EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY, MAY 25 1922. Eastern Clackamas News REGRET RECALL The recall of the Public Service was successful, which is to be regretted. The j recall is a dangerous remedy and ! we are in favor of it being re­ called. In regard to the Public j Service Commission w h a t i s wanted from it, is a just verdict based on the merits of the case, | and not what popular desire de­ i i mands. In the telephone matter the public naturally wanted low­ er rates, but it was ignorant of j all the conditions involved. Thet commissioners gave a patient hearing to both sides, and ren­ dered a decision w’hich they j knew would bring them into dis-! favor, This would tend to sup­ port the conclusion that they de­ cided according to what they | considered right and fair. The j effect of their recall will be to render uncertain a just decision when it runs counter to popular sentiment. • The Story of 1 Our States Entered at the postoffice in Estacada, Commissioners Oregon, as second-class mail. Published every Thursday at Estacada, Oregon UPTON H. GIBBS Editor and Manager. One year S ubscription R ates . . . Six month* Thursday, HONOR $1.50 «_____ *_____ - -75 May 25, 1922. TH E BRAVE SHINGLES By JONATHAN BRACE X X IX .— IO W A T IE State o f Iowu was originally occupied by the Iowa In­ dians. The ac­ tual meaning of the word has been Interpreted In several ways. Some say it means “beau­ tiful land,” but the more likely derivation Is the Algonquin word "ajawa" which means "across" or "beyond." This was probably applied to this tribe of Indians by the Illinois tribes who were hostile to them, and resided on the eastern side of the Missis­ sippi river. The early white vis­ itors to this region Included Mar­ quette and Joliet, who landed here on their explorations of the Mississippi In 1073. The first settlement was made by a French Canadian named Julian Dubuque. He obtained In 1788 a large grant of land from the Indians, where the city which wns named after him now stands. Here he flourished, mining lead and trading with the Indians, until his death In 1810, when this settlement wns given up. With the acquisition of the Louisiana Purchase In 1803. Iowa, which was a part of this huge territory, came Into the hands of the United States from France. At first Iowa was a part of the Louisiana territory, then of Missouri territory. Later it formed a portion of Michigan territory and then of Wisconsin territory. In 1888, however, It attained a distinct Individuality when It was formed into the Iowa territory. Pioneers soon came In large numbers and about 1832 a sub­ stantial settlement was made near Burlington, and Dubuque was founded In 1833. The popu­ lation grew so rapidly that In 1840 Iowa was admitted ns the twenty-ninth state of the Union. Its area Is 60,147 square miles and it has thirteen presidential electoral votes. Iowa Is famllarly called the Hawkeye State. Cement Lime Brick Drain Tile The day for the Nation’ s trib­ ute to the dead who fought in its defense draws near. It is fitting that it should be attended with solemn but simple ceremony, for pomp and display are out of place in the presence o f death. Both ornate ritual and military splendor would detract from the impressiveness which s h o u l d mark the occasion, so the service Governor Olcott has won the rather than the full dress uni­ form is the appropriate one to nomination after a very close be worn, whether by general or run, by some 300 votes. Proba­ bly a recount will be demanded private. Those whose memories are to and the total may be changed be honored represent service, somewhat but not materially. which is a homely virtue appear­ There seems to be a growing ing in an austere guise, although conviction that the democratic all glorious within, and so the candidate will have an excellent commemoration should be of like chance of election in November character, plain but indicative of The Oregonian has a l r e a d y sincerity and heartfelt gratitude. sounded the alarm, For while we thus may strive to pay honor to whom honor, is due. Regulating Sale of Pocket Pistols and tribute to whom tribute is No. 9671—Unlawful to sell re­ due, we cannot add to their volver to person without permit. glory, which consists in having It is unlawful for any person, served their country. “ It is firm or corporation to display for sweet and glorious to die for sale at retail any pocket pistol or one’s country,” and that in itself revolver or to sell at retail, bar­ is the greatest distinction. That ter, or give away, or dispose of in itself is sufficient glory for the same to any person whomso­ any man, and our part is to ever, excepting a policeman, show our recognition and appre­ member of the militia or peace ciation of it. < © b /M cC lu r. Newspaper Syndicate.) officer of the state of Oregon, But whatever plaudits may unless the purchaser or person • g * . ••••( .................. ^..*4 rise from our lips, whatever cere­ attempting to procure the same monial tributes we may pay shall have a permit for the pur­ NOTICE FO R PUBLICATION them, these will be empty vani­ pose of procuring such pocket Department o f the Interior, U. S. Land O f f Ree li at Portland, Oregon, May 20th ties unless we pay our debt to pistol or revolver signed by the 1P22. them in a more substantial man­ municipal judge or city recorder NOTICE is hereby given that Frank ner. This can only be done by of the city, or county judge or a I J. Morrison, of Sandy. Oregon, Box 151, who, on May 10th, 1920, made emulating their example of pat­ justice of the peace o f the homestead Entry, No. 06740; for WJ riotic service. Let us pray that county wherein such person re­ NWi, Section 15, Township 3 S., Range 5 E., Willamette Meridian, has filed war shall not again sound its sides. (L. 1913, c. 256 No. 2.) notice o f intention to make THREE- YEAR Proof, to establish claim to the alarm throughout the land, call­ The above is published at the land above described, before the Reg­ ing on the flower of our youth to request of a correspondent. ister and Receiver of the Ü. S. Land Office, at Portland, Oregon, on the 14th shed its blood, but that we may so day of July, 1922. live for our country that the lives Claimant names as witnesses; Frank You have your auto overhauled already laid down for it through­ Ahnert, of Bissell, Oregon; Lawrence by an expert mechanic, why not E. Thompson, of Bissell, Oregon! Ro­ out its entire history, shall not give your body the same care bert C. Thompson, of Eagle Creek, have been in vain. The fights Oregon; Clyde C. Pilgrim, of Eagle and attention? Consult Dr. W. Creek. Oregon. we are called upon now to wage, W. Rhodes, Osteopathic physi­ Act 6-9-16 and Sec. 2305—R. S. and on which depend our na­ A lexander S week , Register. cian and surgeon. 12-15tf 5-25-6-29 tional salvation and prosperity, are those for law, order, justice and true liberty. Righteousness, which includes all these, exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. S T Y L E 207 BRUNSWICK H O F F ’S V I C T O R Y One of the surprises in the recent election was the victory of O. P. Hoff for state treasurer over his opponent, T. F. Ryan, as the latter had the strongest newspaper backing. The Ore­ gonian states that the only rea­ son was that Hoff got the votes, but Bruce Dennis of the La Grande Observer, thinks it was due to a general sentiment that Hoff had been persecuted by charges that did not stand up under investigation. In t h i s opinion we are inclined to con­ cur although we voted for Ryan. We have thought for sometime that Hoff had been handed out a raw deal by those who wished to oust him. If our surmise is correct we are not sorry he won the nomination. We are glad to see that the paper read by Bro, St. Clair, of the Gresham OtiTLOK, on the “ Semi-Weekly and Weekly Com­ pared," which he read at the editorial convention at Eugene, last December, has been printed in the Mav number of the P a ­ c if ic P r in t e r and P u b l is h e r . This recognition was well due to its excellence and merit. The result of the primary elec­ tion indicates there will he a hot time next November and for some weeks previously. Adam Brown or Red Mahogany and Fumed or Golden Oak $125 H E I G H T , 45 l-2 inches; width, 19 inches; depth, 21 inches. Trim­ mings nickle-plated. Equipped with all-wood, Oval Tone Amplifier. Sin­ gle diaphragm Ultona. Brunswick double-spring motor, nickle-plated. Twelve-inch turntable. Automatic stop. Tone modifier. Shelf filing sys­ tem designed to accommodate albums. “ I Pay the Freight.” J. E. M E TZ G E R ^ YOUR HOME FURNISHER. GRESHAM. OREGON. THE ESTACADA MEAT CO. BEEF C A T T L E V E A L and HOGS BOUGHT, Dressed or Alive. See our Delicatessen Department, containing Pickles, Rel­ ishes. Catsups. Cheese. Bttter. Milk, Salt and Smoked Fish Fresh Fish Latter Part of Week SM IT H & GOHRING Estacada i: - Oregon ALWAYS ON HAND At Prices that are right P. E. TRANSPORTATION Co. intention to make three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above de­ scribed, before the Register and Re­ ceiver of the U. S. Land Office at Port­ land, Oregon, on the 12th day of June, 1922. Claimant names as witnesses: A, Imon, Colton, Oregon; Chris Bittner, of Colton, Oregon; George, Devore, of Colton, Oregon; Seymore Lankins, of Colton, Oregon. Act 6.9-16 and Sec. 2305-R. S. ALEXANDER SWEEK, Register. 5-4-61 NOTICE F O R PUBLICATION Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at Portland, Oregon, April 22, 1922. NOTICE is hereby given that Wil­ liam L. Palmer, o f Estacada, Oregon, who, on March 4th, 1919, made Home­ stead Entry, No. 06309, for Lot 1, Sec­ tion 33, Township 3, S., Range 4 E., Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above de­ scribed, before the Register and Re­ ceiver of the U. S. Land Office, at, Portland, Oregon, on the 20th day of June, 1922. Claimant names as witnesses: W. F. Cary, of Estacada. Oregon; C. G. Brun­ son of Estacada, Oregon; Earl Day, of Estacada, Oregon, J. W. Miller, of Estacada, Oregon. Act of 6-9-16. A lexander S week , Register 4-27-5-25 NO TIC E TOR PUBLICATION Department o f the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Portland, Oregon, April 20, 1922. NOTICE is hereby given that Andrew E. V’erdegan, of Eagle Creek, Oregon, R-l, who, on January 18th 1919, made Homestead entry. No. 06264. for the SEt, Section 7, Township 3 S.. Range 5 E., Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Register and Receiver of the U. S. Land Office, at Portland, Oregon, on the 21st day of June, 1922. Claimant names as witnesses: Hugh Guthrie, of Eagle Creek, Oregon,. R -l; Dominic R Fry mark, oi Eagle Creek, Oregon, R-l; Hugh Devlin, of Eagle Creek, Oregon, R -l; Arthur Evans, of Eagle Creek, Oregon, R-l. Act of 6 9-1916. A lexander S week , Register. 4-27-5-26 4 _______________________________________________________ COMING TO PORTLAND Dr. Mellenthin SPECIALIST in internal Medicine for the past eleven year«, ECONOMY IS WEALTH DOES NOT OPERATE Will be at BENSON HOTEL Tuesday and Wednesday, June 6th and 7th The entire country is awakening to the value o f Econom y and prov­ ing that we are not a spendthrift nation. Office Hours 10 a. m. to 4 p m. TW O DAYS ONLY ECONOM Y and B A N K IN G go hand in hand— Economize and Bank No Charge for Consultation Dr. Mellenthin is a regular graduate in medicine and surgery and is licensed by the state o f Oregon. He visits pro­ fessionally the more important towns and cities and offers to all who call on this trip fret consultation, except the expense of treatment when deBired. According to his method of treatment he does not operate for chronic appen­ dicitis. gall stones, ulcers of stomach, tonsils or adenoids. your surplus. ESTACADA STATE BANK “ Safety and Service.” He has to his credit wonderful re­ sults in diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kid­ ney, bladder, bed wetting, catarrh, weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcers and rectal ailments, If you have been ailing for any length of time and do not get any better, do not fail to call, as improper measures rather than disease are very often the cause of your long standing trouble. Remember above date, that consul­ tation on this trip will be free and that his treatment is different. Married women must be accompa­ nied by their husbands. Address: 336 Boston Block, Minne- apolis, Minn. 5-18-25-6-1 Subscribe for your nome paper the E a s t e r n C l a c k a m a s N e w s . NOTICE F OR PUBLICATION Department of the interior, U. S. Land Office, Portland Oregon, April 25th, 1922. NOTICE is hereby given that Peter Caron, of Sandy, Oregon, who, on August 1st, 1918, made Homestead En­ try, No. 05067, for NWJ SVVJ and S$ SW i, Section 1, Township 8 S., Range 5 E., Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Register and Receiver of the U. S. Land Office, at Portland, Oregon, on the 22nd day of June, 1922. Claimant names as witnesses; James Akin, of Sandy, Oregon; Clyde Pilgrim, of Sandy, Oregon; Harry Dodson, of Sandy. Oregon; A. J.Dwyer, of Port­ land, Oregon. Act 6-9-16. A lexander S week , Register. 5-4-61 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land O f - - - ffice at - Portland, Oregon, April 22, 1922, NOTICE is hereby given that Earl ay. of Estacada, Oregon, who, on Au­ gust 21, 1918, Made Adjoining Farm Homestead Entry, No. 05319, for SEJ SEL Section 29, Township 3 S., Range 4 E. Willamette Meridian, has filed no­ tice of intention to make three-year Proof to establish claim to the Ifnd above described, before the Register and Receiver o f the U. S. Land Office at Portland, Orrgon, on the 20th day of June, 1922. Claimant names as witnesses: W, F. Csry, of Estacana. Oregon; W. L. Pal­ mer, of F.stacada. Oregon, Oral M. Stormer' of Estacada. Oregon, R-2; W. A. Bard,, of Estacada, Oregon, R-2. Act 6-9-1916’ A lexander S week , Register. 4-27-5-58. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Pepi Department of the Interior, LT. S. Land Office at Portland, Oregon, April 26th, 192?. NOTICE is hereby given that Satn- ley T. Turel. Jr., o f Estacada. Oregon, who, on August 1st, 1918, made Home­ stead Ertry, No. 5146, for the NWJ, Section 33, Township 4 S.. Range 4 E , Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of JUST COUNT THE CHEVR0LETS March and April sales far exceed sales in the Corresponding months of 1920— the peak year for May w ill be an even bigger month, be­ cause thousands of people are just awakening to the great value offered by The World’s Lowest Priced FULLY EQUIPPED Automobile $675.00 F. O. B. Estacada Investigate the “ Diference” Before You Buy CASCADE GARAGE W IL C O X BROS., Proprietors ESTACADA, OREGON Phone for Demonstration