EASTERN CLACKAMAS N 7 WS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1923 P A T S D IE ■' ■ V-- OREGON NOTES OF INTEREST .’••'O.’ ïv . :• • 7_r YOUR DIVIDENDS COME REGULARLY 8o do mice, once they eat RAT-SNAP. And they leave no odor behind. Don't take our word for it—try a package. Cats and dogs wou’t touch it. Rats pass up all food to get RAT-SNAP. Important Occurrences of Three sizes. Past Week Briefly Com­ 35c size—1 cake—enough for Pan­ piled for Our Readers. try, Kitchen or Cellar. 65c size — 2 cakes — for Chicken (Continued from first page) House, Coops or small buildings. $1.25 size—5 cakes—enough for all farm and out-buildings, storage The operation of drlvlpa a 503-foot |M buildings, or factory buildings. drift from a new shaft on a 200 foot Sold and Guaranteed by. level and unwaterlng the old works In the Millionaire mine, three tallea out li from Gold Hill, ha« ben completed. The I new drift 1« on a 5-foot vein of rich milling ore. B1SSELL ITEMS OUR 7 > PRIOR PR EFER EN C E Crawford Bros. Motor Co. A U TH O RIZED Sales has You can buy [it at $98.00 a share, par value $ 100, for cash or on easy terms. It will net you 7.14% on every dollar you invest. I The state board of oOntrol has award­ ed the contract for the construction and equipment of a new heating plant at the state home for the feeble-mind­ ed at Salem to Tranchett & Parellus of Portland. The Wd was In the amount of $47,907. Bring your Repair W ork to a shop, doing nothing but Ford work and special­ ly equipped for that w ork V/aile for full information -odav. Investment Department Dan Casey, slayer of 1 , H. (Buck) Phillips, epeoial agent for the Oro- gon-Waehlngton Railroad and Navi gatlon company, paid the penalty for his crime by being hanged In the c s e -! cutlon chamber of the state penl-.en- tlsery at 8a!em Friday, i .^ SOUDAS li IL »STfVTK- ' j T T i j Z ' a i T{\ PORTLAND RAILW AY, LIGHT & POWER Company. Room 005 Electric B!d^., Portland, Oregon. Parts, Accessories, Gas and Oil T i ’ Ti y j S Í j í j'.js iù'. '¡ r m j ; ¿.üliù ¿ i n O n S ^ S l Ìtli2 There are a total of 1377 pupils 23- ln favor of Thom- j within named defendants or either of of them. Ed. Still. F-urle 1 ro e' Is Your Name W ritten H ere? ‘ « o c *" W u m - P o ntiff, and agHinst S. P. them, had on the date of the tl mortgage Ore._______________ ______________o IYsxnecker and Mary Pesznecker, his herein or since had in or to t the above Thote subscribing for this pa and mi That's RAT SNAP, the old wife, defendants, for the sum of described real ptoperty or any part riANO SACRIFICE Vicin- S I.400.00, with interest thereon at the thereof, to satisfy l>or during the week are: John r< liaM r o d e n t d«-.-tr«>> rr. Conies in SIV si said ' ‘ execution, Judg­ Fine instru­ rate of S per cent per annum from ment order, decree, interest, costs and mo with other fix'd. ty of Estacada. B. Bowman, O. 11. Fantz, F. G. rnkt * the ISih day of February, 1922. and j all accruing costs. ment in perfect ronditiisn, for lhe , ha, if it fai!«. Kobley. Mrs. Rose WcMerman. futtbi r sum of with interest : W. J. WILSON, particulars write Cline Music Co. thereon fri ni the lat day of August, | th for r.in- Sheriff of Clackamas Astoria. Ore. tt-23 9 6 I9J3, at the rate of 6 per cent ; per ■ an * County, Oregon. K it.V In a letter received yesterday mim, and the further sum of $19.25 , ... . . . ..... . By GEORGE LINCOLN STORY. I I \ ! \ > : \\ I \ i Deputy, from F. I Cram, who formerly Coop* u ild lllg : i ng. • hemstitching, see M - 1 *nd i.p >n this writ commanding me I 1st publication Aug. 23rd. 192«. was foreman in tin* N ews office, •s em : u ’ m, kc s a l - of the following described Last publication Sept. 20th, 1923. - r ----. . --------- - County | * »I - $ p-operty, situate ------- in the county V. of . j Dated Oregon City. Ore. August 23rd, states that he i? still at Newport Kuril*»' state of Oregon, to-wit: 1923. Ft SALE S. C. R. I. Red and is in good health. Although chii s from 15 certs to 25 he is 75 or more years, he is ntc, Orders must be placed thinking of buying 89 acres of ESTACADA P H A R M A C Y th before wanted. land cn the cotst, .*0 acres of MRS. J. V. MOXLEY. Read the Ads in the NEW?. tS-A '9 6 which can be easily cleared. Morrow Station. Christian Church j JOB PRINTING DONE UT THE NEWS OFFICE |