EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY, MARCH 22,1923 Seal«! Us Y our and address on a card or in a let­ Name post ter and we will mail free and postpaid, a sample copy of Popular M echanics M A G A Z IN E the most wonderful magazine pub­ lished. IC O p a g e s a n d 4 0 0 p i c t u r e s every month, that will entertain every member of the family. It contains in terestin g and instructive a rti­ cles on th e Home, I-arm. Shop and Office —th e new est developm ents in Radio, Avia­ tion, Autom obile and G arage. Each issue contains som ething to in terest everybody. We do not employ subscription solicitors so you will not be urged to subscribe and you are not obligating yourself in th e least in asking fo r a free sam ple copy. W e gladly send it to prospective readers. If you like it you can buy a copy every m onth from an y new sdealer o r send u s y o u r subscription — $3.00 fo r one year. E ntertainm ent A play, “The Old New Hamp­ shire Home,” for the benefit of the Beacon Heights Athletic club, will he given at the Bea con Heights Hall, March 24, 1923, beginning at 7:45‘ p. m. If you want a good laugh, then be sure and come to see Aunt Tilly change her mind about men oh, how she hates them and suddenly loves an “ Irish Nobleman,” so she thinks. Cast of characters is as fo! lows: P o p u la r M e c h a n ic s C o m p a n y 2 0 0 - 2 1 4 C. O n tario S tr e e t, C H IC A G O , IL L . Popular Mechanics building is devoted exclusively to lUc production of this great magazine. UPPER BARTON Mrs. G. A. Stone and children, Mrs. Earl Udell and sister Grace Ferrell, called on Mrs. George Herrman one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Ferrel and children called on friends in Gresham Sunday. George Herrman made a busi­ ness to Portland last week. Mr. and Mrs. Loyal McCarthy of Portland visited friends here last Sunday. Mrs. Bessie Wilson was a Sun­ day caller on Mrs. Earl Odell. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Werner and children were in Estacada Satur­ day. W. P. Ferrel visited the county seat Monday on business. Miss Regina Horger ot Eagle Creek, visited the Ferrels Tues­ day. Warmer Winthrop Ernest Kamrath Edward Van Dusen Fred Kamrath Oliver Stanhope Raymond Corliss Zeb. Watkins . Arthur Hurt Micky Mullins Herbert Kamrath Moses Gazinsai Claude Henrici Rawlings .......... Luke Duffy Mabel Winthrop Mary Duffy Tilly ..................... Mrs. Anne Staben Mrs. Winthrop Mrs. Esther Duffy Muffins................... Vada Bluhm Cake, coffee and sandwiches will be sold after the program, and if time permits there will be a dance. Special music will be rendered by Miss Maxine Telford of Ore­ gon City, and Henry Grable of Estacada, and a solo by Otto Moehnke of Beaver Creek. is Your Name W ritten H ere? Robert Miller, J. E. Shibley, William Still paid subscriptions to the N e w s during the week. At the meeting of the Oregon Fruit Growers Association last Saturday, at the Estacada hotel, C. A. Jacques was elected a di­ rector, and a local advisory com­ Currinsville Store Prices mittee appointed. Plans are be­ Cocoanut Oil Meal, sack $2.75 ing made to have the association Linseed Oil Meal, sack $3.00 take over the cannery. Alfalfa Meal, s a c k ___ $1.90 To Avoid Penalty Sweetened Mill Run, sk. $1.35 XX C hop..........................$1.40 In order to save the first half Economy Mixed Feed $1.25 of your taxes becoming delin­ quent it is necessary to pay them by April 5. Only fourteen days are left. First Show Starts at 7:00 GEM THEATRE 60 W HEHE TH E COES GO! TO-NIGHT: Rex Beach’ s ‘The North Wind’ s Malice.” BROWNIE The Wonderful Dog IN ‘Wedding Pumps’ SATURDAY and SUNDAY ROUND I The New Leather Punchers Even better than the others. Frank Mayo in “ Dr. Jim ” Neely Edwards Comedy N E X T TH U RSD A Y Z A N E G R EY’ S ‘WhenRomanceRides' M u s ic a t a ll L. u= Shows V. CLEWORTH, Manager. M U M M .. TSSEl “5 0 0 ” Parly The Artisans enjoyed a pro­ gressive ' ‘500” party last night after the regular lodge meeting. There were six tables of players and the honors fell to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bartholomew, while A. T Elott was the proud win­ ner of the “booby” which he ac­ cepted with a classici?) recita­ tion. A most substantial and delicious lunch was served to round out the evening of enjoy­ ment. Good For You Too ♦ © ♦ L iGHT L u n c h e s , ♦ E ST A C A D A , OREGON. * ♦ ♦ International Clothes, « Cigars and Tobaccco, ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 R. This is the most important deal in Public Utility stock in Portland in years. Wouldn’t you like to have a few shares of this attractive security, too? $98.00 a »hare; par value $100.00. Over 7 "i on your money. For cash or on easy terms. Investment Department ri M A R C H B A N K , You Will Want Y o u r Fordson Tractor Early POWER Room 605 Electric Bldg., Portland, Oregon- lu í int¿uÍnLxLh. III. Ì f L ..;,,;.r ,- 1 , 1 FOR SALE—Ettersburgstravv- C n m tia n C hurch ! berry p,ants_-4oc 100, $3 1000; Bible School every Lord’s Day dewberry plants 2c each. Good at 10 a. m.; Preaching 11 a, m. Jersey cow for sale. A cordial invitation is extended j W. R. W oodw orth , to all. The theme at the morn-3;22-4-5 Estacada, Ore. ing service, March 25, will wil b e1-------- ---- -—----------------------- | FOR SALE—Full blood Rhode ‘‘Born Anew.” Island Redeggs for hatching, 75 E. F. Atchley, pastor. cents for 15. Mrs. W. H. Hol­ der, Estacada. 3-15-22 T AND FOR S i l i N S . G . Fordson INQUIRE TODAY? SOLIDAS THE STATE ♦ ♦ The NATIONAL CITY COMPANY, one of the largest and most conservative bond and investment houses in America has just purchased $1,000,000 worth of our 7% Prior Preference Stock. PORTLAND RAILW AY, LIGHT & Company. Phonogr «pH*, Confectionery, FOR SALE—Italian prune trees, 4 to 6 feet, one year old. O. W. Failing, Estacada, R t. 1. 3-1-29 SEED POTATOES and large FOR SALE—Cuthbert r a s p - potatoes for sale. ED. STILL berry plants; black caps and 3-22 Eagle Creek, Ore. gooseberry plants—one mile east of Estacada on Garfield road. FOR SALE- Very gentle pony, 3-8-29 E. A. WHITNEY. $ 20 . E. N. FOSTER, 3-Z2-29 Egale Creek, Ore, FOR SALE—Span of mares 8 years old, weight 3100. Inquire FOR SALE First clas cord- of Herman Horger, wood. 3-8-29 Eagle Creek, Oregon. 3-22-4-5 Call L o g L a B a r r e T or WELL DRILLING-^See WANTED Man for general O. E Jannsen, 602 Stock Ex- work and delivery at Estacada j change Bldg., Portland, Ore. Feed Store. See U. S. Morgan. Phone Beacon 2045, residence phone Estacada. 2-22-3-12 TO EXCHANGE-Nice lot in Portland for Ford Touring or FO R S AL E—Two-years-old Roadster car. Chas. Coonrad, Italian prune trees, 15c each. Estacada, Or. it J. J. MARCHBANK. u * m o ir t . am r.. r ,, , l-25tf Estacada, Ore. R A N C H I OR SALE 4 -a c re ______________________ tract, good soil, all timber off F0R SALE-New and used p cja| with cjutch and 6-foot blade, $110.00—terms. FOR SALE -One span mares Hessell’s Farm Machinery Co. and 8 years old, weight 2800; 10-12tf Gresham. Oregon. harness, wagon and two cows, j C. E. REED, Estacada, Rt. 3. 1 PLAIN SEWING—Dressmak­ Across the river on Cary tract. ing hemstitching, see Mrs. 3 22 4-12 Gus and Wilcox. 2-8tf Everything points to the greatest shortage of Ford pro­ ducts this year that has ever existed. Never before has the demand been so great. You will want a Fordson Tractor early—here is one pro­ duct you cannot wait for—when the weather opens up you will need it. You will want it for plowing, seeding, cultivating—and all your other work. Already it has proved the greatest help to profitable farming that has ever been offered to you. And at $395 f. o b. Detroit, the price is so low that you lose money every day you are without a Fordson. To get delivery you must order early. There are no reserve stocks among our dealers—our produc­ tion capacity, great as it is, will not enable us to build up a re s e rv e . It must be a case of ‘‘first come, first served,” and the only way ir, which you can protect yourself is to lisc your order with a Ford Dealer immediately. By taking advantage o f our dealer’s first opportunity to make delivery, you will be assured o f having your Fordson when you need it. Ford Motor Company Detroit Michigan. $ 4 8 4 .6 0 ESTACADA^ ORE. CRAWFORD BROS. MOTOR CO. GAS ACCESSORIES ESTACADA, OREGON. OILS BE C O MF O R T A B L E The riding qualities of the STAR are un­ usual in the small car class. Let us show you this and numerous other features of this car. The reason Gold Medal flour will make more pounds of bread COMPLETE BATTERY SERVICE, GEN’ L REPAIRS per sack is because it requires FOR SALE -Case Tractor and more moisture to mix it. You disk, used only one season, at a WOOD CUTTEKS WANTED- ___ _ Steady work. Will buy stumpage great bargain. Cascade Garage. can get it at Rose’s. iM5~22 or finance cutting propositions. Estacada, Oregon. Boring Wood and coal Co. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hall are FOR SALE—Cow and calf, also 9-14tf 476 E. 50th st. Portland. advertising their ranch for sale Gas Oil Tires Accessories or call on ----------------------------------------- and expect to move to a smaller sow and pigs. Phone, H. M. Duns. S. C. RHODE ISLAND R E D i ranch they own in the city limits 3-15-22 Estacada, Rt. 1. Hatching Eggs for sale—Large! of Portland. - healthy breed, good layers, ma-1 FOR SALE Alsike recleaned ; tore early. $1 per setting of 15. Miss Florence Kendal) is here clover seed, 18 cents a pound. 4 4 4 > 4 4 * 4 4 4 4 •> . MRS. J. W. MOXLEY, from Portland, visiting her sister H enry C. H eiple , 5 3tf Morrow Station, Ore. | —FOR— Mrs. VV. J. Moore. 3-18-4-5 Estacada. Rt. 1. ----------- -------------- *------------- l Real Estate, Insurance, -----------------------------------------FOR SALE—Saddle horse, ex- WM. DALE, Local Agent Clyde Kimmel and Russel Reed F0R SALE One 33000 lb. log- cellent packer, not broke to work j Long Term Farm Loans Day call at Estacada Hotel. arc home for the spring vacation ging team, sound and true, both in harness. J. E. G IRT, Night call at residence. at a low rate of interest grey geldings, 8 and lOyearsold; Boring. Ore. R t. 4. Box 82. from the 0. A. C. Licensed Embalmers, Lady Asst. also some weanling pigs.—Phone 2-9tf Mortgage Loans, Rents Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Stephens Estacada. W illiam S till J. E. METZGER ana Collections. FOR SALE—On account of j Springwater, Ore. drove to Portland, yesterday 3-22 Greaham, Ore.. Phone 1901 failing health I offer my house J morning. W O O D LE R E A L T Y CO. FOR SALE—Fresh cow Jer- for sale. 1G acres. 7 room house, ! sey and Guernsey, about ten barn, garage, chicken house and i Estacada, Oregon “ W H A T ABOUT T H E HOSSUS}" hundred pounds. Good butter! nark, 50 hens and Jersey cow, | They Get Results. TELEPHONE vour order to jand greenhouse with established VY> hae s ta r v in g a n d t b s d y in g o n th s fit d s a t A u b re y v ll!# — T h e m is e ry , th e f o r titu d e o f th o s e th a t b a d b een g a s s e d , And ey s o f s ile n t s o rro w , p le a d in g p a tie n c e a s th e y p a ss e d . A ye, " W h a t a b o r t th e b o s s e s ? " On the ! **toned scroll o f Kama— T h e p u ll'n * . h a u lin g h o rs e s. A nd th e b ro k e n , b lin d a n d lam e, C lv in ,- e v e r y o u n c e o f p o w e r, to th e g a s p in g , d y in g h o u r — W h -re * s th e m a r t y r In th e fo rcee P la y e d a b e tte r, b r a v e r g a m e ? -W illia m V V S te p h e n s , E le v e n th E n ­ gineers. V. * A Implement GARDEN TOOLS TAKE ADVANTAGE O F TWO THINGS: The fine days that come with increasing frequen­ cy, «ind our reasonably priced, well chosen GARDEN TOOLS to get your garden started. Planet J r . Weeders and Seeders. Paints 4» All Steel Carden Trowels and Cultivators. SMITH HARDWARE STORE, ESTACADA The o n ly H a i d w i r e S t o r e in C l « c k « m s a c o u n t y t e l l i n g g o o d « at Portland prices