I EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY. FEB. 15,1923. ttonal fund," In proportion to the num­ ber of such children in the district. 1 out of the general funds of the district. Entered at the postofflce in Estacada, Who is the educated man? It is! This fund is to be employed to provide Oregon, as second-class mail. he who has been trained to sense for visiting teachers to be paid for on ¡the meaning and purpose of life ;! I the basis of hourly teaching. Published every Thursday at Dy the bare margin of one vote, Rep- to realize his mission in life; to | Estacada, Oregon rcr' n'atN’e Woodward’s eight hour grasp the prob.ems and condi-; day law for the lumber industry was tions of life coming within his UPTON H. GIBBS parsed by the house. The bill, as sphere, and to meet them under-1 Editor and Manager. amended, provides that the penalties is still acrcss from tl' standingly. Such a man is edu- for violation shall not be effective un­ Poutoffi •e where we are S ubscription K ates cated whether or not he has til similar laws are enacted by Wash­ ahvavs pleased to meet $1.50 much learning in a scholarly One year . . . ington and Idaho. our customers and all who The house of representatives decided .75 way. An educated man is not Six months against free text books for elementary chance to stop under our necessarily a walking encyclope­ school children in Oregon when It roof, Come and let us fix Thursday. F e b r u a r y 15, 1923. dia, but he is one who has the voted to accept the majority report of you up for vanir spriag requisite fundamental knowl­ the committee on education and in­ B IB L E Q U E S T IO N S work. A fir! ‘ ino of definitely postponed Representative edge for clear thinking and right Woodward’s free text book bill. acting, and thus qualified to ful­ Initiative Safeguarded. 1 1 5 *C u d s , G a n QUESTIONS — fil the function in life which ra The house voted to safeguard the falls to his lot. and Bible Answers initiative from frauds when It passed I f Parents will encou rage children to look ap and m emorize the Bible A newer«, it will prove the Kuehn bill with 38 ayes against a priceless* heritage to them in a fte r yearn. Our esteemed contemporary, 20 nocs and Gordon and Kay absent. frdntmaniiinwmnnigTminji i i;nLjm :im .nniuj-Ji the Milwaukie Review, we are The bill as passed requires petitions i BARTHOLOMEW to be filed with county clerks and When will our prayer be answered? glad to observe, has enlarged and LAWRc-NCE local registrars and provides that coun­ — Matt. 21:22 from a G to a 7 column folio. ty clerks shall publish notices advising What is the most important treasure? This was due to increased adver­ the people of the counties Just where — Mark 8:36,37 tising demand, which encroached petitions are available for signature. What purpose should direct every act too much on the news column?. Mrs. Simmons’ bill to make jury of our lives? — 1 Cor. 10;31 Easter Festival of the Resur­ duty compulsory upon women and re­ rection and the reawakening of move from the law the right now ex­ L enten Customs T H E E D D Y S C H O O L BILL life. The first mention o f Let t isting of claiming exemption, passed Ash Wednesday which fails is found in a Canon of the Coun­ the house, the vote being 34 ayes and Senator Eddy’ s school bill this year on February 14, and cil of Nicea, 325 A. I)., and in the 25 noes. which has passed in the senate marks the beginning of t'ne Len­ The bill not only removes the ex­ Christian Church is known as emption, but requires that one-half of has aroused the opposition of ten season, carries the reminder the period of fasting preparito- the jury panel in Multnomah county the educational authorities of that the best and worst of winter ry to this Easter Festival. must be women, and one-fourth of the state as an invasion of the are behind us and springtime ap As with all these ancient festi such panel in the balance of the coun­ legislature into a department to proaches. Religiously considered vais many quaint and curious ties. which it is not qualified to dic­ Ash Wednesday takes its name Against the advice of the state high­ customs attaching to Lent have way commission, the house passed tate. There is some truth in from the ceremonial use of ashes been handed down through the Giaham’s bill authorizing the refund­ this, and legislative programs as a symbol of penitence, which ages. In mediaeval times meat, ing of road bonds and use of the money for courses of study should be is traced back to the penance of eggs and milk were forbidden in on primary market roads. Graham’s discouraged. While hoping the sackcloth and ashes spoken of by Lent, not only by eclesiastieal, plan Is to issue,each year for market Eddy bill will not finally pass, the Old Testament prophets. but by statute law\ It is from roads an amount of bonds equal to Prior to the Reformation, all we are thankful to him for his those retired for the state highways. this prohibition of the eating of This plan will keep Oregon at the con­ criticisms o f education as carried Christian believers conformed to eggs, that the Easter egg cus­ stitutional limit for road bonds. on in the grammar and the high this ancient ceremonial. Its use tom in modern times grew. The Lewis bill to tax church prop­ schools. The senator declared has been abandoned in later days erty failed in the house wjien 35 votes he knew whereof he spoke, as by the reformed churches, and were' counted against the measure, he had sent four children is now retained by the commu­ with 24 for it, and Burdick, the sole member absent, thus defeating the through high school. What he nicants of the Church of Rome measure by a majority of 11 votes. emphasized especially was, that alone; in whose places of worship Lvtern Clackamas News AN E D U C A T E D M A N THE new T± D STORE ? and S SESSION AT SALEM ENTERS FINAL WEEK the children were not properly ashes obtained from the burning grounded in the three Rs. This o f palms blest on Palm Sunday complaint is nation wide. In the of the year previous are thrice (Co itinued from fiirst page) New York Tribune for February sprinkled with holy water and 6, there is a letter on this very censed. Thereafter the officia­ 000, bearing interest at 4 per cent, but point, from a man whose job is ting priests make the sign of the no Interest to be collected for a period of six years. The sum of $250,000 Is to pass on the applications of Cross upon the foreheads of com­ to bo appropriated for tho purpose. . persons looking for employment. municants with the thumb dipt The Kuehn house bill prohibiting the He asks, "what is the cause of in consecrated ashes, intoning changing of registration of party af the poor handwriting and poor the words; "Remember, man, filiations within 30 days preceding pri­ spelling of the young people of that thou art dust, and unto dust mary elections passed the senate. The Cary ice cream bill, which pro­ thou shalt return.” This cus­ today.” voked such a storm of protest from the tom dates back at least to the The Eddy bill would require ce cream manufacturers upon its In­ the teaching of the three Rs to Eighth Century. troduction in the house, was passed In the Anglican and Lutheran be continued in the high school by the senate by a unanlmuos vote. courses, thus involving a repi- communions as well as the Ro­ 7 he bill increases the butterfat and tion of the grade course o f study. man Catholics, however, ti e solids content of ice cream. Tho senate passed house bill No. 77, Tho reform should begin in the | Lenten Fast is still maintained; grade course, where these sub­ and though thro igh the year the 1 signed to aid In the enforcement of '>e prohibition laws of the state. jects naturally belong. But it period of fasting has frequent y Tho bill requires the registration of will not be accomplished until a varied, by common acceptance ail distilling appurtenances with the rigid system is adopted in the among all Christian Communi.n s, proper state and federal officials and gra les, w hereby no pupil is ad­ the forty day period is now ob­ makes the presence of a still, worm, vanced unless he has made the served; and not wit .out reason mash or any of the other equipment ‘ forty” is- a scriptural or Ingredients Incident to the disttlln grade. Pupil, are being shoved since ■Ion or brewing of liquors prima facie number. For tony years, foi evldmce that the owner or occupant alo ig from grade to grade irre­ spective of their qualifications. illustration, ibe children of Isra­ j f the premises is the owner of the If they are kept hack then a el were under discipline in the tabooed paraphernalia. Representative Keeney's bill, which howl is raised which requires a Wilderness. Moses fasted forty large amount o f moral courage days in the Mount. Elijah was was Intended to place a tax on literary, benevolent, charitable and scientific for a conscientious teacher to en- forty days in' the Wilderness, Institutions when operated for com dure. That children are promo-! E°r t»rly days Christ fasten be- peiisation, was killed by the seuate ted who ought not to be, is prov- |,ore entering the ministry. Re­ through indefinite postponement Senator Dennis' bill which provides ed by the general experience of winning with Ash Wednesday (hat taxes levied in 1923 and 1924 shall business firms with applicants Lenten season really covers be 10 per cent lower than the tax col with high school diplomas, for a period of forty-six days, but as looted in 1922 parsed the senate with positions, who prove wholly d e -; Sunday has always been regard- only President Upton voting against ficient in spelling, grammar, ed as a Feast, these six Sundays it. It npplits to all tax levying bodies ¡are not counted as belonging to aud excepts only money raised to pay writing and simple arithmetic. principal or Interest on bonded In ! the Fast. C O M IN G EVEN TS ETC. The word Lent is derived from debtedness heretofore contracted or to pay salaries fixed by law. the old Anglo-Saxon word Lcnc- Education far Crippled Children. The boom for William E. Bo­ ten, meaning Spring, and, as the The house, by unanimous vote, rah for president in 1924, has last talis 111 the early part of the I pa*.ud a s< nate bill providing (or the been Btarted. We received a year, by common usage Lent is I educating o f crippled children. Pro communication this week from 1 now generally associated with ' vl,lon '* m ide ln ,hU m,'agurt' for the an attorney in San Diego, Cali­ j the beginning of Spring, which sottlns aside in every district ln which one or more crlppli d children are on fornia, who thus states the situ­ tomes to full tiower with the i rolled of a "crippled children's educa ation as he sees it: "The man that w e should choose for this position should be a statesman in every sense o f the word; a man with a broad hu­ man viewpoint; one with cour­ age and judgment; one that be­ lieves that there are still new worlds to discover and who is willing to sail uncharted seas. "W ho better than William E. Borah? He is the man. It is up to you and me and all the other common American citizens to get into step; to declare as with ore voice; William E. Bo­ rah for president in 1924. "G o out on the highways and by-wavs; and on the street car; | in vour social contact with your fellows; sell them this attractive idee; William E. Borah for pres­ ident in 1924. As you will it so it will be.” THE ESTACADA MEAT A D M I N I S T R A T O R ’S N O T I C E A D M IN IS T R A T O R ’S N O T IC E i n the County Court of the State of | NOTICE is hereby given that the Oregon for the County of Clackamas, undersigned has been appointed by the In the matter of the estate of Eliza- County Court of '"•'-ckamas Clackamas C County, heth Amann, deceased. j Oregon, Administrator of the estate o f Elizabeth Lingelbach. deceased. All NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointe-i admin­ persons having claims against said es- istrator of the estate of Elizabeth tate are hereby notified to present the Amann, deceased, and has qualified. same to me, or at the office o f my at­ All persons liavirg claims against said torney, O. D. Eby, in Oregon City, estate are hereby notified to present Oregon, duly verified as by law required, within six months from the date the same duly verified as by law re­ ' j hereof. quired at the office of my attorney, Dated January 18, 1923. Albert T Elott, Estacada, Oregon, V. LINGELBACH. within six months from the date hereof. Auministrator SPENCER AMANN, O. D. EBY, Administrator. Attorney for Admitistrator. Date o f first publication January 18th. First publication January 18th, 192:-’ . 1923. Last publication February 15th, 192;!. Date of last publication February 15th, 1923. Read the Ads in the N ews . CITY L A U N D R Y T H E S A N IT A R Y Rough Dry, 14 lbs. $1.00 BARBER SHOP Work Finished at Portland prices On Broadway, opposite Gem Theatre, Estacada. Don't Knock, Boost our own town Children’s Haircutting a Specialty Lace JACK NORTON, Prop. Curtains a Specialty Ì Income Tax Reports must be sent in before March 15, and it is advisable to send them in as early as possible. W e are prepared to assist in the preparation of such reports when desired. Legislative Brevities. By a decisive vote the house voted down Representative Lovejoy’s bill to create a state board oS cosmetic thera­ py examiners. Reduction of the salaries of all state officials and employees, not fixed by statute, approximately 10 per cent, is proposed In a resolution adopted by the senate. Representative Blower’s bill, regula­ ting the sale of firearms and restrict­ ing the carrying of the same by per­ sons other than sheriffs and peace of­ ficers, was defeated in the senate. ESTACADA STATE BANK “ Safety and Service.” I am n nv prepared to do all kinds of w,.tch, clo’ k and jewelry repairing. A. N. Johnson. tf o o o o » » » « w -w -:-w v 4 jW T r *u fr U th f \ The 1923 SUPERIOR Chevrolet 5-Passenger Sedan ¡ P 1? 2? Œ e ™ Ict led the trorld in dosed car sale!, chiefly because ol decessor because:"** B° dy & d“ . *** U c° mPk « lv eclipsing its pre- .‘ dÜd^pme’n^" "i“ fU"h" ‘mpr°V'd ** more « “ « anCd ° S ^ “ a^fa“ " foEr^ice Vrationi°W ° fe e d ° ° * * * ” te basis b? « W » dealer, «nd H, C. GOHRING Prop. rRJCES of the new line remain the same In spite o f added equipment and more expensive construction, which have greatly increased value. PRICES F. O . B. Estacada, Oregon. SU P E R IO R W £ 0 0 SUPERIOR ftve passenger Touring $665.00 Beef, Mutton, Veal and Hogs Bought SUPERIOR two passenger Utility Coupe $825.00 S U P E R IO R four p au en ger Setfaaette S 1 0 5 S .0 0 SUPERIOR five Dassentrer tin * «; rtn SUPERIOR light delivery car.... $ 645.(0 j See these remarkable cars. Stwiy the specifications. Nothing compares with CHEVROLET for economic Transportai it • Open from 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. Estacada : Saturdays, open to S p. m. Oregon ; CASCADE GARAGE j ESTACADA, WILCOX BROS. Props. OREGON