£asimt (Elarkamafl Nnua Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County V olume 17, E stacada , O regon , T hursday , N umber 19 OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST » # LOCAL ITEMS $1.50 P er Y ear U PP E R EAGLE CREEK WILL THIS SOLVE WATER PROBLEM? Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass Hewitt McCracken of Port­ CARVER STATE BANK and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Douglass land spent the week end with his Miss Maud Sturgeon was a were Portland visitors one day T'JR. W. W. RHODES father, J. A, McCracken and visitor in Portland, Monday. O S T E O P A T H IC last week. Brief Resume of Happenings of sister, Mrs. Ernest Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Zimmer­ PH Y SIC IA N AND SU RG EON Otto E. Jansen of George, who Leonard Douglass, son of Jess Mr. and Mrs. George Forman man are enjoying a new car. Office in L ichthorn B ldg., E stacada, the Week Collected for is an experienced well driver has Douglass, is a guest at the home and family were delightfully en­ Mrs. Vernie Duus is having a made a tentative proposition to of Walter Douglass. Our Readers. ■ p )R . G. F. MIDFOKD tertained with a chicken dinner j siege with the measles. the city council, which has crea­ ■ " ^ P H Y S I C I A N and S U R G E O N . Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Chapman at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ted considerable interest and dis­ Paint your auto NOW. Autoen- X R av E q u i p m e n t — G l a s s e s f i t t e d P in e Valley is considering erecting Leslie Wallace, Sunday. of Pendleton, Mrs. Louie Badoux OFFICE and Residence Second and Main Strsets cussion. He proposes that an ar­ 1 amelsat Pointer’s, Estacada. tf a new school building. Estacada. Oregon—Telephone Connections of Walla Walla, and Bruce Eddy Sunday, Wm. S w a r t z and tesian well be bored on the hill T hom as G. H aw ley w as nom inated daughter, Mrs, Elsie Norton and S. E. Wooster and W. F. Cary of Portland, were the dinner above the city, and for $20,000, TAR. CHAS. P. JOHNSON fo r p o stm aster a t M ultnom ah. drove to Portland Monday on guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. he will guarantee a How of 200 DENTIST S tudent re g istra tio n at Oregon A gri­ a friend, all of Portland, visited business. Gi b s o n . Mr. Chapman is a EVENING WORK BY APPOINTMENT cu ltu ral college for th e college year at the McCracken home. gallons a minute. Mayor H. C. Edith DeMov, daughter of Mr, brother of Mrs. Gibson. Estacada, Oregon. now to ta ls 4176. Among those attending the Stephens has requested him to and Mrs. A. DeMoy, has been A party was given last Satur­ put his proposition in writing for W heat sh ip m en ts from th e Colum bia public dance in Peterson’s ha'l A L BER T t . e l o t t riv e r to all ports for th e cereal sea­ were Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Bates quite sick with the measles. day night in this neighborhood, further consideration. If a good A TTO RN EY AT LAW son reached 18,323,785 bushels. and quite a large crowd attend­ artesian well can be obtained of Miss Mary Richardson of Port­ and daughter of Estacada, Mr. R ES ID EN T LA W Y ER At a m eeting of th e N ew port city ed. Playing cards and dancing sufficient volume, this would do land, was a week end guest at ESTACADA. - - OREGON council, Je s s Frey, councilm an, was Lester Irving of Boring, the was the evening’s program and away with the water problem. the home of Mr3. Mae Reed, elected m ayor to succeed C arl Ryck- Misses Gladys Ketchel, Hazel Gib­ W M . G. DUNLAP everyone seemed to have a good But there would have to be m an, resigned. son, Eleanor and Gladys Guffnett Among the Portland visitors in A T T O R N E Y A T LAW time. The music was furnished enough for all purposes not only of Portland, Carl Sales of Oregon C ity ordinances p ro h ib itin g m inors I Estacada last Sunday, was J. W. A t E stacad a, in the office of Woodle R ealty Co., on S a tu rd a y s—P o rtlan d o f­ from freq u en tin g pool halls and the City, and a number from nearby Shafford, formerly of this place. by Ed. Hunt and Mrs. Brick- for present demands but for in­ fice 1524 Yeon Building. curfew ordinance a re now being en ­ communities. beater. Shortly after midnight, forced in Eugene. Have you made out your in­ a delicious luncheon was served. creased ones in future years. To secure such an adequate, un­ I). EBY, Mrs. Bessie Wilson and daugh­ come tax report? The time is The R oseburg E lk s lodge has voted A TTO RN EY AT LAW. failing supply of pure, clean wa­ to proceed im m ediately w ith th e con­ ter spent Monday with Mrs. Min­ getting short in which to make SPRING W ATER N E W S ter, would be worth $20,000, if it G eneral P ractice. C onfidential A d­ version of F a rq u h a r island into a city nie Forman. returns. viser. O regon C ity. O regon. p a rk and playgrounds. Fred McCracken is able to be Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McWillis Mrs. Peter Erickson returned could not be had for less. E stab lish m en t of a governm ent about again with the aid of TV/TcGUIRK & SCHNEIDER and tamily drove to Portland home from Portland last week. A Musical Evening n av al base a t Tongue P o in t w as fav ­ AVA A T T O R N E Y S A T LAW . crutches, at last reports. last Sunday and enjoyed a couple William Shearer is sick with ored in a resolution passed by the There will be a special musical A t G resham office—T uesdays, Thuvs- j Telford’s truck of Boring de­ of pictures. the measles. days ana S atu rd ay s, 203-5, W it h r o w j M onm outh C om m ercial club. service at the Methodist church, building. P o rtlan d o ffice, 721 C o rb ett j The first carload of broccoli to be livered a ton of feed to M. A. A very entertaining and im­ Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Erickson Sunday evening, inaugurating building. se n t from th e U m pqua valley th is y ear Nelson’s farm one day last week. pressive Lincoln service was giv­ are enjoying a new Chevrolet the National Week of Song. In w as shipped from R oseburg by th e Mrs. S. E. Robinson spent en at the M. E. church last Sun­ touring car. addition to the usual Sunday eve­ ^ E. WOOSTER U m pqua Broccoli exchange. several days at her home here day evening. Wiley Howell had his tonsils ning sing, in which all will join, C harles Colvin, a B eaverton young Real Estate, Loans, Insurance, m an, was killed in sta n tly w hen east- and Sunday she delightfully en­ Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Gohring removed last Wednesday and is there will be anthems and other Rentals, bound S outhern Pacific tra in No. 130 tertained a large crowd which spent the day in Portland Sun­ getting along very nicely. special numbers. Hobart Linn stru c k a “ bug” he w as driving. ?arm Loans a Specialty. took four autos to bring from day, celebrating their 14th wed­ will sing “ I come to Thee,” by Miss Irma McTaggett of Port­ Telephone Estacada, Ore. T he M adras flour m ill w as d estro y ­ Portland. Rev. Owen T. Day ding anniversary. Caro Roma, and Theo Ahlberg land visited the week end wtih ed by fire sta rtin g from an unknow n was also present and held ser­ will play a violin solo. The peo­ Mr. and Mrs. George Morrow Mrs. F. E. Erickson. cause. It w as feared for a tim e th a t vices in the school house at 3 p. th e e n tire tow n would be burned. and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mor­ John Schenk of G r e s h a m ple of the community are cordi­ m. with a good attennance. A vigorous cam paign to p rev en t row of Portland, called on Mr. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe ally invited to attend this ser­ vice. overloading of tru ck s o p eratin g on th e Emil Christiansen, who was and Mrs A. E. Sparks, Sunday. Guttridge on Monday. highw ays of th e s ta te is to be sta rte d William Palmer came back to N. O. W. News under th e direction of th e sta te traffic injured in a logging camp near The Race for Sheriff town Wednesday after an ab­ Tillamook is in a hospital at that d ep artm en t. The Neighbors of the Wood­ N early 150 d ifferen t autom obiles of place. He is able to get around sence of a few weeks and is The field of candidates for craft held their regular meeting 29 d ifferen t m akes w ere displayed by on crutches. registered at the Hotel Estacada. Clackamas county sheriff has February 7. with an increased 21 leading autom obile d eale rs of P o rt­ Helen Walczak, a high school The Mission Study club held been entered by Simon MacDon­ attendance. On this occasion a land a t th e 15th ann u al autom obile student at Estacada, is quite ill. its regular meeting at the M. E. ald of Oregon City and Percy T. miscellaneous shower was given show In th a t city. Her mother, Mrs. John Walczak parsonage last Monday night and Shelly of Sandy. Both of these the recently married pair, Mr. T he C h ester-F ish er Logging com­ of North Logan, has been with the young people report the us­ men made definite announcement and Mrs. Ernest E. Amacher, pany h as filed w ith th e public se rv ­ of their intentions the latter part the latter formerly being, Miss her for several days, and her ual good time. ice com m ission application to e sta b ­ lish a logging ra ilro a d over th e Ne- fathe and brother Marion visited There will be a St. Patrick’s of the week. Both seek the Violet Marshall. They were a halem highw ay n e a r A storia. her Friday night. dance given at the Estacada Park nomination from the republican very much surprised couple and T he A storia board of school d irec­ Mrs. Gus Whitehead and son paviiion Saturday evening March party. MacDonald was the first everybody enjoyed their surprise. to rs h as decided to dispense w ith th e Lawrence, Miss Alice Hansen 15. Watch for further announce­ to file with the county clerk on After the meeting cake and co­ serv ices of th e school h ealth officer Friday. W. J. Wilson is still coa were served, and then dan­ I Watches and and Mr. and Mrs. George W. ment by the committee. f a fte r th e first of th e com ing m onth, non committal as to his candida­ cing was enjoyed until midnight. leaving th e h e a lth d ep artm en t in Turner were delightfully enter­ I M. G. Moore of the Hotel Es- charge of th e school nurse. G. N. Lola Dodson gave a get tained at dinner Thursday even­ taeada went to Portland Tuesday cy for renomination for a fourth Alarm Clocks | All northbound tra ffic over th e ing by Mr. and Mrs. Jens Peder­ to take in the automobile show. term while the wise ones shrug together luncheon February 2nd, S outhern Pacific ra ilro a d w as held up their shoulders and remark about for the officer* of the N. O. W., sen and daughters, Adeline and He returned Wednesday after­ Pocket Bens * $1.50 •'} by a landslide in Cow creek canyon. noon and pronounces the display the uncertainty of the outcome which was quite a success. All slide buried th e tra c k s for a con­ Eleanor. Blue Bird ■ - $1.75 | T sid he erab with several contestants in the present had a good time and en­ The program and basket so­ wonderful. le distance, but w as discover­ field. It is expected that W. B. joyed the lunch, and each officer Jack o’ Lantern $2.50 ed in time to p rev en t a w reck. cial to be given by the Barton Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones May, chief of police of Oregon had a good suggestion to make. Recent increases in th e price of school will be Saturday instead came out from Portland the first Baby Ben - • $3.50 $ gasoline City, will soon announce his can­ in Oregon a re to be included of Thursday night. of this week and will spend a _________________ :____ i in th e country-w ide investig atio n of Near East Relief didacy. And it is probable that Miss Linea Young spent the few weeks on their place about gasoline prices which th e d e p artm en t other would-be sheriffs in other Dispatches received from Ore­ a mile north of Estacada, clear­ $ of ju stice has been o rdered by P re si­ week end in Portland. parts of the county will soon get gonians now in the Near East I d e n t Coolidge to m ake a t once. Mrs. Gus Whitehead was a ing and improving their land. into the political game. confirm Associated Press and ats, w hich e a t food sim ilar to th a t Gresham visitor Monday. A number of men from the up Store | of R hum That the race for the chief ex­ other dispatches telling of the ans, a re b eing used in ex p eri­ Mr. and Mr. Wm. Burghardt per camp3 were thrown from a ecutive office of the county will great suffering among refugees m en ts by Mrs. Jessa m in e C. W illiam s, speeder when it left the track, p rofessor of household science a t O re­ and two children of Utah, are be a spirited one is gleaned from both from Turkey and Greece. gon A gricultural college to d eterm in e visiting Mr. Burghardt’s mother, last Friday, and all escaped with the go-get-em qualities of the Recently four American Relief th e value of v arious foods for chil­ Mrs. F. H. Turner, and sister, slight injuries except Joe Nich­ contestants. workers died in efforts to relieve olson, who had one of his legs For Fire Insurance dren. Mrs. G. Stone and family. MacDonald is an ex-service this suffering. The care of 54- W ages of L ane county road lab o rers crushed quite badly. He was Mrs. Alvin Johnsen, who has in 1924 will ran g e from $3.50 a day immediately taken to a Portland man, first commander of Willam­ 000 children now in the orphan­ ette Falls Post, American Legion ages makes it impossible for the for comm on labor to $12 a day for been quite ill is again able to be hospital. m en w ith iarg e tra c to rs, according to out. f ___________ PLACE Y O U R IN­ an aggressive advocate of law Mrs. Rose F. Westerman of enforcement and a successful Near East Relief to aid other a schedule agreed upon by th e m em ­ SURANCE THROUGH Boring was very pleasantly sur­ representative of an insurance thousands equally needy. YOUR HOME AGENT WHO bers of th e county court, to be ef­ CARVER STATE BAN K WILL PROTECT fective M arch 1. Public Dance. prised Monday morning when business. Artisans’ Card Party YOUR INTEREST G eorge P endleton, farm e r living in her sister, Lillian Myers and son Shelly is widely known per­ There will be a public dance th e vicinity of B roadacres in Marton The United Artisans will give a John; also her niece, Ora Davis sonally, has been a practicing at­ on Saturday, February 23rd, at county, was killed w hen an autom obile card party in the 1. O. O. F. and husband Floyd Davis; and torney, and a good campaigner. the Logan Grange I all. It a ill tru ck in w hich he w as riding w as building on Wednesday, Feb­ another sister from Portland, c k by a southbound O regon E lec­ May has ma