EA STER N CLAC K AM AS N E W S, T H U R SD A Y , M A Y 24, 1923. Eastern C la c k a m a s News MW LAWS BECOME EFFECTIVE I V ÛÜS0N NEWS NOIES CITY L A U N D R Y Today two hundred ¡new state i U N D E R N EW M A N A G E M E N T ¡laws become effective. Among [ OF GENERAL INTEREST¡ j these are the gasoline bill which ROUGH-DRY—I4lb $1.00 ...AND... Published every Thursday at increases the tax on it 1 cent; (Continued from first page) G O O D Work finished at Portland Estacada, Oregon | the oriental bill which forbids al- prices—Special attention to The new Crane Prairie reservoir I ie i:- ineligible for citizenship. near all family trade. UPTON 11. GIBBS now is storing upwards of C IG A R E T T E S ! from l< asing or purchasing land; 23,000 Bend Editor and Manager. DRY CLEANING-PRESSING-DYEING acre water and the level jibe school bill which forbids the is but seven feet feet of from the top of the U - C U S B -4 Lace Curtains a Specialty—PHONE j wearing of a religious garb by present unit of the dam, which is be- S u b s c r ip t io n R a t e s you sell. We will buy in teachers in the public schools, ins tested this season for the first One year . . . $1.50 any quantity at any time. j The income tax measure will be time. Six months - • - .75 _ GENUINE ; referred to the voters this com Resources of the 281 state and na­ November, and the ol^o bill tional banks operating in Oregon ag­ Don’t Forget Thursday, M a y 24, 1923. “BULL" I j ing gregated $312,216,530.70 at the close in November, 1924. DURHAM of business April 3, 1923, according to ...W E S E L L ... With making of laws th ee is a financial BIBLE, QUESTIONS statement issued by Prank | no end as far a- man is concern- Bramwell, state superintendent of ncmnumrm^. — — ra led, but God contents himselt banks. Get our prices before you buy express beauty and fragrance“ ! with ten, wdiich can be summar­ Improvement work on the Port of - QUESTIONS — the beauty which is developed ized under two heads. Dryer Pipes Made to Order Umpqua, particularly the north jetty, and Bible Answers by sacrifice and the fragrance For Sheet Iron work, .. .'arentr. will encourage children to look up ! will be begun just as soon as the port and rm morize the Bible Anawera, it will prove |! repairs, soldering and which exhales therefrom. a priceless heritage to them in after years. pays in cash $103,000, which with pre­ A n cien t H istory BARTHOLOMEW plumbing, call at the Honor the dead then who have John Page kindly brought to vious credit expenditures will match and LAWRENCE the government’s appropriation of kept their RENDEZ VOUS with What is the promise if we stay with A M MAIN E S STREET. SHOP this office Tuesday, a copy of the $270,500. the Lord? 2 Chron. 16:2,7 death, that we may keep our first issue of the E stacada P ro ­ Reports received at the adjutant- Why did Jesus wsy unto all, both young RENDEZ-VOUS with life. gress , dated August 27, 1908, al­ general’s office from Bremerton in­ and old. Watch? —Matt. 24:42-44 most 15 years ago. From it we dicate that the work of painting the ï t-vx-í-x-x-x- ••X '-x-x-x-x-s-^-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-i H A Z IN G How can we get an increase and bless­ battleship Oregon is well under learn that the paper was owned old ing from God? —I’salm 07:5,6 way and that the craft will be in X The discovery of a skeleton bv a corporation whose directors readiness removal to Portland har­ under a pier at Evanston, Illinois, were George Estes, A. E. Sparks bor early for M E M O R IA L D A Y in July. supposed to be that of Leighton and Chas. E. Dubois, and the ed­ Otto Hartwig, president of the Ore­ Mount, who mysteriously disap­ itor and manager, IO. S. Womer. gon State Federation of Labor, has May 30th is a notable day in peared after a class rush at the It was a 7 column folio with been reappointed a member of the the patriotic calendar, for it is Northwestern university, has patent insides, neatly printed state board of conciliation. Mrs. Millie one of solemn remembrance, grat­ placed the institution the and gotten up. We believe it R. Trumbull of Portland has been re­ WILLINGNESS TO BE HELPFUL itude and resolution. It should limelight, and also the in matter a member of the board of be thankfully, fittingly and in­ of hazing, because his death was printed on a Washington appointed inspectors of child labor. telligently observed, so that the is being laid to a brutal hazing hand press. In a salutatory the Injunction proceedings designed to directors announce that this pa reverse the legislative enactment pro­ fire of patrotism shall not die to which he had been subjected, per was the successor of the Es- viding for the return to Astoria of its down, but be rekindled. “Lest The question of hazing has tacada N ew s , and its object taxes for use in rebuilding streets in IS the policy of this Bank to extend we forget,” the lesson for Me­ several times been to the fore, was to promote the interests of the burned area were filed in Salem morial Day needs to be impress IT to its customers that helpful service especially at the LI. S. army and the community and not personal by a group of taxpayers represented by ed both on old and young, and naval which good banking suggests and which colleges, at West Point profit. They dilate enthusiasti- ! John W- Kaste- Portland attorney, that is, the obligation of self and Annapolis. Strenuous ef- cally on the independence and ! Moro {han too delegates, represent- will best meet their financial requirements. sacrifice on behalf of our forts have been made by gov- advantages of the man who owns I?,5 asaoclatlona lB country. That this policy is appreciated is best evi­ ernment authorities to suppress ten acres of land in this rich sec- 1 W|U attend the Ra­ It is a day of solemn remem­ the denced by our substantial growth. at both these places, tion, how he is monarch of all he cific Northwest Library association brance. Originally designated but in practice spite of them it continues, surveys. As we read the glow- convention on the Oregon Agricultural to honor those who fought and trouble with hazing is, it ing description, almost we were college campus at Corvallis, June 11-13. IF not already a depositor you will find it fell in the civil war, its com­ is The Approximately 9000 additional re­ carried too far. It appeals to persuaded to se’l out our plant memoration has of late years the innate brutal instinct, and and seek complete independence frigerator cars will be provided (or of advantage to identify yourself with your been extended to include any when this is aroused, especially and freedom from worry on 10 the fruit growers of the Pacific north­ HOME BANK who have sacrificed their lives in boys, it causes them to lose acres with a cow and a few chick- west this year, according to announce­ ment of officials of the Pacific Fruit for the national good. On this heads and judgment like a ens. Hut we recalled our former j Express, owned jointly by the South­ day we remember, that not with­ their :i at a lynching which de­ attempt over 30 years ago on 80 ern Pacific and the Union Pacific rail­ out shedding of blood was our mob way systems. mands a victim, whether guilty acres in Minnesota, and conclu­ country established, and main­ or guilty. Those participat­ ded we better remain as we are. An unidentified person, believed by tained. and not without blood ing not become the police to be a religious fanatic, en­ for the time being, Among the advertisers are fa­ \ tered will its future preservation be ! a set of raving St. Francis Catholic church animals which miliar names, Cary hardware co , and the the First church at secured. This we must incul­ have tasted blood. else Wm. Dale’s dry goods, Spark’s Bend, virtually Presbyterian wrecking the interior ! “ Safety and Service.” cate on the growing generations, can be explained the How tying, of St. Francis church with an ax, but s*ore, C. E. Howe’s grocery, L. stimulating them by the records head downwards, of a lad under c. Posson’s restaurant, the Es- inflicting no damage of consequence in of the revolutionary, the civil, the the and letting him remain j tacada State Bank, with its di­ the Presbyterian church. Spanish and the world war peri­ there pier, Because of a number of protests re­ for some hours in ‘danger rectors, Geo. Estes, S. W. Stry- ceived ods, when men went forth, of drowning, from Klamath Falls against the by the | ker. T. Yocum, John Zobrist and contemplated counting not their own lives pre­ blood rushing to or his death to private interests as at I Albert D. Schmidt. Profession- of the Keno and sale Ankeny canals in the cious when the liberties and in­ the Northwestern, or head, men are represented by Dr. Klamath reclamation project, »•>•> « » a | j al Adix, interior tegrity of their country were at boy swallow a lot of hot making physician, Dr. Tate, den- tobasco i tist, and Dimick & Dimiek of Or­ department officials have announced stake. sauce as some hazers did at An­ egon City, lawyers. The first no action would be taken until the It is a solemn day for gratitude. napolis? It is all very well to concrete building, now the stoie complaints could be investigated. Our recalling the sacrifices of put the fear of the r seniors into the Estacada Feed Co., was in The department of maps and sur­ those who fought, will be of the freshmen so as to take the [of course of construction by J. W. veys of the United States forest serv­ little good unless our hearts Heed. Altogether it gives an in­ ice’s Portland headquarters will send out of them, hut when teresting glimpse ol what is now a surveying party in charge of Uage are filled with gratitude to them. conceit the former descend to methods some what history, and Wernstedt, forest examiner, into Cala- Gratitude, alas how fleeting it which are both insensate, brutal I comparison ancient with poeia mountains, northeast of Rose- the ANO w r o a « * COUNT*** is! When, to the sound of the and liable to inflict permanent | shows that in the interval present, burg, as soon as this country, known much THRESHING drums and fifes, the men marched injury, it is time to call a halt. water has run under the bridge. as the Bohemia district, is opened. MACHINES out to the far flung battle line, The crops of winter wheat, barley and rye In Oregon are generally good, cheers sped them on their way, according to the summary of weather and promises that they would and crop conditions in the state Is­ not be forgotten, and those who sued by the weather bureau, United should return would be cared States department of agriculture. Early for. Cheers greeted the survi­ potatoes are declared to be growing vors on their return, but soon well and apple trees are in good condi­ tion. these became fainter and faint­ A C IF IC T A T E S FOR The Klamath Fails Chamber of Com­ er and many an ex-service man merce has sent a letter to the Oregon found himself ousted from his R O M P T V * . E R V IC E public service commission urging that former job and roamed the ROPER ETTLEMENT a part of the interstate commerce com­ streets vainly looking for work ERFECT AFETY mission hearing with relation to pro­ to keep from starving, painfully posed railroad development in central discovering that a faded uniform Oregon be held In Klamath Falls. This J ( hearing has been set for August 3 ' makes slight appeal. As we re­ in Portland f Case Grain-Saving Threshers member let us be thankful. There were two fatalities in Ore | f It is a solemn day for resolu­ Case ttrtl built threehen with proper attach­ gon due to industrial accidents dur j ment» which we are prepared to fum ith tion. The sacrifices which were Ing the week ending May 17. accord * will threeh ail grain» and teed» grown. made demand a rich return from ing to a report prepared by the state f f ’ASE threshers are sturdily built of steel, us, to show that these were not Estacada, industrial accident commission. The t Oregon ^ insuring long life. Steel construction also victims were Manuel Camochea, labor- J in vain. We should resolve that prevents total destruction by fire. Rotting er, Toledo, and William Rubens, dock 4 the inheritance we have received and warping is impossible in a Case steel laborer, Portland. A total of 718 acci- J shall not only be kept intact, but thresher. Distorted frames and disalignment dents were reported during the week. J of shafts and bearings from the pull of main augmented and handed on to Money due Oregon Spanish Ameri- i i drive belts are avoided by the Case method of those who have been prepared can war veterans since 1899 will be f construction. Galvanizing prevents rusting. to appreciate it. and live up to paid by the government without furth t Add to this the fact that Case threshers in­ er parley, according to a letter recelv- . its responsibilities. In order that sure the cleanest of threshing, thorough sepa­ '• ed at the offices of the adjutant-gen- \ this may be it is necessary to up­ ration. perfect cleaning and unequalea saving | eral from the war department. Ap- | * hold the constitution, law and and you have the reason why more Case proximately 77 men will be affected f order, and those fundamental threshers were built and sold last season than ! by the order, and the amounts of i institutions, family, state and In any previous year of the history of the money they will receive ranges from J. I. Case Threshing Machine Co. church which form the founda­ { $150 to $17. We suggest you place vour order for a Caae thresher tions of national lite and pro­ Eight hearings hare been set by the " •whr possible. If you buy a Csss you will bs \ Oregon public service commission as gress. And these three consti­ satisfied. Como in and let s talk it oyer. Beef, Mutton, Veal and Hoi¿s Bought follows: Banks. June 15. electric serr- tute a trinity, one and indivisible. I ice extension. Blodgett, June 18. grade On this dav with more or less crossing: Independence, June 20. Val- ceremony, the graves of those I ley * Sileti log rate case; Creswell, Juno 21. flagmaa on Pacific highway: who fought will be bedecked Open from 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. Saturdays, open to 8 p. m. btacada. Ore. KILC0X BROS. Props..: Westport. May IS. grade crossing: with flowers. Perishing though Berlin. Mar 31. crossing. Divide, June these l»e. they are not without btacada ; Oregon II. separation grade crossing. St. Joe. appropriate significance for they June 11. under and overhead crossings — g Entered at the postoffice in Estacada, Oregon, as second-class mad. 50 MOHAIR WOOL io Lime, Cement, Shin­ gles, Drain Tile and Brick — ffpfanmnnmin PLUMBING PIPE and FITTINGS I ESTACADA STATE INSURE WITH YOUR HOME COMPANY P Represented by WOOSrfel COMPANY “Your Home Agents" i THE H. ESTACADA MEAT CO. C. GOHRING Prop. T CASCADE GARAGE