Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County V o l u m e 16, N u m b e r 14 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. D R W. W. RHODES OSTEOPATHIC P H Y S IC IA N A N D SURGEON Office in Lichthorn BM r ., Estacada E s t a c a d a , O r e g o n , T h u r s d a y , J a n u a r y 4, 1923. HCW THE WORLD FARED IN 1922 UPPER EAGLE CREEK There was a party given by Mr. and Mrs. C. H . Paddison at their home last Wednesday even- I ing. All present spent a very pleasant evening. An interest­ Prosperity, Discontent and Two ing program was rendered which Big Strikes Among Notable all enjoyed. Soon after partak­ ing o f a delicious luncheon the Developments in America. crowd dispersed. L O C A L BREVITIES $1.50 P e r Y e a r SPRINGWATER NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Spencer former­ John Page is out again after a ly o f Springwater, but now liv­ few days o f sickness. Mrs. V. W. Hauser and chil­ ing in Portland, visiied last Fri­ day Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Moger. dren are in Portland. I S . G, Ü LICHTHORN IS LAID TO REST A fter a protraete 1 illness o f George Guttridge had the mis­ Mrs. A. G. Ames went to town several months, Mrs. G. H. fortune to slip and fall while on yesterday morning. duty at the power plant, and in Lichthorn pa-sei away at the Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Stephens d ' P : H Y S I C I A N a n d S U R G E O N jure his back. He is recovering Good Samaritan hospital in Port­ were in Portland Tuesday. X R a y E q u ip m e n t — G l a s s e s f it t e d She at present, as well as can be ex land. December 29, 1922. O F F IC E and Rosidoncs Second and Main Sirsets A. H. Fraley returned Tuesday Estacada. O reçon—Telephone Connections Fred Hoffmeister is on the was born in Liegnitz, Germany, pected. afternoon from Portland. sick list. £ ) R CHAS. P. JOHNSON J. A. Shibley celebrated his December 11, 1874, so at her de­ Mrs. Mae Reed returned Mon Mr. and Mrs. Will Douglass sixty-sixth birthday anniversary cease, she was 43 years and 18 DENTIST Europe Still Is In Econom ic and F in an ­ w fre dinner guests at the home day evening from a visit in Port on Monday, January 1st. There days old. In 1905, she came to Oregon Estacada, cial T urm o il— Dow nfall of Lloyd o f R. B. Gibson on New Y e a r’s land. this country and married G. H. were eighteen guests present. George— T u rk s Defeat Greeka day. TT)R. W. W A L L E N S C. L, Coonrad has moved back Lichthorn who established the and Recover Lost Territory Mr. and Mrs. Peter Erickson SU R G E O N DENTIST — Fascieti Gain Control Some o f the members o f the to town from his Springwater had as their guests over the holi City Bakery and Grocery here. of Italy. For over 20 years at Springwater, Ore She proved a very capable busi­ Sunday School class taught by- farm. days, their daughter and family, Mrs. R. B. Gibson, spent last Mrs. Loretta Sagner and Jo Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Akens of Dav­ ness manager and helped her By E D W A R D W. P IC K A R D ALBERT t . e l o t t husband build up an extensive Friday evening at her home. A hanna Lichthorn visited Port enport and four children. Momentous events and developments ATTORNEY AT LAW patronage. marked the year 1922, both at heme very enjoyable evening was land Saturday. R E S ID E N T L A W Y E R and abroad. In America these includ­ Her health began to fail a year ESTACADA. - - OREGON ed the great strikes of coal miners nnd spent. A fter playing games for Conductor Grabeel has been GARFIELD ITEMS or more ago, and she submitted railroad shopmen; the passage by con­ a time and the peanut race was quite sick in Portland for the gress of a new tnrlff bill, nnd the gen­ over, a luncheon o f coffee and past few days. W M . G. D U N L A P Mrs. W. W. Davis is enjoying to a number o f operations in the ;' ATTORNEY AT LAW eral defeat of the Republican party in doughnuts was served. The the visit o f her son Oscar Ham­ hope o f permanent relief. For a A. E. Sparks has- eut down one A t Estacada. in the office o f Woodle the November elections. Among the time improvement set in, and Realty Co., on Saturdays -Portland o f most noteworthy events elsewhere hostess prepared some icicles, on ox the large fir trees on the south mer from eastern Oregon. flee 1521 Yeon Building. were the establishment of the Irish which three questions were writ Mrs. H- B. Davis moved to hopes were entertained o f her side o f his house. Free State; the election of a new ten and the boys and girls were ultimate recovery. But a new Q D. EBY, pope; the rout of the Greeks in Asia George Linn and wife o f Port Estacada last week, so as to help complication set in, for which requested to answer them. The A T T O R N E Y AT LAW. Minor and the regeneration of the land spent New Year’s day with care for her brother Lyle Wag­ she was operated on again, and General Practice. Confidential Ad Turkish state, followed by the Nenr three questions were, Why do ner. Her two children Leonard East pence conference at Lausanne; you like your home? What do relatives in Estacada. viser. Oregon City. Oregon. this time did not have strength and Irene, are with her. the downfall of Prime Minister Lloyd Joseph E. Gates rw$s confinec enough to rally. you like best about your Sunday George, nnd the triumph of the Fas­ A leclryin and wife are spend­ TVtfcG U IRK & SCHNEIDER The funeral service was held School? What characteristic do to his home Tuesday, owing to cist In Italy. A T T O R N E Y S AT LAW. ing the holidays with Mrs. Ir­ Although the people of the United you like best in a friend? Just an attack o f illness. on New Year’s Day at 2 p. m. in vin’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. A t Gresham office —Tue. days, Thurs­ States enjoyed a fair amount of pros­ E. G. Hopkins the barber, has the Estacada M. E. church, the days ana Saturdays, 20.3-5, Withrow perity throughout the year, they were before the serving of supper the Davis. building. Portland office, 721 Corbett lev. H. W. Mort officiating. The discontented nnd dlssntisfled, nnd answers to these questions were been on the sick list» but is bet­ building. Fred H. Davis and Fred Jr, interment was in the I. 0. 0. F. showed It when they went to the polls read, a witch with her black ter and able to be out again. spent Christmas with relatives cemetery under the direction of in November. Seemingly they did not kettle coming and burning them. The city books are-being audit­ like the new tariff law, and the big in Aberdeen, Washington. Joseph E. Gate-. strikes and the matter of prohibition Then bidding them not to go ed by an expert accountant be­ Those who attended the watch enforcement also had their effect then. away but to stay and get some forebeing turned over.tothe new She leaves to mourn her loss Economic and financial conditions in night at Garfield Grange Sunday her husband, a son Albert and a coffee and doughnuts, she took auditor. ;;; some of the European countries London Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. night, enjoyed a social visit with daughter Johanna. In addition Mrs. Will Doug­ showed little or no Improvement, due her departure. Millard Sarver’s oldest girl had their friends and neighbors. The to these there are her mother. In part to the continued state of un- lass impersonated the witch. Keep your policy in our Fire a toe nearly severed from her settlement concerning the Gorman rep children were well entertained VIrs. Steiner o f Estacada. two Proof Vault, tree o f charge. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass foot with an ax one day this orations nnd to the renewed turmoil In by H. B. Davis and the latter brothers, Adolph Sagner o f Esta­ - the Nenr East. Other countries, nota were the dinner guests o f Mr. week. H. C. S T E P H E N S part of the evening was spent cada, and Curtis Sagner o f Ger­ bly Italy nnd Czechoslovakia, moved and Mrs. George Preister on G. P. Rose had a sick spell making and pulling taffy. definitely toward stabilization and many; six sisters, Mrs. Agnes Sunday. A gent . yesterday, and had to leave the prosperity. Comtpnnlsm and socialism Mrs. 0. E. Lamberson was Yohann ot Yakima, Wn., Mrs. Miss Mildred Douglass is the »«ore and go home, but he is out suffered a tremendous setback In Italy xostess to the Skip-a-week club rred Yohann o f Aurora, Or., when the Fnscistl rebelled against guest of her parents Mr. and again to-day. those doctrines nnd took over the con last Wednesday. The new offi­ Mrs. Francis Tucker o f Bend, Mrs. Walter Douglass, having trol of the government. Now that the holiday season is cers elected were Mrs. M. G. Or., Mrs. Gertrude Weisner of 1921, December was marked come home for a short vacation. over the merchants are busy tak­ Weatherby, president: Mrs O. Oakland, Calif.. Mrs. Meta Haid- 00000000 U S E 00000000 by As an In international conference In Mrs. Akers and children re­ ing inventory, which is a most Washington, for President Harding Lamberson, vice-presiden* en o f Santa Maria, Calif., and had Invited the Central American re turned home on Tuesday from tedious job. and Mrs. T. Carpenter, secre­ Mrs. Clara Feldman o f Germany. publics to send delegntes there to dis­ Cathlamet, Wash., where they Miss Mildred Douglass came tary. A t its next meeting the With the exception of those in cuss limitation of armaments and had spent the holidays. to Estacada Sunday afternoon to club will start a quilt and will California and Germany, all the other questions. They met on Decem­ Roy Douglass butchered a spend New Year with relatives work for the hostesses during above attended the funeral. ber 4. beef on Monday, selling it out to and Friends. A large circle o f friends ex­ the year. the neighbors. INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS Mrs. J. E. Stubbs and son Ed­ Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Palmateer tends sympathy to her family. win arrived from Gresham, Sat­ and family spent Christmas with Good Things Coming Jnnunry found the great powers still DODGE NEW S urday afternoon to spend the relatives at Fairview, Ore. engaged In formulating trentlos nnd As the patrons o f the Gem agreements In the Washington confer­ week end with relatives in Es­ The S. R. Brac.v family have School opened Tuesday, Jan. 2, ence on armaments nnd Pacific ocean theatre have shown by their at­ tacada. problems, and on February 1 the dele­ tendance that they appreciate been visiting the Penny family fter a week’s vacation. The A large delegation o f the P. gates, In plenary session, ndopted the good pictures, Mr. Cleworth is during the holidays. 'acher3, Miss Ten Eyck and five-power naval limitation treaty with R. L. & P. Co. attended the lu- taking especial pains in the pict­ Miss Funk, spent the Christmas an agreement on Pacific fortifications; Miss Helen Wooster o f Port- neral o f the late Burt Moore passed resolutions declaring the open ures selected for his patron’ s en­ acation at their respective laud visited with the Harold door In Chinn, nnd approved n treaty tertainment for this year. There last Thursday. The flower offer­ homes. Wooster family last week. for the restriction of the use of poison ings were especially beautiful. gas nnd submarines In warfare. At will be just as good pictures on Mr. and Mrs. Hedges spent Wm. L. Shaffer met with a The Store Ed. Douglass, who operates a the same time, Mr. Bnlfour announced Thursday as on Saturday and New Year’s day at the W. E. sad accident last Saturday when that Great Britain would restore Wol- Sunday. Look over this week’ s saw mill a few miles north of he cut his hand while splitting Meyers home. Hnt-Wet to Chinn. Three days Inter Estacada, cut his arm quite bad­ the conference approved a number of program on the back page as a wood. Dr, Midford dressed the Mr. Giles is home again and is ly on the saw Saturday after­ treaties designed to restore to China a sample. Who has not read H. wound. now working at the Ross mill. some o f her lost liberties and passed C W itw er’s stories in Collier’s noon. Dr. Midford dressed the resolution for the creation of an In­ New Y ear’s day the members Little Howard and George wound. ternational commission to revise the magazine? Here is your chance o f the Skip-a-week club and their Horner have been quite sick with Mrs. U. S. Morgan was visit­ rules of warfare. On February 0 the to see them portrayed on the delegntes signed nil the treaties nnd screen, starting Saturday and ing friends in Gresham yester­ lusbands met for a New Year's colds which threatened pneumo­ PLACE Y O U R I N ­ the conference adjourned sine die, nnd visit and dinner, which was held nia, but are now gradually im­ Reginald Denny is the day. When she returned, she SURANCE THROUGH In four dnys President Harding sub­ Sunday. the Grange hail. Sixteen proving. Little George had just brought with her a very beauti­ mitted the treaties to the senate. star o f the “ Leather Pushers.” YO U R HOME AG E N T WHO guests were entertained. recently had an attack of pneu­ ful cyclamen plant, which had Ry the end of March the senate had WI L L P ROT ECT ratified all these treaties, ns well ns Lawrence’s Jerseys O. K. been presented to her. The regular session o f Gar­ monia. YO UR IN TE R E ST one with Japan, hy which the trou­ Prizes were awarded Sunday Sylvester Lawrence has re­ Mrs. A. T. Elott was taken ill field Grange will be held at 10:30 blesome question of Amerlcnn rights on the Island o f Ynp was settled. Great ceived Uncle Sam’s 0. K. for his yesterday with a severe pain in Saturday, January 6, in the hall. to pupils having the best attend­ Rrttnln nnd Japan also, In the course herd o f pure bred Jerseys. he afternoon session will be ance at Sunday School. The fol­ He her side and Mr. Elott took her of time, ratified the conference pacts, installation o f the new officers. lowing are the pupils who have can now ship any o f them to any to Portland. The doctor could and, like the United States, took steps attended everv Sunday for the toward putting Into effect the terms part o f the U. S. without further not tell just what the matter BAR TO N ITEMS of the treaty on naval limitation. But inspection. The government in­ last three months! Marjory was, and ordered her to bed to Frnnce, more Interested In her own , .. , , Pedersen, Beamic Pedersen, l)a- spectors have given the whole await developments. troubles connected with the German A large crowd attended the, . . . . . , ,,’ . . n . » u n o . via Horner Jr. and Howard reparntlons nnd with the developments herd a perfect bill o f health. R. L. Coop of Currinsville is re­ party at Peterson s hall. Satur-: ^ In the Nenr East, delayed action, nnd covering so rapidly from the se­ day night, in spite of the stormy I n r‘ Smallpox Remedy her example was followed by several W H ITE LEGHORNS Mr. an<^ Mra. Floyd Davis of vere break in his leg which he weather. smaller nntlons. Thus the full effect To the Editor: B red fo r V igor a n d H igh of some of the treaties was lost for the Garfield, spent Sunday with the suffered September 1st, that the Herman Lyon and a lady; Egg r roduction. Thinking this prescription for time being. j latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. doctors think he soon will be friend from Gresham, were vis- Rehabilitation of Europe, economic smallpox may benefit some of L I N E B R E D consistently for When the iting here recently, also Carl and seven years.— REM EM BER we nnd financial, was the great problem your many readers, I copy the able to go to work. __ were entirely sold out o f baby that confronted the world nnd. of accident happened it was thought Robbie Lyons. chicks last spring, so get your or­ same which I have had in my course, Its solution depended to a con­ P. T. A. Postpones Meeting it would take seven months at der in early fo r I9i3 delivery. siderable extent on a settlement of the possession many years. It states Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Maffer On account o f the smallpox Everyone of our customers is a German reparations matter. This had that smallpox can be cured in 3 | least before he would be himself and children o f Eagle Creek, satisfied customer.—W H Y NOT i not been reached when the year came | the Parent Teacher meeting for were dinner guests o f the For­ number yourself among them? i to a close. The allied commission, nn days, and that it is a sure cure. a* a,n- I next Tuesday night has been in­ P. Ferrell o f Barton, called mans Sunday. 1 International bankers' committee and One ounce of cream o f tartardis- A few Pedigreed Cockerels that definitely postponed. Announce­ will grade up any flock, at $2 50 various Individuals struggled with the solved in a pint o f boiling water, at ^ ' s ° ^ ce yesterday morning J. McCracken, M i -3. George and $5.00 each—call in and lock question throughout the twelve ment wifi be made later. to be taken when cold at short *° renew bis subscription for Turner, Mrs. George Forman, them over. months, but It would he tedious to tell It can be taken at another year. He is always very and Mr. Hagen were passengers I in detail of their efforts. The Germans intervals. W ar Saving Stamps steadily maintained that complete en­ any time and is a preventive as prompt and so earns our grateful on the 9 o’ clock car for Portland E staca d a. O regon. forcement of the treaty of Versailles j appreciation. He reported that Tue3day morninfr The 1918 series o f war saving would ruin Germany and be disastrous - well as curative. F A R * location»- m\ie out of Ejrvadi cn G a rfie ld r o r i Mrs. Ferrel who was quite sick a stamps is now due. Registered for the rest of Europe, although Doc-, A R e a d e r of t h e N e w s . short time ago, is now herself Don Day nearly severed a fin- stamps must be cashed through { tor Wlrth, the chancellor, held that ' Look up our special club rates, again. A t present he is night ger from his left hand while the postoffice, but the unregis­ I am now prepared to do all ( Germany must nnd would ultimately pay the reparations hill. Berlin Insist-] kinds of watch, clock and jewelry ed that a long moratorium be granted good until February 3 with the watchman at the McCarthy and splitting kindling, and was com- tered can be handled through Oregonian. repairing. A . N. Johnson. tf t Hamilton sawmill near his place. 1 pelled to stay out o f school. the bank. REVERSE FOR REPUBLICANS FIRE INSURANCE. Germicidal SOAP for skin troubles, or where there is dan­ ger of contagion or infection. Y Rexall For Fire Insurance Cary Real Estate Co. T ra p -N e ste d PHIL MARQUAM (Continued on page two)