Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, April 12, 1923, Image 2

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Eastern Clackamas News
Entered at the poatoffiee in Estacada,
Oregon, as second-class mail.
Published every Thursday at
Estacada, Oregon
j c ig a re tte s
Editor and Manager.
S ubscription H ates
One year
Six months
Thursday, A
p r il
12, 1923.
and Bible Answer*
I f Parents will encourage children to look up
Bible Anewer»,
it _ will prove
I and
m iu memorize
I * « the --------
,— — .
j a priceless heritage to them in a fter years.
How does God love?
—Jeremiah 31:3
What does God require o f us?
Micah 6:8
How should a Christian walk?
— Ephesians 4:1-2
W A S IT A J U D G M E N T ?
The superstitious are saying
room empty. Search was made
and the laird was found in a
fainting condition in the Gordon
When he recovered he
said that as his w ife left the
room, the Green Lady glided in
and beckoned to him. He was
forced to obey her will, and fol­
lowed her to the Gordon room.
He died shortly afterwards and
the estate descended to a cousin.
Thus the curse was again ful­
“ With this issue (Friday April
Oth) T h e M i l w a u k i e R e v i e w
completes its first year of ser­
vice to the people in this com­
It Has been our en­
deavor since our inception to
give the subscribers all o f the
benefits possible and to aid in the
b lilding up o f this fertile com­
munity. We have at all times
given impartial and unbiased
news which we hope has placed
ui high in the csTem o f all of
those to whom we are known.
We feel confident that our ener­
gy and perseverance during the
past year, combined with our un­
tiring efforts,
hsve not been
without reward, and are sure
that those who have watched us
struggle for a foothold against
innumerable difficulties appreci­
ate the result of our labors.”
congratulations and
many happy returns o f the day
to you, Bro. MacArthur, and
may your shadow never be less.
Courtesy Should Receive Courtesy
...A N D ...
U-C US B-4
you sell. We will buy in
any quantity at any time.
D o n ’t F o r g e t
...W E S E L L ..,
Lime, Cement, Shin­
gles, Drain Tile
and Brick
The dove of peace again reign* over
Astoria’* municipal government. The
long drawn out controversy between
City Manager Kratz, Mayor Setters
and other city officials which has for
weeks disrupted Astoria's reconstruc­
tion program and has given the city
an unsavory reputation both at hdme
and abroad is said to have been amic­
ably adjusted.
H. C. GOHR1NG Prop.
There were three fatalities In Ore­
gon due to Industrial accidents in the
week ending April 5, according to a
report issued by the state industrial
accident commission.
The victims
were Leo C. Williams, brakeman. En­
terprise; Arthur Klnderman, laborer.
Kings valley, and Joseph Thorpa*. rlg-
gingman, Canby. A total of 628 acci­ brush._________________________________
dents were reported for the week.
Federation wheat, an Australian var­
iety, threatens to evict other high
yielding wheats from their position
of leadership In Umatilla county. B e ­
coming to Fred Bennlon, county agent.
Under Irrigation on a 10-acre tract
at the Burns experimental station
farm in 1921 this variety planted In
the spring produced 82 bushels per
On Broadway, opposite Gem
Theatre, Estacada.
Agent for Crystal Laundry
There was a fair attendance
Monday night in the high school
auditorium to witness the Junior
(Continued from first page)
for having disturbed the tomb of
Class play. As the management
And Sir Conan
Governor Pierce is learning did not see fit to extend the usu­
A check for $23,469 was received at
Dovle who is again in America something of the cost o f office al courtesy to the press, o f com­
in the interests o f spiritualilm, holding. In appointing certain in­ plimentary tickets, this paper the state penitentiary at Salem from
the Linen Thread company of New
asserts that this is by no means dividuals to offices within his gift had no official reporters present. York, in payment tor two cars of
an untenable theory, i'he novel he has made many others sore Otherwise we would have been flax tow shipped from the prison flax
ist, Marie Correlli, also warned who are not slow in voicing glad to have given an extended plant. The prison has another car of
the late lord that he was running their grievances. The Medford writeup, as ha3 been customary. flax material on hand, which upon
extreme risk, for the priests of people are down on him, accus­ It is the universal rule that pa­ being treated will return an additional
$15,000 to the state fund. A contract
old Egypt were well versed in ing him o f breaking his solemn pers which give writeups should
recently was entered into here where­
the occult and might have placed promise to them in an appoint­
receive such courtesies and all by the prison flax plant will handle
a “ spiritual elemental’ ’ in the ment to the game commission,
responsible show managements the output of the 'Willamette valley
flax and hemp growers’ association.
tomb to strike down the man and they have fired him from
extend them without question.
who disturbed the bones of their his honorary life membership
Governor Pierce has announced the
This paper extended to the
in one of their organizations. class in the first instance, the personnel of the reorganized soldier*'
and sailors' commission which was
The more natural explanation Now a storm has broken over
courtesy of a display “ ad” , which created by an act of the 1919 legis­
is that virulent poison had been his head about the removal of
at the usual rates would have lature. Members of the commission
placed around the tomb in order W. L. Kuser, superintendent of
cost $2.50, and all the thanks it appointed by the governor are Eric
to infect'.those who desecrated the state training school for
received was that they had not Hauser, owner of the Multnomah hotel
it and touched the sarcophagus boys, when only a week before
in Portland; S. R. Winch of Portland;
asked "fo r it. This paper has
Lester Humphreys, ex-Unlted States
or corpse. Lord Carnarvon, al­ he wrote a letter to a Portland
been very liberal in giving an­ district attorney; C. M. Bristol, con­
though his illness was attribut­ Methodist minister assuring him
nouncements of local entertain­ nected with a bond house in Portland,
ed to the bite of an insect, might there would be no change in the ments free, for which most pa­ •and Grace Phelps, who served as a
easily have been poisoned while superintendency of that school, i
pers charge, hut we have pre­ war nurse In Prance. Miss Phelps now
hunting around in the tomb, al­ Then on his recent irrigation tour | f erre(j to
take our pay in good resides in Portland.
though it would be strange that he was handed some jolts under i vvj]j
^ e endeavor to extend
Yellow pine timber, to an extent
others were not infected like­ the chin by Oswald West and
courtesy and be accommodating, of 890,000,000 feet, is to pass out of
the hands of the United States gov­
People can take their a few others, which made him
if within our power, at all times
choice o f the two explanations.
wince. “ Uneasy lies the head and we insist on receiving the ernment to Fred Herrick, prominent
logger oi St. Maries, Idaho, whose
But in Europe there are numer­ which wears a crown.” Our elo­
same treatment.
bid was the successful ope for the
ous instances o f the workings quent executive has not much
It would be o f very good edu­ vast Bear valley forest tract, which
o f a curse. Many English and hair left on his crown, and per­
cational effect if in every school has been on the auction block almost
continuously since last August. The
Scotch estates that were seque- haps he is now worrying whether
was hung the motto o f an an­ Brooks-Scanlon Lumber company was
tered by Henry V III from the his critics will leave him his
cient well known school foun­ the only other bidder. Close to $4,-
monasteries and given to his fa­ scalp.
dation, “ Manners makyth the 000,000 will be involved In the sale,
vorites are under such a ban, the
man. ”
if final awards, pending submission of
A young woman in New York
effect o f which usually is that
financial statements by the bidder, are
W h y N o t C h a n g e It?
made to Herrick.
they do not descend from father lately won the long endurance
to son. One o f which is Fyvie dame chanq ionship, l y dancing
The man who doesn’t bother
A conference was held Saturday at
Castle in Aberdeenshire, the continuously for 27 hours, in to think much about tax-exempt Astoria between directors of the Co­
seat o f the head o f the Gordon which she wore out five dancing securities is one o f the great lumbia River Fishermen’s league, Carl
Lady Janet Duff Gordon partners, one band, three Vietro- army o f 7,(100,000 whose average D. Shoemaker, state fish warden, and
William Hunter, who i* employed by
in her memoirs gives a most in­ las, two pairs of shoes and stock- earning is 550 a week.
the slate to kill seals and sea lions
teresting and curious account of ings. A t Brighton, England, a
These men paid the govern­ Quite a number of seals are reported
woman wheeled her baby in a ment as incometax 5203,000,000 to be in the river at the present time,
the same.
having followed the spurt of early
for 52 last year.
The castle is haunted bv a “ pram”
Green Lady who appears with miles, making the distance in
Many men with incomes rang­ Chinooks into the Columbia. The fish­
ermen have requested that Hunter be
her fair hair and ropes o f pearl. 12 hours and 2u minutes. We ing from $50 to 51000 or more a
instructed to engage in killing seals,
It possesses a weeping stone, suggest the next contest shall week paid no taxes at all on such particularly on the banks above
that is a stone which exudes be one o f washing dishes.
incomes because they came from Tongue point before the opening of the
drops o f water like tears, and
interest on bonds which under fishing season on May 1.
From private advices we learn the constitution are exempt from
there is a curse on the place that
The Roseburg land office i* adver­
tising the biggest timber sale ever
no heir will be born in the castle that whatever may be the atti­ taxation.
and that it will not descend in tude of the British government
Would you call this equal tax­ conducted there by the government,
a straight line until three other in the Ruhr question, the people ation where one man pays double and will receive bids on the timber
until May 11. the date of the sale. )
weeping stones which have been »re solidly back of the French taxes in order that another es- Approximately *0,000,000 feet of tim
lost are found. This curse was and Belgians and wish more cape all taxes?— Industrial News ber are included in the various par j
laid because part o f the estate power to their arms. One cor-1 Bureau.
cels which go to make up the sale, j
and the value of the timber is in the j
was formerly church property. respondent writes, “ It is a mar­
New samples o fj Wall Paper neighborhood of $200,000. The land
There is a secret chamber in vel to me that anyone can
on which the timber is located was !
cheaper than last year at
which there is supposed to he a believe the mere word o f a po­
Pointer’s! formerly Included ia the railroad and r 11
great treasure, but the first per­ litical German.”
wagon road grant lands, title having }
son who breaks through the
S i” M . ,1. t G 8tc< to r p ap
rev. rted to the government. The par •» W
Subscribo for your nome paper instruction. Prices reasonable. cels to be sold are located in Jackson.
walls will fall dead and the wife
E a s t e r n C l a c k a m a s N e w s . I. O. O. F. building.
5- It f ! Josephine, Uoos. Lane and Douglas
o f the laird who orders t ie
•earch will become blind. In the
Every special road levy in Lane
castle also is what is known as the
county for 1922 is invalid in the opin­
Gordon bedroom, with panelled
ion oi Clyde H. Johnson, district at
walls which are hung with the
torney. The opinion was given at the
Gordon tartan.
It has an evil
request of C. P. Barnard, couhty
reputation and stories are told
judge, following the action of the
county court in canceling the special ,
by those who have occupied, it
road levy made in district No. S3 at
of strange noises, and o f being
Walton after suit had been Instituted
awakened by a cold hand on
by the Siuslaw Timber company to
their foreheads, an.I as they
declare the levy void on account of
started up o f hearing hurried
the alleged failure of the citizens of
the district to comply with the law In
footsteps and stifled shrieks.
making the levy. Forty-four districts
Every laird who dies at Fyvie
Beef, Mutton. Veal and nogs bought
throughout the county levied special
castle must die in this room.
taxes last year to raise money for
Lady Duff Gordon relates that
road Improvement this year and If
during the illness o f the laird
each levy is declared by the courts to
Open from 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. Saturdays, openflo 8 p. m.
be illegal it will deprive these district*
who died in I8S4, he was moved
of many thousands of dollars in taxes
to another room. His w ife was
for road work.
called a way for a few minutes
and on her return found the
Read the Ads m the N ews .
that the death o f Lord Carnar­
von were due to avenging spirits
A great flash ol light and a detent
tion resembling a dynamite blast
signaled the arrival of a small meteo-
rlta In tha outskirts of Redmond Tues­
day night. Tfce Impact was of suf­
ficient force to cahse the breaking
} a Wtmjo* in a house several hun-
red yaris distant, and tha report
was beard distinctly t * o mile* awaf.
The first fire of the season on the
Sluslaw national forest was raported
to Ralph 8. Shelley, supervisor of this
forest, from the Hebo district In Tills
mook county. Last week during the
warm period a vaheher’e slashing fire
spread to forest land and covered five
or six acres, damaging QUl*» » number
of young trees and killing oonridemble
Keeping Account of It
N O T H I N G is so valuable to a person
endeavoring to systematize his financial
a ff airs as to know just where his money
has gone. T his will enable him to cut out
needless expenses and cut down others.
A C H E C K IN G account will give this
being of value in
many other ways.
O P E N an account with your Home Bank
“ Safety and Service.”
r » * c * M»RwS 8 C 0U S
amo m ron c « n cover*«*.
llilP *
Case Grain-Saving Threshers
Casesteel built threshers with proper attach-
*re prepared to furnish
irtu trim ft all prams and seeds grown.
P A S E threshers are sturdily built of steel
insunns loner life. Steel construction also
prevents total destruction by fire. Rottin*
and warping is impossible in a Case steel
thrraher. Distorted frames and disalignment
of shaft» and beanngs from the pull of main
dnve belt» are avoided by the Case method o f
construction. Galvanizing prevents rusting.
1 th’8
f,aci that.Case threahers in-
sure the cleanest of threshing, thorough sepa­
ration. perfect cleaning and unequaled savimr
and you have the reason why more Case
threshers were built and sold last season than
in any previous year of the history of the
J . I. Case Threshing Machine Co.
w «su ggest you place vour order for a Caae thresher
s fie i
»Me. I f you buy a Caae you will be
Còme in and let's talk it over.
Estacada, Ore.