EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 7,1924 LOGAN NEW S A FULL LINE .I-*,.. t. CARVER STATE BANK Mrs. Vernie Duns was not at OF all well yesterday. Eastman Kodaks Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gartner motored out from Portland last and Supplies Sunday to call on Mr. Lindsay. at my temporary location in Mrs. O. E. Smith visited Tues­ L IN N ’S R E ST A U R A N T O U R 7 % P R IO R P R E F E R E N C E f t a s day, her sister Mrs. Stubbs at Leave Films there to be developed paid dividends reg u larly every t h r e e Gresham, and attended the O. E. m o n th s since it w as first issued.* S. chapter that evening. Mrs. Bina Douglass Bell ar­ It Is a Safe and Sound Investment rived on the 8:30 car Tuesday morning and spent the day with You ca n b u y it a t $ 9 8 .0 0 a sh are, p a r her mother, Mrs. Viola Douglass. v alue $ 1 0 0 , for cash or on easy term s. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Betts and It will n et you 7.14"o on every d o llar children of Willamette, were you invest. here a few days last week, visi- I am agent for the ors at the home of Mrs. Betts’ W rite fo r full info rm atio n today. HALLOWATT RADIO SETS parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Rea­ gan. Local or Long Distance Rev. B. F. Clay and wife had Let me demonstrate this set Investment Department a delightful visit from Mr. and in your home Prices are right Mrs. C. A. Frost of Gladstone. CLYDE SCHOCK PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER They were members of the church Crawfords' Garage, Estacada, Ore. Company. where Mr. Clay f o r m e r l y Or Phone 69-7 SOUDAS THE STATE Room 605 Electric Bldg., Portland, Oregon. preached. Dave Cutting and daughter Christian Church Services Anna, who reside in California, are here visiting at the home of Bible School 10:00 a. m. Preaching ing 11 a. m. and 7:30 his nephew, Charlie Hicinbothen. p. m. ; mid-week prayer meeting They came to visit Mr. Cutting’s! brother at Molaila, who has been ! Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Choir practice Friday 7:00 p. m. very ill. Subject of morning sermon, W. F. Cary went to Portland “ Brotherly Love,” evening, Monday evening to be the guest ties. “The New Birth.” DRESS M A K I N G -W anted! of the officials of the P. R. L. & The private school, it is fur­ Children’s garments at 40 and The public is cordially invited P. company, and witness their ther pointed out, can be more 50 cents. Please call and see me. to attend these services. picture, “ Modern Pioneers,” Mrs. Earl Hecker, on hill north experimental than the public of B. F. C lay , which is being given at the Lib­ town. 1-24-2T4 h Ü I E L E S T A C A D A school, and its “ treasures of tra­ Minister, Christian Church. erty this week. dition,” its “spiritual endow­ FOR SALE—Italian P r u n e Curt Sagner, the efficient car­ CARVER STATE BAN K ment,” have an influence that trees one and two years old. See rier for the Oregonian and Tele­ goes beyond its walls. These trees at Bacon’s garage. Write Methodist Episcopal Church gram, has been off duty this 0. W. FALING make for variety and for pro­ or phone 1-31-3-27 Estacada. Oregon. “ Religious Temperance.” An week, owing to an attack of the is in a class by itself. Service in the Hotel gress. Many of the ideas which anti-“ ism” service at the eleven flu. He is better and expects to have been most useful in break­ FOR SALE—Team horses, wt. and in the Dining Room is different— a o’clock hour. The sermonette, be on the job again today. ing the hard shell of educational 2600 lbs, or trade for milch cows. The N e w s acknowledges with place of personal service. Never closed, of course, as usual. G. H. KING, Bissell, Ore. dogmatism in the public schools thanks to George H. Himes, a J Sunday school at ten. and always very comfortable. Your pat­ have originated in the private 1-31-2-7 Phone Geo. Wiederhold. copy of the December Quarterly! Epworth League at 6:30. schools. ronage earnestly solicited. FOR SALE—A Majestic range A Lincoln service at the Seven- of the Oregon Historical Society. ! One need not be a speuia fine baker, also set of flat irons. thirty Hour. The big half hour As usual it is replete with inter- j Yours truly, pleader for the private school in Mrs. John Blauth, Estacada, Or. esting matter concerning the sing. l-3 1 tf order to see that it is useful as THE BIG THREE Study Class meets at 7:15 to­ early history of the state. a safeguard against the short FOR SA LE-Eight weeks old Walter Millner has sold his night discussing “The Christian comings of compulsory educa pigs. TOM WATSON residence property in Estacada, and Treatment of Criminals,” tion.—N. Y. Herald. 2-7-14 Estacada, Ore. Rt. 3. DOVER DOINGS A Case of Private Schools Next Thursday night, “ The to Plus Cahill, and contemplates FARM LOANS—For federal Christian’s Political Responsi­ going on to a farm, Mr. Millner Twelve or more men have been Private schools have recently loans, long time at 5'A per cent, has been working for a number bility.” amortization payments, address Junior League, Saturday at of years in the power houses for donating their time the last few been under fire in several states LEANDER BARTLEMAY. days, to tha planking of Bear In Oregon a law is actually on the P. R. L. & P. company, and 1-30 p, m. 2-7-4-24 Boring, Ore. Rt. 2. Creek hill. With the fixing of the statute books which after “Serving God by serving folks.” is making the change on account this piece of road, the last ob­ 1926 will require all children b of his health, it is said. H. W. M okt , Pastor. FOR SA LE-S. C. R. I. Red stacle in theTway of cars getting tween the ages of 8 and 16 to Important Occurrences of eggs for hatching, large healthy Just received a good line of CURRINSVILLE ITEMS in and out throughout the year, attend the public schools, and breed, matures early, good lay­ Past Week Briefly Com­ is removed. ers. $1.00 per setting of 15. similar laws have been proposed Marswell Paints in the popular piled fpt Our (leaden. The sick in this neighborhood MRS. J. W. MOXLEY, shades, at Pointer’s, Estacada. tf “ Buddie” Campbell, the little elsewhere. The principal argu are all improving slowly and we son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest ment against the private schoo 2-7tf. Morrow Station, Ore. Hearing of the application of the For Watch Work see A. N. hope to soon see them all out Campbell of the Pagh Lumber is that it teaches something else Home Telephone * Telegraph com Johnson. 5-10-tf again. FOR SALE—Italian P r u n e company, has been seriously ill than “one hundred per cent panjr of southern Oregon for increas Currinsville was visited by a with pneumonia, but is improv­ Americanism” or—which may ed rate* has been set for February 18 Trees, 1 year old, six to nine feet high, for sale cheap. Phone at Medford. shower of rain this week. ing now as rapidly as possible amount to the same thing—that Circulation of petitions was started No. 21-4. W. M. Wade is now in full under the care of Dr. Hughes of it is undemocratic. An editoria at Astoria seeking the recall of Wayne 1-24 tf J. J. Marchbank. charge of the Currinsville store Gresham. article in the bulletin of the Phil­ Maunala, city eommlesioner from the FOR SALE—Cuthbert R ed during the absence of the owner Edwin Seward, who has been lips Exeter Academy gives an third ward, ana John Arnold, city com rasberry plants. Place your or­ who left Wednesday morning ¡n for several weens, is now able interesting answer to this last mlssioner from the fourth ward. u ders now, this is the big money Prune-growers of the Willamette berry. charge. for his old home at French, Ida- to be around. REX LUDLOW valley and Umpqua districts who are 1-17-2-7 ho. Estacada, Ore- It is true, says this article, The De Shazer families, who affiliated with the Oregon Growers and E. E. Erickson butchered some have been under quarantine for that “there are fewer bovs freni Cooperative association will meet in MONEY TO LOAN—We have nice hogs Tuesday. small pox, are now out and the laboring classes proportion­ Salem within the next ten days for plenty of money to loan on farms Miss Ethel Hale is home for around. Ralph and Raymond ately in Exeter than in city high the purpose of reincorporating the or­ at 6%. No commission. Relia­ But to characterize ganization under the new contracts to ble abstracts. Oregon City Ab­ With a while recuperating from an | returned to work at the Doug- schools. l i- i tf such schools as “ class institu­ be signed up, effective January 1, 1925 stract Co. operation. j lass mill on Monday. Officers throughout the state have Mary Miles Minter The Currinsville store is get­ The measles epidemic has worn tions” because the fathers of been notified by Sam A. Kozer, score LOST—Large yearling heifer, ting lumber on the ground at itself out and the children are all most of the students are engaged tary of state, that his department has red. marked with white on body, and Tom Moore Currinsville station, to build a back in school. Miss Smart had in business or the professions cleared away the congestion resulting white crescent in forehead. No Two popular stars in a gripping “ is to use a term in a highly from applications for 1924 motor ve­ mark or bell. Finder please phone romance drama by one of Ameri­ warehouse. This is needed very but one pupil for awhile. N. M. TRACY specialized sense.” It is also hicle license plates, and that from ca’« foremost playrights. badly at this place to accomodate L. W. Elliott is in Salem work­ Estacada, Ore., Rt. 1 now on they are free to use their own 1-24-2-7 true that the private schools are outgoing shipments. judgment in the enforcement of traffic ing for the state on the new in­ 7th Episode of HONEY FOR SALE-Comb and Arthur Smith is working foe come tax. Victor Bodley is act- primarily preparatory for the regulations. colleges and universities, where­ Lumber exports from Portland for strained. K. C. HOYGAARD. ‘Around the World in 18 days’ Douglass Brothers at present. ,jng as chairman of the school as the public schools necessarily Faraday, Oregon. climbed to 58.087.(»1 feet, 5-15-24 Tonight and Friday H. H. Carlin was delivering board during Mr. Elliott’s ab- adapt their curriculum to the January valued at 11.673.347. establishing a grain to Estacada last week. sence. NOTICE large majority of their students record for a single month's business H. L. Shaw and grandson Roy who will not go beyond the high superseding that of December, with In the County Court of the State of Lester Hale. W. 0. Echols and Oregon for the County of Clackamas. 42.562.502 feet. January’s lumber ex Lawrence Webber are shipping Rich, paid a hurried visit to Do­ school. ports far surpassed those for January In the matter of the 1 in The ver on Sunday. a car load of telephone poles this Estate of John A. - But though this makes the 1923. which were 18.049.869 feet, val Inglish, Deceased. ) week. Mr. and Mrs. Al. Anderson are N EAR LA D Y” private school student less rep­ ued at $465.709. To all whom it may concern. Sidney Smith was in Currins- receiving congratulations upon resentative than the public school NOTICE is hereby given that the arrival of a daughter. uunersigned, Belle Duus, Administra­ ville Monday, transacting busi-1 C om edy and New» student it need not make him trix of the estate of John A. Inglish. ness. Ralph and Raymond De Shazer less democratic. deceased, has filed in the above enti­ In a private Saturday and Sunday tled Courtiher final account as such ad­ each took a load of dressed pork ministratrix, and that the 25th day of I. Your Nam e W ritten Here? to Fprtland for their father one school of high standards he is February, 1924, at the hour of 10 commonly judged not for what Those subscribing for this pa-¡day last week. o clock A. M., at the Court House in his parents are but for what he FOR SALE- Several pieces of Oregon City, Clack amss County, Ore­ per during the past week are: ----------------- gon. has beer fixed by older of the himself is. He is almost com- furniture. Wiley Howell. Mrs. Nellie Car- entitled Court as the time and IN Bazaar and Food Sale DR. MIDFORD above pletely cut off from his old social 1-31-2 7 dace for hearing objections to said son, James Norris, Mi's. John rinal Account, if any there be. The W. C T. U. will have conections and must stand or I Mack Sennett’s Blauth. G. A. Lovell, A. J. Ikin. their cooked food sale and bazaar fall according to the impression PLAIN SEWING—Dressmak­ All person* having objection* to 45 and hemstitching, see Mrs. said Final Account are hereby notified The federal income tax law Saturday, February 9 at the Peo- he makes upon his teachers and ing the same to said Court at Gus Wilcox. I2-6tf said present time and place. provides that where services are pie's store, instead of the 22nd. fellow students. On the other, BELLE DUUS. Administratrix rendered and paid for with some­ as previonslv announced. The hand, “ cliques in the high school unaflVoU-tl Happy. »inhere, FOR SALE—1 dozen Hogan- ARTHUR J. MOULTON, thing other than money, the fair proceeds will go to the Children's generally follow the social lines ized white Leghorn hens; 1 S. C. 1107, Spalding Bldg. •'llollyO” roso from obscurity Oregon, in the slums to the heights of market value of the thing taken Farm Home at Corvallis. A gen- of the community,” so that the Rhode Island Red cockerel, Mc­ Portland, Attorney for Administratrix. affluence ami happiness. Rae strain—at the Baughman in payment must be included as erous patronage will bo appreci- theoretical democracy of the Date of first publication, January 24, school house. 1924. Tuesday and Wednesday income by the person receiving ated. Come early and get first classroom does not always exist place east of the J. W HASSELL Date of laat publication. February 21. choice. | n the students' outside activi 1-31-2-7 ‘ The same. Estacada, Box 91 19241 YOUR DIVIDENDS COME REGULARLY DO YOU KNOW THAT W E DIVIDE OUR PROFITS W ITH OUR CUSTOMERS? During 1923 we paid our cus­ tomers $4,189.25 as their share of interest on savings and other accounts. ED. BONER RADIO If you are not getting your share of this fund start an ac­ count today CLACKAMAS COUNTY BANK SANDY, OREGON. Commercial The Hotel Estacada OREGON NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST GEM THEATRE The Cowboy the Lady” Gladys Walton WANT AND FOR SALE IOS Mabel Normand MOLLYO” i Savings