3 1 EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY, MAY 3 1 S P R IN G V V A T E R N E W S Tires you can he proud o f! Good-looking with their h e a v y b l a c k treads and creamy side w alls! Long-wearing and full o f life because m ade o f quality m a­ terials throughout. Bacon G arage Estacada, Oregon. C O R D S '% S. Leg Bruised It. W. Lemon who has been working in the extension camps, is back on an enforced vacation. Last Friday lie was driving a Holt caterpillar tractor, hauling logs to the sawmill, and was pulling down a log from the top of a pile, when some o f them began to roll down, and one of them skidding, fell across the tractor and hit Mr. Lemon, cut­ ting and badly bruising his right leg above the knee. He came to Estacada Sunday and will not be able to work again for some days. He is,, however, thankful that it was no worse, as he might have been killed or his leg broken. I £-12528? U m 53 "ww w w iM w w -w m t z w b b '. ì Good For You Too Mr. dVul Mrs. Charles Masson and Mrs. Boyer of Portland, were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Still. Harry Grable is carrying mail this week for Mr. Graham on it F. D. No. 3. While he is taking his vacation. Florence Schenk of Gresham was a guest at the W. A. Bard home. The (ighth grade graduating exercises will be held at the Spiingwater church, Friday eve- 1 ning, June 1st, at 8 o’clock. The following pupils will receive di plomas: Helen Perry, Julia Me-, Auley, Evelyn Dibble, Dicie | Tucker, Lester Clcsner. Their teacher, Miss J. Smith, will be! here from Oregon City, and- a ' program has been arranged. The N A T IO N A L CITY COM PANY, one of the largest and most conservative bond and investment houses in ‘ America has just purchased $1,COO,000 worth o f our 1% Prior Preference Stock. î >A \ SL This is the most important deal in Public Utility stock in Portland in years. Wouldn’ t you like to have a few shares o f this attractive security, too? $98.00 a share; par valua $100 00. Over 7 % on your money. Fcr cash or on easy terms. INQUIRE TODAY? Investm ent Departm ent PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER Company. Room 605 Electric Bldg., Portland, Oregon. SOUDAS M E S U T E L O C A L IT E M S Miss Jean Hallidav, who taught the Douglass school during the; past year, was a week end visi­ tor at the home of Mrs. Viola! Douglass. l)r. and Mrs. W. W. Rhodes and daughter and the doctor’s | brother motored to The Dalles last Saturday to visit relatives, | returning Monday. The sun came out at intervals] yesterday afternoon and for a time gave promise of clearing up, but it soon began to cloud up again. A. N. Johnson lias bought the Gem theatre of A. E. Sparks and will take possession the first of July, when L. V. Cleworth’sl lease expires. ■ 1923 gaaftSfliafflszEfflinE: + + + + + + + + + + + + + * + * * Confectionery, + + + Phonogr »ph*, R. G. M A R C H B A N K , l IG H T L u n c h e s , ESTA CA D A , OREGON, International Clothes, , Cigars and Tobaccco. + + + * * + + 4. + + + h-l- + + + 4. + + + + + + + + The STAR Car COUPE oArt Even Greater Value r O . * . D ET R O I T A t the lowest price ever made on a Ford Coupe this attractive model offers even greater value than before. J h e £Qnvepient window regulators, the improved upholstery, and the m a p y refinements in chassis construction, have brought new high standards of quality. Professional and business men demand­ ing continuous car service at low cost, and with comfort and convenience, are turning to the Ford Coupe in greater numbers than eyef. So great is the demand that a shortage By some mismanagement or is certain. List your order now—cover calculation the telephone wires it with a small down payment — the were put out o f commission balance on convenient terms. when the Snyder house w a s Ford prices have never been so lots moved Monday. Manager Smith Ford quality has never been so high ot the telephone company, soon made the necessary repairs. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hereish of Portland, and the latter’s | GAS, OIL, ACCESSORIES. Estacada, Ore. mother Mrs, P. Martin of St. ! Paul, Minn., weie here last Sun­ Estacada, Oregon. day the guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Sudar Cane Berry, per sack $10.50 John Blauth and Mr. and Mrs. I G as O il T ir e s A c c e s s o rie s Economy Mixed Feed, per slick 1.25 H. C. Gohring. B. C. Dairy Feed per sack 1.25 Waldo DeMoy. who was one Oyster Shell (Eastern) per saek 1.50 of the 1923 graduates from the Wheat while it lasts, per lb LG Estacada high school, will give FOR SALE 7 young pigs, 8 his entire attention to the work weeks old. Pric# reasonable. John R Hamilton, Estacada, M IN I AND FOR SALE ADS. in the Estacada State Bank now. P L A IN SEW IN G —Dressmak- j mette Meridian, has filed notice of in- lit. 3. (Viola) 6-17 tF in g and hefnsfitching, see Mrs. tontion to make Three-Year Proof, to He has been an assistant in the First Show Starts at 7:30 Gus Wilcox. ■ r.,. ' g e?^blish ejairn to tte land above de- hank for some time, only work ---------------:------------------—— ' gppbjd- before (he Regjster and fte- “ STRAW BERRIES” — Oregon FOR SALE Ford touring car, ing out o f school hours. and Clarks, pick your own. old model, in perfect condition. NOT.CC r O R P U B U C A T .O N | “ l’lie Home Nest,” the picture! R L. G il H ENS, Box 20, Claimant names as witnesses; Wilson Can be seen at P. M. Wagner’s Department of the Interior. U. S. Land A. McLaughlin, of Estacada, (ire., R-l: GEO. R. ARMSTRONG. j shown at tin’ Gem Theatre lust * ^ On>. GO WHERE THE GOES GO! Office, at Portland, Ore., May 26th, ; Earl Tracy, of Estacada, Ore., R-l- Estacada, Oregon. I |;'23; ¡Ralph Kelly, of Etsacada, Ore.,’ R-l; Saturday night was full of heart HOUSE MOVER— If you want : 5-24-31 NOTICE is hereby given that Anna William Porter, of Estacada, Ore., R-). j throbs. Children when they ; your buildings moved or raised, Uged ^ t eon Siegworth, of Estacada, Ore., | FOR S A LE —New and ubcu D , . Act 6-9-16. | have grown up are often forge t- see LI. E. Knight & Co., at „.a K -c.W S pas en gin es fppdcu t S '1* who* ° n August 1 , 1918, made ALEXANDER SWEEK, Register. ™ i .. ’ Ieert C , nomestead Entry, No. 05066, for the 5-31.6-28 ful o f what they owe to the sac-! 1 eople a Store. 6-7 tei.-. ensilage cutters, potato NEJ, Section 33, Township 3 S., Range •. Y E A R S beyond reckoning herd» rifices o f their mothers, and the! FOUND A purse. Owner can ; diggers: a Beaver drag-saw spe- 5E., Willamette Meridian, hasfiledno- of wild African elephant» made „ i° n?ake Three-War N O T I C E F O R P U B L I C A T I O N have same by proving property. cial with clutch and 6- foot blade oce J ,inten*ioJ1 picture made a powerful appe; n vast Crater their home. $110 00 — te rm s H Proof, (o establish claim to the land 06269 HAROLD K ITCH ING U ,o o .ir !ir ,, , , ! afiqve described, before the Rei to them to remember before it Dec Into this ventured two nmdeiip , 7 ^ 7 a f Departmenf of the Interior, U. S. Land Hiss» a » Farm Machinery Co. and Receiver ** ** - 15-31 Estacada, lit. 1. Phone. Americans one with p i c t u r e is everlastingly too late. Th 10-12tf Gresham. Oregon, i at Portland ! ! » ** R° ^ ,^ d’ qre ’ y6th* miners, the other with rille! July, 1928. film to be shown tonight and to-1 FOR S ALE -10 acres i) m ilesI------- -— . , ICE Ik bprehy given that Joseph The Yankees found themselves names as witnesses. Wilson Mtchal Js, Qf EsUcada, flre., R-l. morrow night will be full o f from Estacada; 16 acres cleared, PLAIN SEWING and dress- A. Claimant hemmed in. \\ hat a situation! McLaughlin, of Estacada, Ore,, R -l¡ thrills of another sort - h it will balance pasture; 5 room house, making; remodeling a specialty, Earl Tracy, of Estacada, Ore., 8-1; Box 63A, who, on January IS. 1919, Hundreds of six-ton monsters turn is ot anotnit so. t. as it will barn and out buildings; family Phone or call at P. M. Wagners. Ralph Kelly, of Estacada, Ore., R-l; made Homestead Entry No. 06269. for ringing a COKDirN OK OKA I'll. NWJ 3WJ and S* SW}, Section I, portray hunting big game in orchard. A bargain at 51500. |5-3tf O live K. D avis . William Porter, of Estacada, Ore., R-l. the M l ESCAPE, O N I.Y A 5 SHOT Township 4 S.. Range 4 E „ Willamette Art 6-9-16. R E P E A T E R TO STOP THEM. Atrica. from pictures taken in Inquire, M ATT PARK, I ------------- ——_________ ________ _1 Meridian, has filed notice of intention ALEXANDER S week , Register. to make Three-Year Proof to establish The younger man sets his camera. I the wilds of the jungle at great 5 21 31-6-7 Colton, Ore., R. FOR S A L E -O n e team of hor- 5-31-6-28 claim to the land above described, be­ The hunter waits nearby. The risk to those taking them. FOR SALE Good Jersey cow. ; 8es* we'Rht 2800 ,bs- A bargain. fore the Register and Receiver of the largest bull elephant gets his N O T IC E F O R P U B L I C A T I O N U. S. Land Office at Portland, Ore., wind and charges. At 20 yards fresh two months. K , _ . Lee McKenzie, 05066 on the 25th day of July, 1923. the rifleman’s bullet plunges into O B I T U A R Y K. C. HOYGAARD. ! 6‘ 3' 6 ‘ R 1 Box 22, Estacada, the monster’s right eye, piercing Claimant names as witnesses* Mrs Department of the Interior, U. S. Land 5-24-31-6-7 Office, at Portland, Ore., May 26th- Alice Danielson, of Estacada Ore • the brain. Faraday. Orcron. w 0 0 „ CCTTBKS W AN TE D - Hinchman Cooper who died 1923. John MacDonald, o f Estacada. Ore • C.’ Other shots wild veiling of na­ FOR SALE at a bargain A Steady wotk. Will buy stumpage May 20th 1023, at Salem, Ore., NOTICE is hereby given that John G. Danielson, of EsUcada, Ore. ; Otto tives racket, wild trumpeting! or finance cutting propositions. Siegjvarth, of Estacada, Ore., R-S, who Michal, of Portland, Ore.. Box 2688 was born near Columbus, Ohio, good farm team, weight 2500. stampede! A thrill that you can Aet 6-9-16 on August 1, 1918, made Homestead J W. HASSELL, Boring Wood and coal Co. never forget hundreds o f tons in 1834 He moved to Iowa and Entry No. 05056. fot the NW1, Section ^ A L E X A N D E R SWEEK. Register. 5-17-6 ? Estacada, Ore., Rt. 3, 9-14tf 476 E. 50th st. Portland. of fear-crazed elephants dashing SC Township 3 S.r Range 6 tt., Wi|]^- lived there several years, then Wildly from an U N k N O \V N HOKKOK! came to Oregon in 181k). He Elemental a» Niagara, earth ime to Estacada when the shaking as the avalsneh, the ele to.vn was first platted and en­ pliant’» stampede is but one of C O U N T L E S S Tit K IL L S in tered into business, first in gro- jeeries and later the furniture store. He retired in 1910 and went to Portland, Ore., and made hish.>me with his daughter, Mrs. Nettie Grable. On May 14. 1914, Paints liis wife; Ahigal Cooper, passed T o n ig h t a n d F r id a y away in her 80th year and was i \v p a c k a g e s b o l t s , a s s o r t e d s i z e s 50 for 60 c, w h jlc they last, I laid to rest in Multnomah cem- SATURDAY and SUNDAY eterv, and he followed at the O U R G A R D E N H O S E L IN E IS N O W C O M P L E T E : age o f 89 years and 10 months. , The funeral was held at Ken­ & a l l t h a t i s n e e d e d FOR T H E G ARD EN. worthy Chapel, Sell wood, with interment in Multnomah cemo : a n d R E M E M B E R . D o n 't C oot th e Cook. CO M fDY tery He leaves one brother, ■9 Albert Cooper, of Oskatoosia. m \ I»wa: Mrs. Nettie Grable. a daughter, and three sons. W K Music at all Shows Co per of Harlan. Iowa and Al- L. V. CLEW0RTH. Manauer. I bort and Robert Cooper of Port H atti ware mcTtmm* .unty selling: fcoods at Portland prices land, Oregon. Currinsville Store Prices Is P roving R ight. Ask the Man Who Drives One CRAWFORD BROS. MOTOR CO, B AC O N G A R A G E 1 JOB PRINTING DONE AT TRE NEWS OFFICE 1 GEM THEATRE THRILLS 1 Hunting Bit* Game in Africa OUR M A W S P E C I A L S N O ZZLE S, A lls Fair in Love' SCYTHES, SICKLES, MOWERS SPRINKLERS, ETC. SHEARS, “ Oh Girls"- SMITH H A R D W A R E STORE, ESTACADA