EASTERN LOCAL B R E V IT IE S AND N EW S H LM S Lee Bronson was here Sunday from Portland, Mrs. Myrtle Belfi's and son Albert, were in Portland, Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Miller vis ” ited their son in Portland last Sunday. Ed. Bates was another from this vicinity who was in the me tropolis Sunday. Miss Irene Saline came home from Portland, for a vacation o two or three days. The ramrod is gone and I am too busy to write odds and ends There is a reason, McKenney. Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Einarson left Tuesday for Eugene, where they will stay a few weeks. See Mrs. J. E. Gates for piano instruction. Prices reasonable I. 0. 0. F. building. 5-4tf Miss Ethel Douglass attendee the picnic in Cedaryille park at Linneman junction, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Peterson and child of Springwater, visitec at Anderson station, Sunday. Pointer sells an Oregon made paint at $2,00 and $2.75 per gal. Let him estimate your job. 3-9tf My new samples of wall paper from the largest wall paper house in the west have just ar­ rived, prices from 10 cents a roll. Let me show them to you. Geo. Pointer the Painter. 3-9tf Miss Ruth Morrison o f Port­ land. who was a member of the High School faculty here two years ago, arrived Saturday for a brief visit, returning Sunday morning. She has been teach­ ing at Centralia, Washington, for the past year. Quite a number of fair school- ma’ ms left Estacada Supday morning on their way to Mon­ mouth to attend the summer school. Among them were Misses Leila Howe, Anita Kopp, Fran­ ces Hassell and Isabel Duncan. FURNITURE “ Millions Now Living fThe Right Implement Will Never Die” - -Judge Rutherford for the Out of these events will come greater devel­ opments, involving all nations and peoples. Its prophecies regarding the future will be fulfilled with equal exactness. The outstanding hope held forth in the Scriptures is the hope of eternal life, and the realization of this hope is now at hand. Y : Ü v • .... 'h G E T OUR PRICES BE FO R E YOU B U Y Myers Water System for Every Type or Depth of Well Installed. .1 CASE TRACTORS Complete in Every Detail, $835 at Gresham, With Tractor Plows. G od’ s purpose in giving man a revelation of His Plan was that mankind should use it, understand it, and appreciate the principles it sets forth. Overland -4 - Automobiles $695.00 at Gresham. A n understanding of the Bible broadens one’ s view and inspires cheerfulness and op­ timism. Prophets of old have described with glowing tongue the glories of the bright day that is now dawning. Hear the subject discussed at length by TH E BEST V A L U E S FOR Y O U R M ONEY ' HESSEL’S FARM M ACH INERY GRESH AM , OREGON. Reliability C. W . F IE L D , of Portland, Oregon, in the C H R IS T IA N C H U R C H , at Estacada, Oregon Sunday, June 25, at 3 p. m. Service *♦ + + + * + + + + + ♦ ♦ The Progressive American Shoe Shop SHOE REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. This lecture has comforted multitudes bereaved by the World War, epidemics, and attending sorrows. So great has been the demand that it has been amplified and published in book form, including 500 Scriptural proof texts. Those unable to hear the lecture may have a copy by sending 25c to I. B. S. A. 1555 E. 15th St., Portland, Oregon. Collection Auspices International Bible Students Association, Organized by the lata Pastor Russell. Judge Rutherford, New York City Bar, President. An English paper received Mon­ Mrs. George Hislop returned to Estacada, Monday, after a vis­ day, had illustrations showing it with her son and daughter in the damage done by a terrific hail Portland. storm which only lasted fifteen Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Riggins minutes. But in that time an have moved into the house at enormous quantity o f rain fell the corner of Fifth and Upper which flooded a large area. The Jroadway, opposite the Bland chief destruction was wrought by hailstones, some of which louse. Announcement I take this method to announce to the public that I have permanently located in Estacada. I have secured offices in the Lichthom building next to the Telephone office, and have equipped a thoroughly mod­ em and up-to-date office. I am now prepared to care for both acute and chronic cases. Harness Repaiied. Shoe laces retipped, Custom prices. Everything for Shoes. B. H. JOHNSON. ESTACADA, P. O. Box 44 OREGON J. E. METZGER, Undertaker and Embalmer Seats Free Gresham - Oregon Warren McWillis Local Agent for Estacada : IH E PACIFIC STA1ES * : FIRE INSURANCE CO. : + » is your Home Company. See us regardi. g your property, Insure your * —Against— were two and a half inches in length and four to five inches in circumference. Iron roofs were RE-NU-EM TAILORS. * Successor to J. W. REED ESTATE + riddled as if by machine guns. One picture showed a pile of Cleaning, Pressing. Dyeing. * ESTACADA, ORE. hailstones estimated as weigh­ ALTERING AND REPAIRING, + + + + + * + + + + + + ing twelve tons which had been SUITS MADE TO ORDER. shoveled out of a basement We do Job Printing. Low Prices. WM. BASS, Prop. kitchen. : WOQDLE REALTY CO. i Special Lunch Kits W e have on sale one lot of ‘‘Handy Andy,” all metal Lunch Lunch Kits, Thermos Bottle, Tray, all complete, regular $2.50 value. Our price $1.98. Tennis Shoes which we have marked down for quick disposal. Don’t forget that our stock of Groceries is always complete and as reasonable as any A F EW H O T W E A TH E R SUGGESTIONS: Ice cold Soda, all flavors; a big Stein of ice cold Root Beer; Ice Cream Soda; Apple Pie a la mode; Strawberry ShortCake with IceCream And don’t forget our big 30-ccnt Dinner. HAUSER & LINN, Proprietors, The SILVER STAR RESTAURANT * + FIRE, + + TH EFT or + + COLLISION + One lot of m en’s, w om en’s and children’s Have you been in the Silver Star Cafe these hot da ys? It is just as cool in there as it can be. + + + A U T O M O B IL E * DR. W. W. R H O D E S, Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon, Estacada, Oregon, Yours for Good Eats, A. C O O P : Alw ays the right implement to suit your conditions and Convenience or Your M oney Back. It will be accompanied by all that the heart has longed for— health, peace and happi­ ness. j; Repairing, Refini s h i n g ; I Z. the Dairyman, the Berry Grower, or the Gardener The Bible accurately foretold present con­ ditions. M ADE TO ORDER X Order your Facto-y Made | Furniture at the I.O.0.F. bldg. Large Farm There it a special significance in the troub­ lous days through which the world h a s passed since 1914. All kinds of Candies and Bars. We roast our own Salted Peanuts every day and they are roasted in butter. Come in and try them X NEWS, THURSDAY JUNE 22, 1922. + ♦ I want you to read this: Dinty will furnish you good meals and good room for $7.00 per week. Mrs. J. E. Gates, Mrs. W. A. Heylman and Mrs. T. J. Reagan were on the Saturday morning train headed to Portland. A bargain table of men’s and ladies’ shoes, some very good values at one price $2.48. One week only, at Morton’s. Messrs. W. H. Hopson and L. B. Craigmile, representatives of the P. R. L. & P. Co., were in town the first part of the week, inspecting power and light me­ ters. Returns of Sunday's 'baseball games at Portland and San Fran­ cisco were posted on the window of the Silver Star Restaurant. They were received through Ted Howe’ s radio. A party consisting of Dr. W. Rhodes, Tom Morton and V. W. Hauser, started Tuesday morn­ ing for the Cary Hot Springs. The gentlemen went on foot with a pack horse to carry their im­ pedimenta. It will take them about three days to reach their destination, as they propose to take it leisurely and fish by the way. They expect to be gone about ten days. Walter Givens, who formerly lived here and had the store which is now the Estacada Feed Co., but now of Montavilla, is evidently prospering, as he has just bought out another grocery store which he will run in addi­ tion to the one he already had. CLA C K A M A S J O IN T H E C R O W D A T The People’s Sto re H. B. S N Y D E R , C. A. D Y K E M A N . Where the M jtto Is Service.