Cloriutmas Knits Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County V olume 17, E sta ca d a , O reg o n , T h u rsd a y , O cto ber N umber 3 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. r . W. W. RHO DES O S T E O P A T H IC PH Y SIC IA N A N D SU RG EON Office in LichthOrn B ldg., E stacada, D D R. P H G. Y S F IC . MIDFOKD IA N SURGEON. and X R a y E q u ip m e n t — G l a s s e s f it t e d OFFICE and Residence Second and Main Strsets. Estacada, Oregon”“Tolephono Connections T ~ \R . CHAS. P. JO H N SO N DENTIST EVENING WORK BY APPOINTMENT Estacada* Oregon. T A R . W. W A L L E N S S U R G E O N D E N T IS T F o r over 20 years a t S p rin g w a te r, Ore. ALBERT t . e l o t t A T T O R N E Y A T LAW RESIDENT LAWYER . ESTACADA, - - OREGON W M - G. DUNLAP A T T O R N E Y A T LAW A t E stacada, in th e office of Woodle R ealty Co., on S a tu rd a y s—P o rtlan d o f­ fice 1521 Yeon Building. O • D. EBY, a t t o r n e y a t l a w G eneral P ractice. C onfidential viser. O regon C ity. O regon. . A d­ & S C H N E ID E R A TTO R N EY S A T LAW . A t G r e s h a m office—T uesdays, T h u rs­ days ana S atu rd a y s, 203-5, W ithrow building. P o rtla n d o ffice, 721 C o rb ett building. M c G U IR K OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST UPPER EAGLE CREEK Ed Douglass made a trip to Roseburg last week. Mrs. Ed Douglass was calling on Mrs. R. B. Gibson last Friday. Brief Resume of Happenings of Eagle Creek Grange held its the Week Collected for regular session last Saturday Our Readers. with about 17 present. After eating an excellent dinner a short The W illis L. Cady, appointed p o stm a ste r business session was held. for B eaverton, is a n ativ e son of th a t pie social which the grange had town. planned to give on Hallowe’en A local cam p of th e S panish W ar night was postponed indefinitely. V eteran s has been organized a t The Walter Douglass and family D alles. were dinner guests of Mr. and One of P rin e v llle ’s lan d m ark s, th e Mrs. Will Bell on Sunday. E lk in s building, w as d estro y ed by fire of unknow n origin. George Douglass was seen out A tten d an ce In th e C o ttag e Grove this way Sunday. schools h as re a c h e d 705, th e h ig h e s t, Guy Wilcox and family and in th e h isto ry of th e tow n. Mrs. Nora Reid were visiting H. T he to ta l re g istra tio n a t th e E u­ S. Gibson Sunday afternoon. gene Bible u n iv ersity is 225, w hich is Roy Douglass and family took th e la rg e st in th e h isto ry of th e in­ dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Akers stitu tio n . A m ass m ee tin g of b e rry grow ers Sunday. of Canby and o th e rs in te re ste d in es­ J. P. Steinman was calling at tab lish in g a c an n ery a t Canby w as i the home of R. B. Gibson Sunday, held a t th e city hall. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoffmeis- An effo rt to pro cu re d ire c t airp la n e | m ail serv ice b etw een P o rtla n d and terandson Henry, Jr., daugh­ New York w ill be m ade by th e P o rt­ ters Grace and Elsie, were din­ land C ham ber of C om m erce. ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred T h e m ovem ent of w heat to P o rt­ Hoffmeister Sunday. land over th e O-W. R. & N. line is Mr. and Mrs. Claude Sersanous ju st about tw ice a s h eavy th is y e a r as came out this way Saturday eve­ It w as a t th e sam e tim e in 1922. ning spending Sunday at their A. Jelm s Jr., ed ito r of th e M itchell Deep Creek farm. S en tin el, died a t his hom e in M itchell. Mrs. E. Naylor who has been He w as 84 y e a rs old an d a v e te ra n of th e Civil w ar. H e founded th e Sen­ a resident of this place for some tin el in 1903. years, died from appoplexy last C. A. H ow ard, su p e rin te n d e n t of th* Sunday. She was buried in Mt. M arshfield p ublic schools, re p o rts a Scott cemetery, Wednesday. to tal e n ro llm en t of 1212 in th e city 25. 1023. LOCAL BREVITIES Mrs. W. J. Moore was a fort- land visitor today. Mr. and Mts. A. E. Sparks were in Portland Monday. Miss Lenora Ross spent Tues­ day and Wednesday in Portland. The Dollar electric sawmill at River Mill is about ready for business. Attention is called to the ad of the Estacada hotel. This is an institution which is a credit to the town. M. J. Moore of the Estacada hotel returned yesterday morn­ ing from a business trip to Linn county. Miss Velma Stovall of Hardin, Mont., arrived last week, for an extended visit with her sister, Mrs. Charles P. Johnson. Robert March bank Jr. is the proud possessor of a very hand­ some new bicycle, on which he rides around the envy of other boys. Last year entries at the Pacific International Live Stock Exposi­ tion at Portland numbered 3816. Every year has seen the number increase. This year the officials expect the figures to run oyer 4000. They are coming in now. BARTON. $1.50 P er Y ear SPRINGWATER NEWS The social to be given Tuesday evening, Oct. 30th is in the form of a hard times party, and any one wearing good clothes will be fined. The school children will give a program, and an old times spelling match will be held. All are requested to bring pumpkin pie or doughnuts, sweet cider will be served free. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Erickson went to Portland on Tuesday for a few days. Miss Verlie Coop has been ill with the grippe the past week. M. H. Wilkins left Thursday, for California. He visited his sister, Mrs. J. F. Moger, the past month. Mrs. Spencer and son Richard of Portland, visited Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Moger. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Guttridge and family and James Guttridge visited Mrs. Guttrldge’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Zurcher at Sil- verton on Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Still and children are visiting in Portland with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Masson, this week. Mrs. Peter Erickson has been ill the past week. G A R F IE L D ITEM S F. DIES SUDDENLY Thomas Franklin Ryan, bank­ er and politician of Clackamas county, died at his home near Oregon City, suddenly last Sat­ urday morning. He was born in Newport, R. I. about sixty-five years ago, and came to Oregon in 1883, settling at Oregon City. He took an ac­ tive part in politics from the first and held a number of offices, be­ sides attending to his banking and investment interests. For eight years he was deputy state treasurer, and also served in the state senate and the lower house. He was popularly called Judge Ryan, for he was one time coun­ ty judge. He served several terms also as mayor of Oregon City, besides in other public offi­ ces. At the time of his death, he was president of the Bank of Commerce of Oregon City. He was extremely popular and a familiar figure at most public gatherings. He was high up in Masonry besides being a promi­ nent member of the I. O. O. F., Elks and other fraternal orders. Four children survive him, two sons and two daughters. The funeral services, were held Mon­ day afternoon from the Odd Fel­ lows temple, with the state grand lodge in charge. The pastor of the First Presbyterian church, officiated. The interment was in the Masonic plot at Mountain View cemetery by the side of his wife who predeceased him a year ago. A delegation from the Es­ tacada I. O. O. F. lodge attend­ ed. Grant Hawley returned last Mrs. Minnie Eash was hostess week from a 3 weeks hunting to the Skip-a-week club Wednes­ FIRE INSURANCE. trip in Southern Oregon. Mr. day with ten members and one and Mrs. Arthur Chase of Port­ visitor. A pleasant afternoon London Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. land accompanied him. schools. T h is is an in c re a se of 218 was spent sewing quilt blocks, People’s C & C Store over la s t year. Keep you r policy in o ur F ire Mrs. L. M. Petersen went to followed by dainty refreshments. P roof V ault, fre e of ch arg e. P e titio n s a re b eing c irc u la te d for Special: Portland last Wednesday, to meet Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Ellsworth th e ap p o in tm en t of D. C. E llis a s p o st­ Swift’s wool soap flakes pk'g 11c Mr. Petersen’s mother who re­ of Salem, are spending several H. C . S T E P H E N S m a s te r a t G aribaldi. Uis is seek in g turned from a visit with her son Liberty Bell syrup 10 oz. can..17c weeks with the latter’s sister, th e a p p o in tm en t to succeed h is wife, AGENT. Armour’s pure lard per pail--92c at Britannia Beach, B. C. Mrs. 0. E. Lamberson. who d esires to re tire . George W. Turner had a crew T h e resig n a tio n of H aro ld L. Cook, Standard, corn No. 2 cans, 2 for Mr. and Mrs K. Coe and Syl­ .............................................23c of men digging potatoes last via of Portland, spent the week scout executive, who h a s been th e lead e r of th e L inn county sco u t or­ Porter’s package noodles, maca­ week. More Houses To Go Up end with their grandparents, Mr. g anization for th e la st 13 m o n th s, w as roni and spaghetti, p’kg...„.9c Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Stone and Mrs. Dillinger. J. W. Si afford of Portland, accepted by th e council. Royal Baking Powder 12 oz can, and children of Portland, spent Mrs. Harold Wooster had a se­ was in Estacada Tuesday after­ An in crease of m ore th a n 200 pu­ ......................... 40c several days visiting at the home vere accident Sunday, when a jar pils in th e e n ro llm e n t of th e Salem noon between trains. He said he A BOTTLE OF Schilling’s best baking powder, schools for th is y e a r w as re p o rte d by of Mrs. Stone’s parents, Mr. and she was opening broke cutting is going to put up a number of 5 12joz can.............................. 35c Mrs. Thomas O’dell. G eorge Hug, su p e rin te n d e n t. T he both hands so badly that medical and 6 room houses on his acres to ta l en ro llm en t is 3773. Large size cans of milk.........11c M. A. Nelson drove to Port­ attention was necessary. south east of town, for sale or R. P. Bonham, im m igration com m is Crown Mill Run 80 lb sack..$1.17 land, Wednesday. That it pays to bring good rent. This land has been set out sioner, has co m pleted an in v estig atio n Perfection sodas 3 lA lb box.-.49c Mr. and Mrs. George McCal- of th e p e n ite n tia ry and s ta te hosp ital pictures to Estacada is proved to logan berries and always well You save we both gain. and will com m ence d e p o rta tio n p ro ­ lam of Portland, visited the Clint by the crowded houses for four cared for, so that the purchaser Lounsberry family Sunday. § WITH A BOX OF ;i; ceedings a a g in st 14 of th e in m ates. nights running, which greeted will have a fine berry patch, in Community Club T he council of th e city of N orth the “ Birth of a Nation” at the addition to his land if he wants Bend h as d esig n a te d N ovem ber 12 as Do not forget that the Com­ The logging and tie trucks of Favorite theatre. it. Mr. Shafford is arranging th e d ate for a sp ecial elec tio n to vote munity Club meets tomorrow the Barton, Bates and Closner sawmills are again at work. A pleasant surprise party was with the Aladdin Co. of Portland $13,436.38 th a t th e e x p en ses for next night at 8 o’clock in the lobby of y e a r m ay be m et w ith o u t h av in g to Last Thursday as the Estacada given Mrs. Theo Carpenter and to build the houses. the Estacada hotel. re s o rt to w a rra n ts. bu3 was attempting to pass a her mother, Mrs. I. Willis of Pa­ Prepare for Bazaar C lifton N. M cA rthur, ex-rupresenta- truck load of logs near the school cific Grove, California, when sev­ tiv e in congress from th e th ird O re­ The Ladies Aid Society of the To the Farmers of Clackamas house, both machines got too far eral friends dropped in on them, gon (P o rtla n d ) d is tric t h as a n n o u n ced Christian church met last Thurs­ County: off the pavement, where there Monday afternoon. The time candidacy for th e re p u b lic a n nom ­ I X The R e x a ll Store X his day afternoon, at the home of in atio n for U nited S ta te s s e n a to r in was a steep embankment. The was spent visiting and a five W e a re now in a position to offer Mrs. B. F. Clay, and had a most you thro u g h th e Union C en tral Life logs slid off the truck and the o’clock was served. th e p rim aries to be held n e x t May. R ep o rt of th e g re a te st se a so n in in s. Company, a new TWENTY YEAR bus narrowly escaped overturn­ form of RURAL C RED IT LOAN Mr. and Mrs. J. Penny enter­ enjoyoble time. The ladies were th e h isto ry o t C ra te r lak e w as b ro u g h t (som etim es called th e AMORTIZED ing and it took some time to get tained several relatives a n d all busy with their needles on to P o rtlan d by C. G. T hom pson, s u p e r­ LOAN), w hich is the best loan from friends Sunday. They were Mr, various articles for their annual in te n d e n t of th e p ark . A to ta l of 52,- every possible stan d p o in t th a t is of­ it back on to the pavement. 017 to u rists v isited th e re s o rt th is se a ­ fered today. Louis Petersen is spending a and Mrs. Sam Bracey and family bazaar to be held November 17. T he com pany has w orked a long Twenty-three ladies were pres­ son as ag a in st 33,011 for th e p rev io u s Mr. and Mrs. Lucia Bracev and tim e perfecting ail of the d etails in few days in Seattle. ent, and the next meeting will season. connection witli th is new loan but feel Gladys Guffnett is in Portland, Gillam Bracey and Mr. and Mrs. be at the home of Mrs. J. Krieg- Coos county b a n k s h av e received confident th a t it will tak e so well with F. Ray of Portland. w ord from th e ir San F ra n c isc o co rre­ you th a t th e tim e lias been well spent. for an extended stay. er. October 31st. PLACE Y O U R IN­ W e have realized ju s t as well as Mrs. L. B. Devine went to J. O. Botkin went to Roseburg spondents th a t th e ir re m itta n c e s aro SURANCE THROUGH you have th a t the only re a l objection YOUR HOME AGENT WHO m issing. On checking up It w as found to o u r form er p lan was th e paym ents Heppner Sunday on business, : Friday to bring his family home Stage Line Changes Time th a t th ey p robably w ere in th e mail d u riu g the early y e a rs of the loan and will also visit her son Joe at after a month’s visit. WI L L P R O T E C T The stage line between Esta­ on th e tra in w hich w as h e ld u p in th e very often w orked a h ard sh ip on some Lexington. YOUR INTEREST borro w ers. T hen too, some ra th e r cada, Carver and Portland, has Slskiyous. Btrenuou3 objections w ere raised, Lloyd Calloway spent Sunday Methodist Episcopal Church changed its schedule. It leaves T h e fed eral board of riv e r an d h a r­ m ostly by com petitors, to the fact th a t MUSIC! MUSIC! MUSIC! The Estacada at 8:30 a. m., arriving b or en g in ee rs h a s d isa p p ro v e d th e we took tw o m ortgages. These objec­ and Monday in Portland. one service that will please ev­ in Portland at 10:05 a. m. It recom m endation of th e dis tr ic t engi­ tio n s a re both elim inated en tirely in Clyde McMurry went to Pacific u r new loan. The paym ents a re the Cary Real Estate Co. n e e r for a p re lim in ary su rv e y to In ­ o sam eryone. And why not? You leaves Portland at 2 p. m., ar­ e each y ear d u rin g the full 20 City, Sunday. d ic a te the co st and extent, o f im prove y e a rs and th e re is only one m ortgage Mrs. Gage of Stafford is visit­ like music don’t you? Then the riving in Estacada at 3:35 p. m. m en ts of th e U m pqua r iv e r and h as and th a t in favor of th e Union C entral Life Ins. Company. ing her daughter, Mrs. L. A. SEVEN-THIRTY SERVICE is It leaves again for Portland at so notified S en a to r M cN ary. the one for you. Let us suggest 4:30 p. m., arriving there at 6:06 T h ere is absolutely no com m ission Wallace and family. V aluations on public u tility p ro p e r­ to be charged, or expense notes to be tie s in O regon fo r 19271, upon w hich executed by the borrow er. Among Portland visitors this that you be on time for the best p. m., and then leaves for Esta­ may be first and you won’t want cada at 6:10 p. m., arriving here ta x e s for 1924 will be p aid , h a v e been F o rm e rly a fee for exam ination of week were George Forman and in creased a p p ro x im a te ly $41,000,000, land and a b stra c t of title , w as c h a rg ­ family, H. Emby, M. L. Peter­ to miss a single number. And at 7:45 p. m. WHITE LEGHORNS w hen com pared w ith 1922. a c co rd in g ed, th is h as been discontinued and is do not feel slighted for we are to te n ta tiv e fig u res com piled b y E arl a stro n g fe a tu re as th is is the only sen, George Turner, and William going to let you sing some too. “Why I Put Up With Rats for Bred for Vigor and High com pany in th e Held th a t w ill not Christensen. F ish er, s ta te ta x co m m issio n er. Egg r roduction. m ake th ese charges. An hour of real musical pleasure Years,” Writes N. Win- O ur p rim ary aim is to produce T h e new city c h a rte r fo r O regon Some of the stro n g advantages of Will Reopen which the children will enjoy too vigorous, husky chicks; healthy, sor, Farmer. C ity w as in d o rsed w ith o u t d issen sio n th is loan are. th e ra te of In terest is rugged breeding stocK and f i r s t so bring them along. By the low, you select th e best tim e of the The Silver Star Restaurant is by th e m em bers of th e re v is io n com ­ class hatching eggs. H ence, in “ Years ago I bought some rat m itte e and a g ro u p of b u sin e ss m en. y e a r for your paym ents, it is an in­ | being remodeled and will open up way, this will be the first ap­ many cases, o u r custom ers roil su ra n c e against th e necessity of fre­ poison, which nearly killed our up bigger eg g records th a n we do. An o rg anization h a s b een p e rfe c te d q u en t ren ew als, it elim in ates the d an­ in a few days, arranged in the pearance of the orchestra, some­ fine watch dog. It so scared ua t t u t we hold c u r m a tu re sto cK fo r th e purpose of o b ta in in g th o a c ­ g e r of foreclosure, yon have absolute I best manner possible for the thing entirely different thruout. bacx as long as possible a f te r the that we suffered a long time with c o n tro l of your m oney as you may pay cep ta n ce of th e d o cu m en t a t th e e le c ­ m oult and b ring them into laying Help the Sunday School grow, rats until a neighbor told me u p th e loan a t any tim e securing a comfort of the customers. as n ear th e hatch in g season as tio n N ovem ber 6. discount. the time is 10 a. m. The morn­ about RAT-SNAP. That’s the possible. Thus a re our custom ers T h re e heroic-size s ta tu te s —one We w ill be pleased to have you call For Income Tax assured o f stro n g , rugged ch icK s ing 11 o’clock is worth while. and ta lk th is loan over w ith us or W ashington, one of L in co ln and on-' sjre rat killer and a safe one.” and high quality hatching eggs. upon req u est w ill m ail you a c irc u la r Next week we shall print a let* "Serving God bv serving men.” Three sizes, 35c, 65c, $1.25. Sold of Dr. John M cL aughlin—w ill be p re ­ ORDER EARLY. I ,describing the loan in detail or will sen te d to th e city of P o rtls nd by Dr. I g la d ly c all upon you a t the ea rlie st ! ler from Frank M. Gill advoca­ H. W. M ost , Pastor. and guaranteed by the Estacada PHIL MARQUAM H en ry W aldo Coe. th e d o i o r of th e p o ssib le m om ent. ting the adoption of the income Very sin cerely yours, E staca d a. O regon. R oosevelt e q u e stria n s ta tu e according ; tax law, giving reasons for its J. C. Ecker was here yester­ Pharmacy. . F A R M ocated m : • or* of E it a - a : a c - WOODLE-WOOSTER CO.. to an n o u acem en t m ade to th e city , adoption. G e rfie .e r c a - day from Portland. 1 Job printing at the N ews office E staca d a, Oregon. cqoncii by. S. C. Pi«r.^ex-con$aiaaiD ner. ? SPEC IA L 1 i HUGHE'S P E R « Î ÎF R E E I f COLGATE’S ÏI1LG I ! BOTH FOR 25C ! I For Fire Insurance T r a p -N e ste d