Easimt Ctflarkama Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County V o l u m e 16, E st a c a d a , O r e o > n , T h u r sd a y , J uly 12, 1923. N u m b e r 40 BARTON ITEMS PROFESSIONAL CARDS. T ) l! . W. W. R H O D ES -L>' O ST E O PA T H IC P H Y SIC IA N AND SU RG EON Office in L ichthorn B ldg., E stacad a, F. MIDFOKD D R. P H G. Y SIC IA N SURGEON, and X R a v E qu ipm e n t — G l a s s e s Important Occurrences of Past Week Briefly Com­ piled for Our Readers. f it t e d O FFICE and Resldance Second and Main Strsets. Esiacada. Oregon—Téléphona Connections J)R OREGON NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST CHA S. P. JO H N SO N P lans a re under way for th e o rg an ­ isation of th e W est C oast N ational bank of P o rtlan d . C ontractors have ju s t com pleted th e laying of concrete on th e new m arket E stacada, Oregon. road south of Hood River. More th an 200 girls and women are T ) R . W. W A LL E N S employed a t th e can n ery of th e E ugene S U R G E O N D E N T IS T F ru it G row ers’ association. For over 20 vears a t S p rin g w ater, Oie, A daily tra in service on th e N atron cutoff, betw een Springfield and Oak- ALBERT t . e l o t t ridge h as been Inaugurated. A T T O R N E Y A T LAW F orm er resid en ts of U nion county RESIDENT LAWYER ESTACADA. - - OREGON held a get to g eth er Sunday m eeting in Colum bia p ark , P ortland. The postoffice d ep artm en t announc­ W M . G. DUNLAP A T T O R N E Y A T LAW es th e appo in tm en t of Mrs. Mollie Fox A t E stacada, in th e office of Woodle as p o stm a ste r of H om estead, B aker R ealty Co., on S a tu rd a y s—P o rtlan d o f­ county. fice 1524 Yeon Building. T he Lincoln county fair board has f ) D. EBY, se t S eptem ber 5 to 8 as th e date for A T T O R N E Y A T LA W . the annual county fair this y e a r at G eneral Practice. Confidential Ad­ Toledo. viser. O regon C ity. O regon. A lthough all kinds of b erries yielded heavily in L ane county this year, cher­ A /T cG U IR K & S C H N E ID E R ries turn ed out only about a 30 p er AVA A T T O R N E Y S A T LAW. c e n t crop. A t G resham office—Tuesdays, T h u rs­ H. S. E m ery recently celeb rated the days an a S atu rd ay s, 203-5. W ithrow building. Po rtlan d o ffice, 721 C o rb ett 70th a n n iv ersary of his residence in building. A shland. Mr. E m ery’s fa th e r settled th ere in 1853. MONEY TO LOAN Oregon was second In th e 12th fed­ P A U L C. FISCHER eral reserv e d istric t in sales of gov­ A T T O R N E Y A T LAW ernm ent savings certificates during the B E A V E R Bldg. OREGON CITY first four m onths of 1923. A to tal of 432 accidents, w ith four fatalities, w ere reported to tile sta te in dustrial accident com m ission during the week ended Ju ly 5, 1923. The civic clubs of Salem and many London Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. of its citizens have decided to get behind th e m ovem ent to raise funds K eep your policy in our F ire to com plete th e Salem hospital. P roof V ault, fre e o f charge. DENTIST FIR E INSURANCE. H. C . S T E P H E N S A g en t . W. D. E vans, who h as been connect­ ed with the autom obile division of the se c re ta ry of s ta te ’s office for several years, has p resented his resignation. W ith broccoli planting a t its height in Douglas county, grow ers are find­ ing g re a t difficulty in g ettin g plants. Broccoli seed is bringing $32 a pound. Since th e law req u irin g visiting mo­ to rists to re g iste r upon th e ir entry into the sta te w ent into effect. May 24, m ore th a n 7000 cars have reg istered . The h isto ric old Brow nsville planing mill building is undergoing a recon­ Paper Plates stru ctio n w hich will change th e lower Paper Napkins floor from a garage into an a p artm en t Wax Paper house. Ice Cream Dishes C ig arette stubs, m atches and sm ol­ Ice Cream Spoons dering cam pfires are blam ed for five sm all fires w hich sta rte d n e a r lake Drinking Cups S re so rts in c en tral Oregon over the Fourth. A rep o rt by the sh e riff’s office of C lackam as county for the m onth of Ju n e shows th a t $684.70 w as collected in th e county as p en alties for traffic violations. H aying will s ta rt in th e Summ er Lake country about Ju ly 10 this year. • ‘X - X - X - X X - X - X K - X - X - X - X - K * + A ccording to reportB from Paisley, the crop will be th e h eav iest ev er grown in the county. Increase of more th a n $11,000,000 in deposits was shown in sta te m e n ts of 22 P o rtlan d banks and tru s t com­ panies, as of Ju n e 30, com pared with th e sam e date of 1923. PLACE Y O U R IN­ SURANCE THROUGH The Salem W om an’s club h as a r­ YOUR HOME AGENT WHO ranged for the p u rchase of th e Cot­ WILL PROTECT tage S tre e t E vangelical church and YOUR INTEREST will tran sfo rm th e building into a con­ vention h all and clubhouse, Im provem ents to th e grav ity pipe line of th e w ater system of Monmouth a t an estim ated cost of $1000, are being m ade u n d er th e direction of C. E. S tew art, city w ater su p erin ten d ­ ent. The m illion-dollar p la n t o t the Alsea Lum ber com pany of E ugene, located a t Glenbrook, in Benton county, will WHITE LEGHORNS be in operation w ithin a sh o rt time. Bred for Vigor and High T h e mill has a capacity of 150,000 feet Egg rroduction. a day. Our prim ary aim is to produce The board of tru ste e s o t the In te r­ vigorous, husky chicks; healthy, national C hristian E ndeavor m eeting rugged breeding stocK. and first class hatch in g eggs. Hence, in h ere In th e ir annual convention at many cases, our customers roll Des Moines. Ia., chose P o rtlan d , Or.. up bigger e g 'j records than we do. as th e m eeting place to r th e 1924 con­ But we hold o u r m a tu re stocK bacK as long as possible a fte r th e vention city. m oult and brin g them into laying T he Hood R iver city council has as n ear th e hatch in g season as branded as u n ju st and false criticism possible. Thus are o ur custom ers ase’ired o f stro n g , n igged rhicKs recently c u rre n t to th e effect th a t and high quality hatch in g eggs. traffic officers and C ity R ecorder ORDER EARLY. Howe w ere engaged in indiscrim inate a rre s ts and asse ssm e n t o t fines ag a in st visitin g m otorists to r m inor Estacada. Oregon. Infringem ents o t ru le s of th e road. FARM locandon* mil« 0« cl Ertacaia on Picnic Needs The Rexall Store For Fire Insurance Cary Real Estate Co. Trap -Nested PHIL MARQLAM G«rfi«14 road. (Concluded on page 3) LOCAL BREVITIES $1.50 P e r Y ea r GARFIELD HEMS ESTACADA SIILI KEEPS IIS LEAD Miss Lenora Ross visited home Mr. and Mrs. William Shatfer There was quite an accident on are enjoying the company of the last part of the Amasaker folks in Portland Sunday. hill going to Boring on July 4. Miss Mabel Wilcox is again several nieces and nephews from Portland. A car coming down at a rapid saleslady at the People’s store. rate, ran into a Ford, driven by Hugh Jones and family are en­ An enjoyable birthday picnic Estacada 11, Gladstone 2. some parties from Estacada. joying a new Star touring car. was held by the members of the A very good game of ball last The latter car was badly dam­ Skip-a-week club at Estacada Sunday on the local grounds. Tom Watson of Springwater, aged, the two front tires were park, on July 4. Those having folks. Gladstone arrived deter- was a Portland visitor yesterday. torn off, the wind shield broken birthdays w’ere, Mrs. G. Carpen- J mined to take Estacada into and the fender and radiator dam-1 . J he ,^a^l0s ter, Mrs. L. J. Palmateer, Irene icamp. as Boring had the Sun aged. A little boy was cut quite . ‘ . _ ., , ^ 1 Davis, Mrs. M. G. Weatherby day before, and for the first six j . l „ i__i,_i Iasc 1 vioay auernoon. badly by .. the broken windshield innings it looked as if they wou’d and T. Carpenter It was the fault of the driver: Miss Therese Held of Seattle, succeed. Rustameyer for Glad- The H. B. Davis family, R. E. coming down the hill turning his : arrived Tuesday to visit her Davis and son Glenn, with rela- s^one was heaving in big league father. L. D. Held. car directly into the other. In a form and holding the Estacada A good line of Paints, Oils, tives from Portland, enjoyed a sluggers helpless with a slow few minutes there were about trip to Mount Hood and a climb fifteen cars stopped on the hill. Varnishes, Wall Paper, and Win­ up the mountain on the Fourth. curve and a change of pace. In tf Mr. and Mrs. George Forman dow’ Glass at Pointer’s. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Witter of the seventh, however, he seemed C. A. Dykeman of the Peo- made a business trip to Portland Danville, Illinois, who spent a to weaken and Jack Smith, Mo- ■ pie’s Store visited Tuesday in one day last week. few days with Mr. and Mrs. T. ger, King and Ray Lovelace in j Vancouver, Wash. Rev. Day, of the Arleta Bap­ Eash, have returned to their succession each connected for a Mr. and Mrs. George Morrow double and three runs came over. tist church, held services in the home. Not quite satisfied with this the schoolhouse Sunday. Three c a r |of Portland, visited at the A. F. Mr. and Mrs. J. Michal and locals [put six more over in the loads of members who came out! Sparks home last Friday. ; family, with Portland relatives, eighth, making the final score A first class painter’s outfit j left Saturday for a motor trip to with Rev. Day, were delightfully 11 - 2 . entertained with dinner at the and men who know how to use I California. Moger pitched a very nice it, at Pointer’s. 3-29tf home of Mrs. S. E. Robinson. Mrs. J. F. Reeher is spending game and was especially strong Mr. and Mrs. Rex Ludlow Last Monday night, Mr. and | a week in Portland and Van­ Mrs. Harvey Branson and daugh- Went to Portland, Wednesday couver with her son and daugh­ in the pinches, things looked bad several times with men on bases, ter met with an accident in Port- evening returning this morning, ters. land. A s t r e e t car ran into their Dr. and Mrs. Charles P. John­ Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Davis, but each time John tightened up and pitched himself out of the car, turning it over in the street. son will leave tomorrow for a Mrs. T. Carpenter and Mrs. M. hole. All three were thrown out. Mrs. trip to Montana and Denver, Col- G. Weatherby were visitors to Bill Boiand caught another Branson was taken to the hos-jorado, their old home. Harding Grange at Logan Sat­ foul fly. Keep it up Bill, we pita!. Mr. Branson had his chest See Mrs. J. E. Gates for piano urday. want to see you run the total up hurt, Mrs. Branson was bruised n struction. Prices reasonable. to three before the season closes. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Moreland quite badly, also the daughter, I. O. 0. F. building. 5-4tf were Portland visitors Tuesday. With any kind of I uck you should but no bones were broken. The Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Baughman railroad company motorman was went to Spokane yesterday, to Several thousand rainbow trout be able to do it, and besides the fans are with you and that helps. at fault, as he had only been on visit their daughter. They will will be taken from the hatchery Next Sunday Estacada vs. this week. duty two days. Mr. and Mrs. be gone about a month. West Lynn on the local grounds. Branson and daughter left this It should be a good game. A great Sea Picture next Tues­ VIOLA week for Salem to remain there Final score: runs hits errors day at the Gem, “ Hurricane’s for a while. 11 15 5 Gal,’’ and a baseball story for The Sunday school picnic that Estacada George Forman killed four next Wednesday and Thursday, was held in the beautiful grove Gladstone 2 10 5 hogs Monday evening, taking “Trifling With Honor,” now near the church, June 30th, was them to Portland Tuesday morn­ showing at the Columbia in Port­ very much enjoyed by those who W. O. W. Install were there and those who were ing. ____________ Last Thursday, July 5, in the land. not there missed a great treat. lodge room of the I. O. O. F. U PPER EAGLE CREEK Mrs. Jake Moss and her friend There were people there from building, Eagle Creek Camp, No. Miss Minnie Sumey of Puyallup, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass Wash., who had been visiting her Garfield, Estacada. Springwater 539, of the Woodmen of the and children motored to Molalla, since the Fourth, went to Port­ and Viola. A bountiful dinner World, held an installation of spending the afternoon of the land, Sunday morning. The lat­ was spread on two long tables. officers. District Manager, F. After dinner a fine program con­ A. Beard of Portland, acted as Fourth at that place. ter was on her return home. sisting of speeches, songs and installing officer. The following Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Paddison SATURDAY’S SPECIALS at readings was listened to. were inducted into their chairs: and son Tommy of Yakima, were the People’s C. & C. store: Co- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Miller en­ Past Council Commander, T. H. guests at the home of the for­ coanut meal $2.24 per 100 lbs., tertained relatives and friends Morton; Consul Commander, R. mer’s brother, C. H. Paddison, Meat scraps $4.14 per 100 lbs., on the Fourth, on the banks of F. Snider; Advisor Lieutenant. for two or three days of last Oil meal $3.34 per 100 lbs., Clear creek, which was a very O. E. Syron; Banker, C. C. Lang- week. They motored out to Mt. well; Clerk, J. E. Gates; Escort. Hood on the Fourth and had a Ground bone $3.57 per 100 lbs., pleasant gathering. Standard rolled barley $1.73 a Charles Hicinbothem and fam­ F r a n k Marshall; Watchman, very pleasant trip. sack, Royal Baking Powder 40 ily. with his brother William and Vernon Marshall; Manager, 18 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Woodle, son cents for 12 oz. can. family, ate dinner the fourth at months, Elmer Anderson; Man­ Leslie, and Mr. and Mrs. E. Nay­ Dr. Ellis Baker who will care the home of Mr, and Mrs. J. H. ager, 12 months, Max P. Sagner; lor, spent the Fourth in Molalla. for the dental practice of Dr. C. Severance. Manager. 6 months. J. W. School­ Mr. and Mrs. Guy Wilcox and P. Johnson during bis absence, craft. Hiakl Brothers and their fa ni- children; Mrs. Nora Reed and called at this office yesterday The camp is now launching an­ lies spent the Fourth at Salem. son Chester, weie guests of H. morning. He is a native of Eng­ other campaign to end on Aug. Elmer Lankin and family S. Gibson, Sunday evening. land but went to Canada at an 16. at which time it expects to Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Eddy and early age. During the war. he spent the Fourth at Stevens, initiate about 25 new members. children of Portland; Mr. and went overseas with one of the Washington, with Mr. Lankin’s Two sides have been selected, Mrs. A. N. Cooke of Damascus; Canadian contingents, and took brother. each with a captain, and will Mr. and Mrs. C. Lankin and work in contest, the losing side Ed. Chapman, and Mr. and Mrs. part in the battle of Ypres. Will Douglass, were d i n n e r Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Tewnkle, little daughter from California to banquet the winner. at Mr. guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. son and daughter, accompanied I, are spending , . , , . the summer . Is Your Name Written Here? Gibson, Sunday. by Mr. and Mrs. J. Robinson, of | Lankln s- h,s uncle- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Douglass Spokane, drove out from Port­ I Those who expect to camp at Those paying subscriptions for and daughter Florence, were call­ land the beginning of the week, the Chatauqua are Mrs. M. L. the N ews during the past week, ing at the home of Jim DeShazer on their return from a tw o Sevier and grand-daughter Beu­ were: H. It. Devlin, G. S. Dillon, Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Viola months trip in Southern Califor­ lah Hicinbothem, Mrs. Simmons John Seaquest, G. T. Beebe, El­ Douglass who was visiting there nia, to call on their old friends and her daughter, Mrs. Elmer len Dowty, J. A. Scott, J. A. accompanied them home. Mr. and Mrs. W. L, Baughman. Lankin and daughter, Miss Ha McComb. zel Lankin. A. N. Orke was seen out this Swift & Co. will hold a one Benefit Dance way Sunday. day sale at McKenney & Mor­ Mr. and Mrs. Carter De Haven There will be a dance in the Walter Douglass, H. S. and R. ton’s store on Saturday, July 14. bring to the screen of the “ Fa­ park pavilion on Saturday night, B. Gibson were Oregon City visi­ Real bargains, don’t miss it: vorite” theatre their famous July 21, for the benefit of the tors last Thursday. Swift’s Empire Bacon ........ 27c i stage triumph. “ Marry the Poor Estacada team. As this team is Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Paddison Gold Crest Butter................ 45c Girl.” The action is centered at making such an enviable record were Portland visitors on Tues­ Swift’s Picnics .................... 16c a fashionable Long Island house this season, it should receive a Tillamook Cheese ................ 30c party, where two engaged coup- hearty support. day. Swift’s Premium H am s..... 29c i les become the [innocent victims Swift’« Day Sale at McKenney Watch our windows for other | of an embarrassing situation, Methodist Episcopal Church and Morton’«: . made doubly complicated by the Sunday school at 10 a. m. Silver Leaf Lard, o lb. 80c; 10 lb. ^ ß £c|(er aRr] Mrg interference of a well wishing Morning worship at 11—Topic: 81.55—Swift’s Jewel Shortening. 4 lb. 65c, 8 lb. $1.25,-O n e day W. F. Cary and children, went friend, who tries to solve the “The Second Mile,” children’s only, Saturday. July 14th. to Portland, Sunday morning. difficulty. It is comedy of the sermonette. ------— -------------- where they were joined by Mrs. most farcial, frothy variety. Epworth League at 7 p. m. Mrs. V\. A. Heyiman returned M ame Boyle and all went over to —July 12 and 13. Senior League at 7. last Friday from a visit of three Vancouver, Wash., to visit with G. H. Lichthorn and daughter Evening service at 8:00 Music weeks at the home of her son 0|(j ^¡me Nebraska friends. They . , , v. Johannah moved into the little an,| short sermons make the i„c in Spokane. met there another lady from Ne- hou8e at the rcar of the 1. O. O. evening service the popular ser- braska, whoi was visiting the lat- p hall Monday, while Max Sag- vice -cool and comfortable The Garfield Ladies Dorcas ter, and all had a verv enjoyable , . .u ce C001 ann comroriaoie. society will meet at the home of time recalling past friends and n,t r »nJ* w,fe moved to the res- H o w a r d W. MoRT. Pastor, Mrs. P. M. Wagner on Thursday, events, and hearing the latest >dence .they recently purchased from their former home. i on Fifth street I Read the Ads in the N ews . July 19. t a