EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1923. Eastern Clackamas News The courtesan is morally dan­ gerous r.o matter how she is clothed or unclothed. atercd at the postoffice in Estaeada, Oregon, as second-class mail. Published every Thursday at Estaeada, Oregon GOOD UPTON H. GIBBS Editor and ¿Manager. C IG AR ETTES c A Good Supply of The editor of the N ews ack- 1 nowledpres with thanks a copy i of the September quarterly of , the magazine of the Oregon His- j torical Society. Winter Sheriff’s Sale The county sheriff will sell a t ! auction to the highest bidder fo r! cash, at the Cascade Garage in Estaeada at 2 p. m. on Novem-1 ber 15, a Chevrolet car, which was seized in a liquor raid. W. D. Gray, Batesville, Ark. To Library Patrons While it Lasts Writes as Follows S ubscription R ates We take pleasure in announ­ *1.50 PRICED RIGHT. “ I purchased several cakes of One year - cing that the Estaeada iibrary .75 Six months RAT-SNAP from Erwin-Craig has recently received five new’ Bartholomew & GENUINE Hardware Company, this place, volumes of fiction, books which Thursday. N o v e m b e r 8 . 1923. and find the same the most ef­ Lawrence “B U LL" have taken the lead as the best fective exterminator of mice and DURHAM sellers in the book stores of Port­ Dealers in BIB LE QUESTIONS rats I have ever used. As far TOBACCO land, for the past few weeks. as I have noted there is no odor They are the gifts of Mrs. W. J Feeds of all connected with the use of RAT- - QUESTIONS Moore, president of the Library SNAP. This is the first testi­ end Bible Answers Portland has been enjoying a Association. One of these is the Kinds monial 1 have ever given for any (1 If Parents er!II e r ^ - o r m r « efciW ren t o look o p r controversy about the nude in much talked of and much read, d m e m o n r e t b e B ib le A n s w e r» , » tw ill p ro v e preparation of any kind. I feel art. On the facade of the Un- “ The Mine With the Iron Door,” Hay, Grain after using your RAT-SNAP it gar building on Alder street, a Harold Bell Wright’s latest novel. Whv did Jesus say unto all, both young is worthy of commendation.” The other books are “The White and old. Watch? —Matt. 24:42-44 panel with nude female figures FLO U R Three sizes. 35c, 65c and $1.25. Flag,” by Gene Stratton-Porter; was erected. This caused con­ What did Jesus say about passing judg­ ment on others? —Matt. 7:1-5 siderable comment and protests “The Covered Wagon.” by Em­ When will God answer us? —Isa. 65:24 were made that the panel was erson Hough; "The Alaskan,” detrimental to the morals of the by James Oliver Curwoo.i; and ducts and prices, and that they community. The mayor gave “ Dr. Nye,” by Joseph C. Lin­ are content to loan their money ARMISTICE DAY the panel the once over and coln. Five years ago next Sunday, made a declaration worthy of If you are not already a member Ito the cooperatives. Germany accepted the armistice Soloman, that it would be all of the Library Association, now Of Denmark he said the great terms of the allies. \V hat a right inside, but not outside. is the time to join, as there are i packing industry is con rolled by organizations of wave of relief swept over the After considerable debate in the fifty new books on the shelves, 'cooperative farmers and consumers, and country when the news was con­ papers pro and con, the owner of the very latest editions. that the system is far more effi- firmed. Hopes were entertained of the building stated that he N ina B. E cker , Librarian. |cient than the packing tiusts of that speedily the ravages of war would substitute another panel would be obliterated and peace and placed a sign over the objec­ STATE MARKET AGENT | this country. He says the eoun- ! try is practically a cooperative conditions restored. But now, tionable panel, bearing the leg­ DEPARTMENT. i republic. after five years since, the after- end “Honisoit qui mat ypense.” math of war is still going on. "Evill be to him who evil thinks Smith W. Brook'neart, republi­ Of the movement in Great Bri- Europe is plunged hopelessly in of it.” But in so doing the pain­ can U. S. senator from Iowa, | tain, he says that country “can debt, and is a smoking volcano ter committed a bad blunder in who recently returned from Eu­ practically supply every want D A T R O N IZE your home merchants for in the eastern part. Germany its spelling, running the fourth rope, where as a delegate from ¡the modern civilized man can j ■everything you can and thus help your­ is on the point of disruption, and fifth words as one, and using the Cooperative League of Amer­ ¡require,” and that Germany has even a greater membershij than: with France tightening her grip a c for an s in the last. self by helping build up your community. ica, he attended the Internation­ Great Britain, and that up to on her to collect reparations. al Cooperative Congress, says England is staggering under a Is the nude detrimental to that he believes that the coop­ the time of recent internal up-| heavals, the movement wa*> mak- burden of taxation and depres­ morals? It all depends whether erative movement, rightly han­ : ing tremendous progress. sion of trade, and facing an un­ it is a lewd representation or dled, can settle the unrest of the In Russia he said thirty per REM EM BER that the dollar you will never paralleled army of unemployed, not. Powers’ Greek Slave at world. He says it is the “only cent of the factories, stores and ! numbering a million and a half. see again is the dollar that you spend Washington, D. C., while a nude constructive idea that has sur­ Here in America we are compar­ female, is entirely chaste. The vived the war” and that it is the industries of the nation were away from home. in control of cooperatives and atively prosperous, but feel re- same with the picture. “ Septem­ having wonderful growth and that the volume of business is flexlvely the disturbed European ber Morn,” which the late An­ results in Europe. six times greater (in gold) than condition. The senator states that the co­ before the war. thony Comstock foolislhy placed The outlook is far from prom­ under the ban. What is immor­ operatives absolutely dominate ising, and the coming winter will al is not nakedness, pure and Poland; that the plans are so The United states has been increase the hardships in Europe. simple, but the lewdness or pas­ carefully and thoroughly worked : very slow in taking up the coop- Whether the proposed commis­ sion w hich a figure may emanate out that the capitalists have no erative movement, but the seri- ' sion to inquire into Germany s whether clothed or unclothed, place in them; that they have ous condition of agriculture dur- j ability to pay in the way of re­ the same as with living persons. given up the fight to control pro- ing the past three years is arous­ ing farmers to the necessity of parations will accomplish any ¡some means of relief, and the! good is problematical, for she is cooperative movement seems to in such a position that it will be be the one hope in sight. Con­ difficult to collect from her un­ sumers, also, are casting about less she is willing to pay. We F O R o for a means to lower cost of liv­ believel that she has been stall­ ing and are agitating organiza- ing off! and playing a waiting ; tions to cooperate w ’ith farmers game, for the allies to become for the purpose of getting food disrupted, and thus lessen the products more direct and at of Oregon for 1921, that a Road District Meeting of the legal vo­ collective pressure they could District meeting of the legal vo­ ters of Road District No. 40, | lower prices. bear on her. The result would ters of Road District No. 38, Clackamas County, Oregon, will OF A L L KINDS The Department of Agricul- be that Germany would get off County, Oregon, will be held on the 24th day of Nov­ jture states that two million peo- Clackamas with a much reduced payment, be held on the 24th day of Nov­ ember, A, D. 1923, in said Road SEE ■ pie left the farms last year be­ ember, A. D. 1923, in said Road District, at the hour of 2;00 P. Once this is effected some start­ cause they could not make a liv­ District, at the hour of 2:00 P. M„ M., in George Club House, to ling surprises in German finan­ ing. and thousands more would in Springwater Grange Hall to vote an additional tax in said cial rehabilitation will likely oc | no doubt have left if they had vote an additional tax in said road district for road purposes cur. Even now she manages to road district for road purposes by law provided. | been able to have sold or rented as make gold payments for raw by law provided. H. E, CROSS j their land. H. E. CROSS. 11-8-15 County Judge, materials which are essential to Your Local Agents. County Judge. A country cannot be generally 11-8-15 her industries. And it was as- prosperous unless its greatest NOTICE f o r p u b l i c a t i o n certed recently by a high finan­ Estacada, Oregon 06953—07022 | industry, food production, is Notice of Road District Meeting cial authority that she has large Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office, at Portland, Ore., Oct. 10th, prosperous. This is an age of to Vote Special Road Tax gold reserves in England, the U. 1923. I combination and price fixing and ♦ ♦ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ♦ + Notice is hereby given, pur­ Notice is hereby given that Ralph M. S A. and elsewhere. agriculture must have a part in suant to Chap. 118, General Laws Kelley, of Eztacada. Oregon, who, on What good has come out of' * C o n fe c tio n e ry , P h o n o g ra p h s , mber 9, 1920. nade Original Home­ the system or it must continue of Oregon for 1921, that a Road Septt ♦ stead entry No. 06953 for the NE* SEE the war? About the only thing District Meeting of the legal vo­ and Si SEJ Sec. 5, and on December 22 to be the deflation “ goat” of the that stands out is. that no one » ters of Road District No. 7, )920.ma A. D 1923t in sald ers at great y reduced expenses. District at the hour of 2:0t) P. M.. thereby getting a profit Iori in Garfield Grange Hall to vote themselves based on cost of pro- an additional tax in said road j auction. and at the same time disti-ict for road purposes as bv hold retail prices down to where ,aw provided " ^ there will be normal consump- H F CROSS tion. When farmers are ready n .8. 15 * County^Judge. these conditions can and will b e __________________ * brought about ... Notice of Road District Meeting No tic? of Road District Meeting to Vote Special Road Tax to Vote Special Road Tax Notice is hereby given, pursu- Notice is hereby given? pursu-1ant to Chap. 118, General Laws ant to Chap. 118, General Laws Oregon for 1921, that a Road Oregon. Act 6-9-16. A lexander S week . Register, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION 06245 Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Portland, Oregon. October th, 19*3. NOTICE is hereby given th at Lau­ rence Thompson, of Blssell. Oregon, who. on December 10, 1918, made Homestead entry. No. 06245. for SEl, Section 9. Township 3, South. Range 5 East. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Three-Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Register and Receiver of the United S û tes Land Office, at Portland, Oiegor. on the eighth day of December, !9£t. Claimant names as witnesses: ^ rank Ahnert, of Bissell, Oregon Robert E. Thompson, of Eagle Creek. Oregon; Frank J. Morrison, of Biaaell. Oregon; Mrs. lna Thomposn, of Eagle Creek, Oregon. A c t 6-9-16 ALEXANDER SWEEK. o Register e g isu r. 10-21-11-22