EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY MAY 17. 1923. LOCAL BREVITIES AND NEWS IT E M S To know how flood a cigarette really can be mad< you must try a- SPRINGW ATER N EW S UNDERTAKING On account of the rain Tues­ day the school picnic was held on Wednesday. Cora McAuley has been ill the past week. Mary Elizabeth and Robert, children of Earl Shibley, both have the whooping cough. Joe Perry is visiting at the Perry home. Miss Bluhm and Miss Smith returned to their homes Wednes­ day evening. WM. DALE, Local Agent Day call a t Estacada Hotel. N ight call a t residence. Licensed Embalmers, Lady Asst. Mrs. Jack Morse took theearlv car for Portland, Saturday. J. E. METZGER Gresham, Ore.. Phone 1901 Work demolishing the old Rarr blacksmith shop is in progress. For Watch Work see A. N. Johnson. 5-10-tf Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ruhl of George went to Portland Satur­ day. Estacada Pressing Club Mrs. Viola Douglass and Mrs BISSELL ITEMS Suit Pressed - 50c Irving Smith were Portland yisi Cleaned & Pressed 75c up Mr. and Mrs. Rittenhouse and tors last Friday. little daughter, Beatrice, from J. E . G A T E S Wedding Bells A good line of Paints, Oils, Woodstock, were visiting Mr. I. O. 0. F, B U I L D I N G Varnishes, Wall Paper, and Win At Vancouver, Wash., May 12, and Mrs. Hackaney, Sunday. dow Glass at Pointer’s. 3-29tf 1923, Miss Gladys Kandle of Mrs. Kroner, her son Albert Fred Hebding of Garfield went Salem, was married to Verner and daughters Bertha and Ruth, to Portland Tuesday morning for Duus of Estacada. spent Saturday and Sunday with N.O.W Both of the young people are Mrs. Kroner’s mother, Mrs. medical treatment Camp No. 539 Circle No. 832 J. W. Miller was another Es­ well known here, as the bride is Lins, and family. Meet "First! and Third Fridays fof tacarían who went to Portland the daughter of W. H. Kandle, each month.—Every Neighbor! urged There wfis a neighborhood until recently a resident of this to attend:—Visitors always welcome. Sunday morning. dance in the clubhouse Saturday JOSEPH E. GATES. Estacada. city. She was born on her fa­ The girls of Hustle Inn are Clerk of W. O. W. evening. Everybody had a good busy cleaning up the premises ther’s farm in Springwater, and time. MRS. FRANCES GATES. Estacada. Clerk, of N. O. W. i before vacating them after the attended the Estacada high Mr. and Mrs. P. Ruhl went school. The groom is the young­ school commencement. est son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. to Portland, Saturday, remaining Mrs. Albert Douglass and Duus of Estacada. He was born until Sunday. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION daughter, Miss Laura, and sons in Garfield, and is now an expert D epartm ent of the Interior, U. S. Land Mr. and Mrs. Klinkee and Office a t P ortland, Oregon, May 7th, Earnest and Ervin, went to mechanic in the Cascade garage, family entertained Sunday, Mr. li*23. Lents Sunday morning. NOTICE is hereby given th a t John having taken a course in an au­ John Klinkee and daughter Nicholas L aferty, of Colton. Ore , who, BORN—In Estacada, Thursday tomobile school in Kansas City. Helen, and Mr. and Mrs. Peter on Aug. 3, 191S, made H om estead E n ­ May 10, 1923. a daughter to Mr. Ernest Duus accompanied his Klinkee, all from Portland. try No. 05900, for the SWJ NW1 and [ SEJ SW J, Section 25, Township 4 S., and Mrs. Jack Hayden. Unfor­ brother to Vancouver, and the | R ange 3 E., W illam ette M eridian, has Louis Weisenfluh is slowly re­ tunately the baby was stillborn. bride was attended by a girl covering from an accident con­ filed notice of intention to m ake T hree- Y ear P roof to establish claim to the land above described before the Regis- # Mrs. Emma Allen returned Sat­ friend. They returned to Esta­ sisting of a broken leg and is J te r and R eceiver of the U. S. Land urday evening from a ten days cada Monday evening and will go still using crutches. Office, a t Portland, O re., on the 22nd Barr & Son Move W. O. W. Notice to housekeeping in the Matt | day of June, 1923. visit to her son E. D. Allen and DODGE NEWS laim ant nam es as w itnesses: A. Lonsberry house on upper Main J. V. Barr & Son have moved Next Fribay, May 18th will be M C erritt his wife, at Marmot. Clark, of Colton, O re., O liver election of officers. Come one, street which was recently pur­ from their old location next the I L aferty* of Colton, O re.; H arley F re e ­ The Commercial club and the E. D. Selder of Portland, who man, o fj Colton, O re.; H. H. Freem an, come all! don’t forget. chased by J. C. Duus. They are store of the Estacada Feed Co., program on Saturday evening is in the auditing department of I of Colton, Ore. J. E. GATES. Clerk. I A ct 6-9-16. the State Industrial Accident the recipients of hearty congrat­ were well attended. The pro­ where they have had their black­ A l e xan de r S w e e k , Register. commission, was in town Tues­ ulations on all sides, and best ceeds from the sale of shadows, smith shop for the past fifteen 5-10-6-7 wishes for their future hap­ sandwiches, cake and coffee paid years and two months. They day on business.. JOSEPH E. GATES-YOUR HOME I NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION piness. off the debt on the piano and are installed now in the former W. C. Bacon went to Portland j D epartm ent of the Interior, II. t>. Land left a balance of ten dollars to be livery barn of Julius Kreiger on Office a t P ortland, Oregon, May 7, Tuesday to see Mrs. Bacon who W ell Deserved Praise Currin street, where they are all 1923. AND EMBALMEK paid into the treasury. is still at the Good Samaritan NOTICE is hereby given th a t Guy ready for business, and will wel­ i place where your loved ones will be cared fo, Good workmanship will always Mrs. McCausland, the primary hospital. She expects to return with tender care.—Lady assistant. Wilcox, of EstRcada, O re., who on come ail their old customers and speak for itself. The logan ber­ teacher was taken suddenly ill N1CHT AND DAY TELEPHONE Nov. 28, 1919, made H om esiead E ntry, home in about ten days. I No. 06542, fo r the SWT, Section 7, ry patch belonging to W. L. last Wednesday evening and as many new ones as may come. FLOWERS A N 0 TOMBSTONES | Township 3 S, Range 5 E, W illam ette C. A. Linn, formerly of Port­ Shafford of Portland, southeast ] Meridian, has filed notice of intention Estacada, Oregon. The water main on lower Main ! to m ake T hree-Y ear P roof to establish land, has taken over the Lons- of town on Shafford street, at­ could not teach Thursday and street, where the street will be claim to the land above described, be­ berry carpenter shop and will at­ tracts the attention of the pas­ Friday. Mrs. Clarence Jubb paved the full width, will be re­ fore the R egister and R eceiver of the taught the primary room the two U. S. Land Office, a t Portland, O re., tend to all patrons’ wants until ser-by for the good condition in placed by galvanized iron pipe. days that Mrs. McCausland was on the 20th day o f June, 1923. the return of Mr. Lonsberry. f - 1.0 . 0 . F. j wljich it is kept. Last week off. C laim ant names as w itnesses: H. S. Estarada Lodge t G uthry, of Eagle Creek, O re.; H. H. Mrs. A. T. Elott returned representatives of the Oregon THE SANITARY Udell, of E agle Creek, O re.; H. S. Gib­ No. 175. from Portland Friday afternoon. Grower’s association made an Charles Colson has purchased son, of E agle,.C reek, O re.; Roy Doug­ a Ford car, so he took his She was accompanied for the inspection of the berry patches M eets every S aturday evening in las, of Eagle Creek, Ore. - th e ir lodge room, corner of Hioad- On Broadway, opposite Gem A ct 6-9 )6- week end by her little daughter, here and said this was the best family riding Sunday and visited t way and T hird stre e ts . V isiting A lex an der S w e e k , Register. Theatre, Estacada. Virginia, who is attending school they had seen, and spoke most relatives and friends at Willa­ f b ro th ers a re alw ays welcome. 5-10-6-7 mette. Agent for Crystal Laundry J J . G. D aym an N. G. enthusiastically of its appearance in Portland. f J . K. Ely S ecretary , Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jubb Subscribe for your home paper JACK NORTON, Prop. Miss Marian Dunlop, daughter and prospects. The care and spent Sunday evening at the 4 » * t* * t* .t* t h e E a stern C lackam as N ew s . of Rev. J. F. Dunlop, former M. management of it are being car­ Fred Horner home. E. pastor here, will teach in Falls ried on this year by L. M. Hen- Ralph and Joi n Meyers who City next fall, where her father thorn, to whom the credit must have been working near White is located. She is a this year’s be given. Salmon: Washington, spent Sun­ senior at the Monmouth Normal Teacher* Engaged day with their parents, Mr. and School. From the Oregonian we learn Mrs. W. E. Meyers. Evidently taking a cue from the that Chester A. Klink of Port­ pictures of the boys’ circus shown land has accepted a position in Pie-Eating Contest at the Gem, recently, some boys the Estacada high school for next The pie-eating contest at the have erected a merry-go-round year where he will teach manuel Gem theatre last Thursday night on the flat back of the city hall. traing. Mr. Klink was graduated aroused much interest. The boys The kids have lots of fun with it. from the Benson Polytechnic and taking part were Robert March- M. Lonsberry has accepted a received his B. S. degree in me­ bank Jr., Kirt Sagner, Jimmie position as foreman for a con­ chanical engineering from the Smith, Irvin Douglas and Izzy tracting firm in Marshfield, in Oregon Agricultural college in Fink. Robert Marchbank Jr. Coos county, and will leave Es­ 1921. He has been teaching at was the winner and Izzy Fink tacada sometime this week to Bend for the past two years. second, We have not heard Miss Golda A. Elliot of Port­ whether there were any after assume his new duties. IT MAKES a great difference to every wearer whether his shoes D. M. Marshall returned Fri­ land, who graduated from the effects necesitating recourse to Estacada high school about three have been cut and made for QUALITY sake, or just to day afternoon from St. Vincent’s the castor oil bottle, but it years ago, and is now a junior hospital where he had undergond sell at a non-opposing popular price. would not be surprising if such a serious operation. It was ex­ at the Monmouth Normal School, had been the case. actly five weeks since he entered will be an Estacada teacher this Expression of Thanks the hospital. He is looking com­ coming school year. paratively well, seeing what he I wish to convey my sincere quality is emphasized from the selection of skins to the completed Grange Picnic has been through, but of course thanks to all those who support­ results, which must of necessity bear a price in proportion to As has been announced, the ed me and voted against my re­ he is still very weak, and won’t the excellence of material used, and the skill and time Eagle Creek grange will hold its call at the late election. It will be able to work for some time. involved in their miking. 16th annual picnic in the cedar be my constant endeavor to show Mrs. J. C. Moore left Tuesday grove by the hall, on Saturday. for New York City, whence on Free coffee will be provided for that their confidence in me, is May 22nd, she will sail for Eng­ those bringing cups. In the not misplaced. J ohn F. L ovelace . land to visit her w: 11 find WOLVERINE CORDOVAN SHOES the best-paying :er old home. She fternoon a good program will larried Mr. Moore during the ^ rendered. and at night a shoe investment he can make, if he will figure his footwear bill by WANTED •ar, when he was or. service, danC(? fa the E3lacada park pa- the year instead of by the cost per pair; and the results will prove so Bids for 100 cords of first verseas. She expects to visit ^ tQ which5 everybody is in- gratifying that shces of less quality will have no attraction. growth fir wood; to be delivered :veral places and has promised ^ heinv one dollar. not later than August 15. Bids > send to the N ews her obser- to be opened June 11. The ations as to conditions in the ‘¡The Comer Store” Board reserves the right to re­ «I country, and the changes JOIN THE CROWD AT At the M. E. church tonight ject any or all bids. îat have taken place since she for the benefit of the Children’s M yrtle B e lfils , Clerk, >ft it about three years ago. home at Corvallis, the Spring- 5-17-24 School District No. 108. water young people will put on The hill on Main street is rap­ FOR OVER 40 YEARS the comedy. “The Corner Store. ” A L L 'S C A T A R R H M E D IC IN E h»* idly being graded down for the It is full of laughs. Show starts >rn *ucrM »fully In U>« tr» » tm *n t street paving. at 8.T5. Admission 25 and 10c. & U / S CATARRH « E m C IN B ^ RE-NU-EM w.o.w. FUNERAL DIRECTOR BARBER SHOP WORK SHOES < l A Few Words to the W earer Regarding the Excellence of Wolverine Cordovan L eath er IN WOLVERINE CORDOVAN LEATHER THE PURCHASER $ 3 . 9 0 UP THE PEOPLE’S STORE IU of an Ointm ent which Quickly S i e v e , by locnl appIK-atton. and «J« vtern*l Medicine. » To n ic, w hich ac«« irough the Blood on ' * * ice# th o * re d u cin c inflam m ation . 8 o M b y «11 W » t i ._____/h v i. F. J. C heney * Co . Toledo. Ohio. See Mr*. J. E. Gates for piano A first class painter’s outfit I Instruction, prices reasonable. and men who know how to use 3-29tf I. 0. 0. F. boilding. 5-4tf it, at Pointer’s. Where the Motto]!s SERVICE. H. B. S N Y D E R , - - C. A . D Y K E M A N .