EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS,THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1923. Eastern Clackamas News sorbing qualities of asphaltic concrete tend to minimise the force of impact, thus protecting the base from these destructive qualities. The Oregon State Highway Commission used asphaltic con Crete reconstruction on a portion of the Coast Highway during the last summer. The original pavement was but 8 feet in width, and was badly in need of repair. The pavement was wid­ ened to 16 feet by the addition of asphaltic concrete shoulders 5 feet wide andj 3 inches thick. The entire width was later re­ surfaced with 2 inches of as­ phaltic concrete—Ex. Entered at the postofflce in Estacada, Oregon, aa second-class mail. Published every Thursday at Estacada, Oregon GOOD CIGARETTES UPTON H. GIBBS Editor and Manager. S ubscription R ates One year . . . Six months iC $1.50 .75 G E N U IN E Thursday, M a r c h 8, 1923. "B U LL” B IB L E Q U E S T IO N S DURHAM TOBACCO - QUESTIONS — and Bible Answers I f Parents ■will eneouraiie children to look o p and memorise the Bible Answers, it will prove a priceless heritage t o them in a fte r years. ir a u ^ i^ r^rcniinriroznOEnim'nmi^ How did Jesus begin his great Sermon on the Mount? — Matt. 5:3-11 What did Jesus say about passing judg- ment on others? — Matt. 7:1-5 Why is Jesus called the burden bearer? — Matt. 11:28-30 JU ST IC E A N D M E R C Y NEW FEED STORE is still across from the Postoffice where we are always pleased to meet our customers and all who chance to stop under our roof. Gome and let us fix you up for your spring work. A full line of Feeds, Grain are three thousand citations of scripture. and Seeds A letter has been circulated among the teachers throughout the state signed by a reputed M. D., but whose name cannot be found in the directory, in which the assertion is made that State Superintendent of Public Instruction J. A. Churchill is on the verge of a mental collapse and will enter a private sanitari­ um for treatment. It is evident­ ly gotten up by his enemies who are after his official scalp. We do not believe there is a word of truth in it. But it is a very des­ picable way to cast discredit on an official who had so won the confidence of the people that he was reelected at the last election by a large majority, and very little opposition. BARTHOLOMEW and LAWRENCE OF GENERÄL INTEREST Í Under a ruling announced by the state superintendent of schools, the teachers' training course offered through the last year of the standard high school hereafter will be consid­ ered equivalent to the 24 weeks’ course provided at the state normal school at Monmouth. Adjutant-General V.'hlte has return­ ed to Salem from Tillamook, where he Inspected the site for the proposed new armory which is to be erected there during the present year. The recent legislature made an appropriation of $20.000 for this structure. A similar amount will be appropriated by Tilla­ mook county. THE ESTACADA MEAT CO. H . C. G O H R IN G P ro p . I Estacada : * CITY LA U N D R Y (Rents that will Increase the mill capac­ ity from 60,000,000 to 75,000,000 board feet annually. The contract for the construction of an entire new acid system for the sul­ phite plant of the Crown-Willamette paper mill in West Linn and the re­ placing of all of the present frame structures at the mill with concrete lias been awarded. Announcement of contemplated expenditure of about $250,000 was made by the officials of the Crown-Willamette. July 14, 15 and 16 have been set as the dates for the 1923 annual Mount Hood climb of the Hood River Ameri- .can Legion post. The annual conven­ tion of the Oregon Editorial associa­ tion will be held the week of tbb mountain party and all delegates to the editors’ sessions have been invited by the legionnaries to participate as their guests on the highland hike. The first sheep sale of the season was reported at Heppner when Pat Connell, sheepman of Rhea Creek, *01d 1600 two-year-old ewes to J. A. Funk of Portland at $9.25 a head for «1res and $5 for each lamb, delivery to be made June 1. The ewes are expected to shear 12 pounds of wool, which at present prices would make a total price of better than $19 for the ewes. A deal which involved the trans­ fer of the 4200 acres of fine timber land in Lincoln county of the Chau­ tauqua Lumber company to the Pa­ cific Spruce corporation for a figure approximating more than $1,000,000, has been closed. The timber, which cruised about 275,000,000 feet, is locat­ ed in the lower Siletz basin, and is ad­ jacent to the logging properties of the spruce corporation, The timber will At Your Ssrvice W E wish to serve our customers in finan­ cial matters and to be useful to them in every way. C O N S U L T with us freely regarding your business affairs— your confidence will be respected. If we can render you any ser­ vice consistent with sound banking we will be pleased to do so. ESTACADA STATE BANK “ Safety and Service.” A nnouncem ent •J W e have been appointed the Exide Service Station for this locality. In addition to selling the right battery for your car, our service includes skilful repair work on every make of battery. You can rely on responsible advice and rea­ sonable prices here. W e look forward to a call from you. CASCADE GARAGE i Beef, Mutton. Veal and Hogs Bought Open from 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. BARBER SHOP (Continued from fiirst page) The numerous pardon3 and com mutations of sentences granted by acting-governor, Rittner, last fall, ha3 prvoked a great deal of adverse criticism. This brings up the perennial question of jus tice and mercy, ‘ ‘are they con trary to one another?” In the ology they have often been treat­ ed as being so, that mercy when The work of repairing the main and pleading for pardon or mitiga lateral sewers at Astoria, the clear­ tion, is in opposition to justice ing of the streets in the burned dis­ But this is a great mistake. President Harding has just trict of the city and the making of Justice and merev are not op­ completed half of his term of temporary repairs to the fire alarm posed, for they meet together in office. He has been conscien­ system will be undertaken at once God, Who is both justice anc tious and conservative in his ad­ and the estimated cost is In the neigh­ love. They should meet togeth­ ministration and deserves the borhood of $15,000. The forest service will readverttse er also in man, for ‘ ‘earthly rest he now can enjoy for a short bids for the purchase of 800,000,000 power doth then show likest season. Already there is talk of feet of timber in the Malheur forest God’s, When mercy seasons jus­ his running again in 1924, but In Harney county. No bids were re­ tice.” considerable water will pass un­ ceived front ^the last advertisements. Justice and mercy are united der the bridge before that time The purchaser would be required to in the same end of upholding comes, so the last half of his Construct about 80 miles of railroad oh which to bring the timber out. the law, but justice is primarily term will be the determining The first case to be tried in the state concerned with healing the factor whether he will be willing under the law passed at the recent breach of law and vindicating or wanted to run for renomina­ session of the legislature, which gives the state authority to confiscate auto­ its authority, while mercy after tion. mobiles used for transportation, of the law has been confirmed, Our esteemed contemporary, liquor, in violation of the prohibition keeps the reformation of the o f­ law, will be heard in the Clackamas fender in mind, so that he will the Producers Call of Portland, county circuit court at Oregon City. have ¡another chance to make thinks there is a conspiracy on Funds for the Scotsburg-Reedsport good. Proyided that the law foot among the business corpo­ s-'ctlon of the Roseburg-Reedsport suffers no harm or weakening of rations of the metropolis to get highway will not be available during its force, justice which is never it deprived of mailing privileges. the coming year if the federal senate concurs in the reduction of the appro vindictive, cannot object to But it assures its subscribers priation for forest roads, according to the efforts of mercy on behalf that if it should be subjected to word received from Philip Dater, dis­ o f the offender. On the other that inconvenience it will still trict engineer for the forest service. The housing situation in Monmouth hand mercy cannot in regard carry on. We hope it is mistak­ to the true welfare of the o f­ en and are pretty sure it is, for has become a serious problem during the past two years, owing to the rapid fender, in any way seek to ren­ big business is too shrewd to growth of the normal school, and th« der the law of none effect by give it such a splendid adver­ increasing population. It was estimate unwise leniency, because law tisement, just like aprimadonna ed by Monmouth real estate men that 50 new houses are required to accom is fundamental to the liberty, laving her diamonds stolen. modate properly the present popula peace and happiness of all. With­ tion. The 67th congress passed into out law society wouid break in Trout fishing In the McKenzie river pieces and sheer terrorism pre­ ustory Sunday noon. It had and its upper tributaries should be spent a greater portion of ils vail. above par this season, according to It is right that there should be two year span of life in actual Matt Ryckmnn, superintendent of state executive power of pardon and session than any of its predeces­ fish hatcheries, who states that ap proximately 100,000 year-old trout be­ extending clemency, but this is sors tween four to eight Inches and about to be exercised not only in re­ A wise man either may know- 30,000 larger fish were liberated at gard to the criminal but also to hat he knows or know that he the McKenzie hatchery recently by the welfare of society. If detri­ doesn’ t know, but it is a lool high water. mental to the latter, it is a who doesn’ t know that he doesn't The lumber shipments by water from the Columbia river during the wrong use, for it will undo the know. month of February, while less than for very end for w hich law exists. the preceding month, were fairly large, The Rittner pardons should lie H igh w ay W e; m g C o i n se according to statistics compiled by R judged accordingly, w hether or Asphaltic concrete makes an P. Lamb, deputy collector of customs not they were subversive of law, excellent wearing course for any at Astoria. Sixty-eight vessels loaded 56,781,906 feet of lumber which left bringing it into contempt, and pavement base. It has excel- thus undermining the safety of ent adhesive qualities which in­ the Columbia river in cargoes during the 28 days. the social body. sure a thorough bond with the Final negotiations involving the base. Its waterproof qualities transfer of the Buehner Lumber com­ W H Y O M IT T H E BIBLE? prevent seepage of water thru pany of North Bend to the Stout Lum her company, a concern composed of This week is Religious Book the pavement, and eliminate the several big lumbermen, have been com Week at the University o f Ore­ danger of failure due to soft pleted and the new owners will imme­ The shockab- diately start the making of improve- gon, and a number of clergymen wet subgrade*. were requested to send in a sug­ gestive list o f books to aid the students. Two prominent di­ vines of Portland complied with the request, but neither o f them included the Scriptures in their lists. This recalls a criticism that men will read all about the Bible but fail to read the book itself. Much of the oratorical charm and effect of the late Judge Henry McGinn o f Port­ land, who died last week was due to his knowledge o f the scriptures and his copious and apt quotations from them. This w as also true of Daniel Webster. Shakespeare owed mueh to the same source, anJ it has been es­ timated that in his plays there m be milled in the plant at Toledo. Subscribe for your home paper Bids oa approximately $800,000 worth of additional highway work, the E a s t e r n C l a c k a m a s N e w s . which it Is proposed tp carry out dur­ ing the coming season, wlil be adver­ T H E S A N IT A R Y tised for at once, according to deci­ sion of the state highway commlsilon at it» regular March meeting. In addi­ On Broadway, opposite Gem tion, plans for moiA than $550,000 Theatre, Estacada. worth of federal forest highway work Agent for Crystal Laundry in which the state will co-operate were approved and bids will be called short­ JACK NORTON, Prop. ly by the United States bureaa of pub­ lic roads. Astoria’s chance to obtain a loan of $1,065,000 from the federal gov­ ernment has gone glimmering, ac­ cording to a dispatch received from Charles W. Halderman, who ie repre­ Rough Dry, 14 lbs. $1.00 senting Astoria at the national capital. The reason given le that the rules Work Finished at Portland prices committee of the lower house of con­ gress refuted to make the proposed Don’t Knock, Boost our own town bill a special order of bnslness and there is not sufficient time to bring Lace Curtains a Specialty the measure up for action In Ita regu­ lar order at thla session. Eatacada. Oregon. Saturdays, open to 8 p. m. Oregon WILCOX BROS., Props. ' ♦