EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY, JAN. 18,1923. Ea ste rn C lack am a s N e w s Entered at the postoffice in Estacada, Oregon, as second-class mail. Published every Thursday at Estacada. Oregon UPTON H. GIBBS Editor and Manager. S ubscription R ates One year . . . Six months Thursday, J anuary $1.50 .75 18, 1923. B IB L E Q U E S T IO N S — Q U E S T IO N S — and Bible Answers I f P a r e n t* w ill e n c o u r a g e c h ild re n t o look up a n d m e m o riz e th e B ib le A n sw e r* , it will p ro v e a p ric e le s s h e r it a g e t o th e m in a f t e r y e a rs . What is the power and majesty of God? —Psalm 93:1-4 How should we come into God’B pres­ ence? —Psalm 95:1, 2 How should we worship God? —l'salm 95:6, 7 They can trace life down to what they consider its primary forms, but can go no farther. St. John the apostle is far more satisfac­ tory, who tells us “that which hath been made wa< life in Him,” i. e. the Word of God Who in the beginning was with God and was God, Life must have a starting point ana the only rational one is God. The universe with all which it comprises, manifests a plan and a purpose, and these indicate thought back of them, of the highest wisdom and power. Michael Angelo saw in a block of marble the image of an im­ prisoned angel, and with his chisel released it. What he saw was his thought projected into the block of marble, wh i c h thought he clothed with the ma­ terial marble to give it expres­ sion. The statue which he carved was originally a thought in his mind, and thought is of the life of the thinker. When Michael Angelo declared that he saw an image of an angel in the block of marble, he spake, and then and there the image came into actuality, though it took some time for it to be brought into sight. We do not care if evolution is taught in the schools provided its limitations are clearly defined, and the pupils are told that it is after all only a tentative theory, which by subsequent scientific discoveries may yet be displaced. And that as far as man is con cerned, it can only apply to his physical structure and not to the spiritual part of his nature, in which the image and likeness of his Creator can be discerned. REViEW Or I R K O f OREGON LEGISLATURE STOP AND LOOK OVER THE NEW FEED STORE across from the post of­ fice. A full line of feeds which merits your atten­ tion. You wiil always find us trying to please our patrons. We knew the times are a little trying, but they are going to be better, and we are told to smile and tlu- world smiles with us. So come, let us shake your hand and smi e with you. We have a Truck, also a sm-i'l Deliv­ ery Rig — We Are at Your Service. BARTHOLOMEW and LAWRENCE A D M IN IST R A T O R S N O T IC E consideration In the senate was in­ NOTICE is hereby given that the troduced by Senator Strayer of Baker, undersigned has been appointed by the and provides for the designation o( the | County Court of Clackamas County, east and west road through the state I Oregon, Administrator of the estate of j Elizabeth Lingelbach. deceased. All ns the Old Oregon Trail. A The first county salary increase bill 1 persons having claims against said es­ tate are hereby notified to present the bobbed up in the house when Reprc- ! , same sflnle to u) me, or at ai the lne office 0tnce or of my i at- (Continued from filrst page) sentative Miles Introduced a measure | torney, O. D. Eby, in Oregon City, able opposition. Many members from having for its purpose an increase in On gon, duly verified as by law required, within six months from the date Eastern Oregon, as well as from other salary for the treasurer of Columbia hereof. parts of the state are said to be op­ county from $1000 to $1200 a year. Dated January 18, 1923. posed to the appropriation. Changing the date for paying the V. LINGELBACH, Administrator During the weak a measBre propos- first half of all taxes from April 5 to EBY, ng an income tax is likely to be placed June 1 is the purpose of an amend­ O. D. Attorney for Admitistralor. in the legislative hopper. The In­ ment to the tax laws Introduced in the First publication January 18th, :923. come tax law outlined by Speaker senate by Senator Johnson of Benton Lust publication February 15th, 1923. Kubll is the only one in sight. No county. o.*er member has indicated that he has in preparation an income tax R ead th e Ads in th e N e w s . bill. Most members believe that pas­ sage of an Income tax at this session is inevitable. The only debatable ques­ Rough Dry, 14 lbs. $1.00 THE SANITARY tions are how to avoid double taxa­ tion and too much administrative over­ Work Finished at Portland prices BARBER SHOP head. On Broadway, opposite Gem i • CITY L A U N D R Y Budget Commission Reports. The recommendations of the state budget commission were ready for the legislature when it convened Monday. They call for appropriations aggregat­ ing $6,416,832.23 for the biennium of 1923 and 1924. The $6,416,832.23 is the amount recommended for actual appropriation by the legislature. Requirements for the biennium for those state activities supported by fixed levies or continu­ ing appropriations are estimated at $13,388,696.78, and requirements of self maintaining boards, commissions and departments are placed at $27,363,- 809.23. The free text book bill fathered by Representative Woodward of Mult­ nomah eounty Is likely to arouse eon, siderable controversy. The oppon­ ents of the free text book bill will base their fight largely on the ground that It will Increase taxes, while those who favor the bill claim they have figures showing that in other state* free text books have not materially in­ creased taxes. Representative Woodward has also sponsored a bill extending suffrage to all qualified voters In school elec­ tions and another to prohibit the wearing of sectarian garb In any pub­ lic school. While a similar sectarian garb bill was defeated in the 1921 session, in­ dications are that there will be little, if any, opposition to the bill In this session. A farm bloc and an anti-log-rolling block have been organized in the house. The farm bloc will vote as a unit against measures which do not geem to be a good thing from the farmers’ viewpoint, while the anti-log-rolling bloc Is going to Insist that every measure be considered on its merits and not traded or log-rolled through the house. Don’t Knock, Boost our own town Theatre, Estacada. Children’s Haircutting a Specialty Lace JACK NORTON, Prop. Curtains a Specialty -X -X -W * Prizes for School Essays The Oregon Society, Sons of MOSES OR DARWIN? the American Revolution takes pleasure in offering a series of In Kentucky in its last legisla­ prizes totaling the sum of fifty ture the attempt was made to dollars to the pupils of the public- prohibit the teaching of evolu­ schools of the State of Oregon tion in the tax-supported schools for essays on topics connected of the state. It lost by the nar­ with the war for American Inde row margin of one vote, The pendence. Thera will be three controversy is now raging in prizes awarded this year: Twen­ Checking Accounts, Minnesota, and probably a like ty five dollars for the best, fiteen movement to that of Kentucky Savings Accounts, Four per cent in­ dollars for the second, and ten will be made. The Literary Di­ terest. dollars for the third test essay, gest sent out a questionnaire to respectively, written by pupils Time Deposits, Four per cent Inter­ the protestant ministers of Min­ of the grade or high schools of nesota, and from the replies it est. the state on one of the following was found that the majority was subjets: Our Travellers Checks are a safe and against the teaching of evolution 1. Our Wars of 1776 and 1917, convenient method of carrying funds in the schools by a return of 115 Contrasts and Similarities. when travelling. to 77. 2. The Treaty of Versailles In our youth this controversy and Paris in 1783. We will be pleased to have you open was very much to the fore, and TIT FOR TAT 3. N a v a l Warfare of the an account in any department. in the environment in which we American Revolution. were brought up, Darwin was It is not clear yet what will The conditions governing this decidedly banned. But much be the outcome of the French in­ essay contest are as follows: water has flown under the bridge vasion of the Ruhr valley. But The essays are limited in length since then, and the whole ques­ whether the move was expedi­ to three thousand words, must tion seems now to us, as “ Much ent or not, the French can claim be written on one sida only of ado about nothing. ” For Moses justification from remembrance the paper and accompanied by a and Darwin are not opposed to of 1871. when no mercy was statement from the writer’ “ Safety and Service.” each other, as they do not deal shown her by victorious Ger­ teacher that the writer is a pu with the same question. Moses many. If France had not prompt­ pil in a designated class and that deals with the creator rather ly met her obligations then, her the teacher believes the essay than with the method of crea inability to pay would have been to be the pupil's own unaidec tion, while Darwin attempts to considered no excuse and penal­ work. ascertain the process whereby ties exacted without compunc­ The essay must be signed by Land Bill Introduced the Creator effected the creation tion. In addition she has the the writer and his or her post- All Alien aliens not eligible to citizenship Moses’ effort was to establish more recent memories of the office address (including county In the United States would be barred the truth that the whole creation fines arbitrarily imposed upon must be given. The essays shoulc from ownership of real property or was the work of God, which Dar­ the occupied towns of eastern be forwarded to Herbert B. Au­ control of corporations in Oregon un­ win did not deny. Moses had to France during the late war, so gur, chairman of the commitee, der the terms of a bill Introduced in the house by Representatives Bailey write for a people who had no she is treating Germany as Ger­ 960 Savier street, Portland, Ore­ and Huston. knowledge of natural science many formerly treated her. gon, and should reach their des­ The bill is modeled closely after and had no scientific vocabulary, Whether this affords moral jus­ tination not later than April 15, the California anti-alien land law and consequently a scientific descrip­ tification may be questioned, but 1923. Essays not complying to is similar to a bill introduced in the tion of the procedure ot creation it is exceedingly human. the conditions above will not be 1921 session of the Oregon legislature and defeated because of the federal We are now distributors for the would have been useless, if he considered. opposition to the measure at that time. Our solons at Salem will have had been inspired to give one. in awarding the prizes the Better Ice Cream Wanted. following well known and justly The laccount he did give was to get busy if they wish to get committee will be governed by Two bills directed at Ice cream manufacturers were introduced in the wonderfully adapted for its pur through in the forty days al'ot- considerations of: house, one by Overturf and the other famous pose. It may be compared to the ted to the legislative session. 1. Originality. by Cary. 2. Accuracy of statement. way children are taught funda­ The Overturf bill would Increase the mental truths in a manner adapt­ While the loaves and fishes re­ 3. Manner of treatment amount of milk fat In Ice cream from main unapportioned, the most ed to their understanding. For 4 Orthography, syntax and 8 to 12 per cent: from 6 to 9 per cent instance, a child asks how he sought after democrat, if not in­ punctuation. in fruit Ice cream and from 6 to 9 per cent in nut ice cream. ' came into the world and is told, dividual in the state, is Governor 5. Neatness and legibility. instead of a fairy story about the Bierce. These prizes are offered to en­ The Cary bill would increase the in plain Ice cream from stork, that God made and sent Garfield Dorcas Meet 25th courage love of our country and 8 percentage to 10 per cent; in fruit ice cream him to his parents. This an­ the study of its history. from 6 to 8 per cent and in nut ice swer is most profoundly true and The Garfeld Dorcas Society Any additional information cream from 6 to 8 per cent. ELEC TR IC STORAGE BATTERIES. when he grows older and learns has postponed their meeting for which may be desired will be Only naturalborn or naturalized about processes of generation one week and will meet Thurs­ cheerfully furnished by the American citizens could be employed and bilth, nothing will contra­ day afternoon, January 25th, at chairman of the essay committee. by contractors on public works being Wilh these connections we are in done either by the state or any muni­ Herbert B. Augur, Chairman, cipality in It. if a hill Introduced by dict the fundamental fact that at the home of Mrs. Battin. M r s . L. P a l m a t e e r , Secy. God made him. So it is with Frank L. Griffin, Representative Hurlburt becomes a position to give prompt service the creation stories of Moses, C. C. Chapman, law. Violation of the proposed law Notice would be penalized by a fine of from Committee. whatever science may ultimately on any type of Storage Battery. $50 to $500 or Jail imprisonment of find out as to the method of cre­ There will be a meeting of the from 30 to 90 days. See Mrs. J. E. Gates for piano ation, nothing that it will discov­ W. C. T. U. at the home of Mrs. House Commends Highway Body. er will contradict the statement G. E. Lawrence, on Thursday instruction, Prices reasonable, Expressions of warmest commenda­ In accordance with the Service I . O. O. F. building. 5- it f that "In the beginning God crea­ afternoon. Jan. 25, at 2:30. tion for the psesent state highway i 1 ted the heaven and the earth.” commission and its work were contain­ Station policy recently put into --------------\ ed in a resolution introduced in the This is the heart of the whole 1 house by Graham and adopted with­ matter according to Moses, the force the following prices now out a dissenting vote. Not only did further descriptions show that the resolution express confidence In prevail at our Service station: God accomplished this work by and gratitude to the members, but It an orderly and gradual method. also declared that the rapid develop­ ment of the state during the last five The contention that the days of H . C. G O H R IN G P r o a Recharging 6 volt batteries, $1.00 years had amply demonstrated the wls creation most have been of twen­ dom of the road program. ty-four hours each, need not now 12 $ 1.00 An effort to prevent the change of he seriously regarded, any more party registration and keep democrats Radio M than that the creative words must .50 from voting In republican primartee or he literal ones. It is true that republicans from voting In democratic Service battery per day. .25 primaries is made In a bill introduced “ God spake and it was done,” Beef, Mutton, Veal and Hogs Bought in the house by Representative Kuehn but how He spoke we know not, Legislative Brevities. nor how long it was between The appointment of T. H. Crawford j His speaking and the accomplish-! of I .a Grande as a member of the ; Open from 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. Saturday*, open to 8 p. tn. ment of His purpose. board of regents of Oregon agricul I tnral college was ratified by the sen j When it comes to the question ate. Mr. Crawford succeeds Governor WILCOX BROS. Props. of the origin of life. Darwin and Estacada : : Oregon Walter M Pierce. ESTACADA. a n y o t h e r s c i e n t i s t a r e a t se a . ^ ■ The d m bill to re c e d e favorable j OREGON ESTACADA STATE BANK ESTACADA STATE BANK ANNOUNCEMENT WILLARD EXIDE THE ESTACAD A MEAT CO. 1 CASCADE G A R A G E •• 1 X t .j, Y I 1 i Ÿ