Eaaimt Clarkama D evoted to the Interests o f Eastern V olume 16, E sta c a d a , O regon , T hursday N umber 2 OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERALJNTEREST T ) R . W. W. RHODES ^ OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office in Lichthorn Bldg., Eitacada, -T\R. G . F. MIDFOKD ^ P H Y S I C I A N an d SURGEON. X R a v E q u ip m e n t — G l a s s e s f it t e d OFFICE and Residence Second and Main Strsets. Eatacada. Oregon—Telephone Connections •pjR . CHAS. P. JOHNSON DENTIST Successor to Dr. C. E. Owen Eatacada, Oregon. ■p\R. W. WALLENS S U R G E O N DENTIST For over 20 years at Springwater, Ore. ALBERT t . elott ATTORNEY AT LAW RESIDENT LA W Y E R ESTACADA. - - OREGON W M . G. D U N LAP ATTORNEY AT LAW At Eatacada, in the office o f Woodle Realty Co., on Saturdays—Portland o f­ fice 1524 Yeon Building. r \ D EBY, V-/‘ A T T O R N E Y AT LAW. General Practice. Confidential Ad­ viser. Oregon City. Oregon. A JfcG U lR K & SCHNEIDER, AVA atto rneys at l a w . A t Gresham office —Tuesdays, Thurs­ days ana Saturdays, 203-5, Withrow building. Portland office, (Wit-15, Fen­ ton building. FIRE INSURANCE. London Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. Keep your policy in our Fire Proof Vault, free of charge. H. C . S T E P H E N S AGENT. : Alarm : Clocks ♦ Big Ben Baby Ben Jack O ’ Lantern American Sleep Meter All Reliable ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ The R exall Store ♦ Fo r Fire Insurance PLACE Y O U R IN­ SURANCE THROUGH YOUR HOME AGENT WHO WILL PROTECT YOUR INTEREST P rin cip a l E v e n ts ol the W ro B rie fly Sketched for 'nfov- m atlon of O u r R e a d e rs The salmon run has begun In the Sixes and Elk rivers, Curry county, but is rather light so far. Accidents in September on Port­ land streets mounted to a total of 1252, two of which were fatal. Approximately 1490 tons of black­ berries were processed by Salem can­ neries during the recent season. An appropriation of 12000 has been made by the war department to re­ store the rifle range at Roseburg. The Oregon State Horticultural so­ ciety will hold its next annual conven­ tion at Corvallis November 23-24. After a two weeks’ postponement to enable the boys and girls to help In the hop and prune harvests, the Falls City schools have reopened. The first snow fall of the season In eastern Orejan occurred last Wed­ nesday, when a light snow fell at Pleasant Valley, south of La Grande. Portland was one among 65 cities showing Increased employment for September. This was shown In a re­ port given out by the department of labor. The Southern Pacific company has begun to tear down the old street­ car bridge that spans the Willamette at Springfield. The bridge was built about 12 years ago. Sixteen Inches of snow at Crater lake, with snow still falling, put an end to government operations, which It was thought could he kept up until at least October 16, Harrisburg hop growers who had the greater portion of this year’s crop contracted have experienced difficul­ ty In forcing buyers to accept the full quantity of the contract. Permits for commercial radio broad­ casting stations have been granted to Meier & Frank, Portland, and Alders Music store, Baker, the department of commerce has announced. The Eugene Bible university will at once Inaugurate a campaign for half a million dollars to form a fund for the maintenance of the Institution and fqr building extensions. The state board of equalization will meet in Salem October 16 and will be In session for 15 days. Complaints against this year’s valuations will be received and considered at this ses­ sion. M^th practically all of this season’s prunes In from the orchards, it was announced by the Eugene Grult Grow­ ers’ association that a little more than 2.000,000 pounds will be the output of the association’s driers this year. Reports from Astoria say this year’s run of silverstde salmon will be one of the largest In years. The bay at Astoria Is full of salmon, which should make fishing in the Columbia and its tributaries good in a couple of weeks. John C. Veatcb, chief deputy dis­ trict attorney for the federal district of Oregon has announced his resigna­ tion, effective November 1. Lester W. Humphreys, the district attorney, al­ ready has resigned, effective January 1 . The night schools maintained In Astoria each year by the city educa­ tional department for the Instruction of foreign-born residents in English and citizenship, will be resumed for the winter on the first Monday In No­ vember. The Oregon state hospital, at the close of its biennial period October 1. had a total population of 1845, ac­ cording to a report presented to the ■tate board of control by Dr. R. E. Lee Steiner, superintendent of the In stitution. Portland was the fifth city of the country in percentage to gain in post W H IT E LEGHORNS al receipts for September this year, Bred for Vigor and High the gain being 20.7 per cent. Port Egg rroduction. land'a receipts for that month exceed L I N E B R E D consistently for ed cities of larger population such as seven years.—REMEMBER we Rochester, New Orleans. Seattle and were entirely sold out o f baby Louisville. chicks last spring, so get your or­ der in early fo r 1913 delivery. The Pine Grove school board of Hood River county suspended for a Everyone of our customers is a satisfied customer.—WHY NOT day ten grade students and expelled number yourself among them? six for use of tobacco. The children A few Pedigreed Cockerels that drawing the more lenient punishment, will grade up any flock, at 12.50 it was said merely had tobacco In their and (5.00 each —call in and look possession, while the sis were declar­ them over. ed to be spreading the habit. Speclficatiana for the proposed de stroyer and submarine base at the Eatacada. Oregon. mouth of the Columbia river, near FARM located f i e mil« out of Eitacada on Garfield road. Astoria, will go forward late In Novem­ ber. the navy department has advised Senator MeNsry. It is expected that Don’t forget our bargain rates construction of the base, which will with either the Oregonian or the cost slttmstely shout (2,000,000, will Evening Telegram. bsgis ssrly la January Cary Real Estate Co. T r a p -N e s t e d PHIL MARQUAM UPPER EAGLE CREEK r% X I P | 3 Clackamas County O c t o b e r 12, 1922. LO C AL BREVITIES $1.50 P er Y ear S P R IN G W A T E R N E W S BIG 3,3. RALLY AT M. E. CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Paddison Today is Columbus Day. Mrs. Anna Hull had. the mist- ; were taken completely by sur - 1 Earl Warner has returned to fortune to fall out from an up­ prise last Saturday ev e n i n g Tidewater, Oregon. stairs window last Saturday and — — ,when several of their friends Go (Q Roge.s for umbrellas. broke three ribs. She is im­ The Methodist congregation and neighbors came to spend the t The largest assortment and the proving as well as can be ex­ pected. evening with them, in honor of j cheapest prices. in Estacada, had a gala day last their 23rd wedding anniversary, i „ ... , .. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Masson Sutiday at their S. S. rally. A .y,• , ... . ,, ... Until October 31, daily and The crowd did not gather until) , _ ... and Mrs. Boyce of Portland, former pastor, the Rev. H. Spies . . . . 1 . . u Sunday Oregonian with NEWS, about nine o clock and when j J R were week-end guests of Mr. came down for the occasion. A it arrived at the Paddison home I 51 ’ and Mrs. Wm. Still. large congregation, completely they found Mr. Paddison in bed, i Dinty, like the Gump tamily, Rev. V. A. Weir is on the sick filling the auditorium to over­ and Mrs. Paddison and Miss Na- sometimes is down butneverout. list with facial paralysis and the flowing, atttnded. Miss Dillon oma not yet returned from Port- j Kum in. 10-12tt Rev. Potts-Smith of Portland, sang Mendelssohn’s beautiful land. Mr. Paddison was routed Miss Gertrude Dillon is in will fill the pulpit until Mr Weir aria from the oratorio "E lijah,” out of bed and he invited the \ Portland this week attending the is able to resume his work again. "O Rest in the Lord,, Wait Pa­ people in. After the arrival of State S. S. convertion. George Perry was home Sun- tiently for him.” Mrs. Paddison and Naoma they Until October 31, Daily Ore­ from Portland where he is work­ Mr. Spies was the special danced for a time and had a fine gonian with NEWS. $5.00 lor ing. preacher, and dwelt upon the time notwithstanding all hin­ one year. importance o f training up the Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Moger’s drances. B. Landrum who is employed children, illustrating from per­ guests, George Stein and Wen- Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gibson and at camp 3 is home for a.few dal Wilkens, started for Califor­ sonal experiences. A basket din­ Mrs. Katie Douglass were the days’ rest. ner followed this service, and nia on Thursday. dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. For the week October 25 to 31, Miss Ruth Zuiehcr of Portland later in the afternoon another T. C. McKay on Sunday. Evening Telegram with NEWS, visited with her sister Mrs. Joe service was held at which a num­ Mr. and Mrs. Ray Woodle, son one year for $4.50. Guttridge Saturday and Sunday. ber o f letters from former par­ Lester and Mr. Murphey made a ishioners were read and Rev. II. William Kaake has commenced trip to Hood River Sunday, re­ the erection of a residence in F. Moet, the new pastor, and GARFIELD ITEMS turning home Monday evening. Estacada on Fifth street. several others made short talks. Fred Paddison and family of The first letter read was from Mrs. Herman Wallace went to S- S. at Nora Memorial next Oregon City, were calling on Portland Saturday to visit Mr. Sunday at 2 p. m., preaching at Mrs. H. A. Williams of Willami- his brother C. H. Paddison and Wallace, remaining until Sunday 3. After the preaching service na, who resided here a few years family Sunday afternoon. a board meeting has been called ago, when Mr. Williams was ed­ evening. itor o f the N ews . She organiz­ Miss Naoma Paddison has gone The Library Association made and all officers of church and ed the first Sunday School in Es­ to Yakima where her brother a payment on its building this Sunday school are ¡requested to tacada, holding the meetings in Fred is. week and paid up the interest. be present. the old school building where the Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moehnke There still remains $240.00 in­ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sieners grade school now stands. On and children of Shuebel, are debtedness on the building. and family of Portland, visited account of illness she was not guests at the home of Roy Doug­ It is false economy to buy at the Harold Wooster home last able to he present. lass. cheap shoes. Get the guaran­ week. The next letter was from Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Moreland teed all leather line at Rose’s, C. F. McPherson. Her husband Hillsboro vs. Estacada the place to buy. It pays in the and daughter spent several days the Rev. C. F. McPherson was Last Friday E. H. S. journ­ long run. in Portland this week. Estacada’s first Methodist pastor eyed to Hillsboro to play the lat­ Mr. and Mrs. Phil Blandish and helped build the church. Dr. Emil Enna, pianist, with a ter a game of football. E. H. S. talented reader, will appear in spent the week end at their They live now in Portland. was defeated in one of the most Estacada, Wendesday evening, ranch. Another former pastor, Rev, disgusting exhibitions ever wit­ October 25. M. H. Parounagian, and his wife nessed on a gridiron. The game Returned From Seattle Specials for Saturday, Beef of Amity, sent regrets and assur­ started well for E. H. S. The Roast 15 cents a pound, Boiling Mr. and Mrs. C. Hurst return­ ances that their interest in the first four minutes netted an easy Beef 12^ cents a pound, at the ed home last week from Seattle, work here was unabated, and touchdown, but then—well, that Estacada Meat Co. Washington, and Portland. They their prayers were tor a success­ is another story. B. H. Johnson has sold his left here August 15th, at 0 a. m. ful meeting. The boys from Estacada were arriving in Seattle at 7:30 p. m.. Mrs. Howard M. James, who in no training and used most of shoe shop to A. R. Dahlke of Or­ covering the 234 miles in that is teaching school at Arlington, egon City. He is yet undecided their strength in scoring at the time. Mrs. John Dunseath, Mrs. sent regrets and remembrances. first of the game. From then on about what he will do, but will Hurst’s niece, was the chauffer, In a letter from the Rev. C. B. it was everybody’s game, the remain here for a couple or more driving all the way without an Rees, pastor here about eight weeks. balance of the scoring being done Ladies, we have just reeeived accident or blow-out. While in years ago, he said that he was on flukes and steals. Hillsboro Seattle the Hursts met some of pleased to learn that the work stole a touchdown on E. H. S. in a large assortment of stamped their old and former friends here, was growing, and that his the second period, a tackle re­ goods, just the thing for holi­ from Oskaloosa, Iowa. Mrs. M. family sent love and blessings to ceiving the pill for a counter day gifts. Come in and look E. Dubois was also one of the the church. He is now pastor of without dropping back the nec- them over, at Rose’ s. partv. They stood the trip finely the Metzger church at Spokane. Dr. Rhodes has moved into his essary yard before the ball was and all had a good time, seeing The I ley. J. F. Dunlop of Falls snapped. In the same period of j new residence adjoining that of the parks and other attractive Ctity, sent,a most inspiring letter play Estacada scored a safety on Fred Bartholomew, on the Boule places. However they are glad full of good cheer. a Herculean pass made by the vard. He wishes to notify his to be at home once more. Key. A. F. Lacy and Mrs. La­ Hillsboro center high and wide patients and friends that it has cy wrote from their new home at over the heads of his own back- telephone connections, so he may Window Broken Madras, saying they were pres­ field. The first half ended Hills­ be reached there as well as at Last Sunday, or Monday morn­ ent in the spirit, and expressed the office. boro 6 Estacada 8. ing, one of the large plate glass their deep desire for the com­ In the third period Hillsboro We have a very complete line windows of the pharmacy was munity’s welfare and progress. accepted one more touchdown as of Underwear in different grades broken, evidently by a stone Mr. Lacy already feels an im­ a friendly donation from Esta- 0f cotton, all wool and wool and thrown by hand or a sling-shot. provement in his throat trouble cada, without even saying as cotton, at prices you can’t af- This practice should be prohibited from the change of climate. much as "thank you.” But they ford t0 overlook. It pays to buy on the streets, as this shows Mrs. C. W. Devore of Oakland, retaliated by making the poor- Rose’s. what serious damage may he California, wrote she was glad est attempt at an onside kick ey-| E c Kilgore and daughter done. to know her Estacada friends had er executed in the whole U. S. Alice came up from Gresham on not forgotten her. Mrs. Devore The said onside kick landed fair- the late train last night and re- Auto Thieves Busy when she resided here was a de­ ly in the arms of Benji Sarver turned thia morninff. Mr. Kil l Last Saturday night while the moted and untiring worker in the who carried it fifty yards for a gort ¡g suffering from an inter-1 dance was going on at the park Sunday School. Her daughter, touchdown. The third period ng| injury and is obliged to lay pavilion, some auto thieves got Bertha, who was organist in the ended Estacada 14. Hillsboro 12. off from work for a few (iays. busy and despoiled a car belong­ Sunday School for some time, During the last quarter Esta­ He is stopping with his parents, ing to Mr. Gillette who works at played last year, the pipe organ cada outdid Hillsboro entirely in Col. and Mrs. K i l g o r e , a t ■ the Estacada hotel, of its top, in one of Oakland’s large church­ generosity. The boys showed Gresham. windshield, lights and other arti­ es. the best kind of sportsmanship cles. A car belonging to II. H. A nice letter was sent by Miss Delightfully Entertains in refusing to accept any points Currin of Currinsville. which Eva Wash of Lents, who was an­ Mrs. H. C. Gohring delight-, was parked on the street, was at all, but forced Hillsboro to other devoted Sunday School take one more touchdown and the fully entertained a few lady also raided but not so much ta­ worker while here. game. friends Tuesday afternoon and ken. No clues to the miscreants Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Guthrie The whole trouble with Esta- the occasion was an enjoyable have been obtained. sent a message from Sale n, ex­ cada is the poor physical shape one. A number of classical rec- pressing their regrets for their W . O. W . Dance the boys are in, which cannot be ords were played to afford di- inability to lie present. When remedied by the school alone, version during the visiting pe- Eagle Creek Camp, No. 539, Mr. Guthrie was connected with We need the cooperation of the riod and the hostess served a will give a dance in Cogswell’s the Estacada schools, he was al­ parents and townspeople in gen- delicious two course luncheon to hall, Eagle Creek, on Satun ay so superintendent of the Sunday eral. The boys must stop smok- complete her charming hospitali- night. Every one is invited. School. ing and observe all the training ty. The company was composed The day proved altogether one NOTICE o f Mesdames G. R. Ellis. W. E. ruies laid down for them. long t > be remembered. Linn. A. E. Sparks. John Blauth K arl E. E inarson . Supt. All persons owing B. H. John­ and N. B. Ecker. son are requested to pay him not Call for Shoes Change in Firm later than November first, 1922, Estacada High Wins as he has sold out. Money orders As I Have sold my Shoe Shop H. C . Gohring has purchased The High School football team will be acceptable. I am requesting persons to call the interest o f his partner, James played West Linn last Tuesday, B. H. Johnson, for their shoes this week. Smith, in the Estacada Meat Box 44, Estacada, Oregon Market. * B. H. Johnson winning by a score of 6 to 0.