feASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1922. No L.abor for the Parm James R. Howard, president of the American Farm Bureau Federation, adds his strong pre­ 5 i test to that of manufacturers, builders and others a l r e a d y The basket ball season has raised against the drastic restric­ opened and the pavilion has been tions of the immigration act. rented for the use of the boys and girls teams for this season. That measure, Mr. Howard warns the country, is stripping The report cards for the second the farm of its manual labor. six weeks of school have been This means the crops cannot be given out. The A and A plus grades will be published next raised in adequate quantity. With a general shortage of week. common labor the manual worker The cooking department of the on the farm is now drawn in un­ E. H. S. has been serving so usual volume to the great Indus­ many more hot lunches than trial centers by urgent wage formerly that they have had to bids for him there. For years purchase some new dishes and this drift of labor from the coun­ silverware; also ‘‘much needed try to the city has gone on, but cooking utensils. hitherto a new supply for the The Science department has American farmer has flowed con­ received the new apparatus for stantly from the agricultural dis­ the physics class. tricts of Europe. With that The floors of the High School supply now shut out by the rigid building were oiled during the immigration law, the American Thanksgiving vacation. This im­ farmer has no place fo get his proves the appearance and sani­ necessary labor. He faces direct tation of the building. ly the danger of not being able to The Campfire girls and the get his heavy work done. And Boy Scouts are having a contest when the American farmer can­ in the sale of Christmas seals. not get his work done the Amer- The two organizations have $30 icam people will not be able to get their food at prices that will worth to dispose of. The subject to be debated in be bearable.—New York Herald. this district is, Resolved that the This shows that laws appar­ graduated income tax should be ently wise in theory may not come a factor of the Oregon law work out in practice. The coming state legislature The material for the question will pass an Oriential exclusion has been received. Beulah Hicinbotham registered law which will keep out the Jap­ anese and Chinese, but who will in the freshman class Dec. ¡4. do the work of raising the vege­ tables and food stuffs which Card of Thanks these people have been doing? We the undersigned, widow, In time there will be a great father, brothers and sister of the shortage in the big cities because late August F. Mahrt, wish to the American has never taken express our grateful thanks to to the kind of work involved on the friends who showed such a commercial scale. A big eco­ kindness, sympathy and help nomic problem will inevitably during the illness, death and bur­ result. ial of our beloved husband, son and brother. We also much ap­ Auxiliary Elects preciated the beautiful offerings. The Ladies’ Auxiliary to the M rs . A ugust F. M ahrt , American Legion held a social F red M ahrt , meeting last Monday night, and G eorge M ahrt , also elected officers as follows: W illiam M ahrt , President, Mrs. Myrtle Town­ M rs . A nna G illette . send; vice-president, Mrs. Janet Miss Frances Hassel, accom­ Davison; secretary, Mrs. Rose panied by Anita Kopp, came Wilcox; treasurer, Mrs. Inger over from near The Dalles where D. Ludlow. » g -n r a r -r e School vs. Town On Nov. 30. at 10 a. m. the H. S. football squad trimmed the Subscribe for your homepaper. town team to the tune of 39 to 0. the E astern C lackamas N ews The game was characterized by fumbles and loose playing on both sides. The High School boyé First Show Starts at 7:00 made their first touchdown on the second down, running up a [score of 20 in the first quarter. j In the last half the town team tightened up and began to have (¡0 WHERE THE GOES GO! hopes of a touchdown when their, opponents were penalized 15 yds. TO-NIGHT j bringing the ball to their 20 yard i line. But their hopes ended in \f chagrin when they found they IN could not score. This game end­ ed a verv successful season for v “ Moonlight and GEM THEATRE MaryMIlesMinter Honeysuckles” A romantic comedv adapt­ ed from a famous stage hit. Also a comedy “ Her Screen Idol” Saturday and Sunday “ Out of The Silent North” FRANK MAYO “ THE RADIO KING" AND A COMEDY SONGS NEXT THURSDAY “ Three Live Ghosts” Beau Coup Laughs Music at all Shows L. V. CLEW0RTM. Manager. :$x- ’ T T T T ^HAT T IM E j HIGH SCHOOL NOTES 1 they are teaching, to enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday at the home of the former. ’rzMXjrzmj * Horse Sense T Buy a few shares of our 7 per cent Prior Pre­ ference Stock and your money will earn you Over 7 per cent. ARE PAYABLE EVERY FA R M ER HAS T O WHEN THE BEG IN PLA N N IN G for his heaviest and most important feeding. All the feeding forces of nature are disappearing, and added to that is the approach of those months, the hardest for livestock to weather through. The stock owner cannot afford to be caught unprepared, and he who prepares properly is the one who finishes successfully with the approach of Spring. Let Your Money Work for You DIVIDENDS O F YEAR, THREE MONTHS ■t ' ’ » ■' .- . <*. Come in and look our stock over. We are in a position to meet your wants. We will sell to you at a price you can stand; or will trade with you. This is a good, sound investment and our Easy Payment Plan enables you to get 7% interest on your savings while you are pay­ ing for your shares. We Have the Most Complete Line of Flour investigate This Unusual Opportunity Today IN E S T A C A D A . Ask any of our employes about it. ESTACADA FEED COMPANY Investment Department PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER Company. The Store Where Your Dollar Does Its Duty. U. S. MORGAN, Proprietor. Room 605 Flectric Bldg., Portland, Oregon. SOUDAS TH£ STATE * + ♦* + * * * + * + + + + * + + + + + + + + + + + * Confectionery, Phonographs, + ♦ > * ► fr * + + * ♦ R. G. MARCHBANK, L iG H T L u n c h e s , ESTACADA, ♦ + ♦ ♦ OREGON. * * * ♦ Cigars and Tobaccco, International Clothes, + ♦ ♦ + + * + * + + + ♦ ♦ + ♦♦ + + + ♦ + ♦♦ + + ♦ BOYS! DO YOU W A N T to give your wife, sweetheart, sister or mother some­ thing s h e will appreciate f o r Christmas? Then give her a Box of Candjr. HAS A FULL LINE OF HAUSER SWEETS & JOHNSTONS’ BOX CANDIES Never Before Have You Been Able To Buy a Ford at These Prices ROADSTER, Starter & D. M., New Sloping Windshield, $462.56' TOURING, Starter & D. M., One Man Top and Slop- ing Windshield $492.72 New Four-Door Sedan - $838.00 Delivery after Jauary 1st. Two-Door SEDAN COUPE TRUCK Chassis - TRACTOR FORD SHOP two of the best lines on the coast, ranging in price ___ FROM 50c UP IF you want a Plum Pudding or Fruit Cake for Christmas, place your order NOW DON'T FORGET OUR 30c Meal Oysters, Clam Chowder and Chili Con Came at all times. $702.80 $635.20 $471.52 $484.60 Crawford Bros. Motor Co. GAS ACCESSORIES OILS ESTACADA, OREGON. FOR SALE OR TRADE—One j bull calf 10 months old, one cow i $ —FOR— r I both of the milking strain, Short | '!; IN FACT. IF YOU WANT SOMETHING GOOD TO horn stock. These are thorobred Rea! Estate, Insurance, EAT, HAUSER’S IS THE PLACE TO GO with papejs. F. N. Cadonau, S. Long Term Farm Loans I ' 1 — Estacada. 11-30 12 at a low rate of interest Dance at Park Pavilion Saturday Night, December 9 FOR SALE—New and used La Velle’s Portland Orchestra- Mortgage Loans, Rents drag-saws, gas engines, feed cut­ a n d C f ollections. ters, ensilage cutters, potato diggers; a Beaver drag-saw spe-! ? W AAni P DP AI TV PA $ WANTED—Three to five teams cial with clutch and 6-foot blade, ! t. “ "U U L L K C /iL I I LU. | for lumber hauling. $110.00—terms. I :• Estacada, Oregon Address XM, ^ Cet Results. 11-16 30 Eagle Creek. Ore 10-12tf --------------- FOR SALE Good Jersey cow, SEWING—Dressmak­ FOUND—in the park, a bunch Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Morton! 50 Rhode Island pullets, house- ing PLAIN and hemstitching, see Mrs. of keys. Owner can get it by and mother Mrs. W. J. Moore. be .hol,i sold this and week. °!her Jo®'8* . 9-28tf applying at this office, proving [ Charles L. Gus Wilcox. c . ------- property and paving for thie >pent Thanksgiving with Mr. Qoilard. Viola, opposite store, THE SANITARY FOR SALE One year old It- notice. 10-12 and Mrs. Robert Morton in Port- phone Red land 203. ----:----------alian prune trees, extra fine a 1 BARBER SHOP I land. WOOD CUTTERS WANTED— W. Failing, Estacada, Rt. 1. 12-21 WOOD rilTTFR^! WAVTPn_! On Broadway, second store Mrs. C. F. Allen will repre- Steady work Will buy stumpage j .------ — — Good timber, good ground. Pav ; from the depot, Estacada. sent Mother Goose at the fair or finance cutting propositions. I 1 SA LE-3 pigs weighing twice a month. Also someone tV Children's flaircutting a Specialty •r j > . . | , . j Boring Wood and coal Co. a Pout 40 or oO lbs. H. B. Davis do hnulintr ' Tuesday, and similar to the old 9.14tf 4?6 E goth st. Portland. Rt. 1. W Rex Ludlow I JACK NORTON, Prop. woman who lived In her shoe maiow. with so many children she didn’t know what to do. she will have ^ ' a large number of dolls to sell, the proceeds for the benefit of the Children's F'arm home. Get your Christmas dolls at the fair and help a w orthy cause. Implements Throe men lout th e ir lives «ml J.io.- 000 w orth of property w as destroyed when ft re of an unknow n origin sw ept th e Ben H ur h otel a t 247 Oak stre e t. P ortland. T he dead a re : Ctiri to st onto M adarnng. 24 Thom as C arino. 26, and J 3 Mi Donald. Some relief w as noted tn the c a r situ atio n by th e m ills of th e n o rth ­ w est last week, according to the fig. ures of a rep o rt for th e week ending N ovem ber 25. issued by th e W est Coast L um berm en's association Ship­ m ents w ere w ithin 6 p er cent of now business placed o r th e books of th e 152 m ills rep o rtin g to th e organisation New business w ss IS p er cent below production and production w as 4 per cen t above norm al. V. W. HAUSER-Silver Star Restaurant WANT AND FOR SALE ADS. J CHRISTMAS A Nice Line of Paints TOYS AND DOLLS nvites Your Inspection at Otir S to re-Th e Prices on These Are Reduced to Bed Rock Prices and We Are Confident That They Will Meet Your Approval. HB33HI SMITH HARDWARE STORE, ESTACADA Ik e e r ly H a rd * a re S to re in C la c k in iw tta ly selling goods *t Portland prices