izastmt Clarkamaa f c s Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County V o l u m e 16, N u m b e r 32 E s t a c a d a , O r e g o n , T h u r s d a y , M ay 17, 1923. FATAL SHOOTING PROFESSIONAL CARDS. LOCAL BREVITIES $1.50 P er Y ear CURR1NSVILLE ITEMS CURTAIN TO FALL OREGON NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST Mrs. Erickson is reported bet­ E. A. Smith, timekeeper em­ The newly weds were chivaried ter at this writing. Tuesday night. ployed by the Hurley-Mason T )t{ . W. W. RHODES H. H. Carlon look another company in the camps above When you need a watch, ring, O STE O PA T H IC bunch of cattle to the forest re­ Having finished their course in etc., see A. N. Johnson. 5-10-tf PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Faraday, was shot Friday night serve the first of the week. Important Occurrences of Office in Lichthorn BMg., Estacada, : the high school, the class of 1923 by G. A. Phelps, log scaler in Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Zimerman Past Week Briefly Com­ Murrel Wade is on the sick wi.l assemble for the last time have purchased a Star touring the employ of the forest service. r . g . f . m id f o k d piled for Our Readers. list and is out of school. P H Y S IC IA N a n d S U R G E O N i on the stage of the auditorium, It appears that the shooting car of W. C. Bacon. X R ay E q u ip m e n t — G l a s s e s f it t e d Master Wade Halferty is re- | tomorrow night. There will be was through misapprehension, Mrs. Ava Bronson has moved O FFICE and Rssidanc© Second and Main Strsets Columbia River highway tourists are a suitable program in connection, Eatacada. Oregon—Telophone Connections the two men having been good into rooms in the telephone P°rted much better- a month earlier than last year. consisting of musical numbers Thomas Miller was out to his friends. Smith, it seems, on building. ■p\K CHAS. P. JOHNSON Ashland high school will graduate and an address by an outside meeting Phelps turned his flash­ We can save you money on any ' ancb home Sunday, 46 seniors this year, 26 girls and 20 DENTIST light upon him, and the latter thing in the furniture line at boya. Mrs. J. O. Tunnell was in Port- speaker and presentation of di­ Estacada, Oregon. plomas by the chairman of the land the first of the week. Central Oregon’s field day track thought he was being held up, Rose’s. school board, Gerald Wilcox. T~\R. W. WALLENS meet at Redmond was won by Red­ and fired. Smith was struck in Currinsville school will close William Underwood, formerly We take an especial interest in the stomach, and was put on a of this place, was in Estacada Friday, the 18. The school has mond with 48 points. ^ S U R G E O N D E N T IS T this class as we attended four construction train and hurried The Salem Kiwanls club leads the For over 20 vears at Springwater, Ore. been a success this year. one day last week. years ago the exercises when world for attendance records covering to St. Vincent’s hospital at Port­ Howard Coleman seems to be five of its present number gradu­ Miss Ruth Dillon was among a period of ten weeks. ALBERT t . e l o t t land, where he died Saturday improving again. the Estacada visitors in Portland A T T O R N E Y A T LAW ated from the grammar depart­ A drive is on at Rogeburg for the afternoon. Phelps has not been R ESID EN T LA W YER Saturday. C. J. Minch, who has been ment. Time flies and it scarcely purpose of raising |6000 for a proposed arrested. ESTACADA. - - OREGON public library building. The!I. W. W. tried to make Mrs. William Dale visited her sick for some time, is much bet­ seems so long a period. No The state land department turned doubt to them the occasion is daughter Mrs. Stubbs, at, Gresh­ ter. W M . G. DUNLAP over to the state treasurer S94.703.82 capital out of the occurrence and one to which they have eagerly George Hitching and Noah A T T O R N E Y A T LAW am last Thursday and Friday. called a strike, and about 700 during the month of April. At Estacada, in the office of Woodle looked forward as registering a Heiple are spending a fe»v days New samples of Wall Paper Fire losses In Oregon, exclusive of men quit, but these were the Realty Co., on Saturdays—Portland of­ distinct advance in life. For at the Springs. We hope they fice 1524 Yeon Building. Portland, for April, aggregated $423,- common laborers engaged in cheaper than last year at some it will be the end of school come back soon with health re­ 315, according to the state fire mar­ clearing the brush and laying 3-29tf Pointer’s r \ D. EBY, gained. and others the beginning of an shal. the track. The trained men stay­ If you want satisfaction in A T T O R N E Y A T LA W . advanced course. But which ev­ Thirty-two physicians attended the ed on the job and so far the work shoes try a pair of the Peters’ Quite a pleasant surprise was General Practice. Confidential Ad­ 32d annual meeting of the Southern given Miss Rose Zipple and Del­ er it is, it will be by no means viser. Oregon City. Oregon. has not been hindered. all leather line at Rose’s. Oregon Medical association at Ash­ means the end of learning, for R /fcG U lR K & SCHNEIDER land. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Sparks bert Hitching last Thursday, unless we vegetate we are learn­ May 10, at the home of Mrs. R. A Sad Occurrence iVA A T T O R N E Y S A T LAW. drove to Portland last Saturday A division of destroyers will arrive At Gresham office—Tuesdays, Thurs­ at Astoria early In June to re­ The news that Mrs. Percy and visited relatives and friends H. Currin, it being their birth­ ers ever and life is one continual days ana Saturdays, 203-5, Withrow main during the greater part of the Dawe, wife of the manual train­ days. Miss Zipple is principal school. We bid ¡them Godspeed until Monday. building. Portland office, 721 Corbett of the Currinsville school and on their various careers, and month. ing instructor in the High School Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Culver building. urge them to face the future Delbert is one of her pupils. Peeling of cascara bark has begun had passed away at the Emman­ have bought the Reed property MONEY TO LOAN In western Oregon and dealers look Mr. Coleman of Corvallis, is manfully and endure the disci- uel hospital in Portland, on Tues­ on Main street, adjoining the A. for a good output. Buyers are offer­ cipline of life without whimper­ P A U L a F IS C H E R day afternoon at 1:30, came as a E. Sparks residence on the south. spending his vacation with his ing 7 cents. ing, knowing that thereby alone A T T O R N E Y A T LAW father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. The Albany Chautauqua probably distinct shock to this community. will true manhood be developed The Seniors were delightfully W. F. Coleman. BEAVER Bldg. OREGON CITY will be held the week preceding the Although for some weeks she had entertained by Professor a n d in them, by which they will be Fourth of July, according to present been in delicate health, there fitted to win out in the race Mrs. Karl E. Einarson at their O. E. S. Entertains arrangements. were no particular indications home Monday evening, May 14, FIR E INSURANCE. Mountain Chapter No. 108, O. which is set before them. A novelty wood-working plant at for alarm. Wednesday of last 1923.; the cost of S5000 will be built at Reeds week she was called to Portland, E. S. of Estacada, had the pleas­ Those constituting the class are, Norma Randolph, Constance port and will provide for employment London Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. where she was taken illand wer.t On the last Saturday of this ure of a visit Tuesday night, of about 30 men. Richmond, Pauline Rose. Nova to the hospital, but her condition month, the W. C. T. U. will from thirty-five members of Vic­ (Concluded on page 2) Keep your policy in our Fire Smith, Gilbert Shearer, Gladys was not regarded as serious. In have another cooked food sale. tory Chapter of Portland. The Proof Vault, free of charge. Miller, ¡George Linglebach, Vio­ BARTON ITEMS fact, her husband who spent the Anyone wanting special orders visiting team with the exceptions let Marshall, Arnold Lovelace, H. C. S T E P H E N S of two of the star points from week end with her, returned ab­ may notify Mrs. Hassel. Theodore Howe, Mae Smith, An­ T. J. Cotton, who recently ran solutely assured. She continued Mrs. A. J. Winston of Snoho- this chapter, conferred the de­ drew Jannsen, Melba Harmon, A gent . the blacksmith shop at Damas­ to improve until the middle of mie, Wash., was here last week grees upon Mrs. Carrie Hislop, cus, is now located at the old Tuesday morning, when a sud­ to visit her sister, Mrs. B. O. Mrs. John Osborne and G. R. Waldo JDeMoy, Ronald Burnett, Ervin Cadoneau, Walter Ander­ blacksmith shop at Barton. den change took place, and she Sarver. It had been eighteen Ellis. Mrs. Hislop’s daughter, son, Marion Tucker, Elizabeth Mrs. S. E. Robinson and some rapidly sank. There was some years since they had met and the Mrs. Greenleaf of Victory chap­ Weir, Clyde Davis. friends were here awhile on difficulty in reaching her hus­ occasion was a joyful one. ter acted as worthy matron, Thursday. band by long distance telephone, Dinty Moore from Alspaugh while two other daughters Mrs. BASEBALL Dr. H. V. Adix was called to so he did not get off until the 1 station, was irr town yesterday, Syron and Mrs. Sym3 of this attend Mrs. Fred Turner, who is o’clock car. Unfortunately on giving it the once over. He is place, represented Ada and Es­ Our boys won The third straight quite ill. Her daughters Bertha arri/al he found she had passed feeding from 20 to 30 men daily, ther in the star points. At the game of the season at Willamette Sunday by a score of 4 to 12. * and Mrs. Mattie Stone are help­ away an hour before. and by the first of the month ex­ conclusion of the initiatory cere­ Owing to the (illness of our reg­ l For Commencement ing to care for her. mony the Estacada chapter hon­ Much sympathy is being ex­ pects to have 40. Mr. and Mrs. Georee Forman pressed for him in thus losing his The primary department of ored Mrs. Catherine Allen, past ular pitcher, J. C. Moreland was | We have a fine line of and family made a business trip bride of less than nine months. the M. E. Sunday School, of matron and a valued and faithful on the mound for Estacada and pitched a Pang up good game, | Books, Toilet Articles | to Gresham and Portland Thurs­ Mrs. Dawe by her quiet and which Mrs. H. W. Mort is super­ member, by conferring upon her although the barber ump was day. sweet disposition had made many intendent, together with the the Floral Degree, a beautiful rotten and J. C. must put the | and Bric-a-Brac Grandma Case is quite i'l, be­ friends during her brief resi­ teachers, Mrs. Gladys Stormer, and impressive ceremony. ing confined to her bed the past dence here, by whom she will be Mrs. Hale, Mrs. Zimerman and During the evening both vocal ball over the center before he for Selection. would call a strike. Our boys week. greatly missed. The funeral Miss Mary Ely, had a picnic last and instrumental music were de­ Mrs. Leslie Wallace called on service will be held in the par­ Saturday afternoon. On account lightfully contributed by the had the Willamettites faded at all times and would hang the Mrs. George Forman Monday. lors of the Byrnes undertaking of the inclement weather, the visitors. The hall was a bovver ball all over the lot. Sunday School closed Monday. establishment, 901 Williams Ave. picnic was held at the church in­ of beauty with a profusion of will be the game of the season flowers and other attractive dec­ The Store Clean Up Day Postponed Portland, tomorrow at 3:00 p. m. stead of the park. orations. Before the visitors de­ at home. We play Oswego, who with the Rev. H. W. Mort of A new line of ladies waists has won three games and lost Owing to the wet weather, Estacada officiating. just received. Come in and parted in their machines for none, and if the Estacada fans Clean Up Day has been postponed home, light refreshments of Dorothy Devorah Schnasse was make your selection at Rose’s. one week. sandwiches, cake and coffee wpre want to see some good hot stuff, born in Nebraska, October 30, Among those from this city served by a committee and a come out and see us trim Oswe­ 1888, so she was 31 years and 6 LOCAL ITEMS who were in Portland. Saturday, most enjoyable social time con­ go Sunday. months old at her death. Her R oy W ilcox , Mgr. Mrs. F. S. Francis of Hillsboro family moved to the state of were the Eshelmans, Mrs. C. cluded the evening’s festivities. F. Howe and daughter. Miss was in town yesterday, to assist Washington when she was 2 Real Estate Moves her brother-in-law, Percy Dawe. years old. She attended the Leila, Mrs. P. M. Wagner and Recall Election Mrs. K. E. Einarson and Miss W. F. Cary has recently made Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Schock are Willamette university at Salem, Currie. The election for the recall of some real estate sales. He sold living in tents just across the from 1911 to 1915, and was mar­ City Councilman John F. Love­ Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Ferrel his house at the corner of 5th river near his mother’s home, ried to Percy Dawe August 30, lace, Monday, resulted in a close and son, of Barton,, came to and upper Broadway to Samuel 1922. Besides her husband, she and enjoy the change. victory for him. The vote was town Saturday in their handsome Bishop, and 5 lots in Terrace ad­ Mr. and Mrs. Grover Kiggins leaves a mother and a number of ! 84 for and 102 against the recall, j new Studebaker Sedan. We re­ dition to Yocum and Sons, and 4 will move into the Bland house brothers and sisters to mourn ¡The vote for councilman to fill} gret to learn that Mr. Ferrel has more to W. E Linn. on corner of 5th and Broadway, her loss. lost the sight of his right eye. out his term, if he were recalled when vacated by the Fink fami­ This happened a few years ago, stood, Lovelace 99 and Me Willis To Give Entertainment ly- , .. May Start Nursery but it was restared. This time 82, and one vote defective. The G. E. Lawrence has sold his The Home Economics Commit­ E. P. Smith from Gresham, the doctor savs the loss will be election board consisted of j tee of Garfield Grange will give handsome residence in Terrace Messrs. Gerald Wilcox, Fred Bar- addition to Henry Bears, and was in town yesterday and a permanent. tholomew, John Page. F. J. Har- an entertainment and program at WHITE LEGHORNS caller at this office. He informed Mrs. A. E. Sparks informally the grange hall, Thursday even­ will give possession some time in kenrider and G. R. Ellis. Bred for Vigor and High us that next fall, he will start a entertained a few friends last Bsc r roduction. ing. May 24th, at 8 o’clock. The August. nursery on the Hall place east of Friday afternoon. The time was Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Campbell committee has made a home­ Our prim ary aim ia to produce Miss Irene Saling returned on vigoroua, husky chicks; healthy, town, where he will raise trees, passed in 'visiting and doing a and Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Seibert, made cheese from which sand­ Tuesday noon from a ten days’ rugged breeding store. and first ornamental shrubs, rose bushes few stunts, such as guessing the of Portland, were guests at Log wiches will be served with pie class hatching eggs. Hence, in visit to Corvallis, where she at­ many eaees, our customers roll and the like. names of a number of articles La Barre last Sunday. The two and coffee at 15c per plate. tended the Junior Week doings up bigger egg records than are do. for everyday use in a box, and doctors are from the U. S. Hos- But we hold our m ature atoeg gt the O. A. C. She reports hav­ bacK aa long aa possible afte r the the solving of a jig saw puzzle, i pital, No. 77 Post. Other visi- Is Your Name Written Here? ing had a most enjoyable time. moult and bring them into laying Jury Verdict putting together some pieces of tors at this popular resort last as near the hatching season aa Laura Githens, Martin Bauer- W. O. Baumgartner’s aged fa­ At the inquest at Oregon City, possible. Thus are our customer* cardboard so as to make a per- Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. G. H. ther who will be 83 on June 17. feind, A. A. Paulsen, Ervin Sag- feet T. Those present were Morgan and little son, Mr. and Tuesday, over the death of E. assured of strong, rugged ehiers and high quality hatching eggs. has come to stay with him. Mr. ner, M. Lonsberry, Mrs. M. H Mesdames A. E. Sparks, P M. Mrs. George H. Cecil of Port- B. Smith, who was shot at the ORDER EARLY. Baumgartner expects his mother Evans, Mrs. Viola Douglass. O. Wagner, H. C. Gohring, John land and Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Hurley-Mason camp last Friday PHIL MARQUAM next week. He informs us that E. Smith. Mrs. Wm. Bell. BenS. Blauth, N. B. Ecker, J. C. Duus Carv and children and Mrs. Nina night, the jury brought in a ver­ Estacada. Oregon. of eight children in the family Patton. J. W. Hassell. B. F. Bul­ and U. H. Gibb*. dict of accidental shooting. : B. Ecker ot Estacada. FARM k m « i o m mi)« out oi E *uc*la os lard, J. M. Melton, E. P. Smith. GarnaMread. six are still living. D I FLOW ERS I GIHS t CARDS I :j: Rexall Trap Nested I \