■*.. I-- larkmttas üXVuts Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County V olum e 15, N umber 50 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. E stacada , O regon , T hursday , S e pt e m b e r 14,1922. | GREG9N NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST SPRINGWATER NEWS. LOCAL BREVITIES $1.50 P er Y ear U PP E R EAGLE CREEK BIG ENROLLMENT US SCHOOL OPENS You will be pleased to see Mr. and Mrs. Fro I Hoffmeis- Mrs. N. Grable and son Harry were Portland Visitors on Mon­ “ Father Goose” when he comes. ter, Mr, and Mrs. Walter Doug- T ) R . W. W. RHODES day. Mrs. W. W. Rhodes was in laas, Florice Douglass and Mrs. 1 •L y O ST E O PA T H IC R. B. Gibson were Sandy grange Portland yesterday. Joe Erickson arrived home last Principal Events (J the Wee PH Y SIC IA N AND SURGEON visitors Saturday. The school year op *ned most week from Three Links. , Rally Day will he held at the Office in L ichthorn Bl'lg., E stacada, Briefly Sketched for infor­ The Misses Millie Fames and auspiciously las' Monday with Mrs. J. P. McAuley and John Christian Church, Sunday. r . o. f. midfokd Fern Ross of Portlynd, were the the largest enrollment for the mation of Our Reader* Marshall went to Salem Monday Another'iarge shipment of the PH Y SIC IAN a n d S U R G F O N , guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray , opening day in the history of X R a y E q u ip m e n t — G l a s s e s f i t t e d | in the latter’s truck to get the j Peters All Leather Line of shoes Woodle during the week end. I both the high and grade schools. P ru n e picking will begin in M arlon OFFICE »nd Resldance Second and Main Sirseta. , furnace for the drier, returning just received at Rose’s, Estacada, Oregon—Telephone Connections county in about two weeks. i The figures were 102 f>r the for­ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass home Monday evening. j W. P. Ferre1 of Upper Barton T h e sta te lim e p lant at Gold Hill T } R . CHAS. F. JO H N SO N and children and Mr. and Mrs. mer and 128 for the latter. A James Smith is sick at the j was in town to-day. Is now o p eratin g on a self-sustaining Moehnke were the dinner guests strong faculty in both schools is DENTIST basis. home of his brother, W. T. | Fred Hebding of Garfield re- of Mr. and Mrs. George Preister a promising feature for the com­ Successor to Dr. C. E. Owen B aker and U nion counties will hold Smith. I turned yesterday from Portland. of Logan Sunday. Estacada, Oregon. a jo in t te a c h e rs' In stitu te a t B aker, ing year. With the exception An all-day session was held on of Superintendent Einarson and O ctober 11 and 12. Ted Ahlberg went to Portland T ~\R . W. WALLENS School commenced in Fist. No. E ight L a G rande citizens a re 111 Tuesday at the Grange hall to yesterday afternoon, returning 50 on Monday Sept. 11, with Mrs. Einarson of the high school SU R G E O N D EN T IST finish the quilts for the baby this morning. F or over 20 years a t S p rin g w ater, Ore. w ith typhoid fever due to th e use of Miss Jean Halliday of Oregon faculty, and Miss Lela Howe, well w a te r for drin k in g purposes. Welfare Home at Corvallis. City, as teacher. Twenty-two principal of the grade school, all Mrs. W. C. Bacon spent the T he Clatsop county ag ricu ltu ral fair ALBERT T. ELOTT the teachers are new comers. Mrs. Ethel C. Julian was united week end with Portland friends. pupils were enrolled. will be held a t th e po rt term in al In A TT O R N EY AT LAW in marriage to Clarence Hull on A storia from S eptem ber 19 to 22. RESI D EN T LAWYER Mrs. McKay, Mrs. K a t i e We bespeak for them not only Miss Anna Dillon has returned ESTACADA. - - OREGON By th e middle of next week Salem Sunday at 5:30 p. m. at the home from a visit with friends in Sa­ Douglass and Mrs. R. B. Gilson a warm welcome but an intelli­ will have sp en t approxim ately $80,000 of the bride’s parents, Mr. and lem. called on Mrs. Ray Woodle Mon­ gent cooperation from the par­ W M ? G. DUNLAP ents and guardians of the pupils. in th e im provem ent of stre e ts this Mrs. E. Closner. Rev. Weir per­ A T T O R N E Y A T LAW I am now pre pared to do al day afternoon. year. The latter should uphold the dis­ formed the ceremony, and the A t E stacada, in th e office of Woodle Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Gibson cipline of the school and see to kinds of watch, clock and jewelry The new m illing p la n t a t th e La- R ealty Co., on S a tu rd a y s—P o rtlan d o f­ young couple were attended by bellevue mine, n ear G ranite, in G rant fice 1524 Yeon Building. repairing.—A. N. Johnson. tf were up this way Sunday after­ it that the children do not scamp county, will be ready for operation Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Wilcox. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Moore noon. the home prepartion for their f ') D EBY, and Mrs. Hull left the same N ovem ber 1: Mildred Douglass was a guest V-/ * A TT O R N EY AT LAW. went to Portland Tuesday morn­ lessons. T h e salm on season on Rogue riv er evening for an auto trip to Eu­ of the home folks Sunday. G eneral Practice. Confidential Ad­ has ended. The season from the gill- ing to attend the Episcopal con­ The respective faculties are gene, Oregon, to be gone about viser. O regon C ity. Oregon. n e tte rs' view, as a success w as fa r be­ vention. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Wilcox and composed of the following mem­ ten days. low average. TV/TcGUIRK & S C H N E ID E R , Ladies, have you seen those children and Mrs. Nora Reid bers: T he annual m eeting of the Oregon AVJ- a t t o r n e y s at la w . HIGH SCHOOL silk and wool union suits? They were calling on H. S. Gibson A t G resham office—Tuesdays, T h u rs­ P u reb red L ivestock association will Exposition Will Benefit State are excellent values, at Rose’s. Monday afternoon. Karl E. Einarson, U. of North be held in Salem , on th e n ig h t of days ana S atu rd ay s, 203-5, W ithrow Presentation to the world of Dakota, superintendent. building. P o rtlan d office, <¡09-15, F en­ S ep tem b er 27. Tommy McKay came home on George Harkenrider c a me ton building. Miss Ivy C. Peterson, O. A. T he U nion county c o u rt has le t a Oregon’s scenic, farming and home Saturday from Hermiston, Saturday from the mountains c o n tra c t for th e g rading and other industrial attractions and oppor­ C., History and^English. and on Monday went to Port­ tyOODLE REALTY CO. p re p a ra to ry w ork on th ree m iles of tunities through the 1925 expo­ in eastern Oregon. He will re­ Miss Mary Atkinson, Oklaho­ Real Estate, Insurance, Loans, th e Island City-Cove highw ay. turn to the O. A. C. when it land to resume his studies at sition as the means" of bringing ma A. C , Commercial Dept. Reed college. Collections, Notary Public. R eceipts of the P o rtlan d postoftlce opens up. thousands of investors into the Percy Da we, O. A. C., Manual Justice of the Peace. for A ugust th is y ear w ere $178,074 as Mr. and Mrs. Jess Douglass A few specials: Quart can of Training and Mechanical Draw­ They get results Phone Estacada com pared w ith $156,769 in A ugust last state is the plan which is being and son Kelly of Boyd, Oregon, ing. year, a gain of $21,305, o r 18.73 per placed before the people of Ore­ Sunkist Sweet Gherkins, 40c; were visiting with relatives cent. gon by the committee in charge Quart can of Sunkist Sour Gher­ down this way last week and G. Harvey Jack, Pacific U., kins, 35c; 5 pounds Pure lard, P etitio n s from th e business men of of the campaign in behalf of the Science and Mathematics. picking some fruit to take home O regon City urging the city to m ain­ exposition measure which goes $1.00; 10 pounds pure lard, $1.90; with them. Mrs. Jo Hammond Einarson, tain a paid fire d ep a rtm e n t consisting Sugar $7.75, at Rose’s. before the voters at the Novem­ O. A. C., Domestic Science, Art of four m en. have been g ran ted by the London Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. W. B. Coupland departed for ber election. and Biology. city council. Rev. A. F. Lacy Moves This measure amends the state Chicago, Illinois, after a week’s The Rev. A. F. Lacy, to the Forty-one children, grandchildren GRADES Keep your policy in o ur F ire P roof V ault, tr e e of charge. and o th e r relativ es of W illiam Goin, constitution so as to allow the visit with his mother Mrs. C. E. Miss Leila Howe, Principal. O regon pioneer of 1864, g ath ered at voters in Portland to levy a tax Coupland and brother George. regret of his parishioners and Miss Esther Ga rbe, Primary. the town people generally, ,vas H. C. S T E P H E N S Jefferso n p ark n e a r A lbany fo r a re ­ upon themselves. It does not The former he had not seen for transferred by the Methodist Miss Greta Brumage, Second • union Sunday. A gent . T h irty p o stm asters, of th e th ird and provide for any tax for the state 26 years and the latter for 31 conference to Madras, in east­ Grade. Miss Helen C u r r i e , T h i r d fourth class, rep resen tin g th e Oregon outside of Portland although the years. ern Oregon. While he has been branch of th e N ational L eague of P o st­ state voters must approve the Grade. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Douglass here only a year, yet he made a ♦ + + + * * + + + + + ♦. m asters, held th e ir annual convention constitutional change. and little son, who had been host of friends by his broadmind­ Miss Clara Nelson, Fourth and In P o rtlan d Friday. “ Oregon is not developed prop­ here visiting Mr. Douglass’ edness and genial manner. Mrs. Fifth Grades. THE T hirty-five hom esites and six club­ erly because we have failed to mother Mrs. Viola Douglass, and Lacy will be much missed by the Miss Dorothy Ward, Sixth and house site s have been laid out on the w est sflore of Diamond lake by Fred let the people of the world know other relatives in this vicinity, local congregation, for she was Seventh Grades. W. C leator, recreatio n al eng in eer of what we have in our state,” says returned to their home near The indefatigable in church and oth­ th e fo rest service. Mayoi George I. Baker, who Dalles last Saturday morning. Suicide Is Confession er good woiks. The best wishes A head-on collision betw een two heads the campaign committee. Dr. Richard M. Brumfield of S outhern Pacific freig h t tra in s n ear Dr. C. K. Carey having given of all go with them to their new “ Advertising is the best means field, which we hope will re­ Roseherg who was under sen­ O akland resu lted In a sm all am ount up the idea of locating at Hcqui- of dam age to th e engines and th e of bringing about development am. Washington, has now de­ spond to their efforts to do it tence of death for murder, com­ We are ready to fill your com plete w recking of one freig h t car. of our resources and the exposi­ parted with Mrs. Carey to some good. The new minister ap­ mitted suicide about noon yes­ orders for SCHOOL BOOKS H en ry A. V aughan, 48, son of A. L. tion in 1925 is the best method pointed to the Estacada charge terday, by hanging himself in Vaughan, a pioneer farm er of W alter of advertising that couid and School Supplies—as us­ be town in Arizona. We hope he is the Rev. II. F. Mort. Mr. his cell in the state penitentiary will find it just the place he was ville, L an e county, died a t H ouston, adopted. ual School Books are strictly Lacy, however, will be here Sun­ at Salem. His act recalls one of Tex., as th e resu lt of a b ullet wound Cash. “The exposition will bring looking for. day and preach his farewell ser­ Daniel Webster’s m a s t e r l y in th e head, inflicted by a Mexican. The local order of Rebekahs mon. A re p o rt Issued by th e p o rt of As­ thousands of people into Oregon. speeches, which used to be print­ toria show s th a t in A ugust 33 vessels There will be investors, farmers, entertained the children of the ed in the FifthReaders some thir­ loaded o r discharged cargo a t th e local merchants and business people members last night, after the ty or more years ago, in which Lon g Distance Congratulations term in als, w hereas In th e correspond­ from all parts of the world. They regular meeting. There were lie dealt with a similar case, the m onth la st y e a r th ere w ere but 12. will have money to spend and to fifty present and after playing Tuesday was the birthday of only refuge of the accused, he The Store < ing Shipping records of th e St. H elens invest. By having our products, games, marching and giving Mrs. Tom Morton, and her broth­ declared from confession was sui­ mills of th e M cCormick L um ber com ­ er who lives in Oakland, Califor­ pany show s th a t 24 vessels cleared our resources and scenic attrac­ “yells.” the youngsters were nia, remembering the d a t e , cide, and he added, “suicide is from St. H elens h arb o r In August tions on display we are certain treated to ice cream and cookies. called her up by long distance confession.” c a rry in g cargoes to talin g 17,169,197 to interest our visitors. The They all report a good time. phone to offer his congratula feet. campaign which has been plan­ Mrs’ J. S. Osborne accompan­ Purple Grapes tions. His voice was as clear T he new ly constructed $6000 pavil­ ned in behalf of the exposition ied her mother and brother, Mrs. ion a t th e new Jack so n county fair and audible as if he were speak­ John Osborne is a number one grounds a t Medford, contain in g one measure will be carried into all A. C. Landrum and J. B. Lan­ ing in the adjoining room. fruit grower. His strawberries, PLACE Y O U R IN­ of th e la rg e st and best dance floors parts of the state between now drum, to Portland last Thursday raspberries and other small fruits SURANCE THROUGH in th e sta te , w as form ally opened last and November 6. on their way back to their home Radio King Coming are always of the highest stand­ YOUR HOME AGENT WHO week. in Loveland, Colorado, This If you haven't received your ard, and now hi r grapes are WILL PROTECT C lark R. Jack so n of Chpbaiis, W ash., Eastern Star Notice was their second trip to Oregon, favorite star’s picture yet, bring proving equally so. At March- YOUR INTEREST ex-state tax com m issioner, and Mrs. A stated communication of and they expect to motor back in the folder with as many stars hank’s confectionery some of his Linda B olling S turgis, cousin of Mrs. W oodrow W ilson, w ere m arrie d re­ Mountain Chapter No. 108, O. E. this fall or early in the spring. named as you can, and Mr. Clew- Concords are for sale, which cently In P o rtlan d , w here th e bride S., will be held on Tuesday even­ orth will give you the one you in size, bloom and flavor resem­ Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Sparks en­ has been living. ing, September 19. ble the hot house varieties which want. tertained Saturday and Sunday E. S. T tllinghast. for th e p a st 17H fetch an exhorhitant price per an old friend from Nebraska, E. y ears su p erin ten d e n t of th e Oregon Christian Church pound. sta te school fo r th e deaf a t Salem , R. Gurnev, who has extensive Radiograms Received has accepted a 'sim lla r position in Mis­ Bib'e School every Lord’s Day lumber interests at Baker, Ore­ Yesterday evening, at the in­ souri and will leave for th a t sta te at 10 a. m.; Preaching 11 a. m. gon. They drove him back to P .T A. vitation of S. P. Pcsznecker, we about O ctober 1. The first meeting of the year A cordial invitation is extended Portland, S u n d a y afternoon, listened to the radio returns re­ G eorge H oward, tw enty-five, for­ WHITE LEGHORNS of the Parent-Teacher Associa­ feited his life at the sta te p en iten tiary to all. Theme of sermon will be Mrs. Nina Ecker who also knew ceived by him. From Portland B red for V igor an d H igh a t Salem F rid ay for th e m u rd er of Sunday, September 17th, will be Mr. Gurney in Nebraska aecom-j came reports of the suicide of tion was held in the high school Egg P roduction. George R. Sw eeney of Vale, tw o years “ Putting on the whole armour! paning them. Dr. Brumfield and the ball games. auditorium Tuesday afternoon. L I N E B R E D consistently for ago. H ow ard w as pronounced dead ten of God.” Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Ellis have It is astonishing how clear the New officers were elected as fol­ seven y e a rs .— R EM EM BER we m inutes a fte r the tra p was sprung. w ere en tirely sold out of baby E. F. Atchley, pastor. been entertaining their son, voice sounds. Salt Lake was al­ lows: President, Mrs. U. II. Inspection of ranges in th e forests chicks la st spring, so g e t your o r­ Loran J. Ellis the past few days.! so tried and communication es­ Carter; vice-president, Mrs. G. d er in early fo r 1923 delivery. for developing th e forest service g raz­ Mr. and Mrs. Loran J. Ellis are tablished. If development along P. Rose; secretary, Mrs. K. F.in- ing plans is being stead ily pushed E veryone of o ur custom ers is a Baseball Game nrson; treasurer, Miss L e i l a satisfied cu sto m er.—W HY NOT and will be com pleted this fall, accord­ A return match with the col­ to leave the end of the week for this line continues, a man will Howe;executive board, Mrs. Ger­ num ber yourself am ong them ? ing to D C. Ingram , grazing exam iner Boston where he will pursue have to use the sign language if A few Pedigreed C ockerels th a t of th e U nited S ta te s forest service. I ored team, The Portland Trojans graduate study in the Massachu­ does not wish what he says, to ald Wilcox. Mrs. Mae Reed and will grade up ar.y flock, a t $2.50 Clayton K irk, se c re ta ry of th e tribal will be played Sunday afternoon. and $5.0