üüütmt (Elarkamaa « Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County V olume 16, N umber 25 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. E st a c a d a , O r e g o n , T h u r sd a y , M arch 29. 1923. OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAUNTEREST GARFIELD ITEMS LOCAL BREVITIES $1.50 P er Y ear DODGE NEWS REGENT ADDITIONS TO THE LIBRARY SHELVES Mrs. 0. E. Lamberson was the Mrs. 0. E. Syron was a Port­ Claud Marrs is now the proud owner of an automobile. hostess to the Dorcas society last land visitor last Friday. TYR. W. W. RHODES Thursday. The annual reports; Nevv sample3 of vVall Paper Word was received here Sun­ O ST E O P A T H IC of work were given followed b y j cheaper than last year at day of the death of Mrs. Nicker- --------- Principal Events of the Wee'« PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON the election of the following offi­ Pointer’s son’s baby. Never since the present li- Office in Lichthorn BMg., Estacada, Briefly Sketched for Infor­ cers: Pres. Mrs, O. E. Lamber­ Gohring was on Mr- and Mrs. Asher Keller 1 brarian has had charge, has mation of Our Readers. son, Vice-Pres. Mrs, T. B. the fir-t of the and baby' Mr- and Mrs. .Oliverj there been so much interest D P r H . g Y . S f I . C m I A id N f o a n k d d S U R G E O N . Young, Sec’y. Mrs. H. D. Trapp, Baker and son, Ethel Keller and j shown in patronizing the little X R ay E quipment -^- G l a s s e s f i t t e d Herbert Nunn, state highway engi­ Treas. Mrs. Charles Duncan. the Misses Dora and Jennie Ten ; Estacada library, as has been O FFICE and R © sliefrr*S-c#t'1 and Main Sirsets. neer, who has resigned, will open an Eitacada. O rtg o n f-lQ U . Ions Connections Mrs. Helen Ellsworth who has Í hitmg of Garfield Eyck were 0ut from Portland j shown during the past winter, office In Portland. been spending several weeks went to Portland today to re- Saturday evening to take in the If some kind benefactor would a l i . CHAS. P. JOHNSON Between 5000 and 6000 acres of grain with Mrs, Lamberson, returned i Hiain over Easter, dance given by the Ross Lumber make the association a liberal DENTIST In the Echo region of Umatilla county to Salem Sunday, with her son Remember the W. C. T. U. Co. They were guests on Sun- donation so that the debt of Eataeada, Oregon, was damaged by last week’s wind­ and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. C. cooked food sale, at the drug day of the G. W. Keller and 5200.00 still remaining on the storm. £ ) R . W. WALLENS B. Ellsworth. building could be paid off, those store, Saturdav. Fred Horner families. As the result of a bond election S U R G E O N D EN TIST who have the library most at Mr. and Mrs. Harry Seiners of held recently, a $15,000 high school Boys suits with two pairs of Mrs. White, who has been vis- For over 20 yearn at Springwater, Ore. building will be erected In Mosler this Portland, visited the Harold knickers, your boy would appre-i'ting with her sister Mrs. G. W. heart would be happy. Every­ summer. Woosters last Wednesday night. date one for Easter. Come in Keller, has returned to her home body should be interested in the ALBERT t . e l o t t public liihrary of their town or J. C. Moreland went to Port and look them over at Rose’s. at Willsonville. Ashland business men and fruit A T T O R N E Y A T LAW city. It is our duty to have growers In a two-day campaign raised land Sunday to meet Mrs. More­ R ESID EN T LAW YER The dance given at the hall Mrs. C. L. Ross and daughter books. A library is not a luxury, ESTACADA. - - OREGON $12,500 to start the Ashland Preserv­ land, who was returning from last Saturday evening, was a of Portland, were Estacada vis­ ing company. but one of the necessaries of Palo Alto, California, after a six itors last Sunday. brilliant success. About 150 peo­ W M . G. DUNLAP life. A small library growing Prisoners in the Lane county Jail weeks’ trip. A T T O R N E Y A T LAW W. R. Reid and his sister-in- ple were present to enjoy the larger every year is an honorable are to be worked this spring and sum­ At Estacada, in the office of Woodle Mrs. Wm. Shaffer was honored ¡aw Mrs. Howey were in Porl. music, which was provided by part of a city’s history. Books Realty Co., on Saturdays—Portland of­ mer on the roads, according to an or­ at a birthday party Sunday when der signed by the county court. fice 1524 Yeon Building. land the first of the week return­ our local orchestra of five pieces. are inspiring friends and teach­ A supper of ham sandwiches and her mother, sisters and families ing Wednesday. A commissioner from the interstate ers. O D. EBY, pie with coffee was served dur­ of Portland, motored out bring­ commerce commission on April 2 will A T T O R N E Y A T LAW. It has been the good fortune J. C. Richards of Springwater, ing the evening. A vote of ing a big birthday feast. of the Estacada library of again General Practice. Confidential Ad­ conduct a hearing In Portland with has accepted a position with the relation to transcontinental wool rates. Portland visitors from Garfield Estacada Feed Co. and has en­ thanks was accorded Mr. Ross being able to place on its shelves, viser. Oregon City. Oregon. and the employees of the Ross last week were J. C. Moreland, tered into his duties. In an effort to cut down the length nearly fifty books which were & SCHNEIDER mill for their efforts in staging M cGUIRK of his jail sentence, James Lander- Wm. Shaffer and Mr. and Mrs. A T T O R N E Y S A T LAW. selected with care and bought at Pies, cakes, cookies, rolls and and giving the dance. dahl, convicted in city court at Bend Henry Walleart. At Gresham office—Tuesdays, Thurs­ a reduced price. We will also other cooked foods, for sale by days ana Saturdays, 203-5, Withrow of wife-beating, is on a hunger strike. Congratulations are coming to have a few more, suitable for building. Portland office, 721 Corbett A heavy loss of sheep and goats has the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest the W. C. T. U. ladies, at the On Champion Roll Of Honor building. j .ivenile readers. drugstore Saturday. been sustained this season by ranchers Marshall over the birth of a BRANDON Vt., M a r c h 21— The state library books, which at the head of Smith river In Lane A few couples from Estacada MONEY TO LOAN (Special)—On her record of 11,- we have been using Jfor the past county. Cougars are blamed for the daughter, Saturday. attended the dance at Dodge P A U L C. FISCHER killing. 739 pounds of milk, 417.26 pounds six months, will be returned to Saturday night, which was given A T T O R N E Y A T LAW Their Millionth Car of butter-fat in 300 days, Bruce Salem next week. Eight hundred tons of loganberries, BEAVER Bldg. OREGON CITY “As requisitions for the Mill­ oy C. L. Ross. Bell of Wenatchee 53,699, an • part of the Woodburn pool, were re­ Following is a list of the new Mesdames Charles Norris and Ayshire, becomes the champion books: Cobwebs. Chamberlain; cently sold at a price of 5 cents a ionth Buick car have come from pound, according to information re­ so many of our branches and Ray Keith attended the funeral roll of honor cow of Oregon. Search, Margaret R. Larminie; ceived. distributors—and dealers as well of Mrs. Anna Longnecker in During her record period Bell In Secret, Chambers; Stella Ma­ The state highway commission met --it will for the present remain Portland, last Saturday morning. carried her calf 199 days. She ris, Locke; The Splendid Folly In Portland Tuesday, when bids on unassigned.” A new assortment just re­ was 5 years and 53 days old at and l’he House of Dreams Come road Improvement contracts aggregat­ Thus General Sales Manager ceived of printed voiles, figured the start of the contest. True, Margaret Pedler; The Best ing approximately $500,000 were con­ crepe, devonshires and other This is the third roll of honor in Life, Muriel Hine; The Dere- E. T. Strong of the Buick Motor sidered. Company today disposed of the goods to take care of the home record completed by Bruce Bell lect, Phyllis Bottome; The Sixth Orchardlsts throughout the Rogue question as to the ultimate desti­ sewing needs at Rose’s. of Wenatchee. As a senior 2- Sense, Stephen McKenna; Queen River valley have placed out their nation of the smart model 55, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Page and year-old she produced 7666 pounds Lucia. Burson; Kalama, McClel­ smudge pots in anticipation of a visit shortly from Jack Frost, and are ready six cylinder sport touring car baby eame over from Bull Run of milk and 291 pounds of butte- land; The Backslider, Lindsey; bearing upon its frame the im­ last Sunday, to visit at the home fat in 300 days, carrying calf 279 Zell, Henry G. Aikman; The Cor­ for action. Members of the Willamette Valley posing number plate of 1,000,000. of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. days. As a junior 4-year-old she nish Penny, Colson Cade; The “ Of course they all want this John Page. Grain Dealers' association met In Al­ has a record of 10,423 pounds of Road, Tobankin; Sacrifice. Whit­ bany and discussed problems of the car. Not primarily for senti­ milk in 300 days, carrying calf man; Returned Empty, Berkley; C. G. Cathcart, Field Engin­ mill and feed business In the Willam­ mental reasons, but for an in­ 197 days. Mary Wallaston, Webster; Hope eer, and his assistants, J. C. ette valley. | Egg Dyes tensely practical one—its adver­ Burris, C. F. Sayer and H. O. Through her sire, Willowmoor Trublood, Patience Worth; The The tenth annual state conference tising value. So we ftel that Ping are again registered at the Robinhood 16th 14,553, she is a Golden Goat, Arene-Huard; The of the Daughters of the American Rev­ Soap Dyes we cannot let anyone have it Estacada hotel for n short time. half sister to Stewart Robin with Other Woman, Norah Davis; The olution was held in McMinnville with without being accused of dis­ a 4-year-old record of 687 pounds Happy Family and other stories, delegates from 18 out of the 19 chap­ The best grades of local hard crimination.” While there may of butter-fat. Bruce Beil of We­ Swinneston; Sight Unseen and Putmans Dyes ters, in the state in attendance. wheat, flour Saturday only, spe­ be less of sentiment than busi­ natchee is out of Lady Bruce of The Banks post of the American Le­ cial. $2.00 per sack. This is 40c Wenatchee, winner as a calf at The Confession, Rinehart; The ness acumen in the desire on the gion is planning to build a home and Demagogue and Lady Phayre, Hat Dyes per bbl less than the wholesale Intends to solicit every household in part of the Buick dealer to pos­ the Pacific International; junior Locke; The Age of Innocence, the vicinity to set a hen and to donate sess the millionth Buick car, price delivered here by the truck champion at the Provincial Ex­ Edith Wharton; Daisy Ashford, Dye an Shine _____ it and its chickens next fall to the there is no question that senti­ load, at Rose’s. hibit at Vancouver, B. C., in her book; The Temple of Dawn, post. ment predominates in the recep­ The Rebekah officers planned 1921. She has an advanced reg­ Wylie; The Isle of Seven Moons, More than 100 leading apple and tion of this car on the part of and carried out very successfully istry record of 14,908 pounds of Anderson; The Girl in Fancy pear growers from every section of a surprise party complimentary milk. 488.28 pounds of butter-fat Dress, Bucurose; Glory of Clem­ Buick employees. Thousands of western and southern Oregon attended to Mrs. Mary Eshleman Tuesday as an 8-year-old. entina, Locke; The Pretty Lady, a two-days' meeting In Salem, called the latter have worked on Buicks afternoon, it being her birthday ten years or more and feel a per­ Bruce Bell of Wenatchee made Arnold Bennett; Sweethearts Un­ by the Oregon Growers’ Co-operative association. sonal pride in the accomplish­ anniversary. The party was her last record at the farm of met, Bertha Ruck; Yellow Souls, The Store Between 5,000,000 and 6,000,000 ment of the million mark. They held at the home of Mrs. Ted her owners, Earlcrest S t o c k Dorota Flalan; Purple Springs, young salmon are now confined in the stand about in groups, looking Ahlberg. Farm, Eagle Creek, Oregon. Nellie McClurg; The Daughter of pounds at the state salmon hatchery fondly over this millionth Buick, We are fitting a large number Helen Kent, Sarah Comstock; above Oakrldge, and soon will be lib­ and a flood of interesting recol­ of people with the old Reliable HIS LAST HOUR Queen Lucia, Benson; The Heart erated In th'e Willamette and other Peters Shoes this spring, also A solemn service has been ar­ of Unaca. Cullum; Timber, Titus. lections find expression. streams of the state. Starting with the head of the satisfying them that they are ranged to take place in the M. E. I Registration of passenger cars and The Road Situation organization down to the hum­ getting the utmost value for Church, tomorrow, Good Friday, I motor vehicles, under one ton capacity, their money that it is possible to blest of the ranks, you will find A road meeting was held at afternoon from 2 to 3. This will I and trailers. In Oregon from January | 1 to March 15, 1923, aggregated 106,603, many men who have "lived” obtain—lowest prices as usual at be commemorative of the last Eagle Creek Friday night by the according to a statement prepared by with Buick since the days Rose’s. hour Our Blessed Lord hung on Barton, Eagle Creek, Currins- the secretary of state. when the future of the automo­ the cross for us men and our sal­ ville and Estacada road districts Community Club The Marlon-Polk Automobile Deal- bile was still a matter of grave vation. The service will be de­ to learn the sentiment of the I era' association, at a meeting in Salem, doubt The Community Club will hold votional in character with appro­ people in regard to the nine mile went on record favoring referendum of In the field organization thru- its regular monthly meeting in priate hymns and reading the hard surface to he laid between the law enacted at the last session of out. the country a similar situa- (the I. O. O. F. hall tomorrow scriptural account of the D ivine Barton and Estacada. Ropre- the legislature increasing the gasoline tion prevails. Practically all the evening at 8 o’clock. Prof. No­ Tragedy. Two brief addresses sentative3 of several contracting fuel tax from 2 to 3 cents a gallon. ble and Miss Dahlen of Reed Col­ will be given on “ The D im en- companies were present and The Crescent Lake reservoir, which Buick branch managers and dis­ j is storing surplus flow at the head- tributors have been with the lege will be the speakers, and sions of the Cross,” by the Revs. spoke on road building. The de­ ! waters of the Deschutes to be used company more than ten years, there will be a musical program H. W. Mort and Upton H. Gibbs. cision was in favor of a sixteen I In irrigating 8000 acres on the Turn- and some of them considerably with community singing. The former will treat of its foot asphaltic pavement. I alo project. Is filling rapidly. No longer. All of these men have W H ITE LEGHORNS breadth and length, and the lat­ Monday a large delegation signs of leaks have reported in the Is Your Name Written Here? ter of its depth and height. All from here and all along the line B red fo r V igor en d H igh done their “ bit” in the achieve­ ■ dam which was completed shortly be- Egg P roduction. ment of the million mark and especially those who look up to went to Oregon City in expecta- | fore Christmas. Our primary aim is to produce naturally are imbued with a high Those subscribing for the that Cross in faith, are urged to tation that the county court vigorous, husky chicks; healthy, What la aaid to be the Pacific coaat N ews during the week were B. nigged breeding -tocx. and first record In loading Hoar on a vessel degree of personal pride in the H. Zimmerman, Mrs. Mae Reed, attend and thus show their grat­ would take action in regard to class hatching eggs. Hence, in letting the contract. But the was made at Astoria when the Astoria accomplishment.” many cades, our customers roll W. M. Wade, W. S. Pyle, Harry itude. Remember His words: up bigger egg records than we do. Stevedore company, working two judge decided he was not ready “ What could ye not watch with But we hold our mature stocg W. Kitching. VIOLA gangs, placed 500 long tons of floor In to make the award and needed Me one hour?” bars as long aa possible after the thc'Dold of the American line motor- moult and bring them into laying more time for consideration. There will be Easter services as near the batching -eaaon as «hip Dtnteldyk In 3*A hours at the As­ Dinty Moore Sells Out Baseball Meeting He favored a nine foot concrete Sunday evening, April 1, at 7:30. possible. Thus are our customers toria terminals. assured of strong, nigged chicKs road instead of a sixteen foot as­ As we go to press we learn at the Viola M. E. church. Good There will be a meeting of the (Concluded on page 2) | apd high quality hatching eggs. program and a special message. that Dinty Moore has sold out to Estacada Baseball Club at the phaltic, and suggested that a ORDER EARLY. visit should be made to Mulino We will be pleased to have you W. E. Linn, who will no doubt Ladies have you tried a pair of with City Hall, Monday night, April where such a road can he seen. us. Come out and get ac­ PHIL MARQUAM those Everwear hose? They are quainted. A warm welcome have an announcement next 2nd. at 8 o’clock. All members Further action has been post­ E atacada. O regon. week. Mr. Moore will remain :are urged to attend. Riving wonderful satisfaction. awaits you. poned until the next meeting of FARM 3ns n il* art of Esue&la v \ Osrfl *Mraad. T. B. Y oung , Pastot the county court. here for a while. You can get them at Rose's Roy Wilcox, Mgr. Rexall Trap- N e s te d