yiarkamaa Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County V olume 16, N umber 24 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. E st a c a d a , O r e g o n , T h u r sd a y , M arch 22, 1923. OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAUNTEREST GARFIELD ITEMS LOCAL BREVITIES $1.50 P er Y ear CURRIN5VILLE ITEMS BACK HOME FROM SUNKIST VALES Mrs. J. W. Dillinger assisted Mary Alice Reed is again suf­ Most of the people who were by her daughter, Mrs. S. Head, fering with poison oak. sick are well again and were tak­ entertained the Skip-a-week club Born—To Mr. and Mrs. C. F. ing advantage of the fair days D R W. O W. S T RHODES E O P A T H IC last Wednesday, The afternoon M. Brown, on March 10, a son. we had last week, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Principal Events of the Wee was spent planning and starting Arthur Boyer, we are sorry to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snyder Office in Lichthorn Bldg., Estacada, a new quilt pattern. Dainty re­ You can get those Easter shoes report, is still out of school. He and little son Brooks, arrived Briefly Sketched for Infor­ T'yR. G. F. MIDFOKD freshments followed the sewing at Rose’s. We have a shipment home Tuesday noon from their mation of Our Readers. just in of straps and oxfords fo r: is sure missed and we ihope he ^ P H Y S I C I A N and SURGEON. hour. California trip. They left their ! will be well and back soon. I your selection. X R a y E q u ip m e n t — G l a s s e s f i t t e d car in Los Angeles to be shipped If you want a hearty laugh, OFFICE and Rajldence Second and Main Streets. Arthur Smith is still having 8llverton Is contem plating the erec­ Mrs. J. E. Gates was confined Estacada. Oregon—Telephone Connections later by water, and returned tion of a city hall, which will cost come to the Garfield Grange hall to her home last week with an trouble with his hand, which on th e :Southern Pacific Earl about $40,000. Saturday night, March 31, to see D R CHAS. P. JOHNSON attack of the prevailing epidem­ was cut over three weeks ago. Kilgore has secured a very lu­ All tru ck s have been barred from and hear “The Cheerful Liar,” DENTIST Charlie and Albert Kitching crative and important position Lincoln county highw ays u n til th e played by Wm. Shaffer, assisted ic. Estacada, Oregon. roads d ry out. and A. G. Ames, the plumber of with the Gay Engineering cor­ by a fiery general, an eloping If you are planning on a new Blossom day, which is one of the Estacada, have just installed a poration at Los Angeles, so he suit for your boy for Easter or a £ ) R . W. WALLENS couple, the Rev. Ezra Stiggins big annual ev en ts In Salem , has been 550 gallon gasoline tank and did not return with them. new cap or shoes, see Rose about S U R G E O N D EN TIST and his housekeeper, a Hoosier se t for'M ay 6. pump for the Currinsville store. it. He will save you money. For over 20 years at Springwater, Ore. Mr. Snyder speaks most en­ P endleton Friday w as stru ck by a schoolma’am and the county con­ C. R. Lovell is improving fine Mrs. W. E. Hall’s son, Perry thusiastically of southern Cali­ te rrific wind storm , which tore down stable. A L B E R T T. ELOTT w ires and did much gen eral damage. Hurt of Portland, was a visitor but still makes daily trips to fornia, Los Angeles with a per­ J. C. Moreland spent the week A T T O R N E Y A T LAW M embers of th e Salem city council, at the Hall home on the ranch Portland. manent population of 600,000, RESIDENT LAWYER alm ost w ithout exception, will oppose end visiting relatives in Portland east of town, Saturday and Sun­ Currinsville store delivered a and a floating population of 200,- ESTACADA. - - OREGON any move to close th e th e a te rs of and Canby. day. truck load of new furniture to C. 000, is extending clear out to the th a t city on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wooster R. Lovell last week. W M . G. DUNLAP coast. The whole section is pul­ Only ten days until Easter we A b u rg lar en tered th e H olycross were hosts to a jolly St. Patrick’s A T T O R N E Y A T LAW sating with pep and business A. H. Perry has moved to the have the largest stock of Spring cig ar store a t Coquille and made At Estacada, in the office of Woodle party, Saturday night when they and Summer hats eyer shown L. E. Bishop house in Currins- progressiveness, and money is Realty Co., on Saturdays—Portland of­ aw ay with 600 or 700 25-cent cigars. entertained the Skip-a-week fice 1524 Yeon Building. N othing else w as taken. > being poured out like water. He here for your selection at Rose’s. ville. Marion county has no w a rra n t in­ club. The house was prettily dec­ met a man who has been there Bill Coleman vi Led his par­ D. EBY, Earl Jones and family have re­ o . A T T O R N E Y A T L A W . debtedness, and Its to tal obligations orated with green crepe festoons, turned to Estacada to reside, ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Cole­ for eight months after having involve $850,000 In bonds authorized Irish flags and shamrocks. Ap­ lived in Portland for eight years, man, last week. General Practice. Confidential Ad­ fo r the construction of roads. propriate games made a very and are located in a cottage in viser. Oregon City. Oregon. E nrollm ent of the O regon City high Ed. Bales of Barton, was a who told him that he had made as the north-east part of the city. merry evening. school has reached 440, the hig h est In K/TcGU IRK & SCHNEIDER Mr. Jones is employed by the P. business caller at the Currins­ much in eight months there as he th e h isto ry of th e school. The 1923 Mr. and Mrs. Ira Head return­ A¥A A T T O R N E Y S A T LAW. had in eight years in Portland. ville store Saturday. R. L. & P. Co. ed to Portland Saturday, after a At Gresham office —Tuesdays, Thurs­ g rad u atin g class will num ber 60. Escondido, where our former Mrs. H. H. Githens, who has An ambulance came out from The date for the annual sta te gun two weeks stay with the J. W. days ana Saturdays, 203-5,' Withrow townsman George B. Weatherby building. Portland office, rèi Corbett club shoot to be held in Corvallis has Portland yesterday afternoon to been very sick, was reported Dillingers. building. lives, is a hustling burg of 2000 been changed from th e first th ree get an Armenian cock who was much better and able to sit up Saturday night, March 24, an population, with splendid stores, days In Ju n e to Ju n e 15, 16 and 17. injured at camp 9, by being hit again last week. MONEY TO LOAN T here a re now six Incorrigible pris­ Easter social will be held in the on the head by a rock which was Last Saturday C. R. Lovell and paved streets whose sides PAUL C. FISCHER oners In the "bull pen" a t th e state Nora memorial church, are lined constantly with autos. This hurled through the air by a blast. p en iten tiary , all of them being men left crutches at home and made a Mr. Weatherby has a beautiful A T T O R N E Y A T LAW will be the third social given by BEAVER Bldg. OREGON CITY who have recen tly a ttem p ted to es­ the S. S. and all who are inter­ Mrs. M. H. Boyle of Portland, trip to Portland with only a cane. home, and if the proposed new cape. Arthur Boyer went to Estaca­ water project goes Jthrough, he was the guest of her sister Mrs. R. E. C lanton, su p erin ten d e n t of ested in the S. S. are welcome. W. F. Cary, last Saturday night, da Sunday. We are very glad to will be able to secure all the wa­ com m ercial fish h atc h e rie s fur the As the Sowing, so the Reaping returning home Sunday morning see him out again. FIR E INSURANCE. sta te com m ission, has been req u est­ ter he wants, which will add ed by th e com m ission to resign The story which Harry Sny­ on the 9 o’clock car. Mrs. Boyle A Mr. Price from Portland, greatly to the value of his place. April 1. der tells of the amazing pros­ is organist at the Fifth church, gave a very interesting talk to At Colton they called on the London Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. Betw een SO and 70 p er cen t of the perity in southern California, Christian Science. the Sunday School Sunday. Bartletts and found them pros­ straw b erry p atches in Marion coun­ Keep your policy in our Fire and its phenomenal business ac Proof Vault, free of charge. Mr. W. E. Hali, the rancher, ty are infested w ith weevil, according Miss Dillon of Estacada visited pering, having a beautiful home to S. H. V anTrum p, county fru it in­ tivity, teaches a profound lesson. after two weeks confinement to our S. S. Sunday. and E. W. acquiring a flattering This part of California had only the house with a relapse of the H. C. S TE P H E N S spector. Rev. Young of Garfield visit» d practice and being already dub­ Oregon p o stm asters have been ap­ sand and sunshine as a natural “grip,” was able to be out again and addressed the S. S. very in­ bed “Judge.” A gent . pointed as follow s; N orm an Y. Stod­ endowment, so what it has de­ Sunday. This is the second two On being asked about Mexico, dard, B ates; C harles M. Jan ik , H ulit; veloped into, is due to human weeks Mr. Hall has had with this terestingly last Sunday. Mr. Snyder acknowledged giving Mrs. Cora E. Buker, Milo; T hom as V. Paul Lovell of lone, paid a vis­ enterprise. Under the ’Spanish ailment in the past six weeks. a look in across the border, but H olstine, Y ankton. it to his father Sunday. 1 W holesale slau g h terin g of deer is regime it remained stationary, one glance was enough, as it was Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Suppe of Martin Barenfine of Morgan, going on in a ce rta in section on the but when some far-seeing Ameri­ the rendezvous of all the riff edge of th e F o rt Rock valley is the cans took hold they made the Portland, were guests at the came down for a few days last raff, scalawags and scape goats If customers made but one visit d eclaration of D istrict Game W arden desert blossom as the rose by home of the latter’s sister, Mrs. week. to our store we would soon be who dared not stay on the U. S. Adam s of Redmond. bringing to it the water it so W. A. Wilcox, last Sunday, forced out of business. Our pro­ Mr. and Mrs.üAlbert Kitching side. A b last of one and a h alf tong of gress is dependent upon return Then they were not Their mother, Mrs. G. J. Currin and son Harold spent Monday in The entire trip was most en­ pow der, se t off In an effort to im prove needed. of Gresham, was also a yisitor Portland. calls and upon ability to serve you th e road from A storia to th e N ehalem afraid to invest their dollars in joyable, but still be it ever so courteously with what you want* valley, has buried th e highw ay beneath other ways looking for a lucra­ at the Wilcox home that day. humble, there is no place like at a satisfactory price. When we 20 feet of loose rock. If you want th» two best bets Mr». A Longnecker Passes home. tive harvest later. They paved buy merchandise the leading thot N. Pasto, w ith a delegation of 12 we have in mind is: ‘Will this prove the highways, they cooperated in local hard wheat flour try a Word was receiver] of the P o rtlan d Italian settlers, has arrived satisfactory to our customers?" sack of Drifted Snow, or White death of Mrs. A. Longnecker, Road Bonds Sold in Vale for th e purpose of form ing the in advertising and marketing We avoid the cheap, the shoddy, Mountain at Rose’s. their produce and making the last night at 9:30. With her The road bonds have been sold nucleus of an Italian colony on the and the second grade. A small advantages of that part of the W arm S prings irrig atio n p ro ject n ear Mr. and Mrs. George Arm­ to the highest bidder, Stacy & husband Mrs. Longnecker had profit often is better than a big Vale. U. S- known all over the world. strong returned the latter part been living on Sandvridge, where Braun of Portland, who offered a profit once. The satisfied custo­ T he C hristian church of Corvallis If they are gathering in a golden of last week from a visit over on mer is the best advertisement. she “ was ill with tuberculosis. premium of $5659 61. Two bids has voted to te a r down its p resen t the coast. They have moved crop now it is because they first Being a member of both the Re- were received for the road work, church building and erect a new edifice th is sum m er. Cash and pledges scattered their money with a from the farm in Garfield and bekah and Eastern Star orders, one from the Warren Construc­ am o u n tin g to $22,000 have already lavish hand. They are reaping Mr. Armstrong is employed at much interest from the Estacada tion Co. of Portland, and one been raised. plenteously because they sowed one of the camps up the river. lodges was showu in her behalf. from the Compton Co. of Mc­ The Store T he O regon public serv ice comm is­ plenteously. The funeral will be held in Port­ Minnville. The latter was the A speeder loaded with work­ sion has authorized th e S outhern P a ­ lower being about $12,000 a mile. men, jumped the track a few land Saturday. cific com pany to establish a ra te of 4 DODGE NEWS Saturday morning the Co. Judge cen ts a hundred pounds on hardwood miles above Estacada last Sat­ Community Club logs tran sp o rted from Gooch, on the Owing to the illness of her urday afternoon, throwing the The regular monthly meeting and commissioners will meet at Mill City branch, to Salem. baby, Mrs. Nickerson is spend­ men in all directions. Three of of the Community club will be Oregon City to consult with those At a m eeting o t th e C lackam as Coun­ them were quite badly injured held on Friday, March 30, in the interested, as to the type of road ty G uernsey C attle B reeders' club held ing a few weeks in Portland. Mr. Waldkirch has been saw­ and were taken to Portland. Dan I. O. O. F. hall, beginning at 8 desired. It is expected that the a t Oregon City, a com m ittee w as ap­ PLACE Y O U R IN­ contract will be let Monday. pointed to m ake arran g e m e n ts for the ing wood for a number of people Mattson of Estacada was one of p. m. Prof. Noble and Miss SURANCE THROUGH "G uernsey B reed ers’ G aieties" to be at Dodge. the men riding on the speeder, Dahlen of Reed College, will be O. E. S. Entertained YOUR HOME AGENT WHO held in C lackam as county in June. but escaped without injury. WI LL P R O T E C T the speakers of the evening. A David Horner Sr., Mr. and Last Tuesday night Mountain P lans for a huge celebration to m ark YOUR INTEREST If there were better shoes program of orchestra mu3ic and Chapter, No. 108, O rdcrofthe th e com pletion of th e Old O regon T rail Mrs. Fred Horner and family, in th is sta te , and a t the sam e tim e to Rosa B. Ten Eyck and Earl Lar­ made for the price than the old community sinRing will also be ¡Eastern Star, held its regular c e le b rate th e s ta rt of the federal su r­ kins spent Sunday afternoon at reliable Peters all leather line, arranged. meeting. It had been rumored vey of th e U m atilla rapids p roject are we would buy them. You can the Harold Horner home. --------------- that the gentlemen members Cary Real Estate Co. being made by th e P endleton C om m er­ Mr. and Mrs. Russel Seaquist get them for the whoie family at To Berry Growers would entertain the ladies that cial association. Members of the Board of Di- evening, and of course there was Dillard A. E lkins, p racticin g a t­ have moved to White Salmon, Rose’s. to rn ey a t Eugene, w as appointed sta te Wash., where Russel expects to There was a good attendance rectors of the Estacada Packing much speculation and guessing Industrial accident com m issioner to do logging work. at the entertainment at the M. Co. were talking to the manage­ as to the nature of the enter­ sncceed Will T. K irk, who has resigned Richard King, who has been E. church last Friday night, ment of the Oregon Growers dur­ tainment. Typical of the gentler to accept the m anagem ent of th e In ­ sex, those with husbands tried d u strial H ospital association of P o rt­ staying with his aunt, Mrs. when the Invincibles, a class of ing the past week, and report WHITE LEGHORNS in many ways to get the n to young ladies gave a St. Patrick’s favorable developments for their land and A storia. Bred for Vigor and High Jochimsen, has now gone to his Dam age estim ated at $200.000 was home in Idaho. day program, which consisted of operating the cannery this com­ divulge the secret, but thev were Egg r reduction. done to th e A lder hotel in P ortland Our primary aim is to produce readings, songs and a two-act ing season. Further particulars as silent as true masons. Hopes vigorous, husky chicks; healthy, Change in City Laundry and sto res in th e sam e building, two play. After the program light will he forthcoming within the were entertained that one of rugged breeding stocK and first sick persons w ere rescued from the Monday Mrs. Tom Martin class hatching eggs. Hence, in them would “talk in his sleep” refreshments were served. next few days. flam es, several firem en w ere injured many cases, our customers roll bought out the interest of her and thus reveal the all absorbing and a doten firem en w ere overcom e up bigger egg records than we do. Milt Marshall was taken to St. Cooked Food Sale dut we hold our mature st<*cg partner, Mrs. Jake Moss, in the secret. Not until Chapter was by sm oke as th e re su lt of th e fire. Vincent’s hospital last Friday, barK as long as possible after the The W. C. T. U. will have a closed was the mystery revealed T. A. R inehart, for m any y ears a City Laundry. She will add new moult and bring them into laying when an operation for appendi­ cooked food sale at the Estacada and then the ladies were invited re sid e n t ot Marion county, haa been machinery and install a phone, as near the hatching season as possible. Thus are our customers elected se c re ta ry of th e s ta te tax com­ and engage a solicitor to call for citis was thought necessary. Af­ Pharmacy, on Saturday, March to attend the picture show at assured of strong, rugged rhicKs ter a thorough examination and 31. Pie3, cakes, cookies, rolls the Gem, where Mr. Cleworth m ission. The p o sitio n carrie s a salary laundry packages. Special atten­ and high quality hatching eggs. j f $2400 a year. Mr. R in eh art served improvement in the patient’s and other cooked foods will be had ordered "The Flirt” especi­ OR DE R EARLY. ally for the occasion. Of course s s sta te land ag en t u n d e r the adm inis­ tion will be given to family work condition, the operation was on sale. the title of the picture had no tra tio n of G o v e rn o r W est, and has held and you can have your clothes PHIL MARQUAM deferred. Mrs. Marshall, who signficance. There were over >ther offices of tru s t. dry-cleaned, dyed and pressed. E stacad a. O regon. had been with her husband, re- Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Moore thirty present and the picture FARM km aJons mil. ant ot E«M oi. on GvflsMrsad turned home last night. i were in Portland, Tuesday. was much enjoyed. (Concluded on page 2) Read the Ads in the N ews . SATISFIED CUSTOMERS Rexall Fo r Fire Insurance Trap-Nested