EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1Ô22. with general approval in con­ N O T IC E F O R P U B L IC A T IO N At the Gem who, on August 3, 1918. made Home Department of the Interior, U. S. Land stead Entry No. 05899, for the NEJ gress. That he was about right Manager Cleworth has made a Office at Portland, Oregon, August Section 3, Township 3 S., Range 5 E. Entered at the postoffice in Estacada, may be inferred from the dissent handsome sign board for the en­ 10th, 1922. Willamette Meridian, has filed inten Oregon, as second-class mail. from it expressed by Mr. Samuel trance to the Gem Theatre. It NOTICE is hereby given that Clifford tion to make THREE-YEAR Proof. t( U, Mannen, of Eagle Creek, Oregon, establish claim to the land above de Gompers. shows off the pictures in fine who, on August 2, 1918, made Home­ scribed, before the Register and Re Published every Thursday at of the U. S. Land Office, at Port­ shape. The attendance at the stead Entry, No. 05559, for the SWJ, ceiver Section 3. Township 3 S. Range 5 E. land, Oregon, on the 26th day of Sep Near Eest Relief Estacada, Orepon shows Thursdays and Saturdays Willamette Meridian, has filed notice tember, 1922. Claimant names as witnesses: Eld- intention to make THREE-YEAR Contributions in cash and com­ have become most encouraging, of UPTON H. GIBBS Proof to establish claim to the land ward Magee, of Eagle Creek, Oregon, modities t o t a l i n g $156,155.21 no doubt due to the good pro­ R. •; Ray Huffstutter, o£ Eagle Creek, above described, before the Register Editor and Manager. were made by Oregon for Neat- grams Manager Cleworth pro- and Receiver of the U. S. Land Office, Oregon R. 1; Gunder Kvinge, of Eagle at Portland, Oregon, on the 26th day Creek, Oregon, R. l;Ole Kvinge, Eagle East relief during the year end­ v id es. Saturday and Sunday. of September, 1922. Creek, Oregon, R. 1. S ubscription R ates ing June 30, 1922, according to September 2 and 3, the wonder- Claimant names as witnesses: Ed­ Act 6-9-16 $1.50 One year . . . Magee, of Eagle Creek, Oregon; A lexander S week , Register. an audit of the accounts of J. J. ful Paramount production, "The ward .75 Six months Mary H Cotter, of Eagle Creek, Ore- 8-17-9-14 Handshaker, state director, just Sheik” will be given. Remem­ ton; Lawrence Thompson, of Eagle Creek, Oregon; John Kreiger, of Eagle completed by John S. Wiltse, na­ ber the date. Thursday, August 24, 1922. Creek, Oregon. tional auditor, and reported by Act 6-9-16. Guv W. Brown and Pearl Met­ A lexander S week , Register him to Arthur W, Brookings of THE SANITARY SUNDAY AND SABBATH 8-17-9-14 Ladd & Tilton bank, state treas­ calf of Estacada, were granted a marriage license at Vancouver, BARBER SHOP urer of Near East relief. II N O T IC E F O R P U B L IC A T IO N Wash., last Monday. The groom On Broadway, second store "In view of the size of the The theory that the Loid’s Day ed in the wilderness in connec­ of the Interior, U. S. Land from the depot, Estacada. is a nephew of C. F. M. Brown, Department state, its comparatively sparce Office at Portland, Oregon, August is identical with the Jewish sab­ tion with the gathering of the Children's Haircutting a Specialty population and the small force of who with his wife attended the 10th, 1922. bath, the day of its observance manna. But this point is so full NOTICE is hereby given that Mary wedding. JACK NORTON, Prop. workers employed by the Near H. Cotter, of Eagle Creek, Oregon, alone being changed, it is clear of controversy that it cannot be East relief, I feel that much was not held by the Christians argued in these columns, espe­ credit is due the state for raising •>♦>•!•*>•2« 'X* X -X 'X ^ X K ^ X X ' ». of the first four centuries of the cially as no definite final conclu­ this amount at an overhead of Christian era. In all the writings sion can be reached. less than 10%,” states Mr. of this period the day is regard­ Why under these considera­ ed as absolutely distinct from tions the fourth commandment Wiltse. "Contributions received from the wealthy, populous the sabbath, though some viewed which enjoins the sabbath should states of the east, where one city the sabbath as typical of the still be so solemnly rehearsed in will raise more than the entire Lord’s Day. The confusion of church and taught to Christian state of Oregon, and where the the two days is a later develop­ children and people, is a seperate cost of securing the fund is con­ question into which we do not ment. sequently lower, enables us to In apostolic times both days intend to enter. report an average overhead for were kept by Jewish Christians, the whole United States of less ALAS POOR ERIN and the Gentile Christians when than 5"o. In other words, more there were many Jews among Michael Collins the able com­ -------------------------------- -------------------------------- them also kept the sabbath out mander of the Free State forces than 95 cents of every dollar of deference to the latter, as in in Ireland, was shot dead from contributed to Near East relief goes into actual relief work. parts of Canada where many ambush, Tuesday afternoon. He This bank offers as a basis of business "As an accountant 1 am im­ Americans are r e s i d e n t , the was the hope of the element who connection its record of successful and Fourth of July is celebrated out wanted peace. The managing pressed with the careful check on its funds kept by Near East of courtesy and fraternal feeling. editor of the Dublin Freeman’s ALWAYS ON HAND conservative management, prompt and Hut after the destruction of the Journal, declares that: "It was relief,” slates Mr. Brookings. At Prices that are right "Through the system of book­ courteous attention to its customers’ re­ temple at Jerusalem, the Jewish to Ireland what Abraham Lin­ Christians gradually abandoned coln’s assassinalon meant to keeping and of daily and month­ quirements and a thorough understanding ly reports to New York there is its observance. America.” P. E. TRANSPORTATION Co. practically a monthly audit of of the banking needs of the community. But while in the first place every cent received at various the observance of the Lord’s Governor Olcolt remains the Day was not made to depend on candidate for governor, the re­ state offices, as well as annually anything pertaining to the Jew­ count proceedings having been at the visit of the national audi­ ish sabbath, yet by analogy some abandoned. But Senator Hall tor to the fifty or more Near sought to increase the sanctity declares he wont support Olcott, East relief offices. Not only are of the Lord’s Day by investing it whom he still considers illegally the offices in America very care­ with the sanctions of the Jewish nominated. Efforts are now be­ fully checked up to see that the “Safety and Service.” sabbath. Especially when after ing made to heal the breach funds are raised in the most eco­ the persecutions had ceased, the among the republicans, as a di- nomical way but a firm of certi­ Church was free to legislate, not veded party means a democratic fied public accountants check the only without hindrance by the governor. Walter Pierce, the expenditures in the Near East state, but with its active support. democratic nominee, is busy elec­ for relief work as well. In ad­ From the sixth to the fifteenth tioneering, harping only on one dition to this the Near East re­ He is lief must report all details of Going to century the Church more and string, tax reduction. more sought to place restrictions making all kinds of assurances receipts and expenditures to con­ Paint? on what might be done on the if elected, to ruthlessly cut down gress each year, as it was char­ Whether it’s the outside or the inside of your house that Lord’s Day, justifying them by appropriations, discard superflu­ tered by a special act of congress needs paint, we recommend analogy to the sabbath. But the ous officials and veto any bills to work in the Near East. Be­ step from analogy to identifica­ carrying new appropriations, un­ cause of the careful way in For Economical Transportation D U T C H BOY tion is neither startling nor vio­ less absolutely necessary. The which Near East not only han­ WHITE-LEAD lent, and thus a gradual identi­ theme of his improvisations is dles its funds but also does its fication set in of the two days. one which is most popular, and relief work, it has the endorse- W ith pure linseed oil, it makes i' a good-looking, durable exterior At the end of !the eighth cen­ he is fortunate in being able to ment of the National Informa­ paint; with Dutch Boy flatting tion Bureau which is to charit­ i' tury Aleuin, a prominent English confine himself to it alone. It oil, it makes a handsome, gloss- i ' able organizations what Dunn theologian, asserts "that the ob­ will help him out also on the less, washable interior paint. and Bradstreet are to commer­ servance of the former sabbath school bill, for he could \eto it, Let us figure on your painting Acting on has been transferred very fitly if it should pass, on the ground cial organizations. — we can save you money. Our to the Lord’s Day, by the custom of his pledge to keep down tax­ the advice of the National Infor­ paint materials are reliable, and and consent of Christian people.” ation, without expressing him­ mation Bureau the Portland Wc guarantee a satisfactory job. Community Chest last year ap­ In the twelfth century the ex­ self on its merits. propriated $41,250.00 to the Neat- pression "Christian Sabbath” as upplied to the Lord’s Day ap­ Johnstown, Pennsylvania, which East Relief.” was very much in the lime light parently first appears. Painter and Decorator “ '8 After the Reformation the in­ several years ago on account of i E sta c a d a , O regon. clination increases to urge the being nearly swept away by a I I he Oregonian reports a cu- sanctions of the Lord’s Day as flood, caused by the bursting 0f ! cumber grown in Albany meas- F O R P U B L IC A T IO N being identical with the Sabbath, a dam, is now prominent again 'unrip eight and three-quarters N O T I C E mavor has ordered inches in circumference and nine owing to the desire of the re­ because its mayor the sale of beer and ale, as the and a quarter inches from tip to 1922. formers to base everything on is hereby given that Charles scriptural text in preference to water was unfit for use. Efforts tip, and weighing one pound and I.. NOTICE Kaufman, of Bissell, Oregon, who, sew n ounces. Mrs. J. C. Duus 00 July 30th, 1918 made Homestead En­ eccle iastical authority or tradi­ were made to have the mayor place can beat this, for try No. 05030, for the N$ N E l and tion, no matter how ancient removed by the governor, but of , this , , , . SWT NET Section 21, Township 3 S., Model Superior Roadster $ 665.00 Their attitude was due to the the latter refused to interfere. she has one eleven and a quaitei Range 5 E., Willamette Meridian, has 44 44 Touring circumference and fif- filed notice of intention to make Three- 645.00 abuse of eclesiastical authority If this action is allowed as a inches in . , I, u . j Year Proof, to establish claim to the teen inches long. W. H. Holder land above described, befoie the Reg- Utility Coupe against which they had revolted. precedent, we may expect the 875.00 iater and Receiver of the U. S. Land But in so doing they rendered . water supply of many other also has cucumbers of immense Office, at Portland, Oregon, on the 15th 4 Passenger Coupe 1045.00 day o f September, 1922 themselves liable to be hoisted i towns will be found detrimental Sedan Claimant names as witnesses: Pied 1065.00 by their owr. petard, for the | for internal use. I am now pre pared to do al l,ins, of Bissell, Oregon; Joe Rickey, New Testament does not give of Bissell. Oregon; Henry Vrooman of I’he message of President Har­ kinds of watch, clock and jewelry Bissell, Oregon; Julius Paulsen, of Bis­ Model FB Roadster 1045.00 any indication of any connection I repairing.—A. N. Johnson. 15-D sell, Oregon. between the two days, or of a ' ding on the strike question met Act 6-9-16. 44 Touring 1075.00 A lexander S week . Register. transfer of one to the other. In 44 44 Coupe 8-3-31 1555.00 spite of all subsequent attempts 44 Sedan to confuse the two, when we 1630.00 N O T IC E F O R P U B L IC A T IO N trace it back, the Lord’s Day Department of the Interior, IT. S. Land is distinct from the Sabbath, Office at Portland Oregon, July 17th, 1922. and its observance rests on apos­ NOTICE is hereby given that Gustav tolic authority and practice, back Model Superior Chasis - $ 545 00 Hangen, of Bissell, Oregon, who, on of which is the authority of Jesus April 21, 1919, made Homestead Entry. 44 44 Light Delivery 625-00 No. (>6351. for the NEf. Section 23, Christ. And this authority is Township 3 S,. Range 5 E, Yviliamette BO UG HT, Dressed or Alive. final to Christians. G Truck Chassis - • 785-00 Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make THREE-YEAR Proof, to es­ As for the seventh day of the T Truck Chassis - See our Delicatessen Department, containing Pickles, Rel­ tablish claim to the land above de­ - 1260.00 week sabbath, that was for the scribed, before the Register and Re­ ishes, Catsups, Cheese. Butter. Milk, Salt and Smoked Fish ceiver of the U. S. Land Office, at All Prices f. o. b. Estacada. Ore. Jews, and its obligatory charac­ All Models Folly Equipped I*ort!and. Oregon, on the 8th day of ter confined to them alone. Some September, 1922. have tried to prove that it exist­ Claimant names as witnesses: A. | W. 1-ee. of Biisell. Oregon; J. Paulson, ed from the creation of the of Bissell, Oregon; J. Peterson, of Bis­ world, but this is an open ques­ sell, Oregon: A. Maxwell, of Bissell. Oregon. tion. There is no testimony that Act 6-9-1«. ti e patriarchs o served it and as A lexander S week . Register. Estacada Oregon ESTACADA, OREGON Phone for Demonstration- r -28-8-24 an institution it s first mention- Eastern Clackam as N ew s g SHINGLES Cement Lime Brick Drain Tile I * t WE INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT 1 ESTACADA STATE BANK CHEVROLET, j CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY GEORGE POINTER ANNOUNCES NEW PRICES Effective August 1, 1922. PASSENGER MODELS THE ESTACADA MEAT CO. COMMERCIAL MODELS BEEF CATTLE VEAL and HOGS Fresh Fish Latter Part of Week SMITH & GOHRING CASCADE GARAGE J WILCOX BROS., Proprietors.