EASTERN CLACKAM AS NEV'S, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1923 ELWOOD ITEMS M A R K E T AGENT that takes products direct from ' the farmers’ warehouses and dis­ DEPARTMENT. P o w ie r e d tribute.; them to the city retailers Schc >1 opened Monday morn­ DANCE FLOOR Farmers are slowly awakening daily, thu; entirely eliminating ing with a Miss Bingham as W AX to the necessity of getting hold of ail other middle handling and teacher. , Give* sm oo th . a lid - I n c finish to h a r d production and controlling it. if between profits. Mrs. Lilly Pa> k spent a few or a o f t - w o o d f lo o r s The b st brains of the country days in Portland idSi veek. Sh<- agriculture is to hold its place in HO A r m . O R E A I K O B B I S T. ■ industry. They realiz'- that they are studying the farmers’ and was accompanied homo by lit r T o u r d ru B *l»t has must invade the resell field, elb. - consumers’ marketing problems daughter Eula, who has been It. I f not. send us stam ps, 75c fo r one* p ound p a ck a g e. jinate the middle profits, minimize and planning to take the matter working in Portland. CTARKE. waste, stop speculation, stabilize I out of the hands o f the jobber, W OODW ARD Otis Vallin spirit a few days in U R l 'b Co., i prices and end individual compe­ commission houses, wholesalers Portland last week, returning P o rtla n d . O reg on . tition. They know they must and all other middle interests, home Sunday. control one commodity in one or­ that these added expenses may O M. Seheistroen sold several ganization and that they must be divided between the farmer, i head of cattle to some Porilam distributethat commodity through in higher prices at his er.d, and buyers. They butchered thtm the entire season only in such yet go to the producer at lower Sunday. than the present costs. Slowly FOR S A L E — one registered 2 quantities as consumption de­ these problems will be worked y e a r -o ld Guernsey bull. Ohegood Mr. A. U. Bogden, with asmal mands. o u t . _____ wagon and hay rake. Inquire crew of men, brought the rock When, through various associ­ Harry Kitching, Estacada Ore. crusher out of the canyon and set ATTENTION! ations farmers can bring about Route 1 9-27-10-4 _______ it up' on the Seheistroen place. these conditions, agriculture will Look up our remarkable combi­ He expects to have it ready to " f o r S A L E — Economy King separator No. 12. Only used two be stable and the whole state will nation offers, during this month work the last of the week. weeks. Inquire of F. W. John­ benefit. In an agricultural state only, for Oregonian and N e w s , Mrs. Keith, of Estacada, is farmers must prosper if the bus- also Portland Telegram and N e w s . son, Faraday._______ 9-13-tf visiting her son, L. Keith and ness interests are to thrive. They You get the two papers fot a " m o n e y TO LOAN—5 ^ % family. must be able to sell their pro­ whole year at the usual price of Farm Loans on tracts not less than 40 acres, minimum amount ducts at a fair profit, and iu order the Port and papers alone. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Whiteis $1,000. on 5, 7 and 10 years time. to have a normal demand, retail Oregon City Abstract C o.__9-fitf prices must be low enough that ‘ w o o d c u t t e r s w a n t e d - consumers will buy readily. Steady work. Will buy stumpage Consumers and producers have or finance cutting propositions. the middle field to reform to bring Boring Wood and coal Co. about these conditions. Joint 9- 14tf 476 E. 50th st. Portland. action can work out plans to elim­ PLAIN SEWING Dressmak­ inate the great spread in prices ing and hemstitching, see Mrs. Gus Wilcox. 6-28tf between the farm and the retail­ er; bringing production and con­ LOST—A dog, fox terrier type sumption closer together and OUR 7"» PRIOR PREFERENCE has white with brown ear, answers greatly benefit the business con­ to name of Sport. Reward. p. paid dividends regularly every t h r e e Miss Regina Horger, Eagle ditions of the whole state. months since it was first issued. Creek, Or. 2t And there must be this co-op­ FOR SALE—Case threshing eration between producer and It Is a Safe anti Sound Investment outfit comprising a new 28” steel consumer if there is to be better separator, run only 60 days; conditions generally in Oregon. steam engine in good condition; Farmers may go ahead with their You can buy it at $98.00 a share, par new 500 gallon tank. Everything associations and be able to force value $100, for cash or on easy terms. is overhauled and absolutely in It will net you 7.14% on every dollar good condition. Other business higher prices on the farm, but you invest. unless the middle handling con­ forces me to sell. Price $1,400. Guy D. Jones, Gresham, Ore. ditions are also corrected, this Write for full information today. 10- 4-1 1 - 2 2 . __________ will mean higher prices to con­ FOR SALE -One team, wagon sumers, and then we will have as and harness; Marshall-Wells drag bad a condition as now to solve. saw, 2 new Simons saw blades 5 Investment Department Whether he wants to or not, and 6 feet long, good as new. T. the consumer must sooner or later Nagasawa. PORTLAND RAILW AY, LIGHT & POWER concern himself with the middle Company. “ It Looked Like a Battlefield marketing of food products, and if he could be aroused, now is M’UD.vx rut state * R °om 605 Electric Bldg., Portland, Oregon. in Europe,” said Mr. the time, when producers plans C. Dunster. are in the making. Farmers and j 7t u ,u77i7g^tr.i ?: ToT T,r?:Tir:ryy<: r i i l r r> : “ was staying at a hotel in a consumers together could work small Pennsylvania town. Early out far more simple ways to get one morning I went to the stable the products from the farms to to hire a rig and was shown a the cities and do away with the pile of dead rats killed with R A 1- many middle expenses and profits SNAP the night before. Looked that do not add a dollar to the like a battlefield in Europe.” value o f the products. Three sizes, 35c, 65c, $1.25. Sold And likewise, the retailer must and guaranteed by the Estacada sooner oi later interestliimself in Pharmacy. these matters, in fact he should New samples of Wall Paper Me, t h e y will The servant is now take an active part in short­ cheaper than last year at not greater than a l s o persecute 3-291f Pointer’s ening the road that brings in his you. — J o h n his lord. If they products and co-operate with pro- x v :2 0 . have persecuted j ducers and consumers to get them First Show Starts at 7:30 !as directly from the farm as is ¡possible. If he could lower his prices he would sell more, the farmer would raise more. In the middle western states, GO W HERE T H E GOES GO! ; hem’s o!' co-operative movements are taking up the matter of the Tonight & Friday Night middle spread with both produc­ ers and consumers and are plan­ ning means to get products direct from the farmers’ central selling IN agency to the retail stores. Con­ Costs You But One Postal Card sumers’ organizations are work­ ing through the retailers to this A Mystery Romance brist­ end ami the producers are also In the interest of tolerance and good will, ling with thrills helping the retailers to the short which are primary qualities of true American- AND A COMEDY cut across. In one section of Iowa, associations o f retailers, ism, will you not hear the Catholic side on sub- workers and farmers have estab­ jects like the following: lished a joint auto truck service Next Sat. and Sunday “ L IT E -F O O T ’ STATE WANT AND FOR SALE ADS YOUR DIVIDENDS COME REGULARLY GEM THEATRE and two children, of Estacada, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs John Park. Mr. Emil Bittner, wife and three children, of Sandy, spont Sunday at the Bittner h ire. Mrs. Ella Rotter has been tul- vised by her physician m go to California for the winte: :or ¡un- health. Mr. Chris Bittner lias returned from California, w h e r e he brought his son Harry and fam­ ily from Arizona. Harry is in a ve y critical condition, and their little son Harold has been very low with spinal meningeitis, but was slightly improved at the last writing. Miss Nellie Vallen, who has been employed to teach the old Colton school, began her work Monday morning. THE W o o d s to c k Represents the latest achievement in tj pi writer const'uotion, gives the greatest measure of satisfactory sen ice, and a quality of work that is unsurpassed See this wonderful new machine. Try i* for a few days. No obligations on your part t > buy. TH E R EB U ILT TYPEW RITER COMPANY WOODSTOCK DISTRIBUTORS 304 Oak Street, Portland Oregon. * + * + * + 4 -* + <•> + + * + + + + + + + + + + + ♦ * Confectionery, * * * + A story of the Bull Fights in Spain, featuring II COMEDY N EX T TUES. WEIINES. SON OF WALLINGEORD COMEDY. Music at all Shows L . V. CLEW 0RTH, Manager. L iGHT ♦ ♦ N itice of School Election to In crease Tax More Then Six Her Cent Over That of the I revlous Year. Not, op in her« by given totholpg.il voter» of S.honl l>, triot No. 108 of Clackamas County, Slate of O rogn . that on election will be held in said district lit High Sch'>ol on the loth day of October, lt>£\ at S o'clock in the afternoon, to vote on the question of increasing th" amount of the tax levy in »kid District for the year li‘26 b> more than six per cent over the ami ;int of such levy lor the year immediately preceding. It is necessary to raise this additional amount by »pedal levy f >r th * (< '.low ing reasons: The co t i f materials and labor have incrvis.-d approximately W per cent. The scho d atto dance has increased, thereby rexjuirir.u one more teacher, at a alan o f $I2£0.0U to #1400.00 per \ear. ns ordered lij the Department o f Slate. Dated this 13th dsv o f September, IWO. Attest: MYKTI.K REI M IS . D -tr , t O r ', (jKKAt.l) W il.i OX. 10-4 Chairman Hoard of Directors. Poes the spiritual obedience of Catholics to the Popes tower the quality of their American citi-.enship? The Catholic Priests, their Ideals and Train­ ing; why Unmarried. Purgatory in the Light of Reason. What About the Practice of Confession? What About Nuns and Ex-Nuns? The Catholic Church and the Rible. Why the Catholic Church is Persecuted. Inside Facts About the Catholic Church. Who Were the Popes? Defamcrs of Catholicity and Their Tactics. Booklets on Above Subjects Mailed Free Upon Application Send postal to Catholic Truth Society, .101 McKay Building. Portland, Oregon u n ch es « ♦ ! . OREG ON. + ♦ Cigars and Tobaccco, International Clothes, + ♦ + •> + + ■>') + <• + ♦ * + + ♦ + ♦ + ♦ + + + + + ♦ + ,A t * ne u í ;. L5f fs Proving Right. Ask the Man Who Drives One B A C O N G A R A G E * Estacada, Oregon. 3? & Gas ira .at'-:.- Oil Tires Accessories TE" ITT. ujgTT nrr.rj n ñ fit riirju ~ OAK GROVE LAUNDRY The l aundry W hich M ade M oth er Quit W ash in g Give U 5 t l rial— Our Prices Are Right Work Called for and Delivered (Specify Ones Desired) Full information on any other topics relating to the Catholic Church L ESTACADA, ♦ “FIND THE WOMAN" “ BLOOD AND SAND” fh cn ogr iphs, * R. G. M A R C H B A N K , ♦ The Catholic Church • R O O M 2 3 .” GARFIELD ITEMS Saturday. October 6, Gnrfield Grange will hold a n all day ses­ sion at the Grange hall. Morn­ ing session at 10:30. Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Gunter B1SSELL ITEMS visited their ranch and spent a School began Monday, October few days with friends here last 1st, with Miss Mary Ely again as week. teacher. Milton G. YVeatherby spent a George Weiderhoid had as his couple o f days in Portland last ruest last Sunday his mother, week. Mr. and Mrs. William Shaffer Mrs. Weiderhoid, and his brother Paul and sister Delores, of Port­ entei tair.ed four of Mrs. Shaf­ land, and L>r. and Mrs. Stephen­ fer’ s sisters and their families son and baby, of Vancouver, Sunday. Wash. Jim Botkins spent the week^ Carl Lins and Ed Harders re­ end with his father at Ghtrry- shingled the school bouse last ' vilie. week, which is a great improve­ Mrs. Gid Kriegt.aurn had the ment. | misfortune of tailing and break­ Mrs. Henry Klinker and her ing her arm last Monday. son Elmer, spent two weeks in | John Sigwardth was a Port Portland, visiting friends and land visitor Saturday. relatives. Monday, Oer. 8, the Garfield Mr. Tone and family, of Port­ scho ol will open. THE ENTIRE TRUTH ABOUT ALMA RUBENS land were guests of the Howards o-’er Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Held attended the state fair at Salem last Tues­ day. The Ladies’ Missionary Societj met rt th»» home of Mrs A. H. Miller last Thursday afternoon Mr. and Mr* Smith a d son Richard were calling on Mr. and Mrs. J. Paulson Sunday evtning. The Christian Endeavor Soci­ ety will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Zwirnman Thurs­ day evening. October 4!h, at 8 o’ clock. W e do Finished Work Also Rough Dry, I4lbs for $1.00 LOCATION — Main Street, between Ames’ Plumbing »hop and Cascade Garage. Estacada, Oregon.