EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1922. GARFIELD H EM S GODDESS OF LIBERTY ■^TTITJ/ F7T.' r j CONTEST Mr. and M m . Geo. II. Weath- For Fourth of July Celebration at Estacada. erby spent Sunday and Monday O I N l r Y O A U ‘ J R m W 51 This contest is operr to candi­ at the M. G. Weutherby home, leaving Monday afternoon on dates from Estacada and adjoin­ M O N E Y ing districts. It is not too late their wav to California. 4 » ^ j' • *2 O M *) P- * I WE WILL SELL Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Moreland to enter now. Just give your candidate’s name u> William :SEST RATES ARE GOING DOW N entertained Saturday night to a RIGHT ALONG stra»vberry-ice-cream party, their Bass in Estacada. Votes are counted every even­ guests being Mr. and Mrs. C. An. investment that pays you 7.3-’" is* certainly A First Class Patent Flour for 10 Carpenter, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. ing at 7 o’clock by the Judge-;. wnrth looking-into. Contest closes Sunday; July Dillinger, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Th*t is what you ¿.et when you,buy cur 7 'f Prior Shaffer, Mr. and Mrs. C. Coe, 2nd, at 9:00 p. m. Ballots at Marchbank’s confectionery and Preference Stock.' Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Weatherbv ¡if, P and son Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. at Estacada Pharmacy. . ' - , EASY TERMS: i ►•••’ ! Candidates to date: F R U I T J A R S , C A P S & R IN G S J. Hipes, Mrs. C. Holmes, Mrs. 10"., Down—10h a Month .if Gladys Miller................... George M. Riggins, Mrs. Ira Head, and . . Yuu .Like. - Helen Johnson..... Eagle Creek Sylvia Head. II Groceries and Feeds at the Right Prices Let your Dividends pay your Dora Currrin........... Currinsville The Skip-a-Week club was en Elva Shibley...........Springwater Light Bills. tertained by Mrs. O. E. Lamber- Wilma Duncan.......... ..... Garfield -O’ .IAT, THE STATE INVESTIGATE TODAY son last Thursday. Nova Smith......:.... ......Estacada Investment Department Portland Railway, Mr. and Mrs. C. Coe, Mr. aad Bertha Burns — ......... Estacada The Store Where Your Dollar Does Its Duty. (J Mrs. J. Hipes, Mrs. M. Riggins, Mary Ely........................Estacada Lignt and Power Company. Mrs. C. Holmes, all from Port­ See the bulletin board at Wood- U. S. MORGAN, Proprietor. X? Elt:tric Giug.. Eet. Sixth and Broadway. land, were week end guests of le’s Realty office for returns. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dillinger. Boost your home represent­ -x~x~XK~x~x~x~x-x-x~x~x~>*x~x~>««~x~x~x~x~x~:**x~x~x~x~>i Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shaffer, ative. EJi -'.tf,.’-1- ■■■■rrrj! * + + + + + + + + + are enjoying the visit of five •!’ 4 V V 4* -> •> 4» # ♦ f * * + little < nieces and nephews for S P R IN G W A T E R N E W S Phonographs, * Confectionery, several weeks. ; .Hi! ' Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Folsom re­ Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Sandstone turned by auto Friday from Day- and family of Sherwood were ton, Wash., where they visited week end visitors at the T. B. the last several months with rel­ Young home in Garfield. atives. iGHT L u n c h e s . T. B. Young and daughter 1 Case 10-18 Tractor and 2-bottom Mr. Starrett was brought home E STA CA D A, OREGON. Ethel, and son Harold spent sev­ gan g ............................. -........................ $ 5 5 0 .0 0 eral days in Portland last week from Portland last Saturday and is doing as well as can be ex­ attending the Rose carnival. 1 Case 10-18 Tractor, doubledisc, 2-bot- pected. International Clothes, 4 Cigars and Tobaccco, tom gan g................................................ $600.00 Community Club Election Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Monroe + + < ■ * * + ♦ + + + + * * * * * >> * * * •> * * + * 1 H. P. Z Gas Engine, Bosch, new... $ 48.50 The June meeting of the Com­ are enjoying a visit from their daughter and two grandchildren. munity club will be held Friday 1 Wade Power Drag Saw and 4-ft saw... $117.00 The Sunday School picnic will evening of this week in the Methodist church. This is also be in Closner’s grove next Sat­ the annual meeting for the elec­ urday all day. tion of officers for the coming Grandma Julian of Lents, is year. Rev. A. F. Lacy will visiting with Mrs. Ethel Julian speak on Community Coopera­ at Closners. Y tion. A. T. Elott will also speak. The C. E. social will be Friday •X “X X "X ~ X “X ~ X -.".~ X -X “ X ~ X -X -X " X -X “X “X ~ X "X ~ :“X ~ X “ X - X - X “ X Other matters of interest will be evening with Mrs. Moger. discussed, including the question Many of the host riders and performers of Round-Up fame la m Amos and Marian Millard mo­ of the recall of the hard surface tored to Portland Sunday. will participate. Horses and performers come direct from staging Round-Ups in Kastern Oregon. paving bonds, which has again Ray Jenkins left for Voltage, been brought up by the filing of BALL GAME each morning ROUND-tP DANCE Ore., looking for work, the recall petition to be voted on New 3000 capacity Grand Stand. at the fall election. A good THE U N I V E R S A L CAR A uxilary M eeting Reduced rate? on the S. P. and W. V. S. lines. musical program will also be giv­ All members of the Ladies’ en. All are invited to attend. Auxilary 40 the American Le­ FOR SALE—A span of mares, j I want you to read this: Dinty If you are thinking'of a new gion, are especially requested to 2800 lbs., 8 and 9 years old, har-1 pair of shoes for the Fourth, be present at the meeting in I. O. will furnish you good meals and ness and wagon. Will sell to-1 think of the all leather line at O. F. hall Monday evening, July good room for $7.00 per week. gether or separate. $325.00 com­ 3, as there is important business plete. Inquire Carl Decker, Bis- Rose’s. THE FORD CAR has never been so low in price as to transact. sell. 6-ltf now. And has never been so good. It has a bet­ WANTED—Old furniture to ter balanced motor. Better braced body and runing Ladies we have just received make new. Z. A. Coop. 5-18tf boards. Heavier wiring, taking the lowest insur­ and placed on sale our mid-sum­ WANTED—Orders for furni-j ance rates. Non-glare Head-Lights, giving better mer shipment of 50 hats. They FOR SALE A saddle mare in-1 ture. I make everything like driving light, and other refinements, making the are right up to the minute in quire of Tom Carter, Estacada, I.vou want it at lowest prices. Z. First Show Starts at 7.30 best car in its class today. style and the price is less than Rt. 1. . 6-29tf ¡A. Coop. 5-18tf vou would expect to pay, at WE SELL used implements and FOR SALE—A Jersey cow and If you want a car this summer we urge you to place Rose’s. calf, price $50.00. A D. Bur- machinery, used engines, tract- your order NOW. as they can be had only on bona- ¡ors, plows, disc harrows, drills, nett. Eagle Creek, Or. 7.6 fied orders. potato planters, rollers, feed K eeping an A ppointm ent FOR SALE Mower and rake grinders, cream separators, now We had hard work to keep an almost new, $50.00. Tom Smith, on hand. Hessel’s Farm Mach-i ROADSTER, Starter and Demountable Rim - $ 5 2 5 .3 8 appointment last Sunday morn- Eagle Creek, Rt. 1. Bx. 28. 7-20 nery, Gresham, Oregon. 4-6tf “ “ - 5 5 5 .5 4 Would you employ a for­ I ing. The train was late owing FOR SALE A good team of Yes, I sell Paint, Wall Paper | TOURING, j to power troubles so it was un- SEDAN, “ “ “ - 7 6 5 .6 2 work horses and harness, weight and Glass.- Pointer, the Painter. mer convict in your i certain when it would arrive. 2,800, price $:i50.00. C. W. Ful­ 12-8 tf l COUPE “ “ “ . 6 9 8 .0 2 household? We were due at Milwaukie at 11 ler, Estacada, Rt. 1. 6-29-7-20 PLAIN SEWING—Dressmak­ F0RDS0N “ “ “ - 4 9 2 .8 5 It was done in the Great 'o ’clock, where the local I. 0 . 0 . FOR SALE- A Deering mow­ ing and hemstitching, see Mrs. F. lodge was to attend memorial er: 2 \| inch wagon and box; one Gus Wilcox. Cosmopolitan Production of 5-18tf| services. It was 9 before we dis- buggv. Phone 11. B. Davis, Rt. “ PROXIES ’, and it proved Expert Ford m echanics at your service. FOR SALE—One Black mare, ■ covered the train condition, then 1 - *.t U.V. 6-22-29 weight to be a paying investment. 1000 ^ s., fine saddle we hustled around to get a car FORSALE- light Reo truck, horse. One bay horse, weight) G as A ccessaries Oils _______ COMEDY_______ \ and drive, but there was none to will give term$. Inquire at Bor­ 1000 lbs., good pack horse. En- I he had at any of the garages. ing garage, Boring, Ore. 6-15-7-6 qnire of A. G. Ames, Estacada. ' 6 8 ! Finally S. Pesznecker said he FOR SALE One bay mare 10 —----- --------- | could take us in hia "bug". By years old, weight 1.300, TTs good FOR SALE or will trade, a l that time it was 9:30. Off we work horse, one Set of work har*; span of mares, seven and eight THOMAS MEIGHAN started and made good time, but ness in good .*• hapo. For quick years old, w eight 1,200 lbs. each. ESTACADA, OREGON. IN just before reaching C a r v e r sale the price Is$90. 6 . M. Wil- inquire of James Rabe, haif mile; son, Estacada. Ore. there was a blow-out, but fortu­ nately we were near a garage, where a new inner tube was pro­ The wife he loved had left cured and inserted. Off we went him. Once she thought him again and finally reached Mil­ all that a man should be, but waukie, considerably dusty and success had put him on Easy warm but on time with a few I Street, and Easy Street led minutes to spare. downward. Downward now to t h e You have your auto overhauled ! Implements bottom and the black river Paints by an expert mechanic, why not j where a hopeless little waif give your body the same care This time we refer t i our WINCHESTER SPECIAL now offered-A Steel Fishing Rod at $1.50. Come in and see it. It IS a darii>. he saved, saved him. and attentionT Consult Dr. VV. W. Rhodes. Osteopathic physi­ We are offering Mason Strong Shoulder Jars in quarts COMEDY We also have a fine line of Scales—Domestic Spring cian and surgeon. 12-15tfp and pints. E-Z-Y Seal Jars in quarts and pints. Scales for canning time - No metal near your food. Fairbanks-Morse Scales for heavy work. WHILE IT LASTS The Genuine Fisher’s Blend Flour $2.15 the Sack. Estacada Feed Co. R. G . M A R C H BANK, L FOR SALE J.THREE DAYS ROUND-UP.Q MOLALLA, OREGON U Sunday, Monday, Tuesday JULY 2 , 3 , 4 x -x -c-x -x -x -x -x -x -x -x FARM MACHINERY THE REED AUTO COMAPNY Estacada, Oregon. THE UNIVERSAL CAR WANT UNO m SALE SOS. GEM THEATRE To-Night “PROXIES” SATURDAY Crawford Bros. Motor Co. “ The Easy Road’’ Again We Say-Get Your Winchester SPECIAL SHOW FOR THE 4th. NEW ARCADA HOTEL 140 First Street, tuar Akltr. MEW MANAGEMENT Cean R coim SPrtn’s ani up. Music at all Shows L V. CLEWORTh. Manager. fine L i bbr .’ mi .Visi«. SMITH HARDWARE STORE, ESTACADA _ The only H»:dw»re Store in C'.ackanits county selling goods st Portland prices