EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1924. ^jjjgagcgEiitgnc RATS are dangerous pests. T h e y w a s te , destroy and poison things that a r e GOOD unin m tu ij TYPEW RITERS I Mk NEW AND REBUILT TO EAT Old machines taken in trade as part payment. Typewriters repaired.-Complete Rental and Supply Department. But when you feed them RAT-SNAP— and they crave for it as a cat does cat­ nip—it is absolutely GUARANTEED to rid you of all rats and mice. THE REBUILT TYPEWRITER COMPANY Wm. COOK A Sons say ' ‘we are pleased to state we con­ sider RAT-SN a P is, without doubt, the best Rat and Mice exterminator we have ever used. It does ALL you claim —and more, too.” Three Sizes —35c, 65c, #1.25. RAT-SNAP will Kill THEM and leave no smell. Sold and guaran­ teed by ESTACADA PHARMACY. LOCAL B R E V I T I E S AND N E W S I T E M S 304 Oak Street, Portland, Oregon A. F. JAKSHA, Mgr. Phone, Broadway 0270 am particularly interested in the make of machine checked below: Woodstock---- Underwood__ L. C. Smith_ Royal____ Remingtom Oliver N am e_____ ______ _______________________ Address "The bacillus botulinus grows onlv when deprived of air and at room temperature. It pro­ duces the botulinus toxin. The botulinus toxin is the only one of the true toxins that is poison­ I am agent for the ous when taken by mouth. It is HALLOWATT RADIO SETS exceedingly poisonous. A 250 gram guinea pig was killed by Local or Long Distance 1,200,000 of a drop of toxin. Let me demonstrate this set Persons have been known to die in your home— Prices are right from ‘nibbling’ a small portion CLYDE SCHOCK of a pod of string beans. Crawfords’ Garage, Estacada, Ore. "Symptoms of poisoning may Or Phone 69-7 appear in as short a period as four hours and as long as six days after eating food contain­ ing the poison. The general ap­ pearance of tne patient is one of J A C K N O R T O N ’ S !>: muscular weakness, anxiety, ut­ ter helplessness, difficulty in swallowing, struggle for breath, Broadway, opposite "Favorite” Theatre X and unsuccessful attempts to ar­ Agent for Crystal Laundry :j; ticulate, making a picture which Tub and Shower X once seen will never be for­ gotten. BATHS The poisoning is caused by a toxin and not the germ. It may develop in many of the foods we eat when the conditions 'are right. All that is necessary for the formation of the poison in many kinds of canned food is that the spores of the organism remain alive within the contain­ er after it has been processed. Get our prices before you" buy The spores of the bacillus will Dryer Pipes Made to Order resist the temperature of boiling For Sheet Iron work, water several hours. repairs, soldering and "Botulism can be prevented plumbing, call at the by exercising the following pre­ cautions: Do not use any canned A M E MAIN S STREET. SHOP food which shows the slightest sign of spoilage. Use no canned food unless it has been processed at high temperature; this is es­ pecially applicable to vegetables JOSEPH E. GATES-YOUR HOME of the type that are used in salads. To insure high tempera­ ture a pressure cooker is a neces­ AND F.M BA LM ER sity.” ________ |A place where your loved ones will he cared for| with tender c a re .- Lady assistant. Any girl in trouble may com­ NIGHT AND DAY TELEPH O N E municate with Ensign Lee of the FLOWERS A N D TOMBSTONES Salvation Army, at the Whitell Estacada, Oregon. Shield Home, 565 Mayfair Ave., Portland, Oregon. 9 20-tf RADIO Vernon Anderson spent Mon­ day in Portland. Mrs. T. H. Morton left for Portland, Monday. Hearts are trumps today. But when are they not? Mrs. W. P. Dean went to Port­ land Sunday morning. When you need a watch, ring, etc., see A. N. Johnson. 5-10-tf Mr. and Mrs. Ori Coop went to Palmblad station Sunbay. W. C. Bacon was a Portland visitor Friday and Saturday. Mrs. G. E. Lawrence took the Botulinus Poison STATE MARKET AGENT bill before congress for an ex­ noon car to Portland Monday. port corporation to handle the The state board f health has DEPARTMENT. Now is the time when seed surplus production of the coun­ given out the following informa­ catalogues make very interesting try. If the bill becomes a law tion on the poison which has by c. e . s p e n c e m a r k e t a g t . reading. it will become the greatest step Henry Ford said in a speech for the control of farm products, lately caused twelve deaths at J. C. Duus has shingled the Albany, Oregon: south side of the roof of the ell some months ago that the Ameri­ as it is not confined to wheat en­ "Botulism is a deadly food poi­ can farmer was starting at the tirely, but to all farm products. to bis house. son. The name botulism has wrong end of the cooperative If it gives the expected relief to lost its o r i gi n a 1 significance The new mail route between movement, that he had hitched wheat producers, it can also be which was sausage poisoning, here and Bissell went into opera­ was thought that the germ the wagon ahead of the horse; applied to liyestock and other it tion Tuesday. that produces the poison causing that the big objective of organi­ lines of agriculture. botulism would grow only in Mrs. E. D. Allen of Marmot zation was cooperative selling, sausage, but it is known that it spent the week end here with while it should start with pro­ Farm Bulletins Available will grow in ham, cottage cheese, relatives. duction instead. Mr. Ford illus­ Several new bulletins have string beans, corn, asparagus Charles and Neal Bronson re­ trated that there was a field of been recently released by the Or­ and ripe olives. turned from Portland Sunday corn here, a field of wheat there; egon Agricultural college accord- "Botulism is a rare disease afternoon. a team of horses and a half to the County Agent at Oregon but it is more common in Europe in America. In a period of Mr. and Mrs. Macolly Dale dozen cows; a few pigs here and City. An especially valuable than years there were 150 people went to Portland on the Sunday a few sheep there-endlessly re­ bulletin is one on poultry house 22 ill and they all died of the dis­ peated all over the nation. Mr. construction, including complete ease, among approximately 100 morning train. A. H. Fraley was another pas­ Ford says this is not farming, specifications and plans. Other million people. Therefore it can­ senger to Portland Sunday morn­ that is an unorganized condition subjects covered by bulletins not be compared in magnitude to tuberculosis or syphilis. Botul­ of needless waste and work, bad are: ing from Estacada. ism is the cause of forage poison­ 1924 Spray Bulletin. See Mrs. J. E. Gates for piano for the farmer and the country. ing in horses and of limberneck Insect Pests and Diseases of in chickens and turkeys. instruction. Prices reasonable. The leaders of cooperative Brambles. I. 0. 0. F. building. tf movements in this country-the The Cane Fruit Industry in Some good Wall Papers left at real men with vision—realize Oregon. Stump Land Reclamation. 25c per double roll, at Pointer’s. that there is much truth in these Commercial Fertilizers. ll-29tf. statements and that cooperation Grape Growing in Oregon. Mrs. R. F. Snyder and chil­ must get closer and tighter to Pests of Currants and Goose­ dren, and her sister Mrs. Ted the production points, that all berries. The Long System of Orchard Harders were Gresham visitors the cows, the grains, the meat and products must be pooled and Pruning. Sunday. Insect pests of Truck and Gar­ Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Lawrence worked out on the production den Crops. of Portland called Friday on the ground; that the hogs should be Balancing Rrtions for Dairy Cattle. latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. cured into bacon where the hogs Rations for Swine. are raised; that the flour should G. E. Lawrence. And many others, any of be milled where the wheat is Messrs. G. E. Lawrence and grown; that the butter and which are for free distribution Vernon Anderson made a flying cheese should be a part of coop­ at the office of the County Agent, tiip Portland Saturday morning erative production. Unless these Oregon City. and returned by 2 o’clock. are done by the farmer, and the Valentine Party Tonignt Mrs. J. V. Barr went to Hu­ great middle profits retained by . We received too late for publi­ ber to see her new grandson, him. then they will be done by cation last week, notice that a who came to the home of Mr. others who are waiting for agri­ and Mrs. James Freeman the culture to completely collapse Valentine party would be given first of the month. and the lands come into their po- at the Springwater Grange hall tonight at 8 oclock. A program The Jersey herd of G. E. Law­ session. will be rendered and l u n c h rence and son of Springwater In a recent talk at Cornell served. The Friendship quilt was reaccredited by government University, at Ithaca, N. Y., one will be sold. All are invited to experts la3t December as being perfect. This is its continual of the professors stated that attend. there was over-production on record. One thing for which we ought * every hand—largely the result The school meeting passed off of under-consumption- and that | to be thankful is the elimina­ very methodically and quietly farming in the old way of food tion of the penny dreadful comic last Monday night, contrary to production only must give way valentine. This used to be a; expectation. Only purely busi­ in part to the raising of materi­ desecration of the day which is ness matters such as auditing als needed in the manufacturing dedicated to thetenderest feeling bills occupied the session. industries. He stated that he of the human heart. Herbert Dunlop came from believed that shortly oils and Have you filed your federal in Portland Sunday morning to see fuel alcohol would become field < come tax return? Better do so how the old town looks. He is and garden products, and that a before March 15 or you will be the son of the Rev. J. F. Dunlop field of potatoes would be of | liable to heavy penalties, JOIN THE CROWD A T who was a recent predecses- great commercial value as a pro­ Expert Watch and J e w e l r y 6or of the Rev. W. H. Mort, duct to make fuel alcohol from; Repairing as pastor of the M. E. church. that weeds the farmer fights to Send your watch or jewelry exterminate today will be culti- to be repaird, to me by insured vated for their use in making mail. It will be repaired prop­ “ C O L D IN T H E H E A D rubber, and that many other erly at a reasonable cost, and re­ I* a n a c u te a tta c k o f N a s a l C a ta rr h T h o se su b je c t to fre q u e n t “ cold»" a r e products of the soil may be turned by mail within ten days. r e we r a lly in a “ ru n d ow n" condition. Where your Dollar has more Cents H A L L S C A T A R R H M E D I O N E la a grown to advantage for other All work absolutely guaranteed T re a tm e n t co n aletin * o f a n O in tm en t, to or money refunded. Pack all ar­ be need locally, arvi a T onic, w h ich a c ta than food purposes. H. Q u ick ly th ro u g h th e Blood on th e Mu- ticles in paper. coua S u rfa c e s, b uilding u p th e 8y«tem . The wheat growers of the na­ GUY D. JONES. Jeweler. » a n d m a k in g you leae liable to " c o ld a " gold by d ru g g is ts fo r o r e r 40 Year«. Gresham, Oregor, tion are vitally interested in the 12-6tf T. J. Chaney * Ca.. Toledo. O. BARBER SHOP PLUMBING PIPE and FITTINGS FUNERAL DIRECTOR Only Two Days More of Our Unloading Sale Remain. Many Special Buys for Friday and Saturday. All Women’s and Children’s Shoes To Be Closed out Ready for Spring Styles. THE PEOPLE'S STORE B. SNYDER, - » XHf éfe CUT - C. A. DYKEMAN. & ’t ) # ‘