EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY MAY 10. 1923. LOCAL BREVITIES To know how good a cigarette really oan be m ad e/ you m ust try a - / 1923 Class Prophecy We have been privileged to see the predictions made by Miss AND NEWS I TEMS Melba Harmon, concerning the members of the class of ’23. Clyde Davis becomes a success­ ful lawyer and retires into pri­ For Watch Work see A. N. vate life with his wife, formerly Johnson. 5-10-tf Miss Betty Weir. Waldo DeMoy Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ritchey sticking to his job in the bank, went to Greshem Sunday morn­ becomes its president, and is ing. married to his classmate and co­ Mrs. J. Menoret of Portland worker in the bank. Miss Con­ was a guest at the Estacada hotel stance Richmond. The Rev. Saturday night. Theodore Howe comports himself Mr. and Mrs. H. (!. Gohring with a dignity as becomes his drove to Portland early Tuesday cloth. Arnold Lovelace is an morning. author and professor. Miss Mrs. R. G. McCall of St Gladys Miller, crossed in love, Johns, Portland, was on the lectures to her sex on the perfidy GARFIELD ITEMS noon train to Estacada, Friday. of the male persuasion. Miss Mrs. L. J. Palmateer enter­ Pauline Rose is dean of the beau­ Mrs. Lois Moore of Portland was in Estacada Friday afternoon tained the Skip-a-Week club last ty department of the Estacada for a brief stay between trains. Wednesday. Her eleven guests university. George Linglebach engaged the social afternoon Dance Saturday night in the visiting and sewing quilt blocks marries Miss Violet Marshall and Estacada park pavilion for the A dainty lunch with a birthday raises spring chickens and a son, Harry Jr. Mrs. Walter Mattson, benefit of the baseball team, cake bearing two candles, one for nee Miss Nova Smith, has two vj A good line of Paints, Oils, Mrs. Olive Davis and one for children. Bus and Nova Jr., who Varnishes, Wall Paper, and Win­ Mrs. Alice Micheals was served. share in their mother’s musical dow Glass at Pointer’s. 3-29tf Saturday night. May 12th, ability. Andy Jannsen and Mar­ Remember special city election Garfield grange will give a Hard ion Tucker migrate to the Texas on Monday in the matter of the Times social at the grange hall. oil fields, where the former bores recall of Councilman J. F. Love­ Wear your rags and cpme to a gusher on the land ot the laL lace. u»ve and enjoy a good time, ter, Ervin D. Cadonaw stars as While his wife is awav in Cali- rizos will be given for the rag- a comedian in Chicago, and R. ornia Tom Morton is taking the gedest, fines for anything good Burnett as professor and lectur­ opportunity to have the rear end worn. A hard times supper will er in New York City. Walter F- be served at 15 cents per plate. Anderson establishes himself in of hi3 house remodeled. Miss Lorna Bretz who took Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Moreland Paris as a physician, and there also Miss Mae Smith is long resi­ care of Lyle Wagner for several went to Canby over Sunday. dent and constantly in the Monday several grangers met months last year, spent Sunday swipi ip aquatip events. Last jn Estacada. §he is now nursing at Garfield Grange hall tp re­ bpt npt least, the gifted Peeress model and make it larger and in Portland, Clean lip! Clean Up! foretells for herself a comforta­ Some “ wobbly” handbills were more convenient. ble state of single blessedness, Wednesday of next week, May Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wallcart posted on the telephone posts having made her pile as leading 16th,, has been designated by the in town Saturday, warning entertained several friends last pianist at the Estacada opera mayor and council as Clean up against becoming scabs, in view Saturday night. Cards and a so­ house, and owner of the Silver Day. All citizens are notified to of the recent strike in the camps. cial evening was enjoyed by all-. Star Cafe, clean up their premises. We understand that the city will pro­ A cool summer is predicted, as Will Graduate at G, A. C, the sun is pn a strike, according Oregon Agricultural College SPRING W ATER N EW S vide teams to cart away the rub­ to an eminent authority, but it Corvallis—Russell Reed of Esta­ Mr. and Mrs. Cal Howell bish, if it is placed in convenient does not seem so at present cada Is on the lisi of candidates moved here from Sheridan, Ore., piles where it can be readily reached. writing. for graduation at commencement last week. W. F. Cary accompanied by this spring. Reed will receive Mrs. Anna Hull left §q{qp(lfty When you need a watch, ring, George Kelly of the legal depart­ his degree in electrical engineer­ for Appletoq. VY’aan.. to join Mr. etc., see A. N. Johnson. 5-10 tf ment of the P. R. L. &. P. Co., ing. He is a graduate of Esta­ Hull, went to Cary Springs, Saturday cada high sc^oq). School will close next Tuesday, fof a fishing tfip. Tfie tentative list of names for Baccalaureats Service Mr, and Mrs, R. H. Pulley and Next week is the final one of graduation this year has 516 daughter. Miss Ruth Zurcher and Sunday night at 8 o’clock, the the school year. So far we have names. This Is the largest class Mrs. Carl Zurcher of Portland baccalaureate service for the heard no laments from the pu­ the college ever will have gradu­ were Sunday guests of Mr. and graduating class will be held in pils. It is likely that the members ated. Last year there were 390 Mrs. Joe Guttridge and family. the High School auditorium. of the faculty are not sorry ei­ graduates and the year before The Neighborly club met on The Rev. A. DeMoy will be the preacher, and special music ren­ ther. School teaching is more there were 303. Wednesday with Mrs, P o t e r dered. Everybody is invited. or less nerve racking, although The combined schools of engi­ Erickson. to |the uninitiated it may seem neering are first this year with 131 graduating- The sfhpql of Mrs. 8. Raney is visiting her easy. agriculture has 112, and the daughter in Estacada. school of commerce is third with Mrs. M. E. Dubois of Esta­ FOR OVER 40 YEARS 93. Home economics will gradu­ cada is a guest of Mr. and Mr3. H A L L 'S C A T A R R H M E D IC IN E ha* been used su ccessfully In th e tre a tm e n t ate 91. J. F. Moger. o f C a ta rrh . _ H A L L 'S C A T A R R H M E D IC IN E con- sla ts of an O in tm en t w hich Q uickly Relieve* by local ap p licatio n , a n d the I n te rn a l M edicine, a T onic, w hich a c ts th ro u g h th e Blood on th e M ucous S u r­ faces, th u s red u cin g th e Inflam m ation. Sold b y all d ru g g ists F . J . C heney ft Co., Toledo. Ohio. Don’t forget a dance for the Another Restaurant benefit of the Estacada baseball The Estacada confectionery team, will be given in the park has bepn turned into a restau­ pavilion on Saturday, May 12. rant, and will be known as the Square Meal Restaurant. Adolph and Joe Wiederhold are the pro-1 prietors. —In the Word of God, and the practical application Superb Tulips of the teachings of Jesus Christ in the Sermon on the Mrs. C. A. Jaques of Garfield Mount, is found the only solution for the social unrest has raised some superb tulips of and kindred evils which are now tormenting the world the Giant Darwin variety this The OBJECT of the season, in size and richness of color they are exceptional. Only once have we seen larger tulips, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BUREAU -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - S to secure the co-operation of editors in sowing the and these were in the depot gar-! Gospel seed through the press. The work is free den a1 Pendleton, fa Umatilla; of commercialism, undenominational and non-sec tariffi county a few years ago. The Solution of All Problems B a d to th e B ib le One Cent a Day Gives a Bible Message Daily to Over 4,000 Today the Bureau is serving 2,038 publications with a combined circulation of 14,233,264, but only the fringe of the work has been touched which could and should bp done, if the funds were provided, HOW SUPPORTED ?—7*4« Bureau is supported, entirely by voluntary contributions. Will you not make a daily subscription, however small it may be—which enables you to give each day a helpful Bible message to literally thousands who would not get it otherwise ? Detach and Mail to To costras* and to B o c /c t o j j ì f B ible 222 W 4th. Cincinnati. O, sxttnd the work c4 the BACK TO TH1 BIBL8 Burean J Rrrrbg ftubarrib» — --- ------- i day, « t U oth *rw i** notified. I m mm % ' • — * » ) Oste . Methodist Episcopal Church Wear a flower for mother, Sun­ day. a red one if she is living, a white one if not. Sunday school at 10. Morning worship at 11. Moth­ er’s day sermon with chalk-talk. The mothers are the honored guests of the service. Epworth and Senior leagues meet promptly at 7 p, m. They will dismiss early because of the baccalaureate service being held at the high school in the evening. For this reason there will be no evening service at the church. Honor mother Sunday. H oward W. M ort . Pastor. A special train of four cars carrying men returning to work i in the camps above Faraday, went through Estacada Tuesday morning about the same time the regular train was due. The lat­ ter was late and did not arrive until about 10 a. m. WM. DALE, Local Agent Day call a t E stacada Hotel. N ig h t call a t residence. Licensed Embalmers, Lady Asst. J. E. METZGER Gresham, Ore.. Phone 1901 RE-NU-EM Estacada Pressing Club Suit Pressed - 50c Cleaned & Pressed 75c up J. E. G E S A T I. O. O. F. B U 1 L D I N O '• X * I j i X i *X* *t* *5* 'X ’v *X* V 'X * \' w.o.w. N.O.W Camp No. 539 Circle No. 832 Meet tFIrstJ and Third Fridays Ccf each month.— Every Neighbor,' urged to attend:— Viattors always welcome. J O S E P H E. C A T E S . Estacada. Clerk of W. O. W. M R S . F R A N C E S C A T E S . Estacada. Clerk, of N O. W. 1 : i i : BARBER SHOP On Broadway, opposite Gem Theatre, Estacada. Ai>ent for Crystal Laundry I JACK NORTON. Crop. SPECIAL ELECTION NOTICE DODGE NEWS N O TIC E is hereby Riven th a t on the 14th day of May, 1923, a t the usual polling place in the City of E stacada, to-w it, a t City Hall, C lackam as County, S tate of Oregon, a Special Election will be held. For the purpose of subm itting to the legal voters of the City of E stacada, C lackam as County, Oregon, the ques­ tion of w hether or not John F . Love­ lace, a Councilman of said City of E s­ tacada, shall be recalled; also a t said election the office of councilman of said City of E stacada will he filled for the rem ainder of the term of said Coun­ cilman Lovelace which expires on the 9th day of N ovem ber. 1924. Which election will be held a t 8 o ’clock in the m orning and will continue until 6 o’clock in the afternoon ol said day. D ated this 30th day of April, 1923. J . K. ELY . R ecorder of the City of E stacada, C lackam as County, Oregon. Mrs. W. E. Myers called on Mrs. Waldkirch on Sunday. Mrs. E. Lacey, who has been ill for several weeks, is now much improved and was able to be out riding Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Robert May and sister, Ethel Keller, from Portland, spent the week end visiting rel­ atives at Dodge. The Community club will have its program and shadow social on Saturday evening. May 12. This social is to finish paying for the piano, so ladies please bring a lunch for two and also a shad­ See Mrs. J. E. Gates for piano ow. instruction. Prices reasonable. 5-4tf Mr. and Mrs. Fred Horner and I. O. O. F. building. family called at the G. W. Keller Subscribe for your home paper home Sunday afternoon. the E astern C lackamas N ews . WE have just stocked a line of men’s and young men’s dress and every-day Hats, in Browns, Blacks, Greys, Tans, Seal Browns and White. M EN’S DRESS CAPS in Grey, Blue, Browns, Tans, Heather and Grey Mixtures, at $1.50 up. BOYS’ AND MEN’S DRESS SHIRTS We have a good selecti6n of white and Pongee color Shirts, two pocket, coat styles, both attach­ ed and detachable collars. CROWN FEEDS AND FLOURS Here you will find a good selection of Crown Chicken Feeds and Mashes, all bought so as to sell right. JOIN THE CROWD AT THE PEOPLE'S STORE Where the MottoVs SERVICE. H. ? I * THE SANITARY Supreme H ats I ■fhe Bureau furnishes the press with helpful Bible selections and plates of headings, gratis, the Press makes the publication free, thus UNDERTAKING B. SNYDER, - . C.A. DYKEMAN.