EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY NOV. 16. 1922. S h o r t C o u r s e in F a r m S u b j e c t s LOCAL B R E V I T I E S AND N E W S I ! L M S STRONG APPEAL MADE N0TICE 0F R0AD DIST' MEET,NC Several short coQrses in prac- FOR HEALTHY CATTLE NOiICE is hereby given, R“ J pur- T" j tical farming are offered Oregon NOTICE T O C RED ITORS NOTICE is hereby given that the COMPLETE undersigned has been duly a; pointed administrator with the Will annexed of the estate of J. A. Smith, deceased, , and any and all persons having claims ------------- suant to Chap. 118, General Laws against the said estate are hereby re -1 of Oregon for 1921, that a H oad to present said claims, duly veri­ Poster Used in Tuberculosis District Meeting of the legal quired fied as by law required, at the office of MY 1 922 Sample Bocks contain the Tory voters of Road District No. 40, my attorney. Win. Hammond, Beaver Eradication Campaign. newest and most modern wall paiera of the Building. Oregon City. Oregon, within Clackamas county. Oregon will six months from thedute of this notice. season—at the lowest prlcee you have seen In years! Among them are a great number be held on the 25th day of No-; Dated October Jrl, 1922, 0 / 22 inch papers: Tiffanies. Blends. En­ Cartful Experiments Have Demon­ vember, A. D. 1922, in said Dateof first publication October 26, 1922. graved Special!. Damasks. Stains. Cham- strated That Disease Cannot Gs I Road District, at the hour of 2:00 Date of last publication, November 23, brays and other excellent novelties. My Detected to Any Great Extent P. M., in George Social Commer­ U>22. books also contain complete decorative S. E S.MITH, Administrator, schemes prepared by one of the leading au­ by Physical Examinations. cial Club to vote an additional j with the will annexed of the thorities In America, suggesting ideal color tax in said read district for road I estate of J. A. Smith, deceased. harmonies and combinations of wall cover­ ( P r e p a r e d by th e U n ite d S ta te s D e p a r t­ purposes as by law provided. WM. HAMMOND, ings. draperies and rugs. Very Interesting m e n t o f A g ric u ltu r e .) Attorney for the administrator. and helpful to you in planning your own deco­ Unlike most other infectious dis­ H. E. CROSS, rations . I can supply wall papers. Klear- eases, tuberculosis has nn insidious j 11-16-23 County Judge. N O T I C E F O R P U B L I C A T I O N flax Pure Linen Rugs (newest, moet artis­ way of working under cover, and Department of the Interior, U. S. Land tic and most durable rugs on the market) as oftentimes animals of the most Ottiicc at Portland, Oregon, October well as special drapery fabrics. NOTICE OF ROAD METING 23, 1922. healthy appearance are found to re­ Just drop a card and I will call NOTICE is hereby given that Man-I act to the tuberculin test, say veteri­ and show you these books and narians of the United States Depart­ T o V ote S p e c i a l R o ad T ax dus L. Verdegan, of Eagle Creek, Ore­ gon, K-l, who on July 19, 1920, made tell you just what any paper you ment of Agriculture. No cattle owner NOTICE is hereby given, pur- Homestead entry No. 06913, for the may pick out will cost on your con afford to live In doubt as to suunt fo Chap. 118, General Laws WJ SEJ, Section 3), Township 2 S.. walls. whether ills animals are affected, they of Oregon for 1921, that a Road Range 5 E., Willamette Meridian, has add. Tlds point is brought out clear­ filed notice of intention to make Three- ly in a two-colored poster published District Meeting of the legal Year Proof, to establish claim to tht J. W. SAUNDERS by the department, on which is shown voters of Road District No. 7, land above described, before the Regis­ two herds of dairy cattle. From all Clackamas county, Oregon, will ter and Receiver of the U. S. Land Of­ Rout-> I. Estacada, Oregon. fice, at Portland, Oregon, on the 7th appearances the animals of both herds be held on the 25th day of No­ day of December, 1922. are healthy, but ns a matter of fact vember, A. D., 1922, in said Claimant names as witnesse: Arthur those of one herd are afflicted with Road district at the hour of 7:30 Evans, of Eagle Creek, Oregon; Hugh tuberculosis. P. M., in Estacada City Hall, to Guthrie, of Eagle Creek, Oregon; Hugh The poster also shows two children vote an additional tax in said Devlin, of Eagle Creek, Oregon; Or- JOSEPH E. GATE5--Y0UR HOME —one healthy, one diseased—and the road district for road purposes vil'e Evans, of Eagle Creek, Oregon. Act 8-9-16 and Sec. 2806-R. S, point Is brought out that tuberculous D EC O RA TIN G i farmers this winter by the agri­ SERVICE cultural college as follows: Eleven weeks in tractor me­ Mrs. E. E. Salinsr was a Port­ chanics, January 2 to March 17. Eleven weeks hr general agri­ land visiter Sunday. Mesdames Jam^s Sims and 0. culture, same date. Eleven weeks in horticulture, E. Syren were Portland visitors same date. last Monday. Five months as dairy he**'s- Mrs. Thomas Yocum and Mrs. man, January 2 to June 10. A. E. Sparks returned Monday- Four weeks in dairy manufac­ afternoon from a trip to Port­ tu re , January 2 to 27, repeated land. j January 28 to February 24. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Harkenri- Short course in horticultural dcr and their daughter Edith I products—-canning, drying, jel­ spent Sunday with relatives in lies, etc., February 5 to 24. Portland. One week in beekeeping, March See Mrs. J. E. Gates for piano: 19 to 24. instruction. Prices* reasonable. The work- deals with methods I. 0. 0. F. building. . 5-4tf of growing leading crops, hand­ Albert Lins of George is work­ ling livestock, learning to run a ing at the People’s Store. Ow- tractor and care for it, handling to the rush of basin ess this firm the orchard, garden, berry patch and flower garden, managing required more help. The gravel tor the cement dairy animals, butter, cheese sidewalk along the north side of and ice-cream making, managing j FUNERAL DIRECTOR as by law provided. A l e xan de r S w e e k , R egister, AND E N B A L M E R the People’s Store has b e e n ! bees, and converting fresh fruit i 10-26-11-23 II. E. CROSS. and vegetables into conserved' A place i'/here your loved ones will be cared for 11-9-16 County Judge. hauled and the work of preparing with tender care.—Lady assistant. products. -------------------------- 1 NIGHT AND DAY TELEPHONE the ground has begun. The courses are explained in a NOTICE OF ROAO MEETING FLOWERS A N D TOMBSTONES The Estacada Feed Co. is very small pamphlet free to those in­ ------------ I Estacada, Oregon. busy these days grinding feed terested. Write 0. A. C., Cor-! Is open for business in the Wm. T o V o te S p e c i a l R o ad T ax KraaKe bldg., cor. Main and 1st for the farmers. This firm de­ vallis, Oregon. sts.—All w o r K guaranteed— 12 NOTICE is hereby given, pur­ servedly is- enjoying aa exten­ years experience in the business. suant to Chap. 118, General Laws Family wash, lfdb $1 .(XI sive patronage. T a x e s M ust B e R ed u ced of Oregon for 1921, That a Road Wet wash, 201bs $1.00 W.O.W. N.O.W District Meeting of the legal Rough Dry, 141bs for $1.00 Jack Norton will move his San- Judging from the way con­ voters of Road District No. 39, \ or 8c per lb.,one cent extra Camp No. 539 Circle No. 832 itary Barber shop about the 25th jjrreSg has taken hold of tax le- for handkerchiefs in rough Clackamas county, Oregon, will Meet First and Third Thursdays of to the building on Broadway jUst duction it is a more responsive dry, no bundles less than 7f>c be held on the 25th day of No­ each month.—Every Neighbor urged Work finished reasonable vacated by Bartholomew & Law­ legislative body than state legis­ vember, A. D., 1922, in said! Cleaning & Pressing—Repairing to attend:—Visitors always welcome. rence, and which was formerly latures. Operating expenses of Road District at the hour of 2:00 j GEO. SAWTELL. Eagle Creek. Mrs. Jacob Moss and Clerk of W. O. W. P. M., in Garfield Grange Hal[, | Mrs. Tom Martin, Propr. the N ew s Office. the government for the year MRS. FRANCES CATES. Estacada. to vote an additional tax in said! Gladys Kandle, Lucy Ander­ ending July 1, 1922, were 1,743 Clerk, of N. O. W. Road District for road purposes i son and Mabel Dicks, from Sa­ million dollars lessjthan for the : w w as by law provided. lem were visiting friends and year preceding. On top of this H. E. CROSS, County Judge. | relatives in and around Estacada the national debt was reduced anlmnls may transmit the disease to 11-9-16 1,700 million dollars and taxes children who drink the milk produced. last Saturday and Sunday. I .O .O .F . NOTICE OF ROAD MEETING Don ,t forget the school meet­ to be collected from the people The poster Is n strong appeal for j Estacada Lodge and T IN SHOP healthy cattle, and it is to he used ex- j Bring in your old stove. 1 can ing Tuesday night at 8 o’clock in reduced 800 million dollars. No. 175. tensiveiy in the tuberculosis eradica- : T o V ote S p e c i a l R o ad T ax make it good as new. State governments have got tlon campaign being carried on by the the High S c h o o l auditorium, Meets every Saturday evening in NOT ICE is hereby given, pur- j Am prepared to do all kinds their lodge room, corner of Bi oad- when the budget for the coming to make a similar snowing if the department. of sheet m e t a l w o r k and way and Third streets. Visiting Careful experiments in practical suant to Chap. 118, General Laws! men who are elected to state offi­ plumbing — Get your plumbing year is to be considered and brothers are always welcome. work have shown that tuberculosis of Oregon for 1921, That a Road supplies here at the old Pesz- ces and to the legislatures have cannot be detected to any great extent District Meeting of the legal Wm. Gilgan, N. G. passed. necker shop. Fred Bartholomew, Secretary, animals by physical examina­ voters of Road District No. 36.1 Edward Shearer of Spring- any brains. If they ha^e no among tions. The most reliable method is the Clackamas county Oregon, will A. G. A M E S water returned Monday after­ brains to adapt the state govern­ tuberculin test applied by a trained be held on the 25th day of No­ noon from Portland, where he ment to the reduced incomes of operator. Tuberculin, while regarded vember, A. D., 1922, in said I! the most nceurnte diagnostic Road District, at the hour of 2:00 had been during the Pacific Live­ farmers and wages of labor they ns agency known to science, Is safe only P. M., in Viola School House, to will be severley cussed. stock showj at which he was su­ in the hands of a trained and skillful perintendent of the poultry de­ The political power entrusted operator who Is acquainted with its vote an additional tax in said to them by the people will be limitations and with the symptoms It Road District for road purposes partment. WM. DALE, Local Agent Estacada Pressing Club produces In the animals to which it Is as by law provided. Day call at Estacada Hotel. Mrs. Burt Moore and baby taken back and there will be applied, the department veterinarians H. E. CROSS, Suit Pressed - 50c more use of the recall than was say. Night call at residence. 11-9 16 County Judge. went to Portland Tuesday morn- Cleaned & Pressed 75c up Licensed F.mbalmers, Lady Asst. in i to visit Mrs. Moore’s parents, ever dreamed of. In every western state officials I am now prepared to do all J . E . M E T Z G E R Mr. and Mrs. Andy Bichmond. J. E. G A T E S C o o p e r a tiv e M a rk a tin g G ets kinds of watch, clock and jewelry They returned Wednesday ac­ are going into power on promises Gresham, Ore.. Phone 1901 I. O. O. F. B U I L D I N G B oost. repairing. A. N. Johnson. tf companied by Mr. Moore whq to impose no new taxes and to rhake material reductions. Farm and town organizations h'ad followed later. Useless political functions that as well as individual farmers of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Moss accom-. cannot show actual services ren­ Clackamas county, as well as all panied their Saturday night dered for every dollar expended others in Oregon, are told how guests, Mrs. Margaret Mesplie must go by the board.—Indus­ to get help in studying out their and Mr. Otto Holnberg, on their trial News Bureau. cooperative marketing problems return to Portland, Sunday morn­ in a new bulletin bv the agricul­ ing. Mrs. Mesplie and Mr. Holn­ E x c e p tio n a l P ro g ra m tural Extension service. Grang­ berg c-ame to Estacada to attend Manager Cleworth of the Gem es, farmer’s unions, farm bu­ the dance in the pavilion. Mr. Theatre recommends this week’s reaus and all farm marketing Holnberg entertained the party program as being one of the best associations are in on this offer. at dinner at the Ben.sOn Hotel. he has been able to secure this More than seven million dollars FH E N you visit our store and find everything Mrs. Neil of Monmouth and year. Working on the principle worth of Oregon farm produce her son-in-law anti daughter, that the public will patronize was sold cooperatively last year. in Groceries, Dry Goods, Shoes and Rubbers Mr. and Mrs. William Dawes, of) good pictures, he is getting them. The bulletin tells what has been Monmouth, Mrs. Nye of Jeffer­ Look oyer the program on the done, what is to do, and how to for men, wom en and children; H ard w a re , Stove go about it, and offers college son, and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. last page. help in sending speakers and Bruce of Portland, were all at ware, China ware, Tin and E nam el ware, you fuller outlines of study to inter­ O . E. S. N o tic e the P. M. Wagnar home Satur­ can get it all here, w ith o u t looking elsewhere, day. Mrs. Neil, Mrs. Nye and A regular communicution of ested organizations “ to the limit Mrs. Bruce are sisters of Mr. Mountain Chapter 108. O. E. S., of our ability." Ask your coun­ and save time, also money. Wagner, will be held at the I. 0. O. F. ty agent for a copy. If vou have no agent write to the 0. A. C. hall on Tuesday evening, Nov. NOTICE 21. Degrees. Six o’clock din­ Extension service, Corvallis. All District Road meetings will ner. Vising members welcome. T h e B e s t C h r istm a s G ift be held on Saturday, November By ¡order of the Worthy Ma­ Christmas for the Boy! 25, 1922. H. E. CROSS,. tron. Christmas for the Girl! County Judge. Christmas for the Father! Anna Dillon, Sec’y. CITY LAUNDRY PLUMBING \ UNDERTAKING RE-NU-EM Special this week: Groceries -- Flour -• Feed G. H. LICHTHORN, Prop. Schillings Orange Pekoe Tea in V acuum Packed Tins. 1 'A ox. Tin — .................................. 15c 4 ox. Tin ........................................ 25c A H>. Tin ....................... 1 lb Tin ............................................ 95c 50c W e W a n t to Please You E stacada - - - • Oregon Christmas for the Mother! Christmas for one and^ all bound up in the 52 weekly issues of The Youth’s Companion for 1923. No other periodi­ cal can take the place of The Compan- I ion at the family fireside—no other I reflects so truly the home spirit. The 52 issues of 1923 will be crowded with serial stories, short stories, edito­ rials, poetry, facts and fun. Subscribe now and receive: 1. The Youth’s Companion —52 issues in 1923. All the remaining issues in 1922. The Companion Home Calendar for 1923. All for *2.50. Or include McCall's Magazine, the : monthly authority on fashions. Both publications, only *3.00. THE YOUTH’S COMPANION. Commonwealth Ave. a St. Paul St. Boston, Mass. Subscriptions received at this office. We do Job Printing. 5*Piece Glass Mixing Bowls a t One more lot of O uting at One lot m en’s all solid W ork Shoes at 3 Cans Heebe Milk at The • 89c 18c, yd $3.90 25c Meet y ’o u r frien d s at People’s Store Where the crowd is H. B. SNYDER, - - C. A. DYKEM AN.