EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1922. leaps and bounds the triennial gift increased until, at the last General Convention of the Church at Detroit, the Auxiliary’s gift, : handed to the Church on this his- Itoiicalms basin, totalled $468.- 060.41. E astern C la ck a m a s N ew s Entered at the postoffice in Estacada, Oregon, as second-class mail. Published every Thursday at Estacada, Oregon cigarettes UPTON H. (HUBS Editor and Manager. C h u rch and Federal S ubscription R ates $1.50 .75 One year Six months Thursday, August 31, 1922. WHAT IS WRONG WITH OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS? 10 * They are G O O D ! Constitutions Interesting and little known details of events in the forma­ tive period of the nation are re­ called by the 47th triennial General Conference of the Epis­ copal Church which will meet at Portland, Oregon, September 6th. It is the proud claim of churchmen, a writer in the Phil­ adelphia Public Ledger notes, that the constitution of the Epis­ copal establishment not o n l y parallels in every essential detail the Constitution of the United States, but that it was given to the world two years in advance of the Federal Constitution. The coincidence is not strange when the fact is recalled that the same group of men, in large measure, wrote both instruments; first as delegates to the convention of 1785, which drafted the consti tution of the church, and later as delegates to the Philadelphia convention in 1787, which framed the constitution of the United States Both documents issued from the same historic chamber the Hal! of Congress in Inde- pence Hall, Philadelphia. The Scrap Book HARD TO E S C A P E TH E M ALL Really, Small Madge Had Enough to Do to Dodge Them. Without > Bingo Chipping In. N O T IC E F O R P U B L IC A T IO N who, on August 3, 1918. made Home­ Department of the Interior, (J. S. Land stead Entry No. 05899, for the NEJ, Office at Portland, Oregon, August Section 3, Township 3 S., Range 5 E., 10th, 1022. Willamette Meridian, has filed inten­ NOTICE is hereby given that Clifford tion to make THREE-YEAR Proof, to II. Mannen, of Eagle Creek, Oregon, establish claim to the land above de­ who, on August 2, 1918, made Home­ scribed, before the Register and Re­ stead Entry, No. 05559, for the SWi, ceiver of the U. S. Land Office, at Port­ Section 3. Township 3 S. Range 5 E. land, Oregon, on the 26th day of Sep- Willamette Meridian, has filed notice i tem jer’ of intention to make THREE-YEAR Claimant names as witnesses: Ed­ Proof to establish claim to the land ward Magee, of Eagle Creek, Oregon, above described, before the Register R. >; Ray Huffstutter, of Eagle Creek, and Receiver of the U. S. Land Office, Oregon R. 1; Gunder Kvinge, of Eagle at Portland, Oregon, on the 26th day Creek, Oregon, R. l;O le Kvinge, Eagle Creek, Oregon, R. 1, of September, 1922. Act 6-9-16 Claimant names as witnesses: Ed­ ward Magee, of Eagle Creek, Oregon; A lexander S week , Register. Mary H. Cotter, of Eagle Creek, Ore- 8-17-9-14 gon; Lawrence Thompson, of Eagle Creek, Oregon; John Kreiger, of Eagle Creek, Oregon. Act 6-9-16. A lexander S week , Register THE SANITARY 8-17-9-14 The heroine of this story li a cer- toln mischievous Madge, small daugh­ ter of a house which shelters also the hero, a mischievous pup­ py answering to the name of Bln go- Madge ran in­ to the garden on a secret mission The devoted Bin- N O T I C E F O R P U B L I C A T I O N go followed and Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Imperiled the whole enterprise. Office at Portland, Oregon, August "Bir.go,’' «aid Madge, "for goodness' 10th, 1922. sake don't follow me everywhere. NOTICE is hereby given that Mary Can't you understand I want to be H. Cotter, of Eagle Creelf, Oregon, «.lone sometimes?" Bingo seemed to understand that he was being scolded, and rolled on his hack, penitential legs waving In the air, Madge was touched. "You know, Bingo," she wns heard to say, confidentially, *T am always 1 elng watched, and It Is so trying— (here's the nurse and the governess, and If I escape them, ibere's always my Guardian Angel.” Last March the P ic t o r ia l R e ­ asked the above question, been placed a total of $2,014,- and since then has received over 300.18 in gifts by women to the six thousand replies. In the Sep­ Episcopal Church, will be used tember issue it gives a summary at Portland, Oregon, September of the reasons adduced in them, 7th next when the Woman’s Auxiliary of the church, meet­ among which is the following: “The school curriculum, a large ing in convention with the Epis­ majority of the letters say, is copal General convention, will overloaded. There is not time present their thirteenth United for the fundamentals to be Thank Offering at a special con­ taught thoroughly. Bad spelling, for example, is complained of in vention service. The amount of hundreds of letters. The voca­ this triennial offering will not be As She Is Spoke, tional branches, instead of sup­ announced until the day of the The Pennsylvania Dutch have their plementing t h e fundamentals, seryice, but it is confidently ex­ own way of saying things, nnd gen­ have crowded them aside. pected that it will appioach erally they manage to make their This confirms what we have closely to three quarters of a meaning clear, nlthough sometimes In long suspicioned. We are not million dollars. unconventional language. Over the bell on the front door of a against vocational training, pro­ A romantic story of women’s house In n little town near Gettysburg, vided it is kept in its right place 'ins affixed a card reading: devotion and Christian zeal sur­ as supplementing the fundamen­ “Button doesn’t bell- Bump.”— American Legion Weekly. tals. But unless a pupil has rounds this historic alms basin. Why Not? been thoroughly grounded in the Presented to the E p i s c o p a l church in America by Oxford The idea that trade u n i o n s fundamentals, vocational train­ ing will largely be wasted upon University in 1852, it is 22 inches should lie incorporated is grow­ him. One of the writers of the in diameter, with a border of ( ing stronger. The known mem­ letters which were published, silver gilt beautifully chased, and | bers of an incorporated body succinctly states the case: “ We a center panel of solid gold which must behave themselver or it have allowed ourselves to be per shows the offering of the Magi costs them collectively more than suaded that the important thing and bears the inscription: “Ec- their violence is worth. is to instruct how merely to ob­ clesiae Americanae Dilectae in The trade union makes no se­ tain a living rather than how to Christo Oxonienses 1852. ” Its cret of its membership nor the live.” He speaks with author­ total weight is 18 ounces 12 dwts. millions collected in dues but it ity as he is the product of the In this basin during the succes­ r e m a i n s unincorporated. It public schools and holding down sive triennial General Conven­ seems therefore that neither the a practical job as public officer. tions of the church since 1899, members nor the organization He adds: “ Exponents of voca­ las been presented this United can be held liable for damages tional training are defeating their Thankoffering of the Woman’s or atrocities caused by the lead­ purpose because they will not Auxiliary, which is woman’s ers of the members of the organ­ see that even material success own special contribution to the ization. “ Would the Herrin murders depends not so much upon me­ church from the uttermost parts chanical efficiency as upon per­ of the earth. In far off China have occurred jf the relatives sonality, imagination, knowledge and in the snow fields of Alaska, and dependents of thp p) e n ALWAYS ON HAND of men and women and of the in equatorial Africa, the Philip­ slaughtered could have sued the At Prices that are right pines and the West Indies, as United Mine Workers of Amer­ economic forces which play upon in continental United States, the ica for damages?” says Leslie’s one’s business.” He advocates the throwing out of the public women of the Church lay bv day magazine. P. E. TRANSPORTATION Co, How long would the people of schools, as a remedy, the purely ay day, their yen, rupees, peses, vocational subjects—the experi­ shillings and pennies to swell the United States stand for the mental farms, the mechanical this fund The native women of operation of a great industry or arts, the shorthand and type­ Alaska make fur bags and moc­ railroad that was not liable to an writing and bookkeeping, the casins, the Indian women of | injured party for damages caus- selective athletic training, and South America lace and bead I ed by the acts of its employes or all other fads that clutter up our work; the Chinese women and managers? These corporations educations! system, and in their the women of Hawaii contribute' are responsible to the public. place, from the first grade on their handiword; and into every How much longer will the up, concentrate upon instruction city, town and hamlet of the American public stand for finan­ in fundamentals vital to Ameri­ United States go the little blue! cial loss, property damage and boxes of the W oman s Auxiliary Jeath caused by powerful labor can life and living.” into which a steady stream of organizations which incite these i1 By fundamentals he means: contributions pours. At the end First, the English language; acts but which escape all respon- how to read write, and speak it. of every three year period the jsjbility by keeping their affairs Going to Second, civil government and combined gilt is plated upon the ¡n sucj1 shape that it is impossi- its responsibilities. Third, an golden alms basin to carry for­ sible to secure compensation Paint? Whether it’s the outside or intelligent outline of the develop­ ward , , the work which the women from them?—Industrial N e w s the inside of your house that ment of peoples and i d e a s . of the Church are doing through- Bllreau needs paint, we recommend | " ------------------- Fourth, groundwork in geogra­ out the world. Traffic Publicist Resigns phy mathematics and natural sci­ From small beginnings the DUTCH BOY ence. Fifth, modern languages Thank Offering has grown into Robert M. Standish, who has WHITE-LEAD that may as well be begun in the one of the largest individual had charge of the traffic bureau With pure linseed oil, it makes revenues «»f tho Episcopal Church. lower grades as in the higher of the Port of Portland and the a good-looking, durable exterior The Auxiliary was organised in ’dock ones. Sixth, the structure and commission for the last paint; with Dutch Boy flatting 1871. The United Thank Offer­ care of the human body. Seventh, two years, announced his resig­ oil, it makes a handsome, gloss- and most important. “ A merica . ing was organized in 1889. In nation Saturday, effective Sep­ jess, washable interior paint. Not, however, a mere chronicle that year the total offering tember 1. Mr. Standish said he Let us figure on your painting of American names and dates amounted to $2.188.64. Three would go into the publicity and —we can save you money. O u t! and political bickerings, but a years later it amounted to $56,- advertising business for himself paint materials are reliable, and We guarantee a satisfactory job. ’ panorama of the real America; 198.145. The $100,000 was reach-1 and open an office immediately. her resolute progress alike on ed in 1901 and three years later | Mr. Standish was a former edi­ the broad highway and on the it went out to $150.00. Thus by | tor of the N e w s . narrow, tortuous slope; her joy­ Painter and Decorator ous beauty; her opportunities, nnd her high, troubled vision.” Estacada, Oregon. He goes on to say that he has N O TIC K F O R PU B L IC A T IO N learned something of this Amer­ Department of the Interior, U. S. Land ica. but not in the public schools, ce at Portland. Oregon. July 28th, and his lesson began in the 1922. American Expeditionary Force. NOTICE is hereby given that Charles !.. Kaufman, of Bissell, Oiegon, who, His suggestions are w o r t h ion July 30th, 1918made Homestead En­ studying. try No. 05t<3D, for the NJ NEJ and BOUGHT, Dressed or Alive. v ie w Children’s Haircutting a Specialty JACK NORTON, Prop. WE INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT ------------------- 1-------------------- This bank offers as a basis of business connection its record of successful and a conservative management, prompt and courteous attention to its customers’ re­ SHINGLES Cement B A R B ER SHOP On Broadway, second store from the depot, Estacada. quirements and a thorough understanding of the banking needs of the community. Lime ESTACADA STATE BANK Brick “ Safety and Service.’ :: Drain Tile GEORGE POINTER THE ESTACADA MEAT CO. BEEF CATTLE VEAL and HOGS We congratulate the Milwaukie Review on installing a brand new linotype of the latest design. Someday perhaps the N ew s may follow suit, though th e prospect at present seem s fa r d is ta n t Women’s Triennial Offering An alms basin on which has See our Delicatessen Department, containing Pickles, Rel­ ishes. Catsups. Cheese. Butter. Milk, Salt and Smoked Fish Fresh Fish Latter Part of Week SMITH & GOHRING Estacada s : Oregon :: For Economical Transportation CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY ANNOUNCES NEW PRICES Effective August 1, 1922. PASSENGER MODELS Model Superior Roadster $ 665.00 44 Touring 645.00 44 Utility Coupe 875.00 1 4 Passenger Coupe 1045.00 44 " Sedan - 1065.00 « » * Model FB 44 “ 4 “ 44