ÍEa s ím t (Elarkamafi Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County V o lu m e 16, N umber 29 E stac ad a , O regon , T hursday , A pril 26, 1923. ! CURRINSVILLE ITEMS PROFESSIONAL CARDS. OREGON NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST LO CAL BREVITIES $1.50 P er Y ear COLTON H EMS LÄ0IES' m PROGRAM PI EASES AUDIENCE U. S. Morgan was a business L. Keith, who sustained a bad­ visitor in Portland Tuesday. ly fractured skull recently, while •p\R. W. W. RHODES Mrs. Ra»’ Heiple and baby will felling timber near Tillamook, is 17 OSTEOPATHIC return home Saturday, April 28. slowly recovering at the St. Vin­ The entertainment Tuesday P H Y S IC IA N A N D SURGEON Mrs. B. 0. Sarver visited at cent hospital, Portland. Office in Lichthorn Bldg., Estacada night at the M. E. church, given Important Occurrences of Gladstone and Portland last Sat­ Clara and Fred Meilike of Ore­ by the Ladies’ Aid society of the Past Week Briefly Com­ r . g . f . m id f o k d urday. gon City, motored out to the M. E. church, proved a very en- piled for Our Readers. P H Y S I C I A N a nd SURGEON^ Mrs. C. L. Ross o f Portland, home o f their mother Mrs. C. j joyable affair. The first part of X R a y E quipme nt — G lasses fit te d O F F IC E and Residence Second jn d Main ^ rs ets. spent the week end in Estacada Ritter, last Sunday. | the program consisted of musical The cherry and prune crops In Lane Estacada. Oregon—Telephone Connections Several o f the children are selections and readings, which N, E. Linn and Lester and with Mr. Ross. county will be good this year, accord­ m CHAS. P. JOHNSON ing to present indications. Floyd Hale made a fine catch of L. D. Held was in Estacada suffering from whooping cough. were unusually good and most of DENTIST last Thursday, for the first time Salmon fishing in the Rogue river Is salmon Friday the 20th. Lois Boylan of Sandy, spent the performers very graciously Estacada, Oregon. reported to be Improving rapidly and last week in this vicinity among responded to encores. The read­ A gloom was east over this since he went to the hospital. large catches are being made dally. ing by Mrs. T. J. Reagan was community Monday evening by A first class painter’s outfit relatives and friends. Dates for the state Elks convention D R W. S U W R A G L L E E O N N S D E N T I ST the news of the death o f Arthur and men who know how to use Fred Rittner and w ife of Port­ particularly good, as also were to be held In The D alle» this year 3-29tf land. visited the former’s father, Mrs. B. H. Zimmerman’ s selec­ For over 20 vears at Springwater, Ore. have been set for June 21, 22 and 23. Boyer, a pupil of the Currinsville it, at Pointer’s. tions. There were piano solos by school. A representative o f The Ore­ George Bittner, Sunday. James A. Fee Jr., prominent young Miss Mary Alice Reed and Mrs. ALBERT t . e l o t t gonian was in Currinsville Wed­ DODGE NEWS Mrs. Della Vallen spent the attorney of Pendleton, was elected Hattie Cramer which were pleas­ ATTORNEY AT LAW president of the Umatilla County Bar nesday and established an agency week end among relatives in RESIDENT LAWYER ing numbers, and the piano duets association. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Keller for the sale of daily Oregonians. Oregon City. E STA C A D A . - - OREGON by Mrs. J. E. Gates and Miss Work on the foundation of the new visited on Sunday at the John The W. C. T. U. will have a Irma Gates, were greatly en­ Albany city hall has been started and Keller home. W M . G. D U N LAP cooked food sale at the Estacada 1. O. O. F. Meeting at Sandy joyed. The vocal solos by Mes­ the building will be finished an8 ready ATTORNEY AT LAW Wynn Craft from Portland, Pharmacy on Saturday, April 28 About twenty-five Odd Fellows srs. Hobert Linn and Percy A t Estacada, in the office o f Woodle for occupancy on August 15. spent ithe week end with his beginning at 10:30 a. m. and a number of Rebekahs from Dawe, especially delighted the Realty Co., on Saturdays—Portland o f­ Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Kuser, who re fice 1524 Yeon Building. mother and sisters. Russell Betts came over from the Estacada lodges, attended large audience, as also did the cently were removed as superintendent Saturday evening, April 28, is Portland to spend the week end the district convention at Sandy and matron of the state training school ( " ) D. EBY, numbers by the male quartet for boys, will remain In Oregon. A T T O R N E Y AT LAW. the next meeting of the Commu­ with his wife and children at the last Saturday. A. Demoy of and Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Law­ General Practice. Confidential A d­ A branch office of the United States nity club. The evening’s enter­ T. J, Reagan home. this place, responded very pleas­ rence. viser. Oregon City. Oregon. employment bureau is to be establish­ tainment will be a shadow social See Mrs. J. E. Gates for piano ingly to the address of welcome Following the musical program ed at Salem, Senator McNary was to finish paying for the piano. cG U IR K & SCHNEIDER by the Sandy lodge, and was a playlet was staged by several instruction. Prices reasonable. M advised by the department of labor. A T T O R N E Y S A T LAW. ' A program will be given by the I. O. O. F. building. 5-4tf called on again for an address at ladies entitled, ‘ ‘The Reader,” Grain crop prospects In Oregon are school children and there will be A t Gresham office—Tuesdays, Thurs­ Miss Lenora Ross, daughter of the evening session. The Esta­ and was one o f the best attempts Fall sown wheat Is making days ana Saturdays, 203-5, Withrow good. seventy-one stereopticon pic- building. Portland office, 721 Corbett rapid growth and seeding of spring C. L, Ross, is the new bookkeep­ cada boys lost the cup to Oregon in the dramatic line seen in Es­ building. grain is progressing with ideal weather. tures on Japan, er in the office of the Ross Lum­ City by two points, in exempli­ tacada for some time. All had fying the second degree work. their lines to perfection and very Mr. and Mre. Clarence Jubb Fishermen at Astoria employed at MONEY TO LOAN ber Co. In the Rebekalj election o f offi­ cleverly brought out all o f the the Bristol bay salmon canneries re­ spent Sunday at the John Fick- Howard Givens, son o f Mr. P A U L C. FISCHER jected for the second time the price en home at Viola. cers for the next meeting, Mrs comic situations. Lack of space ATTORNEY AT LAW and Mrs. Walter Givens of Port­ offer of the packers by -a vote of Cordelia Carter of Estacada, was forbids special mention of each B E A V E R Bldg. OREGON C IT Y 46 to 0. land, visited over the week end BARTON ITEMS elected president. There was a one who took part. at the B. O. Sarver home. Announcement was made by the good program in the evening, Salem Tennis association that the an­ Mrs. Bessie Wilson took care William Hurt and his niece, which all enjoyed. nual Willamette valley tournament o f the home of Mr. and Mrs. “ 500” Party FIR E INSURANCE. Miss Marian Hurt, both of Port­ wHl be held In Salem, July 2 to 7 In­ George Forman while they made land spent last Sunday out at Mrs. A. E. Sparks delightfully clusive. Man Has Ribs Broken London Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. a business trip to The Dalles last the W. E. Hall ranch. entertained last Thursday after­ The 194th anniversary of the forma­ Charles Vincent o f the firm of noon with a ” 500” party. Three Tuesday. They returned the tion of the Oddfellows’ organization Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dale had as Keep your policy in our Fire Vincent & Trachsel, met with a tables were surrounded by a jolly Proof Vault, free o f charge. will be celebrated in Bend Saturday same day. guests last Sunday, their son Dr. with a convention of central Oregon Miss Rose Wilson spent Tues­ Wili Dale, w ife and baby, of painful and serious accident yes­ “ bunch” of ladies who certainly terday afternoon at their sawmill enjoyed every minute. Follow­ H. C . S T E P H E N S chapters. day night at the Forman home. Portland, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. near Eagie Creek. A pile of ing a number o f games, the Hundreds of cattle are being turn­ Joe Pesznecker and Miss Mar­ Smith and children and Mac A g ent , ed to the hills by the stockmen of lumber fell over and hit Mr. Vin­ hostess served delicious refresh- garet Smith o f Vancouver, Wash, Dale. Baker county, who report that the cent. Dr. Rhodes of Estacada, m e n t s in two-courses. T h e grass has a good stand and Is ready drove over and spent Sunday at On account of the school enter­ was summoned who found two rooms presented a most cheer­ the Forman home. for grazing. tainment on Friday night next ribs broken and wrenched loose ful and charming appearance Frank W. Wood of North Bend was Mrs. Rose Wilson and Miss week,¡pictures at the Gem Thea­ from the spine. Mr. Vincent with innumerable bouquets o f named president of the Coos county Bessie Wilson spent Monday at tre will be shown on Wednesday was brought to town and is doing carnations, roses and other spring realty association at an organized the Rivers home. and Thursday nights. See the as well as can be expected. He blossoms. High honors fell to meeting held In Marshfield, at which Mr. and Mrs. George Forman ad. time 20 Joined. is at Mrs. E. E. Saling’s. Mrs. Allen while Mrs. Gohrir.g Mrs. W. J. Moore went to L. W. Peare, who murdered his wife made a trip to Gresham Satur­ received the consolation prize. Blacksmith's Shop to be Torn Down and James Culver In the southern part day, Mrs. Forman going on to Portland Monday to hear the Those who enjoyed the event of Coos county last December, was The west end of 2nd street will Portland. AND program in charge o f the Ore­ were, Mrs. C. S. Allen, Mrs. W. sentenced to hang June 2 by Judge Mr. and Mrs. Gus. Whitehead gon Writers’ League, held in the seem strange without the black­ F. Cary, Mrs. Ted Ahlberg, Mrs. Kendall at Marshfield. ALARM CLOCKS spent Sunday at the Pederson poet’s corner in the book shop of smith’s shop o f J. V. Barr. But T. H. Morton, Mrs. N. B. Ecker, Nine candidates have filed applica­ the J. K. Gill Co. She reports the railroad company has notified Mrs. W. J. Moore, Mrs. 11. C. tions with the Marion county court home. The Most Reliable Time U. S. Morgan that it wishes to Stephens, Mrs. G. E. Lawrence, an enjoyable time. for the office of Justice of the peace put in a spur where Mr. Morgan Mrs. Mae Reed, Mrs. C. A. Jac­ Young Lad Passes Piece for the Money at Salem to succeed Glen Ernest Un- Sunday guests at the Harken- ruh, who died recently. Arthur F. Boyer, the 14-year rider home were Mr. and Mrs. has his warehouses oil the south ques, Mrs. H. C. Gohring a id < 2 © Practically every inmate of the Ore­ son of Mrs. Mary Heiple Boyer Wm. Honegger and little son side of the track. This will ne­ Mrs. George Armstrong. gon state penitentiary, with the ex­ and Frank Boyer, who had been William Jr., o f Multnomah, also cessitate the removal of the ware ception of those In the hospital, is now- houses on to the site occupied by A Festive Occasion employed, according to announcement sick for some weeks, and taken Mr. and Mrs. Julius Paulsen of the shop which Mr. Morgrnowns made by Johnson Smith, warden of the to St. Vincent’s hospital for spec­ Bissell. Last Saturday night the Silver and will tear down. Mr. Barr is institution. ial treatment, died there last Store Mrs. W. C. Bacon was taken considering moving into the old Star restaurant was the scene An attempt will be made by the Monday. The remains were to the Good Samaritan hospital Krieger barn if he can get power of charming banquet given by law school of the University of Oregon, brought to Estacada for burial, last Monday, and operated on the Grace Ragan in the honor o f at the meeting of the Oregon Bar asso­ installed in it. and the funeral was held in the following morning. She is re­ three of her girl friends. The ciation in Portland, May 18, to raise Dr. Mid­ the standard of requirements for en- M. E. Church yesterday after­ ported as doing finely. booth occupied was tastily deco­ noon, with a large concourse of ford and her husband accompa­ Odd Fellows’ Anniversaiy rated in pink and white with trace to the bar. Saturday, April 29, the I. O. Out of a total acreage in farms in relatives and friends attending, nied her to Portland. finishing touches o f green. A O. F. and Rebekah lodges of Lane county of mor#- than 225,000 which taxed the seating capacity W. F. Cary, H. L. McKenney Estacada wdl celebrate the 104th four course dinner was served. acres, 52,366 acres are to be covered of the church. P LA C E Y O U R IN ­ The floral trib­ by a thistle inspection and eradica­ utes were numerous and beauti­ and J. V. Barr drove to Portland anniversary o f the founding of SU R ANC E THROUGH P. T. A. Election this morning in Mr. Cary’s car. Oddfellowship in America. The tion move which has been Inaugurated YO U R HOME A G E N T WHO ful. The service was conducted W I L L PROTECT L. V. Cieworth went up to members ot Mie two lodges ai d by the county agent. The scheduled speaker at the by Rev. Walter F. Givens of YO U R IN TE R E S T camp 8 the fore part of the week their families will pass a social P. T. A. meeting last Tuesday Notwithstanding curtailment by con­ gress of funds for the forest service, Montavilla, who was assisted by on business. time together and render an ir- did not arrive owing to taking a an airplane fire patrol will be main­ the pastor, Rev. H. W. Mort. teresllng and appropriate pro­ wrong road. The same officers tained from Eugene this summer, Sen­ Mr. Givens spoke tenderly and The Woosters Return were re-elected, Mrs. Cordell^ gram. McNary was advised by Colonel comfortingly to the bereaved, Cary Rea! Estate Co. ator A general warm welcome will Carter, president, Mrs. G. P. Greeley,"chief of the forest service. and paid a deserved tribute to be extended to Mr. and Mrs. S. A Layman Might Help Out Rose, vice-president. Mrs. K. E. The spring fishing season on the the boy. The interment was in E. Wooster on their return to; Columbia river will open at noon on There are disadvantages in be­ Einarson, secretary, Miss Leila the I. O. O. F. cemetery. l Estacada. after an absence of, May 1. All the packing plants are ing a clergyman, as there are oc­ Howe, treasurer. The executive j about a year and a half in Port-1 making preparations to operate and Baseball Game casions when his canonical vo­ committee consists o f Mesdarms the Indications are thera will be a vast land. Mr. Wooster has bought Mae Reed, Charles Dutxii ar.d amount of gear placed in the water. W H ITE LEGHORNS The first game of the season ¡n a^ajn at his former stand, and cabulary is altogether too limited Gerald Wilcox. As Bred for Vigor and High Last year's cherry crop of 1700 tons will be played on the Estacada associated himself with Joe Woo- to do justice to his feelings. Egg r roduction. in the Salem vicinity probably will be ball ground on Sunday afternoon j j e. jh e firm will be known as for instance, when a new cement Black Currants Doomed exceeded this season, according to Our primarv aim is to produce (not Saturday) April 29th, be- the Woodle-Wooster Co. Theof- walk is laid in his front yard, vigorous, husky chicks; healthy, growers who have made an Inspection A search for black cunvnti is rugged breeding stocK and first The visit - 1 fice bas been re-arranged by set- and the following morning a of the orchards A few gsles already ginning at 2 o clock. class hatching eggs. Hence, in number tracks are found imprint­ under way in several Oregon ing team will be from Gladstone. ^¡np, back the partition giving have been made at 10 cents s pound many cases, our customers roll ed on it. counties this week by school up bigger egg records than we do. The Estacada team will be com­ Ruth Cook, i years old of Marsh­ more room in front, and the But we hold onr mature stocg children under direction of state field, was crushed to death when a posed of the following: W. Bo­ whole has been painted and na- bacK as long as possible after the Is Your Name Written Here? and national while pine blister log she was traversing while In search land. Jack Smith, George Smith, moult and bring them into laying pered. Mr. and Mrs. Wooster as near the hatching season as of the ranch cattle slipped and elevat­ Neal Bronson, R. Sche'-ner, Ray­ Those who subscribed for this rust specialists. The black cur- for the paesent have rented some possible. Thus are our customers ed her to a height of nine feet, where paper since the last announce­ rant is summer host to the rust assured o f strong, meged chicKs mond Lovelace, Arnold Lovelace, rooms until they can procure a her body was pinioned against another and high quality hatching eggs. ment are the following: George which destroys whole fore.-ts < t John Moger, W. B. Simmons, house. log. ORDER EARLY. Walter, W. A. Bard, C. W. Reed, white and sugar pine where both C. H. Rehberg, O. Scott, Leland (Concluded on page 4) New samples o f Wall Paper Henry J. Huber, V. Linglebach, pine and currants grow. PHIL MARQUAM Fuller, Guy King, J. C. More­ cheaper than last year at Wm. Fink, John Hamilton. J. F. Estacada. Oregon. Subscribe for your home paper land, Alfred Duncan; umpires FARM nil« out i Eliaca ia Read the Ads in the N ews . 3-29tf Pointer’s Lovelace. Garft«!4 road. th e E a s t e r n C l a c k a m a s N e w s . W. P. Monaghan, W. C. Bacon. D WESTCLOX WATCHES Ì The R exa ll For Fire Insurance Trap-Nested I With fair weather again the | farmers are all rushing their I spring planting. Some are al­ ready done, others lack but a few days of being done. The road paving contractors are rushing the completion of camps. Grade work will start this week.