EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1922. SPRINGWATER NEWS. DODGE NEWS âESPÆLS? rrr TTFW T r y j y p u p Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Keller Mrs. Anna Hull and son Clar­ spent Sunday visiting J. H. Ke'- ence and Mrs. Ethel Julian were ler and family at Viola. visitors in Portland, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Folsom of Miss Florence Schenk and John Springwater were Sunday visi­ Schenck of Gresham, were guests tors at E. Lacey’s this week. at the J. A. Shibley home, last Earl Lankins and Miss Ten- week. Eyck were visiting at Fred Hor­ Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bard made ner’s place on Wednesday and an auto trip to the Dalles last week to visit relatives, returning Thursday. Mrs. J. E. Keller went to Port­ home Monday. land on Saturday to visit her son Mrs. E. E. Llewellen and son Kenneth who is still in the hos­ Gilbert went to Portland the first pital. She reports that he is of the week to place Gilbert in much better and expected home school in Portland. Wednesday of this week. Miss Mary McCully of Portland Frank Chambers, who for a is visiting at the home of Mr. while attended the Dodge school and Mrs. William Still. and who now resides in Port­ A miscellaneous shower for the land, was a week end visitor at bride-to-be was held at the Chris­ Mrs. Jockimsen’s. tian Endeavor social on Friday Fred Horner and family spent evening. Sunday visiting at S. N. Kil Rev. and Mrs. V. A. Weir and gore’s place at Springwater. Mrs. T. P. McCauley and daugh­ Fred Horner and wife were ters, Cora and Julia, were busi­ business visitors in Oregon City ness yisitors in Oregon City, on Tuesday. on Tuesday. ______ “ Father Goose” is coming. Return From Eastern Oregon Mrs. Clara Boyer and son, Ar­ thur, with Mrs. Clyde Saling and sons, Niel and Fred, have returned from a trip to Heppner, Morrow county, where Mrs. Sal­ ing has been visiting relatives. They made the trip in Mrs. Boyer’s Chevrolet car making over 500 miles with only one stop for machine trouble. They encountered all kinds of weather from extreme heat and thunder and lightning to an Eastern Ore­ gon sand storm with a sprinkle of rain on the return trip. They brought home some fine melons from the irrigated Hermiston section where acre upon acre is going to waste, there being no market on account of the railroad strike. They report a very pleasant time but think Western Oregon is the best place on earth. GEM THEATRE First Show Starts at 7.30 PARAM OUNT W EEK To-Night ‘Get Rich Quick Wallingford” A story known around the world and all of it “j u s t folks!” Overflowing with village kindness and r i b ­ tickling kinks of dern-fool human nature. Every scene a gasp of sur­ prising drama. bursting into roars of merriment. ALSO Paramount Magazine Saturday and Sunday Cecil B. DeMille’ s Production “ The Affairs of Anatol” Base Ball The base ball season is rapidly drawing to a close and there will not be more than three ad­ ditional games. Last Sunday the Estacada team was again victorious, defeating the Port- and Trojans by a score of 4 to 3. Nlext Sunday the Montavilla club will be the contending team. Boys Need a Home Chester A. Lyon, founder and owner of “The Big Brother Farm Tor Boys” at Lebanon, Oregon, desires to find homes for several boys who are unfortunate and need the love of a good Christian man and woman. When writ­ ing to him, give name of church attending and of pastor; also as reference, three other reliable persons living in your district. “Big Brother Farm” was founded 10 years ago and during that time many boys have been placed in good Christian homes and are making good. Address Chester A. Lyon, Lebanon, Ore. DIVIDEND NO. 2 A LFA LFA HAY Another Red Letter Day GRAINS FEEDS July 1, 1922 was another Red Letter Day for the owners of our 1% Prior Preference Stock. Checks for thousands of dollars were mailed out by us to our Thrifty Customers and Pat­ rons in payment of the Second Regular Quarterly Dividend on their holdings in this sound and attractive security. Consult our Investment Department at once and get on our Mailing List for the NEXT DIVIDEND ON OCTOBER 1ST. The "Good Luck” Star THOMAS MEIGHAN IN •‘White and Unmarried" Comedy--"Watch Your Neighbor" Music at all Shows L V. CLEW 0RTH, Manager. A PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER <1 The Store Where Your Dollar Does Its Duty. U. S. MORGAN, Proprietor. Company. SOUDAS THE STATE Room 605 Flectric Bldg., Portland, Oregon. SC: + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Confectionery, Phonogr iphs, R. G. M A R C H B A N K , L iG H T L u n c h e s I am now prepared to do al kinds of watch, clock and jewelry repairing. A. N. Jo hr son. tf Subscribe for your home paper th e E a s t k k n C l a c k a m a s N l w s . and Spend the difference —Henry Ford , ESTACADA, OREGON. International Clothes, + Cigars and Tobaccco, + + + + + + ♦ + + ♦♦ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + H Estacada, Oregon, A ugust 31, 1922. NOTICE is hereby given th a t the City Council of the City of Estacada, Oregon, in persuance of the provisions of the Charter of said City, did on the 21st day of February, 1922, levy assessments for sidewalk improvements against the following lots in the City of Estacada, Oregon, for the respecctive amounts hereinafter set forth to wit: Lot 6 Block 9 Zobrist Addition $12.50. J. R. Edwards owner or reputed owner $15.00. W. C. Repass, “ “ Lot 7 23 $15.00. W. C. Repass, “ “ 23 Lot 10 $15.00. J. B. Honey, “ “ Lot 9 23 $15.90. A. H. Withrow, “ “ Lot 11 23 #15.00. A. H. Withrow, “ “ 23 Lot 12 $15.00. W. C. Repass, “ •• 23 Lot 8 “ LiOt 6 “ 6 Original Town plat, $15.00. J. R. Edwards, “ “ “ ’* $15.00. J ’ R. Edwards, “ ” Lot 7 “ 6 “ “ *• $15.00. J . H. Nash, '* “ Lot 11 •• 6 ...................... #45.00. J . H. Nash, “ “ Lot 12 •• 6 $20.00. W. C. Repass, “ “ Lot 6 “ 18 F irst Addition If within ten days from date of the first publication hereof the said as­ sessment against any of said lots shall not he paid the City Council will pro­ ceed to order the sale of said lots so delinquent in the manner provided by the Charter of said City of Estacada, Oregon. By order of CITY COUNCIL (SEAL) j . p. WOODLE. Recorder. Ford Service what it Really Means It means Genuine Ford Parts, 50 per cent of which retail for less than 10 cents. It means a Repair Shop, where expert Ford Mechanics per­ form the work It means giving Honest, Courteous, Prompt at­ tention to the Ford Owner’s every need. It means to constantly supply you with a Ford Service that will make you and keep you an en­ thusiastic member of the great Ford family. We are authorized Ford Dealers. W e can supply you with any product the Ford Motor Co. makes. Crawford Bros. Motor Co. GAS ACCESSORIES OILS ESTACADA, OREGON. FOR INSURANCE Fire, Automobile and Life, --------------- SEE--------------- WOODLE REALTY C O ., the INSURANCE AGENTS R E P R E S E N T IN G T H E B E S T C O M PA N IES: Pacific States Fire Inusrance Co. The Liverpool & London & Globe Ins. Co. The Phoenix Ins. Co. of Hartford, Conn. Farmers Mutual Fire Relief Association. ALSO L I F E A ND A C C I D E N T C O M P A N I E S WE PROTECT YOU AND YOUR PROPERTY WOODLE REALTY CO. Estacada, Oregon. SB Í » FAIRBANKS-MORSE QUALITY- 100 %; WE have added another sign of excellence to our list when we gave a place to the sign of the A N A T U R A L C URIO SITY Buy a THE U N IV E R S A L CAB Imolemems Professor Poksrnoss: Shi They • re asking s qusstlon. Eureka! I have caught ths first msssaga from Mars. His Excited Colteaguesi What do they eayf Profeaaor Poksrnoaai They ask *How do you gst that w a y P LINE Estacada Feed Co. Investment Department ’ PORTLAND- C O M P L E T E FO R SALE---0ne Heavy Work Horse Priscillas Entertained Mrs. J. R. Hughes was hostess to the Modern Priscillas last Fri­ day at her home at Currinsville. FOR SALE—Team of Percher­ She was assisted in entertaining on mares, 6 years old, weighing 3,000 lbs. will sell reasonably. by her daughter, Mrs. Sisson Address H. B. Van Alst, 6717, who was a visitor under the pa­ 43d Ave, Portland. Mt.{Scottcar. rental roof. After the delight­ 8 31 9-20 ful and sumptuous dinner, the LOST—June 22, 1922, between guests spent the afternoon very Gibson’s corner and Boring, a PLAIN SEWING—Dressmak­ pleasantly in visiting. T h e r e feather mattress, used one year, ing and hemstitching, see Mrs. Gus Wilcox. 7-18tf were seven members present and weighing between 30 and 40 lbs. F0R SALE-25-35 Cal. Win- two visitors. Mrs. Sisson and Reward offered Finder notify N. Sether. Milwaukee, Ore., )chester carbine, A-l condition, Mrs. E. E. Ericson, Mrs. Hughes’ O- Phone Mil. 18 R, or notify Mrs. Anyone interested call on L. M. sister, of Seattle. Jennie Horger, Barton Ore. Wagner. Estacada. 8-31tf 8-24-31-9-7 All kinds of rain clothing, rub­ FOR SALE—Duroc J e r s e y FOR RENT—Cottage c l e a n pigs, both sexes, age 3 months. ber footwear and umbrellas at and cheerful in Terrace Addition, L. H. Ewalt, prices you can afford to pay, at $8.00 per month teacher prefer­ 8-31 9-7 Currinsville, Ore. R 1. Rose’s. red or adult pupils. Obtain key FAT CHICKENS wanted at at R. F. Snyder’s, phone J. F. Hotel Estacada. 7-27-tf Snyder. 8-31 9-7 Estray Notice Notice is hereby given that I FOR SA LE-Late 1922 new have taken up a light colored series Maxwell Touring Demon­ Jersey Heifer, about 2 years old. strator; factory guarantee, clas­ NEW ARCADA H O T EL Owner can have same by paving sic in every way; better than bran new, just broke in. Will for pasture and advertising. 146 First S treet, near Alder. sell on terms. Phone Albert Horger, MEW MANAGEMENT I. D. McCutchan, Estacada. 9 7-14-21 Boring, Rt. 4. Clean Hooms 50 cent* and up. LOST- Boys brown coat on NOTICE—Will the party who road between Yocum’s mill and Fine Lobby and Music. took a case of Ideal quart fruit Estacada. Notify Bick Githens. 9-7-14 jars from R. S. Coop’s wood Eagle Creek, Ore. wagon, while in the street near Bartholomew’s slore Wednesday, about 3:30 p. m., return same to Mr. Burtholomew. R. S. Coop, Wallace Reid, Gloria Swanson Elliot Dexter, Bebe Daniels Monte Blue, Wanda Hawley Agnes Ayres, Polly Moran Theodore Roberts. THURSDAY GROCERIES THIS STOCK YIELDS 7.3 PER CENT. With an All Star Cast N E X i vy/rcj FAIRBANKS MORSE CO. THE reliability of their engines and accuracy of their scales is well krown—We have them both. Paints OUR line of Winchester Tools and Ammunition is com­ plete again. Their accuracy and excellence are well known. Mason Strong Shoulder and E -Z Seal Jars. Jelly Glasses. SMITH HARDWARE STORE, ESTACADA The only H»idware Store in Clackamas county selling goods at Portland prices