EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY OCT. 26. 1922. OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST UPPER EAGLE ( REEK UPPER BARTON MANURE SHOWS GREAT VALUE Kermit Beshul returned last Mrs. Earl H. Odell called on Where Applied to Clover Fields It In­ week from Yakima where he Mrs. Fred Werner last wefek. creased Yield Threefold— Phosphorus Helps. had been picking apples. Miss Grace Ferrei visited the Mr. and Mrs. Ray Woodle and high school at Estacada one day Due to the cool weather of the Principal Events ol the Wee spring and the'freeze which occurred son Leslie were surprised last last week. Briefly Sketched fot 'n ftv - In the season, the Iowa ngrleul- Saturday evening, when several Albert Hoyger was up to see early thrul experiment station has had an mation of Our Reader- of their friends and neighbors his mother Mrs. Hoyger of Ea­ opportunity to show the value of com­ gathered to spend the evening gle Creek, Sunday. mon barnyard manure on clover. It Registration In Renton county shows with them. A pleasant time was Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Ferrei has been found that where manure added to the fields only once in 6W83 voters. had by those present and along and family were up to visit the was the rotation the stand has been in­ James Dyer, aged 80, Oregon pio­ about midnight a delicious lun­ Heiple and Githens families of creased three times over the plots neer, died at his home near Albany. wli.rc no mnnure was used. cheon of sandwiches, pie, potato Eagle Creek, last Sunday. The city of Condon lias purchased tons per acre were added to a $3000 combined chemical and water salad, cake, pickles and coffee Albert Hoyger made a busi­ tile Eight manured plots ami here the leaf engine. was served, after which the ness trip to Portland Tuesday. ! surface and root development are Work on the highway between company departed for home. heavier and better. Where phosphorus Grants Pass and Crescent City will E. Naylor butchered three Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Ferrell was added at the same time as ma­ plants are even more vigorous start immediately. and Grace went to Gresham nure, and have a greater height. The annual convention of the Ore­ hogs the first of the week, ship­ Tuesday. gon Stute Medical association will be ping them to Portland. CARE FOR LATE VEGETABLES held in Portland October 26 and 27. Mr and Mrs. Roy Douglass An Excellent Remedy The Oregon Association of County and children were guests of Mr. Late Products Nothing More Judges and Commissioners will meet and Mrs. Oscar Benson Sunday, Old Scotch liniment, which is’ To Store is Required Than Use of in Portland on December 12, 13 and Existing Facilities. in this paper, has Mrs. R. B. Gibson was calling advertised 14 proved to bean excellent remedy| Might thousand two hundred and on Mrs. Ray Woodle Friday af­ for rheumatism and kindred ills, j The storing of late vegetables is often p'rolltable for those who grow thirteen voters are registered in Mar­ ternoon. ion county for the November elec­ Mrs. Ethel Lansdowne, school Our fellow townsman, G. A. them in swdicient quantities for mar­ tlie grower the direct tion. Masse puts it up and has placed I keting. of giving the winter price. To care A total of $075.000 had been sub­ supervisor, visited the school it on sale at the Estacada Phar­ benefit for the surplus vegetables in many scribed by the end of last week to the here Thursday. eases nothing more than the macy and at A. C. Cogswell’s Willamette university endowment Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Duus, Mr. store at Eagle Creek. This lini­ use of requires existing facilities in the form fund. storage room In the basement Mrs. N. Kirchem and daugh­ ment is well known around here, of of a a dwelling Three hundred new members 's the and or under an outbuilding ters were visiting with Mr. and as many can testify to its value or to build an outdoor cellar of wood goal of officials in charge of the Salem chamber of commerce membership Mrs. Walter Douglass Sunday. from personal experience. But or masonry, if permanent facilities not available, late root crops can drive. Mr. Masse can show a hudred are he kept in outdoor pits or bunks, re­ Twenty-three I. W. W. members Laundry to Open or more testimonials from all quiring no cnsli outlay except for la­ were escorted to the citv limits of I’ortluml by police ami ordered to Estacada will have a new in­ parts of the country. It is made bor. move on. dustry, as a laundry will be up from a formula of which he Civil service examinations will be opened next Monday in the build­ alone is in possession, and in­ SHEEP GOOD AS.SCAVENGERS held November 18, to select postmast- ing at the corner of Main and herited it from his father who Feed and Care Are Essential to De- ers for Amity, Gardiner, Kerry and First streets, which was former­ was a physician of some repute, velop Flock for Mutton— Ani- Pilot Rook. mals Keep Down Weeds. It is a good remedy to have in ly occupied by William Dale sev- Ily u vote of !*1 to 13, a bond issue ot $76.ooo has been authorised by the etal years ago, before he moved the house in case of sore throat ¿Sheep possess great ability to reno­ land owners of the Grants Pass lrri- his store where the Square Deal or of the chest, and will ward off vate the soil, keep down all kinds of that would otherwise often be gatlon district. Twins now are. The proprietors an attack of threatened pneu­ teed weeds and to consume odds and ends The records In the Clatsop county | are Mesdames Jacob Moss and monia. totally wasted, but the man who un­ clerk's office show the total number j Tom Martin,, who have had a dertakes to develop a really profitable of registrations for the coming general Howard Givens was run into tlock of mutton sheep must get away, number of years experience in election arc 8006 . possible, from the idea that badly bruised and shaken as hey far are as kept William M. Canning, prominent min j this line. See their ad in this and because of their ability up by an auto driven by H. D. lng operator and a resident of Raker issue of the NEWS which gives •is scavengers. lie must like bis sheep for 40 years, died at his home in that their rates for family and wet Thomas last Wednesday evening and plan to give them the most pains­ city, aged 68 years. in front of the Givens gtore on taking care and the best fissl that his The postoffice at Goble has been washes. They should meet with Gilsan. Howard was playing arm nfiords. Unless he does this he advanced to presidential class as of a good patronage as a laundry with some other boys when the is likely to have trouble. October 1 and the postmaster's sal in town will meet a decided de­ accident occurred, he was hit on M. E. Church Notices ary fixed at $1000 a year. mand. besides filling up another the head and bruised about the Kerr. Gifford it Co., of Portland vacant store building. Sunday at 10 a. m. The body, being unconscious three- attendance School have bought the interest of G. F. is slowly climbing. Standage aqd R P. Whiting in the fourths of an hour, but he is But we miss you. Exposition Notes Reaver feed mills of Rugene. about again apparently as well Morning worship at 11 o’clook, Notices have been posted in Lake Fear expressed in some parts as ever. Montavilla Times. county calling a special election, Nov­ of the state that if the Constitu­ Howard is well known here, with special music by the Junior ember 7. for a vote on the recall of tional amendment to permit Port­ and sermonette for the as he is the son of former Esta­ choir, Dr K. II. Smith, county judge. children. League at land to tax itself for the 1927 ex­ cada residents, Mr. and Mrs. 6:45 p. m., a Epworth A report issued by the Clatsop youne people’s ser­ position is approved, a move will sheriff's office shows that up to the Walter Givens. vice for young people. present time the sum of $1,552.705 68 be made to get the legislature Evening service at 7:30, the has been collected in taxes on the 1021 to levy a large tax or make a big Christian Church big half hour sing, special violin roll. contribution to the exposition The Seio Condensary last week paid has been set at rest by a state­ Bib'e School every Lord’s Day selection and #ermon appropriate out $700 in bonuses to the several ment from Mayor Baker, direct­ at 10 a. m.; Preaching 11 a. m. for the hallotveen season, ‘‘En­ patrons of the concern who have con­ A cordial invitation is extended the Gh*st!” Do you believe tinuously sold their milk to it fqj one or general of the , exposition cam- to all. The theme for Sunday1, ter in " ghosts? It depends........ ! year. paign, in which he says no direct ra0rmng. 0 ct. 21), will be “Flee- Rv crawling into a burning house tax is to be asked from the state H oward W. M ort , Pastor. through the bedroom window, Mrs. and no more financial is to be | ing from God.” A cordial invi­ tation is extended to all, who do W. F. Carj’ has just completed Delbert Irvin of I.a Grande saved her little children front being burned to asked outside of Portland than j not attend services elsewhere. an extention to the road to his is necessary for the state to make death. E. F. Atchley, pastor. acrage across the river from Es­ Petitions for the recall of County a reasonable showing in the form | Judge Cross of Clackamas county were of an exhibit or building equal-1 Dinty, like the Gump family, tacada. It is a good one made of filed with County Clerk Miller at Ore­ ling the showing made by the sometimes is down but never plank and gravel. gon Ctly. The petitions contalu 2563 other states. out.—Kum in. 10-12tf Read the Ads in the N ews . Signn'ere« J