EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY MARCH 15. 1923. LOCAL B R E V I T I E S AND NEW S IT E M S Sunkist News Escondido, California, March 10, 1923. Mr. and Mrs. Upton H. Gibbs, Eatacada, Oregon. My Dear Gibbses: On Thursday the 8th, we had the surprise of our sweet life in California, when Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snyder and little son Brooks, and Mr. Earl Kilgore drove into our “auto” yard. To HE WAS say we were glad and pleased "Uncle, I wish you'd let me hove would be putting it very mild, • tenner. I appeal to you as a close and in the short time that they relative.” "You do, eh? Well, here'» a do'- were here stories of our old home lar.” up north, and of our new home World's Tiniest Baby. here were passed swiftly, and The tiniest baby In the world was we gave Snyder and Kilgore a born to a London woman a few weeks message to you all at Estacada. ago. ghe is a twin and weighed only It was a perfect day and one one pound at birth. Her sister, weigh- they will remember for a long lug 3% pounds, died. Mrs. Clarke, her grandmother, said: "I wrapped her in time, and in the near future we cotton-wool, covered her with a expect to see them on another woolen shawl, and put her In a sewing trip, for in this “ s u n k is t v a l e ” machine box. Then I put In hot-water and placed the box before the we have the cream of all the bottles fire, which is kept going day and climates in the SUNNY SOUTH night.” Only one other case of a one- LAND. These men and Mrs. pound baby who survived Is on record. Snyder can tell all of our old Busy Blind Man Always Happy. friends just how we are located, A man named Walters of Marybor­ and what kind of a home we ough, Australia, has been blind since childhood, and here’s his record; have, and all we ask is, that you early Hospital president, town councillor for get, or give them a chance to muny years, member of water com­ tell you the story as it was told mission, conductor of Anglican choir, Shakespearean scholar, keen to them and as they saw the brilliant crib player, and the most cheerful same. person in the town. Mrs. Weatherby has been ill Pencil. since December 23, when she Possibly Mammoth the biggest hlaeklend pen­ was taken with a very severe cil ever made was that exhibited at attack of acute indigestion and Durham, England, some years ago congestion of the liver and she Tills mammoth pencil was 15 feet In length snd 11 Inches in circumference, has been a very sick woman, but whilst the diameter of the lead Itself thanks to good care and profes­ was an inch and a half. Its manu­ sional skill she is rapidly regain­ facturer sold it for $1,250. ing her former good health. Mrs. Tho Way It Ought to Be. Weatherby’s rheumatism has "We've got It on record, anyhow." left entirely and she does not "What?” “The Germans admit that we forced suffer from the aches and pains them to sign the peace treaty. That as she did up north. You who ought to end their boasts that they are likewise afflicted should take the same remedy—the South­ SH E R IF F S SALE land, and very especially the In the Circuit Court of the State of Sunkist Vale. Oregon, for the County of Clacka­ Mr9. C. A. Jaques of Garfield went to Portland Monday. Mrs. G. E. Lawrence went to Portland Saturday and returned Sunday. Dintvand Andy can stay a little longer—Uncle Bim came across with fifty thousand beans. tf Robert Marchbank -Jr. is going around with his arm in a sling. He fell off a box and sprained his elbow. Mrs. Irving Smith was called A Radio in the Home to her old home near Roseburg. A correspondent who lives on Oregon, Saturday, on account of a farm in Minnesota, recently the serious illness of her mother. installed a radio outfit in his See Mrs. J. E. Gates for piano home, and this is what he writes instruction. Prices reasonable. concerning it: I. 0. 0. F. building. 5-4tf “ We can get Minneapolis any Messrs. W. R. Reid, George hour of the day or night, and Pointer and Matt Lonsberry were every word comes louder and Portland visitors on business last plainer than any telephone con­ versation you ever heard. Monday. “ Last night I brought in Fort I am now prepared to do all kinds of watch, clock and jewelry Worth, Texas, and thought it repairing. A. N. Johnson. tf was Minneapolis, it was so dis­ Ray Holgate arrived Thursday tinct. A man sang ‘My Yaller from Terrebonne in Eastern Headed Gal,’ and you could dis­ Oregon, where he was at work, tinguish most every word. Be­ called here by his wife’s illness. sides Fort Worth, we brought Mrs. Bert Twining of Sellwood in a concert from the Westing- spent a few days this week vis­ house Research Laboratory at iting friends in Estacada. She Pittsburgh, Pa., conversation returned home on the noon car from Schenectady, N. Y., music from Atlanta, Ga., a concert Monday. from Memphis, Tenn., a detail A crew of the P. R. L. & P. description of a basketball game put in this week a number of between Wisconsin and North­ new poles for light and power, western University, piano duet by the hotel and on Second street, from St. Louis, the State Prison replacing old ones. band at Jefferson City, Mo., and Mr. and Mrs. Hornby and chil­ Mrs. John Fisher singing at Den­ dren, after attending the funeral ver, Colorado. This is just a of Mrs. Hornby’s mother, Mrs. sample evening program. Harriet Frances Upton, returned “Saturday night we listened to to their home in Hoquiam, Wash­ the Minneapolis Symphony or­ ington, last Saturday. chestra, and during the inter­ H. E. Worden of the Ports­ mission listened to Sousa’s band We are now picking oranges mouth Drug Company, Portland, broadcasting from Denver. Ev­ and lemons and shipping them was visiting A. N. Johnson and ery Sunday Minneapolis broad­ all over the U. S., and as our other friends in Estacada, Sun­ casts Presbyterian services at fruit is about the best it com­ day. Mr. Worden will be re­ 11 a. m., and a week ago St. mands extra prices. membered as working for the Paul’s Episcopal vesper service With best wishes and kindest Estacada Pharmacy several at 4:30 p. m., and Christian Sci­ regards to all, I am, years ago and was quite popular ence service in the evening. Very truly yours, with the masses. G e o . B. W e a t h e r b y . “ Last Sunday they broadcast­ W. J. Moore had the misfor­ ed another symphony concert tune to lose last week, his pedi­ and received a telegram of áp- Potato Blossom End Best greed Irish setter, “ P a d d y preciation from Salem, Oregon.’’ The blossom end cutting of potatoes proved satisfactory in Whack,’’ by distemper. The dog Senior Party most instances where tried last was a puppy and Mr. Moore had purchased him from a well On March 9th the girls of year and those farmers who known kennel in Illinois a short Hustle Inn gave a party for the saved the blossom end cuts for benefit of the Senior class chap­ planting on disease free ground time ago. Mrs. R. Roberts came from eroned by Mr. and Mrs. Einarson. in most cases greatly reduced Portland. Friday, to pay a short The evening was spent in play­ the amount of the wilt. It is visit to her brother, A. G. Ames, ing many enjoyable games, some believed that by following the whom she had not seen for of them proving to be very Station method of examining the Refreshments were stem ends for wilt and saying twenty years. Her husband is amusing. the blossom ends for special seed a traveling salesman for the served at 10:30 o’clock. Chevrolet car, and they are con­ The house was decorated with patches and careful summer stantly on the go all over this the senior colors, purple and rogueing that the wilt troubles white. The hostesses for the may be to a considerable extent country and Canada. BORN—Thursday e v e n i n g , occasion were the Misses Norma eliminated.--O. A. C. Exp. St. March 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Randolph, Mae Smith, Melba Cultivation Saves Moisture Holgate, a son, with Dr. Midford Harmon and Constance Rich­ The fact that moisture can be in attendance. The baby was mond. conserved when summer arrives born apparently dead, but the Methodist Episcopal Church by a thorough working of the physician restored life by arti­ “ If a speaker can’t strike oil soil in the spring has been learn­ ficial restoration, and it lived in thirty minutes he had better ed by the most successful vege­ eleven hours afterwards, death give up boring!” We do. Come table growers of the state. A beingcaused by the bursting of a to any of the services and see. fine top surface of the garden blood vessel in the head. Sunday school at 10. We have makes it easier for the seeder A. G. Ames and Marshal Hen- a young men’s class just organ­ to operate and produce a uniform thorn were busy last Thursday ized. germination and later an even in putting in a larger water sup­ Classes for everyone. stand of plants. A fine surface ply pipe in the alley between the Morning service at 11. Ser- soil also acts as a good dry mulch Sparks, Ames, Wagner and Gibbs monette for the boys and girls. and is valuable when fertilizer is residences. The old pipe was Epworth and Senior leagues iroadcasted before seeding or too small to furnish sufficient meet at 6:30 p. m. at the church. transplanting. The successful water for irrigating purposes in PICTURES at the “Seven-thir­ growth of many vegetables such summer. When each had the ty service.” Another good set. as cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, hose runuing there was no pres­ Come eaily if you want a good and tomatoes can invariably be sure, so that it was impossible to seat. traced to the thorough spring water the gardens unless two H o w a r d W. M ort . Pastor. preparation of the soil as an im­ waited till the others got through, portant factor.—O. A. G. Exp- which caused much inconven­ Card of Thanks station. ience, »specially when the hours We, the undersigned relatives were restricted. The men work­ Christian Church of Mrs. Harriett Frances Upton, ed till half past one Friday morn­ Bible School every Lord's Day late deceased, wish to extend ing in order to get through so our thanks to our friends and at 10 a. m.; Preaching Jl a. m. that the water could be turned j niighbors who have shown us A cordial invitation is extended on again. | -------------- their sympathy and afforded us to all. The theme at the morn­ Washing eggs to be used for ; consolation and kindly assistance ing service, March 18, will be "Life or Death, Which?” You hatching purposes does not nec- in our recent loss. are entitled to one of the two. essarily decrease hatchability, J oseph A. U pton Come out to church and see which but increases evaporation be-, M rs . L ouetta Me W illis one you want. The cost of each cause the pores are opened. Ex- j U. A. U pton is about the same, but the re­ M rs . M yrtle E. H ornby cess evaporation causes small; ward is quite different chicks which do not hatch prop- j E. F. Atchley, pastor. Read the Ads in the N ews . erly. | * * * * * * * mas, F. W. Gerling, Plaintiff, PLUMBING and TIN SHOP A. G. A M E S F! FUNERAL DIRECTOR w.o.w. N.O.W MRS. FRANCES GATES. Estacada. Clerk, of N. O. W. NOTICE OF BOND SALE NOTICE is hereby given that the County Court of Clackatna3 County, Oregon, willl receive sealed bids until I I-O .O .F. I one o’clock p. m., the 19th day of I March, 1923, at the County Court room Estacada Lodcie in the Courthouse in Orep;on City for No. I75. the purchase of all or any part of an issue of serial bonds of said county for f Meets every Saturday evening in J construction of permanent roads there­ ]■ their lodge room, corner of Bioad- 4 in in tlie sum of $2 6,670, said bonds i way and Third streets. Visiting j to be in denominations of $1,000 each, ■> except one odd bond for $70, anil im­ T brothers are always welcome. J. G. Haytuan N. G. j mediately thereafter publicly opened. i f The bonds offered for sale are dated v f J. K. Ely Secretary, *r March 1, 1923, and mature in numeri­ 4*4*4* 4* ^ 4* 4*4 k4* 4*4*4* 4*4*4* 4**»“ I* 4* 4*4“ )* cal order as follows: $46,070 on March 1st, 1937; 60,OH' “ “ 1st, 1938; 50.000 “ “ 1st, 1939; 50.000 “ ” 1st, 1940; 50.000 “ “ 1st, 1941; said bonds to bear interest at a rate not to exceed five per cent (5 ’r ) per annum payable semi-annually on the first days of March and Xepember, Suit Pressed - 50c principal and interest payable in gold coin at the Fiscal Agency of the State Cleaned & Pressed 75c up of Oregon in New York City. All bids must be unconditional and accompanied by a certified check for RE-NU-EM ¡Estacada Pressing Club J. E. G A T E S vs. Blanche V. Warne (formerly Blanche V. Hurlburt) and W. C. Warne, her husband; Daniel B. Newkirk and Frances L. Newkirk, his wife, • Defendants. STATE OF OREGON. [ - ss. County of Clackamas. \ By virtue of a judgment order, de­ cree and an execution, duly issued out of and under the seal of the above en­ titled court, in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 26th day of February, 1923. upon a judgment rendered and entered in said court on the 26th .day of February, 1923, in favor of F. W. Gerling, Plain­ tiff, and against Blanche V. Warne (formerly Blanche V. Hurlburt) and W. NEW ' C. Warne, her husband,: Daniel II. Newkirk and Frances L. Newkirk, his wife, Defendants, for the sur. of $250.- I 00 with interest thereon at the rate of i eight per cent per annum from the 6th day of March 1919, and the further sum of $1 !.7I with interest therion at 6'- from the 17lh day of March, 1922, and tile further sum of $25.00 as attor­ Bring in your old stove. 1 can ney's fees, and the further sum of make it good as new. $49.20 costs and disbursements, and the Am prepared to do all kinds costs of and upon this writ, command­ of sheet m e t a l w o r k and ing me to make sale of the following plumbing -Out i our plumbing described real property, situate in the supplies here at the old I’esz- county of Clackamas, State of Oregon, necker shop. to-wit: All of the earl half of the east half (E. b of E.i ) of the southeast quarter of southwest quarter (8. E. 1 of S. W. j) of Section thirty-four (34), Township Two (2 south, Range seven (7) east of the Willamette Meridian, in Clackamas county, Oregon. U| JOSEPH E. C ITES-YOUR HOME NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of said execution,, judgment and decree, and in comp1! a nee with the demands AND K M B A L M E R of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the jA place where your loved ones will be cared for| 31st day of March, 1923; at the hour of with tender care.—Lady assistant. 10 o’clock, A. M., at the front door of NIGHT AND DAY TELEPHONE the County Court House in the City of Oregon City, in said County and State, J FLOWERS AND TOMBSTONES sell at public auction, subject to re- | Estacada, Oregon. demption, to the highest bidder for U. R. gold coin cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the within I named defendants or either of them, j had on the date of tile mortgage herein or since had in or to the above de-1 scribed real property or any part there- | of, to satisfy said execution, judgment j Camp No. 539 Circle No. 832 order, decree, interest, costs and all accruing costs. Meet jFlrstU and Third Fridays Jof each month.—Every Neighbor urged W. J WILSON, Sheriff of ClackamasConnty, Oregon. ! to attend:—Visitors always welcome. By E. C. HACKETT, Deputy, t JOSEPH E. GATES. Estacada. Dated Oregon City, Oregon, M arch Clerk of W. O. W. 1st, 1923. 3,1-29 j $ I. O. O. F. B U I L D I N G 10 , 000 . The Court reserves the right to re­ ject any or all bids. The authorization of these bonds has been held legal by the Oregon Supreme Court. The approving legal opinion of Meessrs. Teal, Winfree, Johnson & McCulloch will be furnished tho suc­ cessful bidder. Population of county—1920 census — 37,698. Assessed valuation, 1922. $29,- 516,881. bonded indebtedness, includ­ ing this issue, $636,520. By order of the County Court. FRED A. MILLER, Couutv Clerk, Oregon City, Oregon. 2-22-3-1-8-15 WEAVING Carpet, Rug, Fluff Rug and Fortiers weaving Prices reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed. W. R. COBB Main 9t., two doors from City Laundry—Estacada, P. O. box 83. dues : W E have received our new Ginghams for Spring; in Plaids, Checks, Stripes and Solid colors. Before buy­ ing your Gingham Dress be sure to see our assort­ ment first as these are priced right. 25c--Graniteware Deal~25c Berlin Lip Kettles Sauce Pano Stew Pans Wash Pans Milk Pans Handles Pots—three sizes All at 25c Each Warren Green Calked Loggers Shoes IF you want Loggers Shoe3 there is nothing better than the WARREN GREEN Line. Every pair Guaranteed -Money back if not satisfied. $15.50 the pair JOIN THE CROWD A T THE PEOPLE’S STORE Where the Motto Is SERVICE. H. B. SNYDER, - . C. A. DYKEMAN.