Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Gibson had as dinner guests Sunday, Mr. regular session last Saturday at Harold Bronson has about OF SPECIAUNTEREST the Grange hall, with about 31 recovered and Mrs. Leslie Wallace and fam­ from the measles. X R a y E q u ip m e n t — G l a s s e s f i t t e d OFFICE and Residance Second and Main Strsets Estacada. Oregon—Telephone Connections CHAS. P. JO H N SO N $1.50 P er Y ear E stacada , O regon , T hursday . F ebruary 21, 1924. N umber 20 O tis B ennett, logger a t Brooks- Scanlon cam p No. 2, n e a r Bend, w as crushed to d ea th when th e w heels of a log loader ra n acro ss his body. T he S tlverton Food P ro d u cts com­ pany of S ilverton has now becom e a co-operative p lant, w ith th e Silverton fru it grow ers holding khe stock. The ann u al convention of th e O re­ gon F ed eratio n of W om en’s clubs, w hich will ta k e place th is y e a r In O regon City, will be held May 19 to an excellent dinner. During the afternoon session one candidate, Mrs. Theodora Heiple, was ini­ tiated in the first and second de­ grees. Had some quite interest­ ing discussions during the lect­ urer’s hour. On Saturday even­ ing the losing side in the contest which the Grange recently had, are to give a banquet to the winning side. Bert Douglass and son Albert, of Cooks, Washington, were guests of relatives down this way, over the week end. Mrs. Walter Douglass was a guest at the golden wedding an­ niversary dinner, of Mr. and Mrs. Paulsen of Bissell, last Sat­ urday afternoon. Walter Douglass sold a fine milch cow to Claude Sersanous the other day. A party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Paddison Saturday evening, in honor of their daughter Naomi, whose en­ gagement to George V. Smith, of Eagle Creek, was announced at that time. Arrows, hearts and cupid’s darts were everywhere lending true Valentine spirit to the occasion, while dancing was the main diversion. Miss Emily Bergen and Harriett Douglass of Portland, were present. Wednesday. Again we ask the question, have you made out your income tax report? O. E. Culver has installed a 3 horse power electric motor in bis blacksmith shop. Attorney A. T. Elott and Jim Smith went to the county seat Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Allen of Marmot, attended the 0. E. S. chapter Tuesday night. Mrs. B. O. Sarver has been visiting her sister at Gladstone for the past few days. Mrs. W. A. Heylman was a business visitor in the city of roses the latter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Gohring and Mr. and Mrs. John Blauth spent Sunday with friends in Portland. Mrs. L. Baker went to Port­ land last Saturday to visit a daughter and family, returning Sunday evening. CARVER STATE BAN K Mrs. Nealev Prater of Meridi­ an, Miss., with her little boy, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Charles P. Johnson. She is on her way home from a visit to her parents in Montana. Signs of spring are manifest­ ing themselves, the rose bushes are beginning to leaf out, crocus- ses to bloom, and one or two business firms are putting a coat of paint on the front of their buildings. very ill with a cold. Mr. and Mrs. George Forman and son Til, visited at the home of James Smith of Eagle Creek, Tuesday afternoon. Harvey Gibson made a busi­ ness call at the M. A. Nelson farm Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Whitehead and son have temporarily moved to Bridal Veil Or., where Mr. Whitehead is employed in a lum­ ber mill. The basket social was quite a success, Over $50 were received from the sale of coffee and cake. A short program was given and the scheme of decoration appro­ priate for the Valentine season. Mr. and Mrs. G. Forman made a business trip to Gresham on Wednesday and to Portland on Thursday. This was Mr. For­ man’s first long distance trip since his illness. Ernest Wilson spent the week end with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Speedy Pesz- necker of Vancouver, Wash., were visitors with friends in Barton one evening recently. the republican ticket, from this district, M. J. Lee of Ganby, George Randall, R. F. D. Oregon City, Phil Hammond of Oregon City and M. S. Shrock of Mil- waukie. have been announced. The first three gentlemen were representatives in the last legis­ lature. But none of them is a resident of the eastern part of Clackamas county, and it is only fair that Eastern Clackamas should be represented by one who is resident in it. Two or three weeks ago, men­ tion was made that Edward Shearer of Springwater. had been approached on the subject, but was then undecided, he now de­ clares his willingness to run. The N ews is heartily in favor of his so doing, and considers that no better selection can be made. He is a man of sterling worth, and respected wherever he is known. He has acquired dis­ tinction as a poultry expert, hav­ ing been judge and superinten­ dent of the poultry exhibit at the state fair for a number of years. He was born in 1869, coming to Oregon in 1890 and to this coun­ ty in 1910. At first he was resi­ dent in Garfield, but about four years ago he moved to Spring- water. Mr. Shearer states as his platform: Economy in all departments of state affairs; fewer iaws passed with a more thorough under­ standing and enforcement of the laws now on our statute books, will be part of my platform. Never in the history of our country has knowledge acquired from years of practical, intelli­ gent applieatinn to the varied ag­ ricultural interests done more to befit the farmer as an essential counselor in the affairs of state than the present. To my mind the vocation that affords the broadest scope of the needs of the whole people is that of the farmer. Thus if I am elected as repre­ sentative of the people of this county, I will represent the whole people to the best of rtiy ability, ever bearing in mind the Golden Rule and with due regard and respect for my oath of office. Mr. and Mrs. Christensen had birthday party for the former’s mother, Sunday. A number of relatives from Portland and oth­ er places were guests. Cupid Captures an M. D. London Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. Misses Edna, Ruby and Lois On Valentine’s Day appropri­ K eep your policy in our F ire Bates of Estacada attended the ately, at the Sovereign hotel in P roof V ault, fre e of charge. school party Saturday night. Portland, Estacada’s esteemed Miss Helen Walczak is at her H. C. S T E P H E N S 22 . physician. Dr. G. F. Midford, home in North Logan convales­ F o re st service officials announced was united in marriage to Miss A gent . cing from the measles. th a t 375,000,000 board feet of tim b er Marguerite Cassady of Ritzville, in th e U m pqua n ational fo rest in Wm. Ferrell was ill last week Washington, the Rev. Mr. Lee Golden Wedding so u th ern Oregon will be ad v ertise d for with a bad cold. of the Presbyterian church offi­ Mr. and Mrs. Peter Paulsen x sale. ciating. It was a quiet affair, celebrated their golden wedding Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kercham The building com m ittee of th e Salem lodge of E lks has voted to with only a few relatives and anniversary at Bissell, Oregon, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tracy spend n o t to exceed 1150,000 In the friends present. The bride and February 16, 1924. A sumptu­ and son and daughter of Logan erection of a new tem ple on pro p erty groom spent a brief honeymoon ous dinner was served to about were Sunday guests of Mr. and re c e n tly acquired. in Portland, returning here on forty relatives and friends. Mrs. Wm. Christensen. R ig h ts of w ay for an extension of Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Paulsen George Christensen and fami­ th e W alla W alla V alley railw ay from Dr. Midford bought the prac­ came to Oregon in 1873 and have ly of Portland, and Emil Christ­ Milton to U m apine have been o b tain ­ ed and w ork will s ta rt as soon a s th e tice a little over a year ago, of lived in this community ever ensen who is able to leave the the late Dr. R. Morse, and has sinee. Six children were born to hospital at Tillamook, spent the w e a th e r is settled . Pocket Bens • $1.50 A cruise of all th e tim b er along th e won a flattering reputation from them, of whom lour are living: week end with their mother. line of th e projected cutoff of the his skill and ability as a physi­ Otto Paulsen and Mrs. Harold Blue Bird - - $1.75 Arlington Nolan and family of S outhern P acific betw een O akrldge cian. Since his arrival here he Joyner of Bissell, Emma Paul­ Portland, spent several days at Jack o’ Lantern $2.50 and K irk will be m ade by th e U nited has been living alone in his com­ sen and Mrs. Roy Maxwell of the home of his parents Mr. and S ta te s fo rest service. Community Club Baby Ben - - $3.50 modious residence, but now his Portland. Besides these a r e Mrs. W. J. Nolan, last week. A pproxim ately 100 ed ito rs and pub­ days of solitude are gone forever. l’he regular monthly meeting three grandchildren, B’lora Klin- lish ers from d ifferen t p a rts of Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Dan Erdman of the Community Club will be m et a t E ugene for th e sixth annual Mrs. Midford, who is the daugh­ ker and lva May and Willie Joyn­ and several from Deep Creek at­ O regon n ew sp ap er conference a t th e ter of one of Ritzville’s promi­ er. held Friday of next week, in the tended the school party, Mr Erd­ U niv ersity of Oregon. nent merchants, will no doubt be The editor of the N ews begs lobby of the Estacada hotel, be­ man being the jolly auctioneer. R e p resen tativ es of th e m ain auto­ a great social acquisition to this Store ginning at 8 p. m. The subject to offer this worthy pair, his mobile stag e lines In Oregon m et In Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burghardt of getting up some advertising community, besides being a true heartiest felicitations. May they R oseburg to a rra n g e final plans for who drove from Utah and have for this vicinity will bediscussed, the consolidation of th ese lines Into helpmeet to her husband. She live to celebrate their diamond been visiting at the home of his and the committee which was ap­ will receive a hearty welcome anniversary. th e Oregon stag e system . mother, Mrs. F. H. Turner, are pointed at the last meeting will A ndrew Svenson, 79-year-old retire d from our people, not only on ac­ now visiting relatives at Park report progress. Card Party farm er of D am ascus, who shot him self count of the estimation in which In th e head w ith a revolver F eb ru ary her husband is held, but for her Mrs. Raymond Lovelace and Place. 5, on acco u n t o t 111 health, is dead at Roy Lounsberry had his foot Dr. Steiner Dies Miss Dora Currin entertained own self. th e Oregon City hospital. PLACE Y O U R IN­ The N ews on behalf of its jointly with a “500” party last badly sprained at school Thurs­ In Portland, February 19, Dr. W. H. S tra y e r of B aker h a s filed SURANCE THROUGH day, but is rapidly recuperating Thursday night, at the home of constituency offers the newly John Steiner, aged 81 years, hus­ YOUR HOME AGENT WHO w ith th e se c re ta ry of sta te his d e cla ra­ married pair the heartiest con­ the former on the Boulevard. and able to attend school. band of Ernestine Steiner of tion of candidacy for th e office of WI LL P R O T E C T Valentine hearts and favors gave Paul Stassius and son Julius U nited S ta te s se n a to r a t th e dem o­ Estacada, and father of Dr. J. J. gratulations and best wishes for YOUR INTEREST cratic p rim ary election n ext May. to the rooms a gay atmosphere, drove to Springwater Tuesday. Steiner of Richfield, Utah; Dr. their future life in our midst. Bids for th e co n stru ctio n of ap­ the St. Valentine theme being F. W. Steiner of Havre DeGrace, Valentine Party proxim ately 38 m iles of highw ay In Official Visit carried out even in the delight­ Md., Mrs. Henry Martzloff and Oregon will be considered a t a m eet Thursday evening, February Mrs. Mary A. Koser of Portland. Centenial Rebekah Lodge No. ful refreshments. There were Cary Real Estate Co. ing of th e s ta te highw ay com m ission 147, of Estacada, was honored by five tables of players who made 14th, Mrs. G. E. Lawrence gave The funeral services were held to be held In P o rtlan d F eb ru a ry 27. a Valentine party in honor of today, at 2:30 p. m., at Finley’s W hile helping his son w ith w ork on a visit from Mrs. Edythe Kelly merry until the midnight hour. The guests present were, Mr. Miss Ethel Young. The rooms mortuary, commitment service, th e ir farm th re e m iles south of Amity. of Roseburg, president of the O L IC IE S F. T. Romlg w as attack ed and killed Rebekah assembly of Oregon, and Mrs. T. Ahlberg, Dr. and were tastefully decorated with Rose City cemetery. by a bull which had escaped from th e last Monday afternoon. A spec­ Mrs. Rhodes, Mr. and Mrs. D hearts. The evening was spent ROVI DING harn and which Romlg had tried to ERFECT ial session of the lodge was held I B. Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald in playing games, and at the close THE PEOPLE’S C. & C. STORE drive back. and the members enjoyed a Wilcox, Mr. and Mrs. H. C delicious refreshments were ser­ Golden West Mustard, one lb 59c ROTECTI ON D. S. P arr, fo r th e last tw o y ears splendid address by their distin­ Gohring. Mr. and Mrs. Dave ved consisting of heart shaped Golden West Pepper, one lb 39c cash ie r In th e offices of th e sta te sandwiches, jello, heart cookies, A re W ritte n by tre a su re r, has resigned. Mr. P a rr will guished guest. She was enter­ Eshleman, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sugar Corn, Maryland, 2 pkg 23c chocolate, ice cream and cake. n te r th e em ploy of a P o rtlan d bond tained for lunch, with the noble 1 Heiple, Mrs. R. H. Currin, Ho- VanCamp Baked Beans, can 13c PACIFIC STATES FIRE e houae A lexander H am ilton of Port- grand Mrs. Catherine Jones, and bert Linn, Raymond Lovelace Those present were Velma Sto- Royal Baking Powder, 12 oz h as been appointed to succeed | the vice-grand Mrs. Lydia Mc­ 1 vail, Evelyn Davis, Florice Doug- INSURANCE COMPANY land and Don Allen of Bull Run. can ...................................... 40c Mr. P arr. i lass, Retha Ames, Elizabeth Connell, by Mrs. W. F. Cary at SEE Small White Beans, 51b3 for 47c W illam ette valley loganberry grow ­ ; her home, and light refreshments Is Your Name Written Here? Weir, Erma Gates, Clyde Davis, Bulk Cocoa, 3lbs for............. 21c ers will not dispose of th e ir fruit u n ­ JOS. P WOODLE JR to conclude the Those subscribing for this pa- ! Howard Davis, Morris Ely, Ver­ Shaker Salt, the carton,...... lie less th ey receive a m inim um price j were served Y our H om e A g en t of 6 cen ts a pound, according to a (delightful afternoon meeting. ! per during the past week are: non Ames, Robert Stone, Rich- Campbell’s Soup, 2 cans for.. 23c j ard Hayman, Harold Widman resolution adopted at a m eeting of th e There was a large attendance !Theo. Caapenter, John Ayres. and Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Young. Kerr’s Best Patent Flour sk, $1.69 m em bers of th e loganberry exchange Calumet Baking Powder, lib at the M. E. church last Sunday Pearl Johnson, A. W. Botkin, E. See J. E. Gates and get that held in Salem. D. Allen, C. F. Hurst. When you need a watch, ring, can...................................... 29c ^ N. 1 night to hear and enjoy the ex* suit dianeJ ani praas.’i. L O For Watch Work see Solid pack Tomatoes, can.... 13c etc., see A, N. Johnson. 5-10-tf Job printing at the N ews office 5-10-tf j cellent service of music. O. F. Building. HMltf. Johnson. FIRE INSURANCE. ’X * • WESTCLOX Watches and Alarm Clocks The Rexall For Fire Insurance P