EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 7,1924. N EW Eastern Clackamas News Sotered at the postoffice in Estacada, j Oregon, as second-class mail. BIG PACKAGE Published every Thursday at Estacada, Oregon Are in the Market for Good UPTON u. OIBBS Editor and Manager. POTATOES S ubscription K ates Sne year Six months - IEI - - * Thursday. F e b r u a r y 7.1924. Of the force he made his own Being here, and we believe him Something far advanced in State, And that he wears a truer crown BRETHREN, if a man be overtaken in Than any wreath that man can • fault, ye which are spiritual, restore weave him. •uch a one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.—Galations 6:1. WE * ♦ * * * In the vast cathedral leave him. God accept him, Christ receive him.” A ttention Car O w ners The secretary of state announ­ ces that the congestion in busi­ ness of the Motor Vehicle Divis­ ion in his department has been cleared up, and that from now they will issue licences for all motor vehicles on the day appli­ cations are received. Coming to Want PORTLAND 5 CARS Dr. Mellenthin Right Away Bartholomew & Lawrence TH E END CRO W NS THE W ORK A Good Selection EARLY CLOSING The passing of Woodrow Wil­ Edward Shearer of Springwa- It is a good move on the part ter, farmer and poultry fancier son was one befitting his life. Struck down in the path of duty, of our merchants to close at six and expert, also a member of he lingered, struggling heroic­ a’clock every evening of the the grange, has been approached ally against overwhelming phys­ week days except Saturdays, and by friends with the view of per­ The public suading him to run for the legis­ ical odds. Most decidedly he all day Sunday. should accommodate themselves lature. Mr. Shearer informs us can be reckoned as a martyr to to the change without grumbling. his honest convictions, for he that he has not yet rendered his would not palter with them to Merchants, like the rest of us decision. If he runs it will be obtain relief from harsh criti­ are in need of recreation and on the republican ticket, and cism or to gain favor. Whether rest, and leisjre to spend at will make a strong candidate. he was right or wrong in his un­ home with their families. Be­ For representative he would yieldingness. he ought to be hon­ sides it is probable that the make an excellent choice in a ored in that he would not sacri­ late evenings’ trade is not suffi­ community whose interests are cient to pay them for the extra predominantly agricultural. We fice principle to popularity. expense of keeping open. It heartily commend him to the “The path of duty was the has been purely for the conven­ way to glory;” so sang a great serious consideration of the vot­ ience of the public that they ers of the district as a man poet. “ He that walks it. only thirsting have done so. worth considering, For the right, and learns to deaden The presidential boom of Wm. The Gem theatre was crowded Love of self, before his journey G. McAdoo is punctured, appa­ last Saturday night to see "What closes, He shall find the stubb rn this­ rently beyond repair. Presiden­ Wives Want?” We hope the tial candidates, like Caesar’s Benedicts and would be Bene­ tle bursting, Into glossy purples, which out- wife, must be beyond suspicion, dicts present took notice and redden and with clean hands. Unfortu­ applied the lesson to heart. All voluptuous garden roses,” nately for Mr. McAdoo there The above lines apply singu­ was an odor of oil about his The flags on the the city flag­ larly to Woodrow Wilson. For which is repelling to the electo­ staff and on the school house of late years his path was strewn rate. Not that he is to be blamed were placed at half mast Mon­ with stubborn thistles of harsh for this condition, but it puts day in respect to the memory criticism, invective and scorn. him out of the running. Under of late former president, Wood- But time was working changes present conditions it would elimi­ row Wilson. in sentiment, and the thistles, nate any man. even though his while he lay prone, burst into legal ability was fully worth brilliant purple of sincere and the enormous fees which the oil RATS honorable t r i b u t e s paid by interests are said to have paid are dangerous pests. T h e y w a s te , destroy and poison things that a r e friends and opponents to his in­ as retainers to Mr. McAdoo. trinsic worth. GOOD A phrase maker of no mean or­ Dan Newman is again work­ TO der. his: simple declaration, “ I ing for his aunt, Miss Sturgeon, am ready.” as he recognized the in the Estacada Pharmacy. EAT coming of the inevitable end, But when you feed them RAT-SNAP— they crave for it as a cat does cat­ probably will live while others Expert Watch and J e w e l r y and nip—it is absolutely GUARANTEED which attracted attention at the to rid you of all rats and mice. Repairing time, will be forgotten. There is Send your watch or jewelry Wm. C O O K & Sons something inspiring in the words, to be repalrd, to me by insured j say ‘ ‘we are pleased to state we con­ as those of one who was facing mail. It will be repaired prop­ sider RAT-SN a P is, without doubt, the the great adventure in the con­ erly at a reasonable cost, and re­ best Rat and Mice exterminator we ever used. It does Al.I, you claim fidence of a certain faith, and turned by mail within ten days. I ! have —and more, too.” Three Sizes—36c, the conviction of duty well done. All work absolutely guaranteed 65c, f 1.25. RAT-SNAP will Kill money refunded. Pack all ar­ In the great cathedral which or THEM ticles in paper. crowns the height of one of and leave no smell. Sold and guaran­ GUY l). JONES. Jeweler. London’s h i l l s , a monument 12-6tf Gresham, Oregon. teed by ESTACADA PHARMACY. stands to one of whom it is re­ corded that he “ tried to do his duty.” Certainly no man could wish for a nobler tribute, and Confectionery, Phonographs, this can be ungrudgingly ac­ corded to Woodrow Wilson. And in so doing, he set his face like R. G . M A R C H B A N K , a flint, precedents might be smashed, friends estranged, hut L ig h t L u n c h e s . he unfalteringly pursued his way. Time may yet vindicate EST A C A D A , OREGON. him more fully on the main is­ sues. In fact it will be mani­ fested that it was in minor de­ Cigars and Tobaccco, International Clothes, tails mostly that he failed, and this was due to the natural limi­ tations of a man of his tempera­ ment, rather than pure stubborn­ ness. as opponents claimed. But whatever his short com­ ings, they will be f o r g o t t e n while his true worth will be in­ creasingly appreciated. F i n i s coronal opus, the end crowns j the work, and in that more abundant life into which he has entered, “he shall see of the Beef, Mutton, Veal and Hogs Bought travail of h a soul and be satis­ fied.” “ The dark crowd moves, and there are sobs and tears; Open from 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. Saturdays, open to 8 p. m. The black earth yawns; the mor­ tal disappears: Ashes to ashes, dust to dust; He is gone, who seemed so great. Estacada : : Oregon —Gone, but nothing can bereave bin Laundry Sold Mrs. Della Morrison who has been running the City Laundry for some weeks past, has bought the plant of the Estacada Laun­ dry and leased the building, which is the old cheese factary, of W. F. Cary. The plant of the former City Laundry was owned by Mrs. Tom Martin, who moved to Aberdeen, Wash., and it has been shipped to her at that city. Whalen & Whalen have been managing the Estacada Laundry for the past month. Mrs. Mor­ rison will have an announcement later. SPECIALIST Have you filed your federal in­ in Internal Medicine for the Past come tax return? Better do so before March 15 or you will be Twelve Years. liable to heavy penalties. DOES NOT OPERATE Will Be at BENSON HOTEL WEDNESDAY, TH UR S D A Y, FRIDAY and Saturday, FEB. 27, 28, 29 AND MARCH 1 Office Hours 10 a. to 4 p. m. FOUR DAYS ONLY AN IN V IT A T IO N No Charge for Consultation Ur. Mellenthin is a regular graduate in medicine and surgery and is licensed by the state of Oregon, He does not operate for chronic appendicitis, gall stones, ulcers of the stomach, tonsils or adenoids. He has to his credit wonderful re­ sults in diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kid­ ney, bladder, bed wetting, catarrh, weak lungs, rhenmatism, sciatica, leg ulcers, and rectal ailments. Below are the names of a few of his many satisfied patients in Oregon: J. A, Smith, Ontario, Ore,, ulcers of the stomach. Leona Ford, Washougal, Ore., ade­ noids. W. H. Kellendonk. Estacada, Ore., high blood pressure. Mrs. Ed. Eberhardt, Scio, Ore., gall stones. E. C. Nichols,¡Lebanon, Ore , appen­ dicitis. Remember above date, that consul­ tation on this trip will be free and that his treatment is different. Married women must be accompanied by their husbands. Address: 211 Bradbury Bldg., Los Angeles, California. h is b a n k T is e n jo y in g a stea d y and regular growth which is the result of the service we have rendered our patrons and the conservative manner in which our business is conducted. IF you are not already doing business with us we hereby extend to you a cordial invitation to do so. ESTACADA STATE BANK FOUR Per Cent Interest on Time and Savings Deposits Any girl in trouble may com­ municate with Ensign Lee of the Salvation Army, at the White Shield Home, 565 Mayfair Ave., Portland, Oregon. 9 20-tf ff** THE U N I V E R S A L CAR F orecastin g A T rem en d ou s S p rin g D em and 739,626 more Ford cars and trucks were pro­ duced last y ear th a n the previous year, an increase of over 50 per cent. In spite of this tremendous increase in production, it was impossible to meet delivery requirements during the spring and summer months when orders for 350,000 Ford Cars and Trucks could not be filled. This year winter buying for immediate delivery ha9 been more active than ever before—and in addition 200,000 orders have already been booked through the Ford Weekly Purchase Plan for spring delivery. These facts clearly indicate that the demand during this spring and summer will he far greater than ever, and that orders should be placed immediately with Ford Dealers as a means ol protection against delay in securing your Ford Car or Truck or Fordon Tractor. THE ESTACADA MEAT CO. H. C GOHRING ‘Prop. Detroit. Michigan A m m II d*rom Sown, with m i | s m m el (h r holme» arraa«rd. or yovr rrro lln * n t » d o r the Ford W erkly Purihooe Plan, will pm jo u r ordrr cm thr perham t It* 1er iprui<