CCP I JW j y Hsimt (Harkamas N twb D evoted to the Interests o f Eastern V o l u m e 15, E s t a c a d a , O regon , T hursday , J une 29,1922. N u m b e r 39 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ■pvR. CHARLES K. CAREY ^ P H Y S I C IA N and SU RGEON . Phone for OFFICE APPOINTMENT F.ii acada, Oregon. Clackamas County $1.50 P er Y ear OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST Principal E v e n ts of the Week B riefly Sketched for Infor­ mation of O u r Rea d ers. Q K . C. E. OWEN DENTIST Work has begun on the highway be­ Oregon. tween Harrisburg and Junction City. The Silverton schools have passed T"AR”~ w T WALLENS from secondary to first class schools. ■L ' , SU R G E O N D E N TIST Re-establishing the mail route be­ For over 20 years at Springwater, Ore tween Canyon City and Burns Is now assured. A L B E R T T. ELOTT Mrs. Horace Richards Is the first ATTO RN EY AT LAW woman ever to be chairman of a Bend RESIDENT LAWYER ESTACADA. - - OREGON school board. Fourteen applicants, all of whom were women, took the state teachers' W M . G. DUNLAP ATTO RN EY A T LAW examination at Fossil. At Estacada, in the office of Woodle Many improvements in Mount Angel Realty Co., on Saturdays—Portland of during the last few months indicate a fice 1524 Yeon Building. rapidly progressing town. D. EBY, Sale of $123,000 worth of street-im­ ATTORN EY AT LAW. provement bonds was authorized by General Practice. Confidential Ad­ the Klamath Falls city council. viser. Oregon City. Oregon. Dr C. W. Lassen of Pendleton was elected president of the Oregon state A /fcG U IR K & SCHNEIDER, board of veterinary examiners. iV A ATTORNEYS a t l a w . A city manager plan of government At Gresham office—Tuesdays, Thurs­ days ana Saturdays, 203-5, Withrow for St. Helens is proposed in a charter building. Portland office, 609-15, Fen­ amendment now being dratted. ton building. The Hood River 1922 apple crop bids fair to be one of the cleanest and larg­ W o o d le r ea lty co . est sized harvested in recent years. Real Estate, Insurance, Loans, Citizens of Condon at a special elec­ Collections, Notary Public. tion last week voted, about 20 to one, Justice of the Peace. to authorize an Issue of water bonds. They get results Phone Estacada The longshoremen’s strike, which has been in progress since April 23 on Portland's waterfront has been settled. The contract for rebuilding Happy Canyon in Pendleton, wrecked by the heavy snows o f last winter, has beeD let. London Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. Estacada, FIRE INSURANCE. Alleged failure to enforce prohibi­ tion laws, and genera» Inefficiency on the part of Ole Nelson, sheriff of Clat­ sop county, are said to be the basis of H. C . S T E P H E N S petitions asking a special election to recall the sheriff. A gent . Tom Christensen, 38, prominent farmer and stockman, was Instantly killed at Haines when a hay derrick V <• * > * ^ * *1* * he was moving came In contact with a high voltage line of the Western Oregon Light & Power company. Otis Patterson has resigned as ono that we carry of the board of appraisers for Grant county, representing the world war veterans’ state aid commission for Toys, Notions, Hosiery, Needle- Oregon. E. B. Moore of John Day has w ork, Candy, Etc. been recommended as his successor. 5c, 10c, I5c and up. J. C. Stevens, engineer for the Kla­ math Drainage tltStlTtff, filed with the CALL AND SEE US state engineer tentative plans by which the district expects to Issue bonds In the sum of $20,000 and to de­ I. O. 0. F. Bldg., Estacada $ velop approximately 27,000 acres of land. Keep your policy in our Fire Proof Vault, tree of charge. •> } Don’t forget $ LIGHT HARDWARE ;!; £ •i; X [THE BAZAAR,! j* ♦ ♦ + + + * + *♦ + + * + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Your » SPRAY ♦ ♦ * ♦ * Garden and Roses with Black L e a f 40 ♦ A 35-cent bottle makes 6 gallons of spray. * * ♦ ♦ * ♦ ♦ The R exall Store ♦ ♦ * + + « + + + + + Fo r Fire Insurance PLACE Y 0 U B IN­ SURANCE THROUGH YOUR HOME AGENT WHO WILL PROTECT YOUR INTEREST Cary Real Estate Co. Dance There will be a dance at Cogs­ well’s hall. Eagle Creek, Satur­ day, July 1st, under the auspices o f the W-. O. W., Eagle Creek Camp No. 539. Subscribe for your nome paper the E astern C l a c k a m a s N ews . ADDITIONAL LOCALS W A SHING T O N'S H E A D Q U A R T E R S AT TAPPAN. BARTON ITEMS LOCAL BREVITIES R. M. White of Damascus, was Have you voted for the God- down one day this week, install­ dess of Liberty? ing a telephone for George Her­ Miss Joanna Craig visited her man in the Forman bungalow, sister in Portland last week. Mrs. George Forman came The vote for the Goddess of home a few days ago and is im­ Liberty will be closed Sunday at proved so as to be able to get 9 p. m, around, but not well from sciatic Canning season is in full swing rheumatism. you can get everything you need Mr. and Mrs. George Forman at Rose’s. were dinner guests at the Erd- Miss Mary Oakley of Seattle man home at Deep Creek, Sun­ ; is visiting her sister. Mrs. Mae day. Earl and Floyd Odell and Miss- Bced. es Maude Ferrel and Jessie James VanDuz^r spent the Odell attended the dance a t , week end with his sister Mrs. K. Boring Saturday night. j Morse. Mr. and Mrs. Jens Pedersen Mrs. G. E. Lawrence returned visited their daughter Mrs. Gus Tuesday afternoon from Port- Whitehead at Dwyer’s camp one land. day last week. j Dr. and Mrs. R. G. McCall Mrs. Larson and daughter of of Portland, motored through Astoria, are visiting at the Ped- Estacada last Sunday, ersen home. Estacada won the ball game George Forman made a trip to with Corbett last Sunday at Cor- Carver Monday. (bett, by a score of 18 to 5. The plaee to celebrate a safe, Parade and Athletics ' sane and comfortable Fourth ol The parade for the celebration j u|y ^ ¡g year, is Estacada. July Fourth will form on Main Mrg< w R McWj]lig and street near the school house; all (laUffMter Etta spent Wednesday entries to be in line not la t e r _, TU D ., , ... and Thursday in the Rose City, than 10 a. m. The parade will ! move south on Main street to k ' ^ c^e a n from Second, west on Second to Broad- ^ « 1 !ast Monday, for a visit way, South on Broadway to Wlth his fnend- Dr' C- K' CareY' Park; disbanding at the park. I am now prepared to do all Prizes are as follows: kinds of watch, clock and jewelry Best appearing fraternal organ- repairing. A. N. Johnson. 15-tf iaation (not including Ameri- Miss Arline Goss from Sell- can Legion) 55.00. wood, was the guest of Miss Ir- Best decorated automobile, $5.00. ma Gates a few days last week. Best decorated commercial car The Pharmacy and M a r c h ­ er truck. $5.00. bank’s confectionery are the pol- Best freak, $5.00. ling places for the Goddess of Music for the parade will be Liberty, furnished by Campbell’ s Ameri- Smith Bros. hardware store can band. I has a seasonable display in one Order of Parade:—Civil War of it3 windows. It represents veterans in automobiles; Spanish- a hunter’s camp American War veterans; World! .. „ , .. „ A n . . . ... . „ . . . Mr, and Mrs. A. Richmond, War veterans; Fraterna organi- , „ , , D .. , ’ . | A * of Portland, parents of Mrs. Burt ia lio ".; autos, track», etc Moore, were meBts M , he Moore At l:d0 p. m. there will be an honle ,Mt Sund - athletic program in the park con- ,, , „ . _ _ B i s t i n g of the f o l l o w i n g r a c e s a n d Mr; and Alrs- e p rjz e g . ' tertained Mr. and Mrs. Field, U PPER EAGLE ( REEK Mr. and Mrs. Ray Woodle were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Whulst at Linne- man, last Wednesday. Mrs. Carl Rhenstrom, Mr. and Mrs. W. Evans and Mrs. Perry Murphy attended the Rose Show last Wednesday. Mrs. Virgil Mav and daughter Evelyn of Oregon City and Mr. and Mrs, Charles Moehnke of Shuebel, were guests at the Roy Douglass recently. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gibson were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John Githens, Mr. and Mrs. H. Beers and Mrs. Bert Palmateer Sunday afternoon. A. N. Orke and Mr. Whulst motored out to the Orke farm Sunday and spent the afternoon. After a two week’ s vacation Mr. and Mrs. Bow returned to Portland last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Douglass and Miss Florice Douglass were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. N, Kirchem at Logan last Sunday afternoon. Carl Rhenstrom was home for a short visit recently. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Upde- grave and little son Clifford were calling at the home of Roy Doug­ lass Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoffmeis- ter and children were guests at the home of their son Ernest Sunday. Special Train on the Fourth A late extra train will leave Estacada at 1:15 a. m. on the night of July 4, to enable local and Portland people to attend the big dance to be given in the park pavilion by the Carl Doug­ lass Post American Legion. Pat­ rons wanting to use this train should buy the regular $1.20 week end ticket at Portland, as the July 4 rate of only $1.00 will NOT be good on this train. All stops will be made between Es- tacada and Portland to let off local passengers, as many are expected from Gresham, Boring, Eagle Creek and intermediate stations. From these points the regular fare will be collected be­ tween stations, as the 51.20 rate is from Portland only. Thb Carl Dbuglyss Post, Amer­ ican Legion, with much expendi­ ture of tyiip anil, effort, lias made arrangements tor a worth while celebration of, the g l o r i o u s Fourth. The proceedings will commence »it 19 a. rrr. with a grand parade' starting at the school campits headed by Camp­ bell’s American band, which is one of Portland’s best. In the paraue there will be novelties in floats entered by various busi­ ness houses, lodges and individu­ als, while the World War vet­ erans will march in a body. The exercises will take place on ar­ rival at the park which has been generously dpnated for the oc­ casion by the P. R. I,. & P. Co., which has also helped ’by placing large advertising posters on their streetcars. A patriotic program has been drawn up and the ad­ dress of the day will be by the Rev. A. F. Lacv, pastor of the M. E. Church, who is a virile and eloquent speaker. A picnic dinner will follow the program, and at 1:30 sharp a snappy ball game has been pro­ vided between Estacada and the Portland firemen, who are a par­ ticularly strong team, so there will be something exciting all the time. After this, races and other athletic contests, with box­ ing and wrestling l^outs, will be pulled off. Both afLernoon and evening there will be dancing in the pavilion, the music being furnished by an excellent orches­ tra. The usual concessions for the sale of refreshments will be made, so it will not be necessary for those in the park to go up town to procure ice c r e a m , drinks, etc. The young lady for the God­ dess of Liberty will be chosen by vote. The polling places are the Pharmacy and Marchbank’s con­ fectionery, and the polls will close Sunday at 9 p. m., so there is not much more time. Votes are five cents a piece. It becomes all people in this vicinity to turn out and help the Carl Douglass Post make this celebration a memorable one, es­ pecially in stimulating the com­ munity spirit and feeling. It is in this respect that the day will be most patriotically ami fitting­ ly observed. Mr. and Mrs. J W. Letharby of Portland, were in town Tues­ day. Dr. Rhodes, Tom Morton and Clyde Adlin returned last night Wedding Bells from their fishing trip. On Wednesday, June 21, 1922, Mrs. R. Morse went to Port­ at Vancouver, Washington, Miss land yesterday to meet a relative Marie Anna Adlon was united in from the East, who is visiting Fat man’s race, box of cigars. f 1S8 Rov and Mrs. E. E. marriage to Ernest Marshall. in that city. Ladies nail driving contest, one J o a 1 1 of Portland' last Sunday. The bride is the »laughter of Mr. Mrs. Charles Frazier and pair of gloves. ! Mr. and Mrs. William Dills and Mrs. N. C, Adlon who lived daughter Helen, former resi­ Shoe race, pair of tennis shoes, arrived trom Portland yesterday here two or three years ago, but dents o f Estacada, were here Ladies race, free for all, pair of W 30 and are guests of Mr. and now of Los Angeles. SI e has from Portland Sunday, the guests Silk hose. ¡Mrs. W. F. Cary at the Estacada been keeping house for her of Mrs. W. J. Moore. Bovs obstacle r a c e , baseball hotel. brother, Albert Adlon, in Gar­ • Library Meeting Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hall fed What $1.00 will buy Saturday glove. field. The groom is the son of The annual meeting o f the up C. M. Chambers, C. E. Kil- at Rose’s: 3 cans first quality Mrs. Caiiff of Garfield. On their Fourth of July Program gor and daughter Alice, and El­ peaches, apricots or pineapples; Library A sociation will take, return the same day a bridal liott Stewart on chicken out at FORENOON 5 cans DelMonte tomatoes; 7 place at the Library, Saturday supper was served by the bride’s their ranch last Sunday. 10:00—Parade. cans Standard corn, tomatoes or afternoon at 2 o ’clock. It is sister, Mrs. V. W. Hauser, in 11:00 —Public Speaking in the peas. You will find it pays to hoped that all members of the Mrs. W. J. Lewellen of The association will be interested the Silver Star ice cream parlor. park. Dalles, who has been visiting trade at Rose’s. enough to attend this meeting. Eighteen guests were present, her brother and sister, R. H. Cur- 12:00—National Salute. Mrs. J.;R. Humphreys of Ore New officers are to be elected and the table decorat i»»ns con­ LUNCH rin and Mrs. L. Hale, left yes­ • gon City, after spending a week i and other important business sisted of carnations, roses and terday for Salem to visit her at the Log LaBarre hostelry, re- j s weet p”a8. E- ther Weaver and AFTERNOON transacted. mother. turned home Tuesday afternoon. Pearl Frantz waited on the Entertained Guests If you contemplate buying an 1:30—Ball game. Mrs. Humphreys is the wife of guests. Those present were the oil stove this season it will pay 2:00—Athletic program in the j the cashier of the Bank of Com- j Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Heylman bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. 1. Fat man’s race. you to investigate the wonderful ; merce in that city, which has were hosts to a number of friends Beebe and family, Mr. and Mrs, 2. Ladie’s naildriving contest. new Perfection with superflx just moved into its palatial new the last week end. Their guests Calvy Beebe, Mrs. Caiiff, Mr. 3. Shoe race. burners. They are slightly high­ building. were Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Booth and Mrs. V. W. Hauser. Mr. and 4. Boys’ obstacle race. er but worth it, at Rose’s. of Memphis, Tenn., Dr. and Mrs. Mrs. Frank Hur*t, Mrs. C. J. Pimm and children 5. Ladies’ race, fr^e for all. Mr. and Mrs. W. Cooper of The newly marrieo pair will ieft to-day for Sell wood, Mr. j F. D. Whiting, William Kidell 2:00 to 5:00—Dancing. Salem and Dr. Cooper of Port­ Pimm having been transferred and Miss Louisa Riddell, Mr. and live on the farm in Garfield I e- 3:00 to 4:00—Band Concert at by the P. R. L. & P. Co. to Mrs. H. G. Crees, Miss Be-sic longing to Mrs. Caiiff. land, were guests of Mr. and band stand by Campbell’s Ameti- Portland. Mrs. R. H. Currin last Sunday, i Mrs. Pimm taught White, Mr. and Mr3. O. W. Ol­ can Band. NOTICE two years in the Estacada schools son, Misses Vivian and Alma Born—At Currinsville, Mondav 5:30—Boxing and Wrestling. Flexner, Miss Rich, Mr. and Mrs. and both she and her husband June 26, 1922, to Mr. and Mrs. Those knowing themselves in­ 8:00-^Dancing. ___ I were prominent in Methodist Jack Wilson, Mrs. Carrie Win- debted to Dr. U. Morse for medi­ L J. Halferty, a son. Mrs. Hal- See Mrs. J. E Gates for piano j church circles. They will be chell, Miss Anna Park and Dr. cal services, kindly pay Mrs. ferty is a daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. W. M. ¡Wade. Dr. Carey instruction. Prices reasonable, missed by many friends whose and Mrs. William Dale, all well Morse at the office at their ear­ known people of Portland. liest convenience. It I. O. O. F. building. 5-4tfjbest wishes accompany them. was the attending physician.