EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY JULY 13. 1922. *«i¡ar w r ü Â ï . j The Story of ; Our States LOCAL B R E V I T I E S AND N E W S H L MS By JONATHAN BRACE 1 The Right Implement XXXV.—W. VIRGINIA Mrs. C. H. Lichthorn was Portland Monday. J. E. Gates was in Portland on business Monday. Ladies white hose 2>c the pr. while they last. Morton’s Mrs. A. W. Botkin of Garfield, was a Portland visitor yesterday. Mrs. J. E. Gates went to Port­ land Friday evening. Miss Carey of Springfield, Illi­ nois is visiting her brother here, Dr. C. K. Carey. H. C. Morse of Portland spent the week end with his niece, Mrs. R. Morse. The berry picking is a boon to boys and girls who want to earn a little spending money. The largest assortment of fruits and vegetables in town. Always fresh. McKinney. Messrs. W. F. Cary and W. C. Bacon went to Portland, Monday returning Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bronson went Saturday for a visit with their son Lee and family in Port­ land. Loretta Ritchie returned home Saturday after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Pimm of Port­ land. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Woodle and son Leslie were guests at the Promptness Prevents Fire Standard Oil Station Opens J. P. Woodle home at Estacada J. V. Barr noticed last Sunday The new Standard Oil station Sunday. evening a little smoke back of a in Estacada began operations last Fred M. Rowley, representing the Equitable Savings & Loan car of lumber standing north of week, with W. J. Boland as man­ ager. It has handsome new de­ Association of Portland, was in the old Morrow livery barn on livery trucks and will serve Bar­ Estacada Saturday afternoon. Zobrist street, where a lot of ton, Eagle Creek, Springwater, Mrs. Thomas Yocum of Gar­ lumber is piled. On investiga­ Garfield and adjacent points as field attended the Gladstone tion he found grass burning, evi­ well as Estacada. Chatauqua last Saturday and dently started by a lighted match dropped by someone. He prompt­ Sunday. You have your auto overhauled Mr. and Mrs. B. 0. Sarver had ly extinguished the blaze with a by an expert mechanic, why not couple of buckets of water, and as a week end guest the sister give your body the same care of the latter, Mrs. Strickland of saved what might have proved and attention? Consult Dr. W. a serious conflagration. Gladstone. W. Rhodes, Osteopathic physi­ Mr. and Mrs. Will Clossner cian and surgeon. 12-15tf Rides N ew W heel and Mr. and Mrs. D. Mendenhall were in Portland Sunday, taking Albert Belfils, the faithful car­ Christian Church rier of the Portland Journal, can dinner there. now make his rounds in quicker Bible School every Lord’s Day The street between Broadway time, as he received last Satur­ at 10 a. m. ; Preaching 11 a. m. and the Standard Oil station is day a fine new wheel. It is the A cordial invitation is extended being graded. The company, we Excelsior, 1922 model. Albert to all. Theme of sermon will be are told, assuming the expense. has been wishing for a wheel for July 13, The Kingdom in the Mrs. G. L McLellan and two sometime and now he has his New Testament Times. daughters arrived Friday to join heart’s desire. E. F. Atchley, pastor. Dr. McLellan. For the time be­ ing they are living at the Hotel Estacada. If you want insurance on Hie or property, it will pay you to look up the display ad of the Woodle Realty Co. I take this method to announce to the BORN—To Mr. and Mrs. Wal­ ter B. Lemon, of Garfield, Sun­ public that I have permanently located in day. July 9, 1922, a daughter. Estacada. I have secured offices in the Dr. McLellan was the attending Lichthorn building next to the Telephone physician. office, and have equipped a thoroughly mod­ H. C. Gohring returned last em and up-to-date office. Saturday from a trip to Spokane. He said the weather there was I am now prepared to care for both acute exceedingly hot and that every­ and chronic cases. thing was dried up. DR. W. W. RHODES, Among those who were on the Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon, Sunday morning train to Port­ Estacada, Oregon, land, were J. W. Shafford, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Day (and H. L. McKinney. Mr. and Mrs. Burt Moore start­ ed for Netarts Beach in their | “ bug” last Tuesday, for a vaca- cation. They were accompanied by Evelyn Bacon. Mrs. H. Sawdy of Hugson, California, arrived here Monday j for a vsiit with her nephew, H. Is to Be Fair and Warmer L. McKinney, who went to meet BUT, you can keep cool in our Ice Cream Parlor, her in Portland. where we will be glad to serve you all kinds of Estacada baseball team is mak­ ing a good record for itself. Last SODAS ICE CREAM AND SOFT DRINKS Sunday it beat the Western Cooperage team of Portland by AND it is just as we expected: Our business has a score of 8 to 6. increased so we had to hire an extra cook. So now Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Lovelace we will be open earlier in the mornings. Do not attended Monday the funeral of forget to come in and get one of our Breakfasts. the mother of Mr. Lovelace, And our 30c Dinner is a Winner. who died at the Salem hospital, July 7. She was Mrs. Elizabeth WE CATER TO PARTIES AND BANQUETS. Lovelace, widow of the late Al­ Yours for Good Eats, fred Lovelace, and a native of Sedalia, Missouri. She had re­ HAUSER & LINN, Proprietor», sided in the Damascus district a number of years and the burial was in the Damascus cemetery. She was 84 years of age. Announcement. THE WEATHER The SILVER STAR RESTAURANT il S THE name Im­ plies, W e s t Virginia was originally n p o r t i o n of Virginia, the Old Dominion Colony. While its history' is nat­ urally yoked up with that of the Mother State, there are many points in which the two sections of Virginia were divergent and it was for this reason that West Virginia finally became a sepa­ rate state. The first white man who prob­ ably penetrated the wilderness of this Western region was John Laderer, a German surgeon, who ; wont on a tour of exploration in 1 1609. In the same year. La Salle ; sailed up the Ohio and landed 1 at several points in the present state. There was little coloniza­ tion until 1732, when Scotch and Irish adventurers began to fill Western Virginia. They were encouraged but Uttle, and, in fact, the King in 1783 declared that this part of the colony was Indian country and could not rightfully be settled. Coloniza­ tion continued, however, and bit­ ter warfare was waged against tho Indians and the French who hud come down from the North. In 1774 the battle of Pt. Pleasant was fought, which was one of the bloodiest of Indian conflicts. The backwoodsmen who set­ tled in the Western part of Vir­ ginia were entirely different types of men from the wealthy slave owners along the coast. Jealousies between the two sec­ tions arose and the Western countries felt great dissatisfac­ tion at the way Virginia was governing them. The most marked point of disagreement was over the slavery question, and It was because of this that, when Virginia seceded from the Union in 1861, West Virginia took matters In its own hands. Delegates met at Wheeling, drew up a separate constitution, and declared their independence. Their application for admission into the Union was accepted by Lincoln, and in 1863 West Vir­ ginia became the thirty-fifth state. It is often called the "Pan­ handle State" on account of its shape. Its area is 24,170 square miles, and it has eight presiden­ tial electors. ( © b y M cC lure N e w s p a p e r S y n d ic ate .) ..a . . « . i for the I .aréc Farm 1 the Dairyman, the Berry Grower, or the Gardener Always the right implement to suit your conditions and Convenience or Your Money Back. GET OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY Myers Water System for Every Type or Depth of Well Installed. CASE TRACTORS Complete in Every Detail, $835 at Gresham, With Tractor Plows. Overland -4- Automobiles $695.00 at Gresham. THE BEST VALUES FOR YOUR MONEY HESSEL’S FARM M ACHINERY GRESHAM, OREGON. Reliability Service XLfiN The Progressive American Shoe Shop SHOE REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Harness Kepaited. Shoe laces retipped, Custom prices. Everything for Shoes. B. H. JOHNSON. ESTACADA, P. 0 . B o x 44 OREGON J. E. METZGER, U ndertaker and Embalmer Gresham - Oregon Warren McWillis Local Agent for Estacada Osteopathic care during preg­ nancy and confinement has done more to relieve womankind than RE-NU-EM TAILORS. any other method now in use. Consult an osteopath for further Cleaning, Pressing. Dyeing information. I 2-15tf ALTERING AND REPAIRING, JOSEPH E. GATES FUNERAL DIRECTOR Also orders taken for FLOWERS A N D TOMBSTONES Estacada, Oregon. RADIO Complete Receiving Sets and Radio Parts and Supplies. S e e S. P. PESZNECKER and save money. I am now prepared to do al kinds of watch, clock and jewelry WM. BASS, Prop, repairing, A. N. Johnson. 15-tf SUITS MADE TO ORDER. Subscribe for your home paper the E a s t e r n C l a c k a m a s N e w s . Low Prices. HAVE YOU W ASTED? Possibly you have been waiting a long time until shoes came down in price. If so, NOW is the time and HERE is the place to buy them, as we have marked down a great many styles of mens and women’s shoes. Preferred Stock first quality Jar Rings, 2 dozen for 15c. Also Mason and Econ­ omy Jar Caps at 30c per dozen. Men’s Khaki Pants and Riding Pants, laced. Just the thing for an outing trip. Also a good line of men’s Puttees, both strap and spring fasten. One small lot of Crystal White Laudry Soap left at 5c the bar JOIN THE CROWD A T Ehe People’s Store H B. SNYDER, C. A. DYKEMAN. W here the M jtto Is Service !; !» i1