EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1924. LOCAL B R E V ITIE S AND N EW S IT E M S TYPEW RITERS NEW AND REBUILT Old machines taken in trade as part payment. M. and Mrs. H. C. Stephens were in Oregon City Tuesday. For Watch Work see A. N. Johnson. 5-10-tf Mrs. John Blauth went to Portland, Tuesday morning. Russell Reed ar.d W. R. Jones were Portland visitors, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Robley and son Grant were in Portland, Sun­ day. W. C. Bacon was a business visitor at the county seat Tues­ day. Harry Snyder of the People’s Store was a business visitor in Portland. Friday. Mrs. H. W. Morgan of Sell- wood was a week end guest of Mrs. Upton H. Gibbs. Sea J. E. Gates and get that suit cleaned and pressed. I. 0. 0. F. Building. 10-lltf. Valentine’s Day falls a week from today, and the thoughts of youth are turning to love. Mrs. Harry W. Kitching was the guest last week of her sister- in-law, Mrs. Andrew Shankland of Sellwood. Did the groundhog see his shadow last Saturday at noon? It is a moot question, but so far we see no apparent change in the weather. See Mrs. J. E. Gates for piano instruction. Prices reasonable. 1. 0. 0. F. building. tf 0. E. Culver has setup a forge in the plumbing shop of A. G. Ames, where he will do metal repairing and the like, file saws and fix tools, Just received a good line of Marswell Paints in the popular shades, at Pointer’s, Estacada. tf Lincoln’s birthday on Tuesday. The glory of the great Emanci­ pator grows more and more in­ tense as the years roll by. This is a test of true greatness. He being dead yet speaketh. Some good Wall Papers left at 25c per double roll, at Pointer’s. ll-29tf. Coming events it is said cast their shadows before. One of our esteemed citizens of unmar­ ried rank is causing much specu­ lation by having installed in his home some very handsome new furniture. Mrs. Eva Saling, Mrs. Marga­ ret Kilgore and Miss Lola Moore went to Portland, Sunday, on the noon train to see Bill Cary in the “Oregon Pioneers,” at the Liberty—they report the picture among the best. All returned home Sunday evening. W. F. Cary returned Sunday evening from a trip to Corvallis and other points. On his way home and while in Portland he dropped in to see Bill Cary in the “ Oregon Pioneers,” at the Liberty theatre. He said it was not a bad picture. Our former resident, W. D. Henthorn of Platte, S. D., writes the editor under date of January 26, "we are having some real winter here since December 30th. January 5 the thermome­ ter was 30 below, and at Sunday noon it was 40 above, then turned cold again, a change of 70 de­ grees in a little oyer 24 hours, and has been pretty cold since. Well how are all the old-timers out there? Hope all is well and prospering. We are well as usual.” Typewriters repaired.-Com plete Rental and Supply Department. iff THE REBUILT TYPEWRITER COMPANY 304 Oak Street, Portland, Oregon A. F. JAKSHA, Mgr. Phone, Broadway 0270 I am particularly interested in the make of machine checked below: Woodstock Underw’ood L, C. Smith R oyal Remingtom Oliver N am e________________ ____ _____ _________ Address..................................... . BISSELL ITEMS STATE MARKET AGENT How to Make Your Advertise­ ments Pay. DEPARTMENT. The Happy Home Social met (.John James) at the pleasant home of Mr. and Few merchants really have the Mrs. Ed. Ficken on Friday even­ BY C. E. SPENCE MARKET ACT. proper appreciation of what ad­ ing, January 25th, with about The collapse of the farming in­ vertising means to them. A fifty people present. There was dustry has been bringing to light writer in an exchange puts it a short program of music and a world pf facts and figures be­ in this way: games. Light refreshments were tween the growing and consum­ If a man spoke to his wife only served. A very pleasant even­ ing ends that are causing our once a month, or every two ing was spent by all present. months, she wouldn’t recognize Miss Beulah Hicinbothem, who greatest men to think and plan his voice, says an exchange. Yet has been attending the Estacada remedies. The papers and maga­ some business men advertise high school was confined to her zines of the whole country are once a month, or every two home last week on account of now showing up the profits added months, and then wonder why between the farm and the con­ sickness. they don’t get more business. Mrs. Elmer Lankin who was sumers’ tpbles are greater than Advertise once a week. Re­ under a doctor’s care for nearly the price paid the grower for member “the used key is always two weeks is up and around the products. They are begin­ bright.” The store that tells ning to realize that such a top- again. the public what it is doing every Mrs. Earl Lankin has been heavy system will bankrupt the day is the store that gets there quite ill and confined to her bed. farming industry and indirectly in the end—New Bethlehem (Pa.) Her many friends will be glad to paralyze other business branches. Leader. The apple growers of the Pa- see her around again in her usual cifiic Northwest have at last Job printing at the N ews office good health. found out that they must have There were no Sundav servi­ one huge selling agency to mar­ ces here on the 27th ult. as some ket all their fruit, or they must went to Estacada to the S. S. quit the industry. It has taken convention. them more than twenty years to Mrs. W. L. Baughman Passes face this fact and act. The for­ mation of the gigantic organiza­ Word was received Saturday tion is now under way. from W. L. Baughman that his For many years we have heard wife passed away at Spokane. of the different cooperative asso­ Washington, on January 30th, ciations that market apples, and at 10:45 p. m. The funeral and much publicity has been given interment was in that city, on to their marketing systems. Of Friday, February 1st. Mrs. late, when the Hood River and Baughman had been in very poor health for a number of other organizations have given years. With her husband she it out that the apple growers came here about a couple of will soon go broke unless the markhting situation changes, years ago from Escondido, Cali­ fornia, having exchanged their the people have been asking, “ what’s the matter with cooper­ property there for the George ation?” B. Weatherby place here. Her At a pecent meeting to form health at times improved and an all-northwest marketing asso­ then there were relapses, and ciation, this question was ans­ she gradually became weaker wered. It was brought out that until the end came. About six weeks ago she went to stay with the apple crop ot the Northwest a sister at Kennewick, Wash. is 40,000,000 boxes and t hat but The sympathy of the community 6.000. 000 boxes were handled will go out to Mr. Baughman, by the various growers’ organi­ who, with his daughter at Spo­ zations. The situation was, that 34.000. 000 million boxe3 in the kane survives her. hands of the middle men and speculators were fighting the TAKE NOTICE 6.000. 000 boxes controlled by va­ We the undersigned merchants rious organizations. It should of Estacada agree to close at 6 not have taken twenty years to p. m. daily except Saturday, and discover how that fight would W. C . T. U . Meeting to keep closed all day Sunday. | The next regular meeting of This will take effect February 10. \ come out. the W. C. T. U. will be held at Signed:—T. H. Morton, G. P. | Fifteen per cent of the apple the home of Miss Anna Dillon, Rose, The People’s Store, The production, split up into various on Thursday afternoon, Febru­ People’s C & C Store. Estacada local selling agencies, was en- ary 14. _________ ! Feed Store, H. C. Gohring, Smith deavoring to force a profit price Hardware Co.. Bartholomew & on 100 per cent. It can’t be “ COLD IN THE HEAD” Lawrence, G. R. Ellis, J. K. Ely. | done. Cooperators must realize Is a n a c u te a tta c k o f N a s a l C a ta rrK Estacada, Ore.. Jan. 30, 1924. what the word means. They T h o se e u b je c t to fre q u e n t colds a r e rc n o ra llT in a “ru n dow n- condition. muat know that if they would H A n t / s C A T A R R H M E D IC IN E 1. a T re a tm e n t c o a e le tlra of a n O in tm en t, to Failure to file your federal ir- fix a fair price on their own be used locally, a n d a T onic, w hich ac ta Q u ick ly th ro u g h th e B lood on th e M u- come tax return on or before goods, they must control the, cou# S u rfa c e s, building u p th e S ystem , a n d m a k in g you l«»a liable to c o ld s March 25 makes you liable to sale of far more than 15 per cent Sold by d r u g g lr ti fo r o v er «0 T e a rs. of the geo is. | heavy penalties. F . J. C h eney * Co.. Toledo. O. VIOLA See, 21, am) on Nov. 23. 1920, made Additional Homestead E n t t y , No. 07001, for NWJ SWJ, SWJ NWJ. See tion 2), Township 4 S, Range 4 E, Willamette Meridian, has filed notie of intenfion to make Final Proof, to establish claim to the land above de­ scribed, before the Register and Re­ ceiver, U. S. Land Office, at Portland, Oregon, on the 20th day of February, 1924. Claimant names as witnesses: Fred Horner, W. E. Myers, J. W. Marrs, C. J. Jubb, all of Route 2, Es­ tacada, Oregon. Notice will be published for five con­ secutive weeks in the ‘‘E s t a c a d a News.” Act 6-9-16 Clackamas Co. W a l t e r L. T o o z e S r ., Register. 1-10-2-7 The ladies of the Grange gave a party in honor of Mrs. Larson. There were about tw’enty present. Mrs. H. Klinker was visiting in Portland a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Maxwell came out from Portland, Satur­ day, to visit with the home folks. They were married just recently. W. Wilson of Gladstone came out on Friday to spend a few days with his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Wilson. ¿Mr. and Mrs. H. Johnson were $ guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Smith, A Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Paulsen and family of Portland were calling on Mr. and Mrs. J. Paulsen, Sun­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Decker’s baby has the measles. The Christian Endeavorers will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Held, Thursday even­ ing. The topic is, “ How and what Jesus Taught?” Mark this date on your calen- dar-M arch 15. It is the last day for filing federal income tax returns. When you need a watch, ring, etc,, see A. N. Johnson. 5-10-tf N OTICE F O R PUBLICATION 06650—07001 Department of the interior, U. S. Land Office, at Portland, Oregon, January 5, 1924. NOTICE is hereby given that Charles A. Colson, of Route 2, Estacada, Ore­ gon, who on March 17th, 1920 made H. E. Entry No. 0665c, for the NEJ SWJ, JACK N O R T O N ’S $ BARBER SHOP Breadway. opposite "Favorite” Theatrs Agent for Crystal Laundry Tub and Shower | B A TH S PLUMBING PIPE and FITTINGS Get our prices before you buy Dryer Pipes Made to O rder For Sheet Iron work, repairs, soldering and plumbing, call at the AME S SHOP MAIN STREET. JOSEPH E . G ATES -YO H R HOM E FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND E M B A L M E K 1 a place where your loved ones will be cared fo/l with tender car«. Lady assistant. NIGHT AND DAY TELEPHONE FLOWERS A N D TOMBSTONES Estacada, Oregon. BIG DAYS SALE7 § *- STARTING Saturday, February 9th We Are Going to Have a Big Reduction Sale. Every Article R--E-D-U--C-E-D JOIN THE CROWD AT THE PEOPLE’S STORE Where your Dollar has more Cents H. B. SNYDER, - - C. A. DYKEMAN. * xw |