EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY JUNE 29. 1922. Back From California Otis Wagner arrived h o m e LOCAL B R E V I T I E S Monday afternoon from S a n ELL yonr dealer you want Diego, Calif., where he spent AND NEWS II LMS to see a Fisk Tire beside any j the winter. He made the trip in his Chevrolet, starting the 20th, other he offers you. He has it Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Stevens thus taking six days for the in stock or can get it. See for journey. He said the roads are Drove to Portland, Tuesday. yourself what the Fisk Tire has fine in California, but when he Have you voted for the God­ struck Oregon it was different. to offer in extra size and strength, dess of Liberty? But the badness of the roads howits resiliency compares when Jose Gordon went to Pottland, wjis mainly due to work being Sunday for a visit with relatives done on them preparatory to you flex the tire under your hand, George Pointer and Matt Lons- paving, so this condition prom- how the depth of the non-skid berry were Portland visitors on | ises eventually to be remedied tread looks beside other treads. business Tuesday. He was forced to make several This is the way to buy tires! Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Hauser detours which delayed him con­ siderably. However the trip was and Mrs. J. Marchbank were in T h ere’s a Fisk Tire o f extra value in every site, fo r car, truck o r speed w agon Always the right implement to suit your conditions uneventful aside from several Portland, Saturday, blowouts. There is much travel and Convenience or Your Money Back. Miss June Oakley and Miss Roth, from Seattle, visited Mrs. along the route and cars are GET OIJR PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY passing all the time. Mae Reed and family, Monday. I want you to read this: Dinty Myers Water System for Every Type or Depth of Weil The Water Supply will furnish you good meals and Installed. Already there are indications good room for $7.00 per week. Mrs. Ernest Duus returned of a shortage of water again this i home Monday evening after vis summer. Last Sunday the sup­ ply in the reservoir was very iting in Portland a few days. low, and we are told many of Complete in Every Detail, $835 at Gresham, See Mrs. J. E. Gates for piano the pipes are springing numer­ instruction. Prices reasonable. ous leaks. Monday evening on With Tractor Plows. I. 0. 0. F. building. 5-4tf the hill there was no pressure so Miss Mercedeth J a m e s of the gardens could not be irri­ Heppner is visiting the Misses gated, and the next morning the Mary Alice and Florence June water stopped entirely for a few Reed. minutes. Something should be THE BEST VALUES FOR Y O U R M O N E Y done as every summer the same Mrs. O. E. Culver, the efficient trouble occurs and grows worse. clerk ‘‘at Rose’s the . place to buy,” has returned to the store Sooner or later the matter will have to be taken up, and it may j after a vacation of two weeks. as well be sooner as later. Of GRESHAM, OREGON. Mrs. Albert T. Elott motored course this will mean extra cost out last Saturday with Mrs. Myr­ Reliability Service tle B. Gollehur, of Portland, who and taxation, but this will be j not say anything but he will be will be her guest for several cheaper in the end than continu­ Willamette Valley Chautauqua extremely disappointed. ing a condition which endangers Assembly days. ♦ + + ♦ + + ♦ ♦ + + + + ♦ The children are requested to The Progressive the health and property of the Miss Betty Wise, who was for­ be at the park at 11:00 a. m., but merly associated with V. W. people of the town. If afire ever Glad*tone Park, July 1-13 Inc. may remain throughout the day American Shoe Shop breaks out it will be sure to hap­ 1922. Hauser in the management of without extra charge for any of SHOE REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. May 25th, 1922. the programs. They s h o u l d the Estacada hotel, was here the pen when the season is dry and the water supply is nil. Harness Repaiied. Shoe laces retipped, To The Clackamas County first of the week. bring their own basket lunch, or Custom prices. Everything for Shoes, j Of course the city council is School Boards and Teachers, is your Home Company. Owing probably to the crowds not to blame, as the condition is euough money to buy a lunch at See us regardii g your B. H. JOHNSON. property, Insure your the stand on the ground. in Portland the Friday afternoon an inherited one, and the water Greeting: ESTACADA, P. O. Box 44 OREGON Under separate cover we are Yours for betttr schools, mail for Estacada failed to reach committee is indefatigable in its the train in time, so none arrived efforts to cope with and relieve sending you a sufficient amount B ren to n V e d d e r . here till next morning. J. E. METZGER, —Against— County School Supt. of tickets to supply each child of the situation. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Duus and W il l a m e t t e V a lley Undertaker and Embalmer I FIRE, school age in your district with a children of eastern Oregon, ar­ C h a u ta u q u a , by Among those who motored to free ticket for one day at the * THEFT or Gresham - Oregon rived in Estacada last Thursday Portland last Friday afternoon Willamette Valley Chautauqua' A. G. B e a t t ie , Secretaay. + COLLISION Warren McWillis for a visit with the former’s pa- to see the parade, were Mr. and to be held in Gladstone Chautau­ Local Agent for Estacada Christian Church ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Duus, Mrs. W. F. Cary and children, qua Park, July 1 to 13, inclusive. and other relatives in this vi­ Mrs. A. E. Sparks and Mrs. N. Bible School every Lord’s Day The ticket is for July 10th, on B. Ecker. cinity. RE-NU-EM TAILORS. + Successor to J. W. REED ESTATE which day we propose to have at 10 a. m.; Preaching 11 a. m. Mrs. Myrtle Belfils and son Miss Jennie Burns, sister of a great midsumme** Clackamas A cordial invitation is extended Cleaning, Pressing. Dyeing. | ♦ ESTACADA, ORE. Albert returned from their Port­ F. E. Burns, arrived last Wed­ County School rally. Please see to all. Theme of sermon will be « ALTERING AND REPAIRING, + + + + + + + + + + + + land visit last Friday evening. nesday from Michigan, to spend that each child entitled to a tick­ July 2, ‘‘Loaning money to the SUITS MADE TO ORDER. Albert is the local carrier for the a few weeks visiting her broth­ et is furnished with one. If a bankers.” We do Job Printing. Portland Journal, and while in er and family. | Low Prices. WM. BASS, Prop. E. F. Atchley, pastor. child does not receive one he may Portland he visited the Journal’s headquarters and was shown all over the building. My new samples of wall paper from the largest wall paper house in the west have just ar­ rived, prices from 10 cents a roll. Let me show them to you. Geo. I take this method to announce to the Pointer the Painter. 3-9tf public that I have permanently located in A letter received from A. J. Estacada. I have secured offices in the Mills, now of Enumclaw, Wash­ Lichthorn building next to the Telephone ington, states that he and Mrs. office, and have equipped a thoroughly mod­ Mills are quite well for people em and up-to-date office. seventy years young. He has built a house and has work. He I am now prepared to care for both acute does not have as good a garden and chronic cases. there as he had in Estacada, al­ DR. W. W. RHODES, though the climate is good, and there is an abundance of fine, Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon, clear water. Estacada, Oregon, Mr. and Mrs. George B. Weath- erby shipped t h e i r household goods and left on the evening train for Portland last Monday. They will sail from there on Sat­ urday on the S. S. Senator for San Diego, arriving at that point July 7th. From there they will proceed to their new home at Escondido, where they have pur­ Have you been in the Silver Star Cafe chased a small chicken ranch. these hot days? It is just as cool in there as George B. has promised to write a letter for the N e w s about their it can be. trip, and later on about their A FEW HOT WEATHER SUGGESTIONS: new location. We regret their departure and wish them the Ice cold Soda, all flavors; a big Stein of ice best of health an^ happiness. cold Root Beer; Ice Cream Soda: Apple Pie a la mode; Strawberry ShortCake with IceCream <“.V And don’t forget our big 30-cent Dinner. The Right Implement T for the Large Farm the Dairyman, the Berry Grower, or the Gardener CASE TRACTORS Overland -4- Automobiles $695.00 at Gresham. HESSEL’S FARM M A CH IN ERY : IHE PACIFIC STATES ; : FIRE INSURANCE CO. : + ♦ + ♦ AUTOMOBILE * . + + + Announcement. Jar"* Rings We cannot sell all the Fruit Jar Rings of good and poor quality—so we sell the best. Preferred Stock-2 doz. for 15c Just a few more left-Handy Andy Lunch Kits at $1.98 Reduced Dr. Hess’ Fly-Chaser for spraying dairy cows, Horses, and all farm stock. Drives away flies and mosquitoes—The most humane idea of the age. One gallon at $2.15 Shoes We have a table full of Men's, Boys’ and Youths’ Shoes, just right for dry weather. To close out at $2.39 FURNITURE MADE TO ORDER Repairing, Refini s h i n g Yours for Good Eats, Order vour Factory Made $ Furniture at the I.O.O.F. bldg. Z. A. c o o p JOIN THE CROWD A T All kinds of Candies and Bars. We roast our own Salted Peanuts every day and they are roasted in butter. Come in and try them ! i 1= HAUSER & LINN, Proprietors, The SILVER STR R ESTAURANT The People’s Store H B. SNYDER, C. A. DYKEMAN. Where the M jtto II Service.- + + : woool T I liy co. :