i EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY, SEPT. 7, 1922. George Weatherby Writes Eastern Clackamas News Entered at the postoffiee in Estacada Oregon, as second-class mail. Published every Thursday at Estacada. Oregon UPTON H. GIBBS Editor and Manager. S ubscription R ates One year Six months Thursday. Septemb?r 7, 1922. WHAT IS WRONG WITH OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS? II Its toasted Escondido Cal., Aug. 29th. Mr. and Mrs. Upton H. Gibbs, Estacada, Ore. ! My Dear Gibbses: This letter is indicted to you from two standpoints, one of i “ good-fellowship” and the other | real business, for on receipt of our N e w s it read on the wrapper, “ pay up or shut up,” so we de­ cided it was more o f a pleasure to “ pay up” than the other way, so are giving ourselves a very distinct pleasure in enclosing our check for $1.50 to insure to our future pleasure the receipt o f 52 messages of good news and hearty work for the building up o f the “ old home,” Estacada. Your “ N e w s ” is getting better at each and every issue, and it has always been a puzzler to me why, yes, why , do so many of the merchants o f your town let you go to publication without having a good live “ ad” in your paper? Your “ set-up” and press work are much better thiin the average country weekly, a n d since coming here I have met-up with an eminent newspaper man who is “ doing” this section for the Philadelphia Public Ledger, writing both history and going events. It would be a pleasure to have on your “ staff” such men as this person, for his talks are like new wine to a jaded soul. This person of whom I write is Charles Burr Todd, who is 78 years of age, weighs about 125 pounds, but who is all brains. You would deem it a special fa ­ vor to talk to him for one-half hour. On September 9th, Grape Day, the pastoral and fair and get-to­ gether events for this valley take place, and after said events I will try and give you my im­ pressions o f the same. Another cause of weakness in our public schools is a lowering o f moral standards in the home. Upon the schools, most o f them overcrowded, falls the burden of discipline, both mental and mor­ cism. I f the present incumbent al. Naturally they are unequal is recalled there is no telling that to the task. This is noted in the his successor will be an improve­ majority o f the six thousand re­ ment. He may satisfy some but plies received by the P ictoriai it will be certain he will not R eview , so it may be taken for please a great many others, who no doubt in their turn will take granted. One great drawback our schools steps to invoke the recall against have to contend with is, that the him. “ Better bear those ills we pupil is under two authorities, have than fly to others we know that of home and that o f the not o f.” school. Theoretically the home A speaker for the strikers ap­ is supposed to back the school, but how often is that the case peared before the Bishops of the I f the discipline in the home is lax Episcopal Church, assembled in and unprincipled, then it more Portland, to give them their side than offsets that of the school o f the controversy. He natur­ Obedience is largely a matter of ally spoke as a t t o r n e y for habit, but how can that habit be the defense, and criticised the developed when more than half railroad executives, the l a b o r the time the child is allowed to board and the President, laying do what he pleases? A board­ the whole blame on them. For­ ing school has the advantage o f tunately the bishops were not the day school in this respect, expected to pronounce an opin­ that during the term the pupils ion on the case, in fact they are under one authority, which could not except as individuals, enforces discipline, from which and beside the otherside was not there is no convenient refuge for presented. A t present this entire commu­ those who find the rules irksome. The N ei ^ s acknowledges with nity is engrossed with the ex­ We boast o f our public schools, thanks a copy o f the June Quar­ penditure of some $6,000, COO. but for discipline and inculcating terly o f the Oregon Historical to get water. The crying and reverence and obedience to law, Society from George H. Himes, howling in this great SUNNY (hey lag behind those of Europe. curator. It contains an article SOUTHLAND is for WATER and There are no schools for disci­ o f exceptional interest on the then MORE WATER. When a ten- pline and teaching the idea of History o f the Oregon Mission der-foot first comes into any of duty to God, home and country, Press,” containing illustrations these v e r y pro spero us commu­ which excel the English pub­ o f translations of the Gospel ac­ nities, he must keep his “ ear to lic schools, which, however are cording to St. Matthew in the I the ground” to take in what is not government schools, b u t 'iez Perces language as done by given to him, but after all, his schools managed by a governing the missionaries. own best judgment must be his board,such as Eton, Winchester, . . . real guide. Unless you can get Rugby and others. There a boy 1 he government is beginning water on your land better not is soon made aware that he is un­ to show its hand in the railroad buy it at any price, as it will be der authority, not only that of the masters but o f the older strike. If Gompers has his way useless. I am inclined to believe boys, that he is a member of a and a general strike ensues, then, that the realty men here are re­ the government will have the fight ally “ good-regular-fellows” and body o f which every member is o f its life. I f the unions create will be square with any of my expected to do his duty to that such a situation that the whole friends who may fellow my tracks body. I f he is restive and con­ country is imperilled, then if the j and journey to “ where it is clear trary he becomes speedily pain­ government cannot protect the jin the South,” and one o f the fully aware that he must play on according to regulations or else country it will prove that it is finest Climates that the Creator not able to govern. ever put out or up or in, in this suffer for it no matter whose good old world that we live in at son he may be, for there is abso­ Mrs, R. S. Coop o f Currins- lutely no favoritism shown. A llle went to Gresham Sunday the present time, so get ready boy stands or falls on his merits. morning to see her husband who and join the next caravan. What I think about most is. He may or may not acquire much is in the hospital there suffering what did the Estacada cannery scholarship, he may or may not from a broken leg. do? And again after Labor Day be proficient in athletics, but he what will the schools do? Cer­ will before he leaves, acquire a NOTICE tainly I hope that the boys sense of responsibility, which The Estacada schools will open 1 at the packing house did well, fits him more than anything else [on September 11th. Owing to and I am very sure that under for the work o f after life. Those the fact that the records for the the new school board and fac­ schools have turned out some of past few years are sadly mixed ulty there can be nothing but the greatest administrators the up all (pupils are requested to the very best of results for the world has ever seen, because of bring their report cards to school pupils, many o f whom I have a the gruelling course indiscipline the day they register. In ease they give the boys. great personal interest in for the report cards are brought in, their future. We write from experience and it will be possible to straighten can testify that the breaking in I must keep this old typewri­ out at least a large majority of was far from pleasant, but after ter moving or I will be far be­ the records and thus issue what­ a while obedience became more hind in answering my heavy ever credits have been earned by and more ready, especially as mail from all quarters wanting pupils in the past. the end and aim o f the discipline to know my views of this “ sujf- K a r l E. E in a r s o n , Supt. became clearer to the growing intelligence. Parents who do not exercise discipline over their children are doing them an irre­ parable injury. THE ESTACADA MEAT CO. A movement is on to recall County Judge Harvey E. Cross at the November election, for in­ efficiency and curt ness o f treat­ ment o f those seeking an inter­ view with him. We are not qualified to pass on e i t h e r charge, but we recall what his predecessor, J u d g e Anderson stated, who was continually un­ der fire from some parts o f the county, that it was impossible for a county judge to do his work without incurring severe criti- BEEF CATTLE V E A L and HOGS PO R TLAN D Dr. Mellenthîn SPECIALIST in Internal Medicine for the Past Eleven Years. DOES NOT OPERATE Will be at BENSON HOTEL Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Sep­ tember 27th, 28th and 29th. Office Hours.— 10 a. m. to 4. p. m. See our Delicatessen Department, containing Pickles, Rel­ ishes, Catsups. Cheese. Butter. Milk, Salt and Smoked Fish Fresh Fish Latter Part of W eek SMITH & GOHRING Oregon NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department o f the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Portland, Oregon, August 10th, 1922. NO TICE is hereby given that Clifford U, Mannen, o f Eagle Creek, Oregon, who, on August 2, 1918, made Home­ stead Entry, No. 05559, for the SW i, Section 3 Township 2 S. Range 5 E. Wil'amette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make T H R E E -Y E A R Proof to establish claim to the land above described, before the Register and Receiver of the U. S. Land Office, at Portland, Oregon, on the 26th day o f September, 1922. Claimant names as witnesses: Ed­ ward Magee, of Eagle Creek, Oregon; Mary H Cotter, o f Eagle Creek, Ore- eon; Lawrence Thompson, o f Eagle Creek, Oregon; John Kreiger, o f Eagle Creek, Oregon. Act 6-9-16. ; who, on August 3, 1918. made Horn- ; stead Entry No. 05899, for the NKt j Section 3, Township 3 S., Range 5 F ’ 1 Willametti Meridian, has filed inten­ tion to make T H R E E -Y E A R Proof, to establish claim to the land above de­ scribed, before the Register and Re­ ceiver o f the U. S. Land Office, at Port­ land, Oregon, on the 26th day of Sen tember, 1922. Claimant names as witnesses: Ed­ ward Magee, o f Eagle Creek, Oregon R. Ray Huffstutter, o f Eagle Creek' Oregon R. 1; Gunder Kvinge, o f Ea,'le Creek, Oregon, R. l;O le Kvinge, Eagle Creek, Oregon, R. 1. Act 6-9-16 A lexander S week , Register 8 - 17 - 9-11 A lexander S week , Register THE SANITARY ' 8-17-9-14 BARBER SHOP NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department o f the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Portland, Oregon, August 10th, 1922, NOTICE is hereby given that Mary | H. Cotter, o f Eagle Creek, Oregon, I On Broadway, second store from the depot, Estacada. Children’s Haircutting a Specialty JAC K NORTON, Prop. THREE DAYS O N LY No Charge for Consultation Dr. Mellenthin is a regular graduate in medicine and surgery and is licensed to practice in Oregon. He visits pro­ fessionally the more impoi tant towns and cities and offers to all who call on this trip free consultation, except the expense o f treatment when desired. According to his method of treat­ ment heroes not operate for chronic appendicitis, gall stones, ulcers of stomach, tonsils or adenoids. He has to his credit wonderful results in diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kid­ ney, bladder, bed wetting, catarrh, weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcers and rectal ailments. I f you have been ailing for any length of time and do not get any better, do not fail to call, as improper measures re ther than disease are very often the cause of your long standing trouble. Remember the above date, that con­ sultation on this trip will be free and that his treatment is different. Married women must be accompanied by their husbands. Address: 336 Boston block, Minne­ apolis, Minn. 9.7-14-21 of the s u n n y It is a good place to live. Try it. With best regards to you both, and everyone in general, I am, Most cordially you:s, kis t - v a l l e y ” southland . THIS BANK A furnishes the complete service that may be expected from a progressive, well managed fi­ nancial institution— "safety, modern equipment, complete facilities, competent advice. courteous consideration, W e are never too busy lo take all the time necessary to give you that service which you have a right to expect. I T IS T O Y O U R I N T E R E S T TO PATRO N­ IZ E Y O U R H O M E B A N K ESTACADA STATE BANK “ Safety and Service.” l G eorge B. W e a t h e r b y . ‘ SHINGLES Cement For Economical Transportation Lime Brick Drain Tile Model 490 Sedan ALWAYS ON HAND . At Prices that are right P. E. TRANSPORTATION Co. 4 Going to Paint? W hether it’ s the outside or the inside o f your house that needs paint, w e recommend ** D U T C H BOY W H IT E -L E A D AV ith pure linseed oil, it makes durable exterior paint; with Dutch Boy flatting' oil, it makes a handsome, gloss-' less, washable interior paint.' ? - • -» } L e t us figure on your painting' • — w e can sa\ e you money. Our [ paint materials arc reliable, and .w e guarantee a satisfactory jo b .' a good-looking, BOUGHT, Drrtsrd or Alive. Estacada Coming To GEORGE POINTER Painter and Decorator Estacada, Oregon. i $1065 f.o.b. Estacada CASCADE GARAGE W IL C O X BROS., Proprietors. ESTACADA, OREGON Phone for Demonstration - i ia