lEaatmt (Ülarkamas N puib Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County V olum e 15 , N um ber 49 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. E sta ca da , O reg o n , T hu rsd ay , OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENEMUNTEREST UPPER EAGLE CREEK i S eptember 7,1922. LOCAL BREVITIES $1.50 P er Y ear GARFIELD ITEMS IM PRESS! RUES OPEN CONVENTION “ Father Goose’’ is coming. Garfield Grange will meet Sat- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Woodle and Mr. and Mrs. W. F. (’ary and urday, Sept. 9. This will be an son, Leslie, motored to Portland R. W. W. RHODES last Friday, spending the day in children visited Portland vester- a» day meeting. Morning ses- O S T E O P A T H IC ' day. sion at 10:30. Candidates for Principal Events el the W rt the city. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON The opening ceremonies of the >. j »» /-. , .. first degree be present by 11:00. Mrs. Viola Douglass has been OWce in L ichthorn BMg., E stacada, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Wucox left Mrs. J. F. Reeher was hostess 1 p-i’cmnai ot,orai Convention ¡n Briefly Sketched for Infor­ Episcopal r Geneial in the guest of relatives over this last Friday for a visit at Hep- T } K . CHA S. P. JO H N SO N mation of Our Reader* to the Skip-a-week club last Wed- Auditorium yesterday morn- way for a few days. pner, Oregon. ing were very impressive. The DENTIST Mr. and Mrs. Orke, accompa­ Frederick Burns left last week nesday. The first chapter of more than one hundred bishops T he Bandon baseball team has won Successor to Dr. C. E. Owen nied by Mr. and Mrs. Hollander, for Medford where he will have their study, “The American In­ in their robes, hacked by a vest­ E stacada, Oregon. the cham pionship of th e Cooa county dian,” was given by Mrs. Weath- motored out to their farm home employment. league. ed choir of two hundred and fif­ eiby. T~\R. W. W A LLEN S Sundav and spent the day. Milton A. M iller of P o rtlan d has de­ ty, presented an imposing sight, Dr. Adix and son Victor were cided to w ithdraw as th e dem ocratic ^ S U R G E O N D E N T IS T Mrs. Sersanous and daughters here from Gresham a short time i Mr. and Mrs. Ira Head, who as they were ranged on the stage. have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. F or over 20 years a t S p rin g w ater, Ore. nom inee for sta te tre a su re r. Clandia and Ellen, have re­ last Friday evening. The somber hue of the bishops’ The Tillam ook county court sold J. W. Dillinger, returned to their turned to their home in SHI wood vestments was relieved by the $71,400 w orth of road bonds to a P o rt­ Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Deming home in Portland Saturday. a lb er t t . elo tt A T T O R N E Y A T LAW land bond house a t a prem ium of for the commencement of school. and children left for Portland scarlet of their academic hoods, They spent their vacation on last Saturday, where they will Mrs. R. E. Davis, Glen and which was augmented by the $4476.78. RESIDENT LAWYER Lary, were visiting with Mr. gorgeous copes of the visiting ESTACADA. • - OREGON The recen t cam paign of th e Oregon their Deep Creek farm. make their home. C ooperative G row ers' resu lted In 496 Davis at St. Helens, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass B.R. Kitnmel and family have returned with them Mr. Davis | archbishops and bishops from the W M - G. DUNLAP now co n tra c ts w ith a bushelage of and children motored to Shuebel moved on to a place across the and was Near East, representii g Jet use.- A T T O R N E Y A T LAW 1 . 200 , 000 . home over Labor day. A t E stacada, in th e office of Woodle | lem and Antioch. Nearly every T he A ugust exports of th e port of Sunday, spending tbe day with river, which he recently pur­ R ealty Co., on S a tu rd ay s—P ortland o f­ Mrs. L. J. Palmateer is visit­ seat was filled, the audience be­ P ortland totaled $2,042,752,' com pared Mrs. Douglass’ parents, Mr. and fice 1524 Yeon Building. chased of W. F. Cary. ing at the Edwin Burlingame ing about 5000. The service con­ with $5,749,448 In th e sam e m onth Mrs. G. Moehnke. Mr. and Mrs. f Y D. EBY, last year. Shoor Patch Tire cement the home at Fairview this week. Moehnke accompanied t h e m sisted of the usual form of Morn­ A T T O R N E Y A T LAW . A cam paign for funds for th e con­ Motorist’s Friend, better than ing Prayer, and the sermon by home to be their guests for a G eneral Practice. Confidential Ad­ stru ctio n of a new $30,000 building vulcanizing, it is guaranteed at Dr. Owen Leaves couple of weeks. the bishop of Newark, N. J., viser. O regon C ity. O regon. h as been sta rte d by the F irst B aptist There has been a stange un­ was most timely, treating of the church of Bend. Fred Paddison and Kermit Rose’s. TV/fcG UlRK & S C H N E ID E R , Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morton rest of late among the medical burning questions of the day. W ith the prune h a rv e st scheduled Bestirl left on Tuesday for North AVJ> A T T O R N E Y S A T LAW . to begin next week, Salem grow ers Yakima, where they intend to of Portland, were visitors last and dental fraternity in Estaca­ But while the auditorium is un­ A t G resham office—Tuesdays, T h u rs­ fe a r th a t they will not be able to ob­ work during the fruit picking Sunday at the W. J. Moore da. Both Drs. Carey and Mc­ surpassed for hearing and seeing d ay s anu S atu rd ay s, 203-5, W ithrow tain enough pickers. home. building. Portlan d office, 609-15, F en ­ Millan have left and now Dr. C. it lacks the devotional atmo­ Mias J e a n e tte Sykes, age 12, of season. ton building. Salem , has clim bed M ount R ainier. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Woodle, son Mrs. Albert T. Elott returned E. Owen, the dentist, has taken sphere of a church, and this un­ She Is said to be th e youngest person Leslie, and Mrs. R. B. Gibson home Tuesday evening after a his departure to Portland, where avoidable want, was the only- W o o d le realty co . Real Estate, Insurance, Loans, ev er to reach th e sum m it. were calling at the home of J. two weeks visit with friends and he will go into partnership with drawback to a most inspiring N early 50 M exican longhorns, which his brother on the east side. He service. relatives in Portland. Collections, Notary Public. w ere shipped from th e south of Texas P. Woodle, Sunday afternoon, Justice of the Peace. had not been here very long but Mr. and Mrs. James Smith for th e roundup a t Pendleton, are now They called to see the twins, They Jet results Phone Estacada his departure will be regretted To Recall County Ju d g e James Lytle and Robert Edwin went Saturday to Pacific City on U m atilla county meadows. An Increase of m ore th a n 50 per Rickey, sons of Mr. and Mrs, for an outing of two or three as he had made himself many A definite organization h a s friends by his courteous treat­ been formed for the purpose of cent In building activ ities In Salem is Joe Rickey. days, returning Tuesday. shown In th e rep o rt for la st month ment. His successor is Dr. Chas. FIRE INSURANCE. Miss Olive Jones, bookkeeper P. Johnson who comes here from getting machinery started in an over th e m onth of A ugust, 1921. The Portland Exposition at the Portland Crematorium, Portland. He is a graduate of attempt to recall County Judge R esidents of th e city of W arrenton London Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. will vote in N ovem ber on th e question In spite of some newspaper was the week end guest of her the Kansas City Dental College Harvey E. Cross, according to a of su b stitu tin g a city m an ag er for statement yesterday from II. opposition, the idea of holding friend, Mrs. Ed Linn. Keep your policy in our F ire and has been practicing for F. Gibson of Barton Gibson is the p resen t councllm anic system of P roof V ault, fre e o f charge. an Electrical Exposition at Port­ The Women’s Auxiliary of the about ten years. During the governm ent. president of the organization and O regon’s apple crop th is season will land in 1925 ¡is gaining ground. Carl Douglass Post No. 74 will war he was with the army and G. R. Hobbs of Oregon City, sec­ H. C. S T E P H E N S be th e heaviest for m any years, ac­ Portland’s willingness to raise hold its regular meeting on Mon­ served overseas. He is a mar­ retary. A meeting was held at cording to E. D. Dean, of Salem , field the necessary funds bv taxation day evening, Sept. 11, 1922 at A gent . ried man with a baby. Both he a Mt, Pleasant home last Satur­ ag en t for the Oregon G row ers’ Co-op is a fair proposition to the rest the I. O. O. F. hall. and his wife will no doubt be day afTorncron at which -time a e ra ttv e association. of the state. The authority is A number of people from Es­ valuable acquisitions to the so­ A crew of 50 m en h as been p u t to committee was appointed to call w ork In T hief valley, in Union county, asked in a bill submitted to the tacada went to Portland yester­ cial circles of the town. They on other county residents who for th e purpose of asc e rta in in g w heth­ voters of the state at large and day, among them were Mes- have taken the house formerly might, be interested in the recall THE e r th e con stru ctio n of th e T hief valley it is probably one of the few dames Dave Eshelman, Julius occupied by Dr, Carey. The movement, and to interview dam is feasible or not. measures that will carry. It can­ Krieger, Mr. and Mrs. V. W. N ews bids them welcome. prospectve candidates for the As a resu lt of careless d eer h u n ters Estacada not be successfully argued that Hauser, H. H. Smith and the ed­ falling to extinguish a cam p fire In successor of the incumbent in C latiop county, a fire is raging in an enabling act to permit one itor and his wife. Broke His Leg case the recall movement is Schools th e slashings on th e Crown-Willam- county to tax itself to accom­ As there is a shortage in fruit successful. An attorney has R. S. Coop met with a serious e tte P a p e r com pany’* holdings. plish some desirable or needful jars this season, it will pay you and very painful accident last been secured to draw up formal The m odern brick high school purpose, which the people of building a t W allowa is being rushed thatlcounty deem essential and to get your canning supplies ear­ Friday. He was hauling wood charges for a petition which is ♦ We are ready to fill your 4 to com pletion. A reinforced crew is important should not be legalized ly. You can get most all kinds for W. F. Cary across the river, to be circulated. at Rose’s. ♦ orders for SCHOOL BOOKS 4 now a t work, and Indications point to Conuty Treasurer W. W. Ever­ when the wagon tipped over and by the rest of the state The After a visit for some time at threw him out. The wheel went hart yesterday advised the com­ ♦ and School Supplies—as us- 4 a finished building by O ctober 1. ber shipm ents by w ater from Electrical Fair will benefit the the home of her brother, Dr. over his leg and broke it in two mittee from the recall organiza­ ♦ ual School Books are strictly 4 th e L um Colum bia riv er in A ugust, while entire Northwest and advance Carey, Miss Anna Carey left last places just beiow the knee cap. tion that he would have to de­ ♦ Cash. 4 nearly 1,400,000 feet less th an for thf the development of Portland and Friday for her home in Chicago. Dr. Rhodes was called, who had cline from allowing his name to preceding m onth, w ere quite heavy, the entire state an hundred fold. to tallin g m ore than 67,000,000 feet. Mrs. T. H. Morton ajid Mrs. Mr. Coop placed in a car and be used on the fall ballots as re­ Industrial Review. T he sta te highw ay d e p artm en t has Carey accompanied her to Port­ taken to Gresham, to the hospi­ call candidate for the officce of announced th a t c o n tra c ts have been land, driving over in the form­ tal, where an X ray picture of County Judge. MARRIED aw arded for th e broken atone surfac­ the fracture was taker,, and Judge Cross when asked yes­ The Store ing of th e Hood R iver fo rest boundary £ t Oregon City Thursday, er’s car. « Everyone attending the show where he will remain until he terday for a statement, said: “ I section of th e M ount Hood loop hig h ­ August 31, 1922, Richard G. Pal- î ♦ « ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * way. “The Affairs of Anatol” will be can be moved home. At his age have nothing to say, whatso­ mateer Jr. to Miss Lora M. Da­ An o rd er for 500 pounds of Umpqua given a coat hanger free. Takes such a fracture will be slow of ever.” -Oregon City Enterprise. vis. The groom is the son of valley prunes, which will be served In up the smallest space of anv on mending. His many friends th e sen ate re s ta u ra n t In W ashington, the late “ Doc” Palmateer and Social Function the market and will fit into the sympathize deeply with him. For Fire Insurance D. C., has been received by D istrict the bride the daughter of Mr. The beautiful home of Mrs. II. A ttorney N euner, a R oseburg prune and Mrs. Fred Davis, of Garfield. odd corners of grip or suit case. C. Stephens in Terrace Addition, Auction Sale grow er. The newly married couple re­ Come and get yours. was the scene of a delightful so­ In vestigation in the n e a r fu tu re of Mrs. Guy Graham and little Emil Sampert will sell at pub- turned home Monday and will PLACE Y O U R IN­ the ra te s on th e tractio n lines of the cial function Tuesday afternoon son are visiting Mrs. Graham’s j lie auction, on the farm helong- SURANCE THROUGH P ortland Railway. L ight A Pow er com ­ live on the groom’s ranch in YOUR HOME AGENT WHO pany grandmother, Mrs.JM.A. Schock. | ing to Mrs. Nora Reid, one and when Mrs. Stephens and Mrs. C. Garfield. w as Indicated In a le tte r p re­ WILL PROTECT She returned from Alaska a a half miles north of Springwa- S. Allen entertained in honor of pared by the O regon public service YOUR INTEREST Picture* of Star* com m ission. short time ago where her hus- ter. on Septemper 20. a number Mrs. E. E. Burns, who left this Manager Cleworth at the Gem band is manager of one of the J of farm implements, household morning for her ne-v home at The h arv estin g of th e cran b erry crop a t the C latsop plains bogs has Theatre has a “star guessing” canneries, but will return to Se- | furniture and stock, See bills Freewater, Oregon. The guests comm enced. The b erries are said to contest on. Everyone receiving attle after the pack is disposed | around town. M. H. Hostetter enjoyed r>cor.l mu-ical select­ be In fine condition and the yield Is Cary Real Estate Co. expected one of the folders with pictures of. They will spend the winter I is the auctioneer, and Fred Bar­ ions and indulged in gymansium to be In the neighborhood of exercises with music, which fur­ of stars should write all the in that city. tholomew the clerk. 10.000 bushels. nished uou ual diversion a n d T here are 2280 real e sta te dealers names of stars they recognize This is Paramount Week at the w. c. t . u. A eroplane Does Stunts much merriment. To complete reg istered in O regon, according to a and bring it to the show. They The next meeting of the W. report prepared by the sta te real es­ will be given a handsome photo I Gem. Two fine shows to be| As last Monday the weather the charming hospitality of the [seen. “ Get Rich Quick Walling-1 h >sle sej, a c e.i< iou-; two course ;. T. U. will be held at the home ta te d ep artm en t. More th an 40 per of their favorite. ford” to be shown tonight is a was cloudy C. S. Woodruff, the luncheon was served at two cent of th ese d ealers a re located in if Mrs. H. C. Stephenson Thurs- aero-photographer, c o u l d not M ultnom ah county. roaring comedy, one you will be DANCE prettily ar m e d tab'er in the lay afternoon Sept. 14. It is A fter a th re e w eeks' fight against sure to enjoy. On Saturday and take pictures, but he anJ his cozy dining room, where a fire in A good time is in store for luite necessary that all members extrad itio n to Lane county to stand pilot, Edward Hantack did some Sunday, “The Affairs of Anatol” >ay their dues at this meeting, tria l on tw o counts of burglary and everyone who attends the dance stunts in the afternoon, circling ^ e Kiate lent comfort and cheer, with an alj star cast headed by is they have to be sent in by two of larceny. K ath ry n E stol E m ­ to be given by the Neighbors of and swooping over the town like Those present were, Mes lames he 20th. There will be election mons will be brought back to Eugene Woodcraft, Thursday, Sept. 14, Wallace Reid. a hawk after its prey. The ma­ U. H. Gibb?, A. E. Sparks, G. L m Angeles. There was a good attendance chine was exceedingly graeful in R. Ellis, G. K. Lawrence, Loyd in I. O. O. F. hall. Gents 50c, if officers, and delegates to the from R eports from th e various s ta te In­ itate and county annual meet- j stitu tio n s and d ep a rtm e n ts containing ladies free. Pies will be sold at the Ladies’ Aid apron salei its movements, and absolutely Yocum, O. F. Smith, J. E. Gates, ngs. A full attendance is nec­ th e ir estim ated ex p en d itu res during after the dance so none need go and social at the M. E. church under control. At times it flew W. J. Moore, N. , B. Eckcr, the last Friday night. A wood-saw-1 quite low, as if it would hit the guest of honor Mrs. Burns and C ommittee , the biennium sta rtin g Ja n u a ry 1, 1223, away hungry. essary. Refreshments. ing‘contest by the ladies and a telephone wires, and then it Misses Gertrude Dillon and Ber­ are a rriv in g a t th e offices of th e sec­ By order of the president P-T. Association re ta ry of sta te budget com m ission In sewing contest by the men, af­ would dart up again in a half tha Burns. Mrs. Coop. large num bers. There will be a meeting of the forded much amusement. There circle sweep. Everybody ran The sta te highw ay com m ission has Garfield Dorcas Society ^s the weather (rets cooler, it sw arded th e c o n tract for grading and Parent-Teacher Association a t were also entertaining readings out into the street to watch it. meets at the home of Mrs. T. B. the high school auditorium on and instrumental music. The kes one think of Furs. A fine surfacing th e Drew* valley section of Young, Oct. 14, 1922. All cor­ Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 12, at You can get Simmon’s Iron entertainment was r o u n d e d ortment of collars, collarettes tho K l a m a t h Falls-Lakeview highway, dially invite 1. Bed and Springs at Rose’s, they 4 o’clock, to elect new officers out with refreshments of ice-j i muffs at popular prices at covering 8 4 mil«*, to H arry J . Hilde- Mrs. Ida Palmateer, Secy. burn. of R oseburg Mr. H ild tb u rn ’s for the coining year. are most satisfactory. 1 cream and cake. se’s. bid VM $122.(2«. D l Open September llth ♦ : ESTACADA PHARMACY: Rexall