EASTERN CLACKAM AS NEWS, THURSDAY JUNE 7. 1923. —— OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST LOCAL BREVITIES AND NEWS I TEMS UNDERTAKING WM. DALE, Local Agent Day call at Estacada Hotel. Night call at residence. (Continued from first page) Licensed Embalmers, Lady Asst. J. S. Osborn and sons were in Followlng a general soaking rail cigarettes J. E. METZGER Portland Friday. all over Umatilla county, crop ex­ perts declare that the grain crop Is Gresham, Ore.. Phone 1901 Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Stephens practically normal. Small yields were were in Portland Tuesday. V \ expected, due to a backward spring, For Watch Work see A. N. but the prospects are now good for Johnson. 5-10-tf a 5,000,000-bushel wheat crop. / o r Oratn crops throughout the state are Col. and Mrs. Kilgore of Gres advancing In good shape although ham, were in Estacada Monday H E m an who buys a 30 x there Is a shortage of moisture In Estacada Pressing Club afternoon. 3 1/2 inch “ R ” tread fabric some sections according to the sum­ Suit Pressed - 50c The Bass house on Upper mary of weather and crop conditions o r a Revere C ord gets a tire Cleaned & Pressed 75c up for the week ending May 29 issued Main street has been bought by i n ii T 'I 'r i p iiv ih iiiiiiT m tit that is built to give the greatest by the department of agriculture. Mr. and Mrs. John Blauth. J. E. G A T E S in value. See Mr3. J. E. Gates for piano The Reed house south of the Reports received at the governor's I. O. O. F. B U I L D I N G Indicate that the state prohibi­ instruction. Prices reasonable. residence of A. E. Sparks, has office O ne that has won its w ay on tion department Is operating satis­ I. 0. 0. F. building. 5-4tf been purchased by Mr. and Mrs. factorily and that arrests and convic­ m erit over a period of years in The street paving has begun, 0. E. Culver who have moved tions have been numerous the past 60 competition with the best the days. The department was created w.o.w. N.O.W the cement curbs on Main street into it. at the last session of the legislature. m arket offers. T here is a R evere Camp No. 539 between first and third are being Lee Bronson and his son Bev­ Circle No. 832 Charles Caldwell, employe at the put in. Meet First and Third Thursdays of D ealer near you. Look him up. erly arrived from Portland on Drager prune packing plant at Rose- each month.—Every Neighbor urged Mrs. Thomas Yocum of Gar- the afternoon train Monday. He burg was injured when he was buried to attend:—Visitors always welcome. REVERE RUBBER COMPANY fieldjwith her daughter and fam­ las sold his restaurant and deli­ under a huge pile of prunes. He was JOSEPH E. CATES. Estacada. 1790 Broadway, New York Clerk of W. O. W. shoveling dried fruit out of one of ily of Portland spent the week catessen shop in Portland. MRS. FRANCES GATES. Estacada. the large bins, when a portion of the end at Seaside and Gearhart. Clerk, of N. O. W. On the 9 a. m. train to Porl- top of the pile slid down and fell on A good line of Paints, Oils, and, Saturday, were Mesdames him. Varnishes, Wall Paper, and Win­ 3. 0. Sarver, W. A. Heylman, W. S. Workman, section foreman dow Glass at Pointer’s. 3-29tf Zelca Coop, Sims, D. E. Eshel- at Weatherby, was killed, and A. R. I. O .O . F. Mrs. Rynning returned Sunday man and G L. Mendenhall. Bruce, signalman of Pocatello, Idaho, Estacada Lod^e was seriously injured when a speeder from her visit with her daughter, Mrs. Howey, who is staying No. 175. Mrs. White, at Willows in Gil­ with her brother-in-law, W. R. in which they were returning to Weatherby was struck by westbound M eets every S aturday evening in liam county. Leid, at his home in Garfield, Oregon-Washlngton limited train No. th e ir lodge room, corner of B toad- A first class painter’s outfit with her daughter. Mrs. John­ 19, near Weatherby. way and T hird stre e ts . V isiting bro th ers are alw ays welcome. and men who know how to use son, spent Saturday in Portland, The Carlton & Coast Railroad com­ J . G. H aym an N. G. it, at Pointer’s. 3-29tf doth these ladies’ homes are in pany has resumed train operations, ac­ .1. K. Ely S ecretary, cording to information received at the Mr. and Mrs. Theo Ahlberg St. Paul, Minnesota. 4«4 u |4 si**!* * 1 * 4»»f**t* 4s 4*»!*»** 4»*t*»l* -f**J*»f*4*4**4« 4* 4**f**t* offices of the public service commis­ and son Ted Jr., went to Port­ A large delegation from the lo­ sion. The railroad suspended opera­ C. W. Standish and son Clin­ N O T I C E F O R P U B L I C A T I O N land Saturday to spend Sunday cal I. 0. 0. F. lodge went bv tions a few months ago, pending the ton of Brownsville, Oregon, are D ep artm en t o f the Interior, U. S. Land Office a t P ortland, Oregon, May 7th, with relatives in that city. * special train to Oregon City last reconstruction of a number of bridges visiting the elder’s sister, Mrs. JOSEPH E. GATES-YOUR HOME 1923. and other improvements. hureday evening. By request Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Bass of H. D. Trapp, of Garfield t h i s NOTICE is hereby given th a t John FUNERAL DIRECTOR ! Nicholas L aferty , of Colton, Ore , who, North Bend, came to Estacada, the Estacada Odd Fellows put Judge Bingham of the Marion coun­ week. AND E M B A L M E R on Aug. 3, 1918, made H om estead En- ty circuit court at Salem dismissed the where your loved ones will be cared for Thursday to attend to the sale of on the second degree work. -----u i try No. 05900, for the 8W J NWJ and |A place with tender care.—Lady assistant. case brought by S. R. Dlefendorf of SE$ NW J, Section 25. Township 4 S., their house on upper Main street. N I C H T A N D DA Y T E L E P H O N E Portland to restrain the secretary^of N O T I C E F O R P U B L I C A T I O N Range 3 E ., W illam ette M eridian, has T h e B ig D ia m o n d Miss Nova Smith is spending state and state treasurer from Issu­ D ep artm en t of the Interior, U: S. Land filed notice of intention to m ake Three- FLOWERS AND TOMBSTONES Office a t P ortland, O re., May 18th, Y ear Proof to establish claim to the a few weeks with Mrs. R. (J. Estacada. Oregon. In the picture w h i c h was ing a certificate remitting to the city 1923. land above described before th e Regis­ McCall at St. Johns, and ex­ shown at the Gem theatre last of Astoria its taxes for 1923, under an NOTICE is hereby given th a t Ella te r and R eceiver of the U. S. Land I H otter, of E stacada, O re., being the Office, a t Portland, O re., on th e 22nd pects to resume her musical Thursday and Friday nights, act at the last legislature. deserted w ife of Frank VV. R otter, J r , day of June, 1923. The California Packing corporation, studies. one film depicted the famous C laim ant nam es as w itnesses: A. \ who, on March 29th, 1919, made Home­ THE SANITARY with headquarters at San Francisco, stead E n try , No. 06332, fo r the N EJ M erritt C lark, of Colton, tire ., Oliver H. L. McKenney smashed, yes­ DeBeers diamond mines in Af­ has filed application with the publto SEJ, Section 29, Township 4 S., Range L a fe rty ' o f Colton, O re.; H arley tr e e - BARBER SHOP terday, the two first fingers of rica. It gave some idea as to service commission for a postpone­ 4 E., W illam ette Meridian, has filed man, o f , Colton, O re.; H. H. F re e m a n '[ Ore. On Broadway, opposite Gem his right hand while unloading the reason why diamonds com­ ment of 30 days for the hearing on notice of intention to m ake T hree-Y ear of A Colton, ct 6-9-16. Proof, under the acts of 6-9-16 and 10- Theatre, Estacada. 3ome sugar into a bin. They mand such a high price. It was freight rates on fresh and dried fruits 22-14, to establish claim to the land A lexander S week , R egister. ! and vegetables. The hearing had been 5-10-6-7 above described, before the R egister Agent for Crystal Laundry were badly bruised. in this mine that the biggest and R eceiver of the U. S. Land Office, set for June 14 In Portland. JACK NORTON. Prop. a t Portland, O ie., on the 12th day of Robert Smith of the hardware known diamond was found, the The taxpayers of Medford are not 11*23. N O T IC E F O R P U B L IC A T IO N store is feeling a good deal ela Cullman diamond, which weigh­ only faced with a special election on July, C laim ant names as w itnesses: Louis ted. And no wonder, for a son ed in the rough about one pound. June 16 to vote on a bond issue of N. Vallen, of Colton, O re.; E. \V. B itt­ D ep artm en t of th e Interior, II. S. Land fore the R egister and Receiver of the of E stacada. O re., R-2; C hris B itt­ Office a t Portland O regon, Mav 7, U. S. Land Office, a t Portland, O re., arrived for him and his wife at It was valued so highly that no $160,000 for the construction of a new ner, 1923. ner, of Colton, O re.; F. G. Munson, of on the 20th day of June, J928. the Wilcox hospital in Portland, ene was found for a purchaser, high school building, but it is under­ Colton, O re., R -l. N OTICE is hereby given th at iiuy C laim ant names as w itnesses; H. S, The entrym an, Frank W. R otter, stood that soon the people will be Wilcox, of E stacada, O re., who on G uthrv, of Eagle C reek, O re,; II. 11. May 29th. Congratulations are until the South African govern­ J r . is hereby notified th a t by Submission Nov. 28, 1919, made H om estead E ntry, Udell, of E agle Creek. O re.; II. S. G ib­ ment [purchased it as a present called upon to vote a $600,000 bond of said proof, his w ife ELLA ROTTER No. 06542, for the SW J, Section 7, son, in order. « of Eagle, Creek, O re.; Roy Doug­ issue for a new city water system. seeks to obtain [latent for the lands in Township 3 S, R ange 5 E, W illam ette las, of Eagle Creek, Ore. U. S. Morgan of the Estacada to King Edward VII at his coro­ Marked reduction in the number of her own name. Meridian, has filed notice of intention A ct 6-9 16- Feed Store has a crew of men nation, to become part of the cattle thefts in the Oregon interior 5-24 6-21 A lexander S week , Register. to m ak e T hree-Y ear Proof to establish A lexandek S w E ek , R egister. claim to the land a b c -e described, be- 6-10-6-7 crown jewels, as a token of grat­ at work getting ready to move is due in a large measure to the fact his warehouses from the south itude for giving the South Afri­ that the large majority of these of­ side of the railroad track to the can Union its constitution. There fenders have engaged in the more lot where the Barr blacksmith is an interesting story about its profitable occupation of manufactur­ discovery, the day shift had just ing and selling moonshine liquor, ac­ shop formerly stood. cording to a report prepared by Dr. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Lawrence knocked off work for the day. W. H. Lytel, state veterinarian. and daughter of Portland, visited when one of the overseers chan­ The recent decision of the United Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. ced to look up the shaft when hp States supreme court. In which parts Lawrence. Mr. S. W. Lawrence saw something glitter up its side. of the so-called minimum wage law for women in the District of Colum has just returned from Byron He sent a native up to investi­ bla were declared to be unconstitu­ gate and in a pocket of the wall springs. California, where he had tional, does not affect the hours and a stone was discovered. The been to take the hot baths for conditions of labor under the Oregon baths for inflammatory rheuma­ company gave him a bonus of minimum wage statute, according to $25,000 as a reward. The stone an opinion by the attorney-general. tism. He is much better. was sent to Holland to be cut, The lumber business in Oregon and E ngagem en t A n n oun ced and this operation took a year’s the entire Pacific northwest will be Sunday’s Journal contained the time, and it had to be kept in a ten times as great In ten years as Just the thing for hot weather. following interesting announce­ specially constructed strongroom It is now, predicted Colonel William B. Greeley, chief forester of the Uni­ ment, as the young lady is well during the process. Two dia­ ted States, while in Eugene on his monds were cut from it and from way to Oak Ridge to inspect the tract known here: • “The engagement of Miss Ro­ the chips a very handsome neck­ of 685,000,000 feet of fir timber which berta Reed to Mr. Arnett E. Mc- lace was made, which was given the forest service Is offering for sale. Br-jorn was announced at a to Queen Alexandra. When it Sam A. Koser, secretary of state, luncheon given at the Hotel Port­ came to sending the stone to Friday Issued a check In the amount land by Miss Reid’s aunt, Mrs. representing the first Rosa E. Howey, a visitor from Londor. a fake package was sent of $38,795.53, of taxes paid by the city of As­ S t Paul, Minn. Miss Reid is the by a messenger to foil would be half for the year 1923. This check daughter of Mr. W. R. Reid of robbers, but the real stones, it toria Estacada, with many friends in was said, were sent by ordinary was turned over to the Astoria of- firiais under an act enacted at the Portland. She attended Rock­ last session of the legislature auth­ ford college in Illinois. Mr. registered mail. • orizing the state to remit the taxes McBroom is the son of Mr. and paid by the fire-stricken city for a D iv o rced P air R e w e d Mrs. T H. McBroom of Spokane. ’ period of seven years. The wedding will take place in Last Saturday, June 2, Iheo- * The Idaho Power company. In a June.” a done Harders and Nora Adelia brief filed with the public service com- Harders, who had lieen divorced mission, voices its objection to pro- T o G r a d u a te a t O . A . C. a Russell Reed will graduate this few months ago, were remar -1 Tiding electricity for pumping pur- Judge Cross. to the P»r«tttO »*on slope iej week at the O. A. SC., with the ried by Countv _____________ rlgatlon district. The company alleges degree of Bachelor of Electrical that the district already owes more | Engineering, and Jesso Kim- G ra d e G u ern a ey s in D e m a n d th,n ,or «K>w,ir ,nd ,h‘ * ,her* | is no Indication that the amount will mel with the degree of Bachelor J. A. Shibley & Son of Spring- | be petit for som e time. The public * of Chemical Engineering. JOIN THE CEO HD AT water, helped this week, load a service commission recently ordered 24 Ï5' RE-NU-EM T W E HAVE SOME REAL BARGAINS in Men’s, Boys’ and Misses’ TENNIS SHOES One special lot of Men’s Work Shirts, heavy, to sell at $1.00. SW IFT S HAMS 29c We sell Certo makes Perfect Jams and Jellies without boiling away the flavor. CATARRHAL DEAFNESS la o ften cau sed by a n Inflam ed condition of th a mu* nun lining o f th e E u sta c h ia n Tuba. W hen th is tu b e la Inflam ed you h a v e a ru m b lin g sound o r im p erfect h e a rin g Unlean the Inflam m ation can be reduced, y o u r b e a rin g m ay be d e ­ stro y e d forever. H A L L 'S C A T A R R H M E D IC IN E will do w h a t w a claim f a r It—rid your aystem o f C a ta rr h o r D eafn ess cau sed by C a ta rrh . H A L L 'S C A T A R R H M E D IC IN E b aa bean su ccessfu l In the tre a tm e n t af C a ta rr h fo r o r e r F o rty T ears. M i by aU d ru g g ists T J C haney A O s . Toledo,