EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1924. NEW AND REBUILT Old machines taken in trade as part payment. Typewriters repaired.-Com plete Rental and Supply Department. THE REBUILT TYPEWRITER COMPANY 304 Oak Street, Portland, Oregon A. F. JAKSHA, Mgr. Phone, Broadway 0270 I am particularly interested in the make of machine checked below: Woodstock___ Underwood___ L. C. Smith___ Royal___ Remingtom Oliver N a m e ........ ................................ ... ............................ Sec, 21, and on Nov. 23. 1920, made Additional Homestead E n t r y , No. 07001, for NWJ SWf, SW* NWJ, Sec tion 2). Township 4 S, Range 4 E, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of inten4ion to make Final Proof, to establish claim to the land above de­ scribed, before the Register and Re­ ceiver, U. S. Land Office, at Portland, Oregon, on the 20th day of February, 1924. Claimant names as witnesses: Fred Horner, W. E. Myers, .1. \V. Marrs, C. J. Jubb, all of Route 2, Es- tacada, Oregon. Notice will be published for five con­ secutive weeks in the " E s t a c a d a News.” Act 6-9-16 Clackamas Co. W a l t e r L. T o o z e S r . , Register. 1-10-2-7 N O T IC E FO R PU BL IC ATIO N 06219 Department o f the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Portland, Oregon, Decem­ ber 14, 1923. NOTICE is hereby given that James W. 'ìiles, of Route 2, Estacada, Ore­ gon, who on November 1st, 1918, made Homestead entry. No. 06219 for SEJ SWf, Section 16, Township 4 S., Range 4 E., Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Register and Receiver U. S. Land Office, Portland Oregon, on the 7th day of February, 1924. Caimant names as witnesses: J W. Marrs, C. J. Jubb, W. E. My­ ers, C. M. Magee, all of R. 2, Esta­ cada, Oregon. Notice will be published for five con­ secutive weeks in the " E s t a c a d a News.” 6-9-16. Clackamas Co. ,*M«*4»M»*v*iM»**W**I**J**W»*I**M,*!,*!M!MIMW $ JACK NORTON’ S BARBER SHOP ALEXANDER SwEEK, R e g is t e r , 12-20-1-31 Just two things have made it possible for us to z you this 20% reduction on Tuxedo: 1. A reduction in the cost of Kentucky B u r le y tobacco and in package materials, as well. ” 2. The consolidation of three of our big plants into one. (Mr. Ford may not be in the tobacco business but he is right about consolidation.) You know that it is the desire and policy of The American Tobacco Co. to extend to its customers the maximum of service. Reducing the price of a great favorite like Tuxedo is our idea ot delivering this service. Tuxedo is always FRESH. Every package is— /I Agent for Crystal Laundry N O T IC E F O R PU BL IC ATIO N vy « Atto SO % P R IC E R E D U C T IO N LOCAL BREVITIES AND NEWS ITEM S Mass was said in the chapel in STATE MARKES AGENT the old Park hotel building, Sat­ DEPARTMENT urday morning, by theRey. John Bernard of Milwaukie. (Concluded from second page) Mr, and Mrs. D. B. Bass for­ merly of this city, but now of tween the farm and the home. For Watch Work see A. N. Ardenwald. were calling on their Products go through far too many hands. If farmers received Johnson. 5-10-tf friends here last Thursday. See Mrs. J. E. Gates for piano fair profits for their products to­ Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Stephens day, and the middle interests and Rex Ludlow drove to Port­ instruction. Prices reasonable. added their present profits and land, Sunday I. 0. 0 . F. building. 5-4tf expenses, food products would Paint your auto NOW. Auto en­ The Sanitary Barber Shop has go to consumers at such high amels at Pointer’s, Estacada. tf been made still more sanitary by prices that they could not buy. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Cahill and being newly papered and painted. So, in order that this middle toll daughters, Golda, Maxine and Elder T. G. Starbuck of Port­ system may continue, products Genieve, from Seaside, Oregon, land, held service, Saturday af­ must be bought at cost, or less, are visiting relatives here. ternoon in the I. 0 . 0. F. build­ from the farmers. G. A. Masse started off on a ing for the Seventn-Day Adven­ What farmers must do is to trip Monday for the sale of his tists. organize against this middle famous liniment, ‘ 'Old Scotch.” profit system, break it up and Two checks for five dollars deliver their own goods. They If there is anything in a name each were received at this office, must be their own middle men. that surely should be a winner. last Monday from Illinois and They must handle their goods Some good Wall Papers left at Kansas. These were to apply on all the way from the farm to the 25c per double roll, at Pointer’s. subscription, and to insure pay­ retail store. ll-29tf. ment ahead. The N e w s is saved It looks like a big undertaking On the Sunday morning train from suspension, glory be! This and many are discouraged before to Portland were Mesdames Nina may cause regrets to those whose they start. They declare that B. Ecker and A. E. Sparks, also displeasure it has incurred. such a movement must be na­ Mrs. Fred Bartholomew and chil­ tional to be effective; that it will Former Resident Writes dren, Russell Reed and John need large financing and farm­ Blauth, Jr. Holyrood, Kansas, Jan. 23, ’24. ers are not in a position to stand Se* J. E. Gates and get that D e a r E d i t o r : the expense. Have been wanting to write suit cleaned and pressed. I. 0. They are looking at the wrong 0. F. Building. 10-lltf. you several times, and always end o f the movement. Such or­ too busy for personal letters. ganization must start locally. Mrs. A. E. Sparks and Mrs. The paper has been going to Let the counties organize first Nina B. Ecker called on Mrs. M. Black Wolf, Kansas, but our son H. Evans at the Portland sani- Frank has been getting it there and when they are organized a torium, Sunday. They found as he is managing a wheat ele­ state union comes naturally. her considerably better, and al­ vator there for the Mullins Mil­ And how long would it take to though still paralyzed, is hoping ling Co. of Denver, so it did not have a powerful national organi­ zation if .each state would walk she may be able to get up soon make much difference, even if into the movement of uniting with the aid of a crutch. he did bring it over to us a little the farmers ot each county into out o f date. strong selling agencies? CATARRHAL DEAFNESS We now live at Holyrood, Mrs. If the brokers, commission in­ ia often caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Euntachlan Somer and I managing a large terests, speculators, wholesalers Tube. When this tube ia inflamed you hive a rumbling sound or Imperfect general store for the Farmers and retailers can organize strong hearing. Unions the inflammation can Union. When you get at leisure enough to force farmers to sell be reduced, your hearing may be de­ stroyed forerer. change the paper to come here. j their products for less than their HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE will do what we claim for It—rid your ayatem Find $5.00 to put us in good production costs, cannot the pro- of Catarrh or Deafness caused by Catarrh. HALL S CATARRH MEDICINE standing. I ducers themselves o r g a n i z e baa been succeasful in the treatment of Yours truly, Catarrh for over Forty Tears. strongly enough not t«» sell Sold by ail druggists J. A. S omer . (these middle-profit takers? T J. Chaney A Vo., Toledo, a *!* 05681 Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Portland, Oregon, Decem­ ber 26, 1923. NOTICE is hereby given that Roland Hiram Petty, of Sandy, Oregon, who, on August 3rd. 1918, made Homestead Ent r y , No. 05581, for NJNEJ Section 27, Township 2 S, Range 5 E, Willa­ mette Meridian, has filed notice of in­ tention to make Final Proof, to estab­ lish claim to the land above described, before the Register and Receiver of the U. S. Land Office, at Portland, Oie- gon, on the 19th day of February, 1924. Claimant names as witnesses: Paul Koch, Harry Nichols, A. Carl Power, A. Mattingly, all of Sandy, gon. Notice will be published for five con­ secutive weeks in the “ EstacadaNews.” Act 6-9-16 Clackamas Co. ALEXANDER SWEEK, Register. 1-3-31 Guaranteed b i n c o l p o Broadway, opposite “ Favorite” Theatre BATHS PLUMBING PIPE and FITTINGS Get our prices before you buy Dryer Pipes Made to Order For Sheet Iron work, repairs, soldering and plumbing, call at the A M E MAIN S STREET. SHOP JOSEPH E. GATES-YOUR HOME FUNERAL DIRECTOR - N O T IC E F O R P U BL IC A TIO N 06650—07001 Department of the interior, U. S. Land Office, at Portland, Oregon, January Have you filed your federal m- 5, 1924. come tax return? Better do NOTICE is hereby given that Charles before March 15 or you will be A. Coison. of Route 2, Estacada, Ore­ gon, who on March 17th, 1920 made H. E. Entry No. 0665n, for the NEJ SW$, liable to heavy penalties. Tub and Shower AND E M B A L M E R A place w here your loved ones will he cared fo/J with tender care.— Lady assistant. N IG H T AN D DAY T E L E P H O N E so FLOWERS A N D TOMBSTONES j Estacada, Oregon. I Breakfast we can offer you Corn Flakes, Post Toasties, Puffed Rice and Wheat, Grape Nuts, Kellog’s Shredded Krumbles, Kellog’s Bran and Post’s Bran. Cereals to be cooked—Rolled Oats, Wheat Flakes Farina, Wheat Hearts, Cream of Wheat, Graham and H. O. Oats. E ARE NOW STOCKING A FULL LINE of Schillings Coffee, every can sold with the Money Back Guarantee in 1, 2\ and 5 lb cans. W Bulk Cocoa, Unsweetened, None Better,2 lb for 25c Be sure and let your next Cow Feed be DOUBLE XX. Where they have tried it they becom e Confirm ed Believers. JOIN THE CROWD AT THE PEOPLE’S STORE Where your Dollar has more Cents H. B. SNYDER, - - C.A. DYKEMAN.