EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY, JUNE 29 1922. seemingly accurately computed. ---------- and set a number of times, only | S tory of Entered at the postoffice in Estaeada, to meet with disappointment. Ini j T h e Oregon, as second-class mad. this case a man’s hindsight is 1 : O u r S t a t e s better than his foresight, and) Published every Thursday at By JONATHAN BRACE the mathematics of God are u t-! X X X III.— O REG O N Estaeada, Oregon terly beyond the mind of man to | T WAS the sufficiently master, so as to be UPTON U. 01 BBS S p a n I s li able to work out chronological | who laid Editor and Manager. claim to tho problems. Eastern Clackam as News S ubscription K ates One year Six months *1.00 It is said that joy never kills. .75 But the wife of Governor Small of Illinois died Monday from a Thursday. June 29, 1922. stroke of paralysis caused by the bursting of a blood vessel, due to overjoy at her husband’s ac­ HE D ecla ra tio n o f quittal of the charge of misuse In d ep en d en ce! T he of funds when state treasu er. T in terest w h i c h in th a t p a p er has survived th e o cca sio n upon w h ich it w a s issu ed , th e in terest w h ich is o f ev ery a g e and ev ery clim e, th e in terest w h ich q u ick en s w ith th e la p se o f y ears, sp rea d s as it g ro w s o ld , and b rig h ten s a s it r e ced es, is in th e p rin cip les w h ich it p roclaim s. It w a s th e first solem n d ec la r a tio n by a n atio n o f th e on* ly le g itim a te fo u n d a tio n o f civ il govern m en t. It w as th e co rn er-ston e o f a n ew fab ric, d estin ed to cover th e su rfa ce o f th e g lo b e. It d em o lish ed at a strok e th e la w fu ln e ss o f a ll g o v ern ­ m en ts fo u n d ed upon co n ­ quest. It sw e p t a w a y a ll th e rubbish o f a ccu m u la t­ ed c en tu ries o f serv itu d e. It an n ou n ced in p ra ctica l form to th e w o rld th e tra n ­ scen d en t truth o f th e in ­ a lie n a b le so v ereig n ty o f th e p eo p le. It proved th at th e social co m p a ct w as no figm ent o f th e im a g in a - tion, but a rea l, solid , and sacred bond o f th e social union.— J o h n Q u i n c y A dam s. 1 7 7 6 -1 9 2 2 discovery of o u r Pacific coast. In l.r>43 Ferrclo possibly sailed ns far North ns the Oregon boundary. In 1570 Sir Frauds Drake explored for England the coast considerably north of this. Other Spaniards made further explorations and Captain Cook, the English navi­ gator, in 17S3 landed at Nootka Sound and gave It Its name. Thus both Spain and England A Big Convention laid elnlm to this region. | The American rights to this It is estimated that some 4,000 territory were based on the dis­ will attend the General Conven­ covery of the Columbia river In tion of the Episcopal Church 1702 by Captain Robert Gray, who sailed from Boston In the this fall which meets in Portland. ship Columbia to open up fur Already 1,800 reservations have trade. Many American fur been made and a hundred letters traders followed and In 1S11 John Jacob Astor, the head of are received daily asking ahout the Pacific Fur company, estab­ accommodations. It is expected lished a settlement called Astor­ that the hotels w ill care for about ia at the mouth of the Columbia. The real opening of the North­ 2,000 but the remainder will west was the result of the fam­ haye to be accommodated in pri-1 ous Lewis and Clark expedi­ vate homes. One wealthy lady tion. By 1843 a decided flow of from New York who expects to emigrants from the East trav­ attend the meeting of the Wo­ elled over the Oregon Trail from man’s Auxiliary which meets at j i Kansas City to the Columbia and thus Into Oregon. The the same time, has written to si-' ! river, trip over this route occupied cure a house for herself, family i Hbout three months and the set­ tlers generally travelled in large and servants. The committee is parties to withstand any pos­ doubtful whether a house of the I sible attacks from Indians. dimensions required can be pro­ Americnn settlers became so numerous that the United States cured, although in this case ex­ actively laid claim to tills re­ pense is no object. One of the gion. Spain had been forced to reservations which have been withdraw any rights she may have had when Florida was made at the Multnomah hotel, is ceded In 1819. This left Eng­ for the Anglican Bishop in Je­ land and America quarrelling rusalem, who will have much in­ over this section of the country. Final settlement, with definite formation to impart concerning boundaries between the United the situation in the Holy City States and Canada, was made and the Holy Land. In 1840. ---------- i_____ The Oregon territory was formed In 1848 and the State of Am erican Legion News Oregon was taken into the Un­ ion in 1859 with an area of 90,- Dalles Post wants to hear (199 square miles. SHINGLES Cement Lime Brick Brain Tile ALWAYS ON HAND At Prices that are right P. E. TRANSPORTATION Co. SPEC IA L SCHOOL MEETING Stewart, of 863 Ochoco Ave., Portland, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the Ore.; H. H. Freeman, Colton. Ore.; voters of School district No. 108 of John Jones, of Colton, Ore.; U. S. Six, Clackamas County, State of Oregon, of Colton. Ore, Act 6-9-16 and fiec. 2395-R. S. that a SPECIAL SCHOOL MEETING of said District will he held at Estaca­ A lexander S week , Register. da High School, on the seventh day of 6-15-7-13 July, 1922, at 8 o’clock in the after­ noon, for the following purpose: To elect one (1) Director to fill the unex­ NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION pired term of Geo. B. Weatherby. Dated this I7th day of June 1922. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Portland, Oregon, May 20th ATTEST: F. G. ROBLEY, Chairman Board of Directors, 1922. NOTICE is hereby given that Frank MRS. MYRTLE BELFILS, 6-22-29-7-6 District Clerk- J. Morrison, of Sandy. Oregon, Box 151, who, on May 10th, 1920, made _____ ______ homi stead Entry, No. 06740; for W1 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION NWi, Section 15, Township 3 S., Range Department of the Interior, U. S. Land I 5 E” wjH?mette Meridian, has filed r e g o n . June n 5th. th intention to make T H R E E - Office at Portland Portland, O Oregon, YEAR Proof, to establish claim to the J922. land above described, before the Reg­ NOTICE is hereby given that Chester and Receiver of the U. S. Land A. Bonebrake, of Colton, Oregon, who, ister Office, at Portland, Oregon, on the 14th on May 14th il20, made Homestead En­ day of July, 1922. try No. 06731, for SEJ, Section 25, Claimant names as witnesses: Frank Township 4 S., Range 3, E., Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention 'Ahnert, of Bissell, Oregon; Lawrence to m ale Three-Year Poorf to establish E. Thompson, of Bissell, Oregon! Ro­ claim to the land above described, be­ bert C. Thompson, of Eagle Creek, fore the Register and Receiver of the Oregon; Clyde C. Pilgrim, of Eagle U. S. Land Office, at Portland Oregon, Creek. Oregon. Act 6-9-16 and Sec. 2305-R. S. on the 26th day of July, 1922. A lexander S week , Register. Claimant names as witnesses: Ezra 5-25-6-29 THE SANITARY BARBER SHOP On Broadway, second store from the depot, Estaeada. Children’s Haircutting a Specialty JACK NORTON, Prop. JOSEPH E. GATES FUNERAL DIRECTOR I The Secret ? “It isn’t so hard to save money if you just watch out for jobs and then don’t spend it a ll,” is the opini.n of eleven year old Dale. # Also orders taken for FLOWERS A N D TOMBSTONES Estacada, Oregon. RADIO Stick to work and don’t spend all you make. What better method could any one suggest for getting ahead in the world? Dale has learned another secret of success. He deposits his money in a bank account which he keeps steadily growing. Do you know of a better way? Complete Receiving Sets and Radio Parts and Supplies. See S. P. PESZNECKER and from the aquatic stars of Oregon (© b y M cC lu re N e w s p a p e r S y n d ic a te .) save money. who belong to the American Le- The most optimistic signer of the Declaration of Independence legion. A three-day water car­ 6 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 th Ford in 1776, would never have dream­ nival will be held there during the week of conventions next The six millionth Model “T” j ed of the world position occupied by the U. S. A. in 1922. Possi­ month, and Don W. Yantis, Ford motor was produced May BARGAIN bly some of them might have who used to hang up records 18th, in the Ford factory at De­ himself, is in charge. Dalles troit. In other words, from the had a dim idea that their juris­ OFFER 5 Ì diction would extend to the Pa­ Post and local business men will time hack in 1908 when the Ford cific coast, but no further. They offer prizes for the winners, and Motor Company began market­ Your home-town paper, with the A probably hoped that America it is hoped to establish a custom ing the now famous model “T” best story paper for all the family, would become a strong and re­ which will last as long as there motor car until May 18, 1922. a and the latest fashion authority—an ideal combination at a big saving! spected nation on this side of the are enough legion members left total of six million Ford cars and with enough limber joints to trucks have been produced. Out The Youth’s Companion $2.50 Atlantic, but not the arbiter of e e k ly is s u e s this total 5,517,956 cars were McCall’s 52 w Magazine the world’s destinies, and its take to the water. . 1.0 0 The prizes have not yet been delivered to purchasers in the 12 fa s h io n n u m b e r« creditor nation, holding nearly its entire gold supply. And all announced, but they will be sub- United States, and according to The Eastern Clackams News 1.50 this development within less than stantial enough to attract the the latest statistics 4,478,248 of a century and a half. Truth is best swimmers. The Columbia I these Ford cars and trucks are is a mile wide at the Dalies, and still in daily service. stranger than fiction. This applies to old as well as new ambitious swimmers can paddle subscribers. E. E. Brodie, formerl/ editor all the way down to Astoria if Paper May Be Late of the Morning Enterprise of they want to, so there is plenty As the editor and foreman of Oregon City, but now U. S. min­ of space for all competitors. the N ews are patriotic, they will I. O .O . F. ? ister to Siam, has quickly devel­ There will be swimming events celebrate the Fourth as becomes Estacada Lods-e oped into a diplomat. He only for women too. The post's catch loyal citizens. On account of No. 175. reached his post late last fall and word for the convention is. this the N ews mav be a day late Meets every Saturday evening in now has arranged for a six “ bring your uniform,” but next week. We shall try to get t heir lodge ro >m, eorner of Bi oad- way ami Third streets. Visiting f months’ vacation beginning next equally well it can urge legion­ out on time, but cannot promise brothers are always welcome. I aries to bring balhing suits. March, at full pay. He is to be so to do. and beg our subscribers’ C. F. M. Brown, N. G. J granted two months in which to A bronze service bar bearing indulgence in case we are a day Fred Bartholomew, Sevretary, 4 come home, two to remain at the wording, “ Fourth Annual behind. home and two in which to re­ State Convention, The Dalles. ~ turn to his post. We wonder if Oregon, 1922,” will be presented Notice to Stockholders h is “ excellency’s” experience by the Oregon Deparment, Amer­ There will be a special meeting CLEAN— PROMPT will be like that of the late ican Legion, to each post bring­ of the stockholders of the Esta­ Rishop Henry Potter of Now ing their official post colors to cada Packing Co., June 30th. at The Dalles the latter part of Now is the time to brighten York, who, after spending some 8:00 p. m., at the cannery. for: ub those walls with cheerful, of July. The bar will be placed months in England, where he the purpose of electing one di­ new wall paper. Let me had been addressed like the En­ on the stalT of posts bringing show you how quickly and rector. their banners, by Lane Doodell, glish bishops, as “ my Lord.” J. G. Hay man, Sec’y. efficiently decorating c a n landed at New York to be greet­ department commander during be done ed by an old parishioner with a the convention sessions. Subscribe for your home paper1 slap on the back and a “ Hello Read the Ads in the N ews . the E astern C lackamas N ews . Bish, you back again?” ESTACADA STATE BANK “ Safety and Service.” All Three for $4.00 DECORATING The Herrin massacre in Wil­ liams county, Illinois is a blot on American civilization. The mat­ ter should be probed to the ut - 1 most, and those responsible be j brought to book without fear or favor. One of the worst feat-1 ures is the utter callousness of the people of the community about the fate of the victims. The whole county is undei mob rule and the officials ’afraid to act We would not advise our read­ ers to rely too much on 1925 be­ ing the date for the beginning of the reign on earth of the Messiah. The date has been THE ESTACADA MEAT CO. BEEF CATTLE VEAL and HOGS BOUGHT, Dressed or Alive. See our Delicatessen Department, containing Pickles. Rel­ ishes. Catsups. Cheese. Butter. Milk, Silt and Smoked Fish Fresh Fish Latter Part of Week S M IT H Estaeada & G O H R IN G :: Oregon If you’ve put ott decorating on account of price, this is the time you’ve been waiting for. I have the newest and most beautiful papers in America—something suitable for every home and for every pockettx-ok. Just telephone or drop a postal card and I will be glad to give you an estimate. J. W. SANDERS The New Superior 490 The most for your moneys A CAR LOAD JIIST IN Call and let us show you this wonderful little car. ' $675.00 F. O. B. Estaeada Rout-> I. Estaeada, Oregon. Osteopathic care during preg­ nancy and confinement has done more to relieve womankind than 1 any other method now in use. J Consult an osteopath for further j information. I 2-15tf‘ CASCADE GARAGE WILCOX BROS., Proprietors ESTACADA, OREGON ? ! i