Devoted to the Interests ot Eastern Clackamas County V o l u m e 16, N umber PROFESSIONAL CARDS. 20 E s t a c a d a , O r e g o n , T h u r s d a y , F e b r u a r y 22, 1923. SESSION AT SALEM RUNS OVER 40 DAYS TAXPAYER OPPOSES CI1Y BOND ISSSE LO C A L BREVITIES $1.50 P e r Y e a r CURRINSVILLE ITEMS TO PAVE 00 NOT TO PAVE? The High School will giva a Mrs. J. A. Kitching was a vis- play on Friday, March 2. itoi in Portland Saturday, on Neal Bronson is building an business. T 'X R. W. W. RHODES O S T E O P A T H IC addition to his residence. David Ankrom o f Portland, Lawmakers Unable to Com­ P H Y S IC IA N A N D SURGEON Estacada Oregon, Mrs. Grover Kiggins, who has visited the Currinsville Commun­ That is the question to be voted Office 'in Lichthorn Bldg., Estacada, plete Labors Within Con­ February 21, 1923. been very ill, is now improving. on next Tuesday. The council ity Sunday school last Sunday, E d it o r N e w s : ■pjR. G. F. MlDFOKD stitutional Limit. G. P. Rose is beginning to in the interest of the Pilgrim seeks authority through amend­ It looks to the writer that the show signs of recovery, but is • ^ P H Y S IC IA N and SURGEON. ment to the city charter to issue Boys’ chorus. X R ay E quipment — G lasses fitted proposed scheme o f votinsr bor.ds yet confined to his bed. Salem.— The constitutional 40-day genera! obligation bonds not ex­ O F F IC E and Residence Second and Main Strsets The much thought of, long period prescribed for legislative ses­ to the amount o f $14,000.00 for Estacada. Oregon—Telephone Connections ceeding $14.000, for street im­ Trade may be dull in some talked o f community supper, i sions expired with the important ques­ the purpose o f building a sur­ provement purposes. The rea­ Q K . CHAS. P. JOHNSON lines, but the Estacada Feed Co. postponed because o f the snow tions of consolidation, taxation and faced road to connect with Ihe son for doing this at this time, finds there is a great demand for storm, will be given Saturday Income tax unsettled, so It was neces­ DENTIST highway that is yet to be built, Please is because the county road be­ Estacada, Oregon. sary to extend the session over into is premature, uncalled for at the corn. They are unloading their evening, March 3rd. tween Barton and the north end this week. Even the appropriation second car this month, o f yellow keep the date open. considering bills did not make their appearance present time and, o f Main street in Estacada will J } R . W. W A L L E N S Dent. Mrs. R. S. Coop and son Arlie the already crushing high tax­ until Saturday. be paved this summer, leaving SURGEON DENTIST Remember the W. C. T. U. went to Portland. Saturday, to The pay of members ends, they work ation, is almost criminally fool­ a strip between the road and For over 20 years at Springwater, Ore. the M. E. attend their church conference. for nothing, and the legislators can ish; the more so when we realize entertainment at town of about a mile in length. remain as long as they please, with­ that only a few will be benefited church next Tuesday night, Feb. There was a valentine party at It would not speak well for the ALBERT t . e lo t t out expense to the state Insofar as the while the bulk o f the taxpayers 27. The program will include a A T T O R N E Y AT L A W the school house Friday. Arthur town if it failed to connect up pay of the senators and representa­ will be taxed to help out half a R E S ID E N T L A W Y E R lecture on “ California” with Boyer won the highest number tives Is concerned. The compensation With the paved county road. dozen who see gain to themselves E STA C A D A . - - OREGON of the house and senate staffs, which in having this fine road run near pictures, sketch, readings, vo­ in the search for hearts. Besides the work could be done include everything down to the steno­ them and indirectly add a few cal solos and selections by a male Wilbur Wade came home last cheaper now than later, because W M . G. D U N L A P graphers and pages continues until dollars to the value o f their prop­ quartet. Admission 25 cents. ATTORNEY AT LAW Wednesday, for a short visit the same contractor who did the erty. It does not seem possible A t Estacada, in the office o f Woodle sine die adjournment. The card party given by N. O. He reported that the snow fall paving on the county road, could The question of consolidating var­ that sane men would even think W. ladies last Friday evening, Realty Co., on Saturdays—Portland o f­ fice 1524 Yeon Building. ious departments of the state govern­ o f pulling off such a raw deal as was quite well attended, there was very heavy in the mountains. do the work on the town street, ment was in a chaotic condition and this on the tax payers o f Estaca­ being six tables. Clarence Bullard has returned and having his outfit on the spot ” 500” was the O D. EBY, many believe nothing will be done at da, but the notice that such an game enjoyed for a few hours, at home after an absence of more he could do it at less expense A T T O R N E Y A T L AW . this session. election has been called shows the conclusion of which light re­ than three years in the far east. than one who had to come out General Practice. Confidential Ad­ When the legislature adjourned over that they do. freshments were served. Mr. viser. Oregon City. Oregon. especially to do it. Sunday the Carkin bill was the only Does any one suppose that if and Mrs. C. Coonrad held the His parents are overjoyed at his The town is now only bonded safe arrival, especially as his life consolidation measure pending, as the the average owner o f village high scores. TV/TcGUIRK & SCHNEIDER Hall bill had been killed in the senate property realized that to carry for $10,000 on an assessed valua­ A T T O R N E Y S A T LAW . was many times despaired oi Mrs. G. E. Lawrence delight tion of $168,000. This was for A t Gresham office—Tuesdays, Thurs­ and the senate compromise bill was out this scheme it will require 6 fully entertained a few ladies for during his absence. days ana Saturdays, 2