EASTERN C L A C K A M A S NEW S, TH U R SD A Y, V IO L A M A Y , 2 5 1922. DODGE NEWS The voting here at the primary A number of the people from election was very quiet. All Dodge attended the vaudeville were satisfied that his or her show given by the Christian En­ candidate would get the office. deavor society, at Springwater D. G. White, who traded his Saturday evening. place here for a house near Tilla­ Mr. and Mrs. Ray Marrs and mook, is well pleased with the little son from Portland, visited exchange as he thinks his health at the home of J. W. Marrs Sat­ will be better there. Babe urday evening and Sunday. White and family left on Tues­ Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Davis of day for their new home to live Garfield, spent Sunday with the with his father. latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Elnora Mattoon has sold W. E. Myers. her farm on the hill here to a In spite of inclement weather, party from town. She with her the Fred Horner family, Rosa B. daughter Amy and son Harry Ten Eyck and Mr. and Mrs, are living in Oregon City at pres­ Hedges made the trip to Hillock ent. Burn on Sunday and were very Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mattoon hospitably received by Mr. and and daughter Esther of Oregon Mrs. Johnson Jr. who are stay­ City, ate Sunday dinner with his ing at Hillock Burn for the sum­ father and mother here. Arthur mer. Upon arrival a picnic din­ Mattoon and Archie and family ner was served in the large din­ of Eagle Creek, were also there. ing room. Everyone had a very Joe LaCroy is busy these days enjoyable time and feel as if with a crew of men, working on they would like to make the trip again. the road. Mr. and Mrs. Evans have sold We were very sorry to learn their farm, which formerly was last week, that Dr. K. Morse had the Turel place. passed away. He had many true friends here and we all feel Men, if you are looking for that his death is a great loss bargains in neckwear take a look which can not be filled. We all at our window for “ Saturday spe­ extend our sympathy to Mrs. cials” ; your choice of any tie in Morse in her great loss of a kind the window 50c at Rose’s. and loving husband. Special School Played in Recital Warren Smith son of Mr. and Mrs. James Smith, has become quite proficent on the violin, un­ der the instruction o f Ted Ahl- berg. Last Tuesday night, he took part in a recital in the Y. M. C. A. auditorium in Portland. He played with the pupils of the well known instructor, Robert Louis Barron, under whom Mr. Ahlberg stndies. The latter al­ so was included in the program. ? 3 % W e Have a Full Line of ON Y O U R GROCERIES MONEY AND FEEDS IN T E R E S T R A T E S A R E G O I N G D O W N R IG H T A L O N G I ( ft An investment that pays you 7.3'’» is certainly worth looking into. That is what you get when you buy our 7% Prior Preference Stock. E ASY TERMS: S a i D A S THE STATE OLO-PALM Wool Sacks & Twine? Toilet Soap We have them. FOR SUE-' LOGGING TEAM W A G O N AND H A R N E S S - A B A R G A IN Estacada Feed Co. INVESTIGATE T O D A Y Investment Department Portland Railway, Lignt and Power Company. The Store Where Your Dollar Does Its Duty. U. S. M O R G A N , Proprietor. Electric Bldg.. Bet. Sixth and Broadway. •:~x~x'-x“x -x -x~ x~ x*'x~ x“x - x - * x « “>*<~x~x~x~x~x~x*<~x~x~x~>;- tfk\ + + •!• + + ^ •!• + •!• + + + + + + Confectionery, + + + + + + FARM MACHINERY + Phonographs, FOR SALE R. G. M A R C H B A N K . L iG H T ESTACADA, L u n c h e s » , 1 Case 10-18 Tractor and 2-bottom gang..>.................................................... OREGON. $550.00 Case 10-18 Tractor, doubledisc, 2-bot­ tom g a n g ................................................. $600.00 M e e tin g The vacancy in the school di rectorate, caused by the death of Dr. R. Morse, will be filled June 9. Notice of call for the special meeting is published elsewhere in this paper. WILL you be needing A T H IR 1Y-FIVE H U N D R E D PO UN D 10% Down—10% a Month if You Like. Let your Dividends pay your Light Bills. /'PORTLAND-! TRY our 5c bar of Cigars and Tobaccco, International Clothes, 1)1 H . P. Hercules Gas Engine, mag... $ 51.75 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + U PPER EAGLE CREEK \y, H . P. Z Gas Engine, Bosch, new... $ 48.50 W ade Power Drag Saw and 4-ft saw... $117.00 T o A d vertise O regon Pursuant to its function in at­ Mrs. T. C. McKay, Mrs. Will Douglass. Mrs. Ray Woodle, tracting tourists to the state, the Mrs. Perry Murphy and Mrs. R. Oregon Tourist and Information B. Gibson were calling on Mrs. Bureau, with headquarters in Ed Douglass and Mrs. T. M. Portland, has contracted with Clester last Wednesday after­ the largest out-door advertising company upon the Pacific coast noon. FOR SALE—1 new Remington Walter Douglass had some of for the erection of six immense pump gun; one 25-20 Winchester the telephone poles reset along sign boards, depicting “ Oregon, T o the Public rifle, second hand; one 38-55 Mar­ the Market road above here, as the Scenic Wonderland.” The undersigned have moved lin rifle, second hand. All guns The signs, which will be paint- to Estacada, and have installed a in first class condition with bar­ he intends to commence working ed.in the highest style of the sign the road soon. first class barber shop in the gain price on each. See Ed Bo­ painters art will be ten feet high | ner. 5 -lltf Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass building adjoining the restaurant fifty feet long. The signs will of Dinty Moore’s. We shall con­ FOR SALE—Cowscoming fresh and children and Robert Moehn- be placed at strategic points in duct a neat, sanitary, orderly and in few days—Jerseys and Hol­ ke were Portland visitors last California, Utah, Washington 5-25-6-1 Saturday. up-to-date establishment in every steins. -Edward Still. and Idaho. A sign on the most particular. There was a large crowd at FOR SALE- Six white pigs traveled road in the vicinity of Respectfully soliciting your six weeks old. G. Rehbein, Ea- the Grange picnic last Saturday gle Creek, Ore. lt notwithstanding the somewhat Los Angeles will show Crater patronage, Lake in all its grandeur; one C ouch & N o r to n . FOR SALE—Three first class cool and windy weather. An in­ near San Francisco will show young Jersey cows. Inquire of teresting program was rendered, George Guttridge, Rt. 3, Estaca­ C. E. Spence, State Master, be­ the Oregon Caves and their mag­ nificent mystery; a sign on the da, Ore. 5-25-68 ing present and making an ex­ Lincoln Highway, east of Salt FOR SALE or TRADE—One cellent address. The dance at Ton Ford Truck. Cash or cattle Cogswell’s hall was well attend­ Lake wi l l illustrate beautiful Wallowa Lake in eastern Ore­ or light ear. Price $200. Write to First Show Starts at 7.30 E. Ekstrom, Gresham, Oregon, ed, 131 numbers having been gon; a sign on the highway east Rt. A. 5-25-6-1 sold. Mrs. G. T. Dickinson of of Pocatello, Idaho, will illus-j Oswego, was fortunate in get­ trate the grandeur of the Wal-1 FOR SALE Sampson tractor, double disc, one-bottom Vulcan ting the crocheted bedspread. Iowa and Blue mountains, * ‘the j Mrs. Laura Baumgartner went American Alps;” a sign on the I plow. Steel and cast bottom.—E. L. Jacobsen, Estacada, Oregon, to Portland Friday, returning Yellow Stone Trail, east of Spo- i Rt. 3. 5-25-tf Sunday evening. kane, will attract the attention A joyous romance o f life’s FOR SALE—A $45 baby bug- Lafe Douglass of Dufur, was of the west-bound tourists to the springtime- filmed in th e gy, good as new. for only $20 00. a guest at the homes of Will and magnificence of the Columbia beauty and charm of rural Inquire of Mrs. Burt Moore. Es­ Walter Douglass Saturday night River Highway; a n d another England and played by a tacada, Oregon. 5-18tf great English cast. and Sunday. sign on the Yellowstone Trail WANTED—Old furniture to Mrs. Ray Woodle entertained east of Walla Walla, will illus­ ALSO make new. Z. A. Coop. 5-18tf Mrs. Fred Hoffmeister and Mrs. trate in heroic size the beauties W ANTED-Orders for furni­ Katie Douglass Sunday after­ o f snow-capped Mt. Hood. ture. I make everything like noon. George Kelly of Portland and COM EDY you want it at lowest prices. Z. W. F. Cary o f this place, left A. Coop. 5-18tf Best cane sugar, $6.75 per last Saturday morning for a fish­ SATURDAY FOR S A L E -A Ford ear ~’ 17 sack, Saturday, at Rose's ing trip tc Cary’s hot springs. model, in very good condition. Price only $175 and I will take Osteopathic care during preg­ L. V. Cleworth left Monday a cow in part payment, or all nancy and confinement has ddne with a company of Boy Scouts cash, $150. J. Ledford, Eagle more to relieve womankind than Creek, Rt. 1. or see Mrs. J. W. any other method now in use. for a hiking trip to Roaring Riv­ Reed, Estacada. 5-18tf Consult an osteopath for further er and other places of interest up A Lois Weber Production * 1 2-15tf the Clackamas. WE SELL used implements and nfcrmation. machinery, used engines, tract* I ors, plows, disc harrows, drills, potato planters, rollers, feed On one side, her world of grinders, cream separators, now , refinement and luxury—A on hand. Hessel’s Farm Mach-j world to which breeding tied nerv. Gresham. Oregon. 4-6tf her completely. On the oth­ er, the wild rough life of the FOR SALE—Loganberry tips.; west, and a great hulking See or phone William Gilgan, Rt.j plainsman who would never 1, Estacada, Ore. 4-0tf do at an afternoon tea! Yet Yes, I sell Paint, Wall Paper) in spite of herself she loved and Glass.—Pointer, the Painter. him, and in her burning Rakes, Hoes Shovels 12-8 tf heart there was war until--? Come and see, PLAIN SEW ING Dressmak­ WANT UNO FOR SALE ADS. THE REED AU TO COMAPNY Estacada, Oregon. I THE U N I V E R S A L C A R THE UNIVERSAL AR NEVER BEFORE—a Value Like This W hy should you buy any car but a Ford? Prices GEM THEATRE lowest, Parts lowest, Operating and Up-keep ex­ pense lowest. Yet a Ford car will take you any place any car will go. To-Night 'THE CALL OF YOUTH’ •SWEETHEART DAYS’ “WHAT'S WORTH WHILE” These are sensible, not extravagant times, and a Ford is the most sensi­ ble car for anyone to own. RUNABOUT, Starter TOURING, SEDAN, COUPE TRUCK-CHASSIS “ FORDSON and Demountable Rim c< n n it u it it a it a - $ 5 2 5 .3 8 5 5 5 .5 4 7 6 5 .6 2 6 9 8 .0 2 5 3 3 .3 3 4 9 2 .8 5 E xpert Ford m echanics at your service. G as A ccessaries O ils Crawford Bros. Motor Co. U d irli E ST A C A D A , OREGON “ Between Two Fires” Powder Powder Cultivators Garden Tools Implements B. Holmes Travelogue “ BURGLARS” N E X T TH U RSDAY “ Price of Possession” ETHEL CLAYTON “ OFFICER CUPID” Music at all Shows L. V. CLF.W0RTH, Manager. Trowels, Weeders ing and hemstitching, see Mrs. Gus Wilcox. 5-18tf ■ LOGAN BERRY TIPS F or sale in t wo or throe weeks. In­ quire of J. >V. Dillinger, Rt. 1. Estacada. 1 OK SALS 8. 0 . R. L Rad eggs for hatching. Good layers. Laree breed, fine early broilers. $1 for 15 eggs. J. W. Moxley, Morrow Station. 4-4-5-25 Paint 5, 7 and 14 tooth 1 H C Disc Harrows 2 Shovel Break-Pin Plows Hand Sprayers m 4-20tf Z = ^ r - V TH * WINCHESTER > K K ___ _ __ X S T T O O R R m SMITH HARDW ARE STORE, ESTACADA * W ANTED- Heavy chickens at ¿S i the Estacada Hotel. 2-9tf. I The only Haidware Store in Clackamas county selling goods at Portland prices X i