Devoted to the Interests of 'Eastern Clackamas County V olume 15, N umber 31 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. E stacada , O regon , T hursday , A pril 27,1922. SPRINGWATER NEWS GARFIELD HEMS LOCAL BREVITIES $1.50 P er Y ear UPPER EAGLE ( REEK 1 0. w. Mrs. Al. Lewellen arrived Sun- Garfield school disttict was One lot of ladies bungalow Last Friday Rev. F. P. Allen day for a visit with her daugh- treated to a ball game last Fri- aprons at $1.00 each at Rose’s, : of Portland, came out this way -TYR. CHARLES K. CAREY ter, Mrs. Wiley Howell. day afternoon between Garfield W. F. Carv made a business and held services at the Douglass -^ P H Y S I C I A N and SURGEON. Those attending the funeral and Porter schools. Porter came ¡trip to Sheridan, Ore., Monday Ridge school house on Friday Members of the Eagle Creek Phone for of Mason Warnock at Oregon out the winner with a score of returning Tuesday morning. ¡evening and Sunday afternoon. ! Camp, W. O. W. sat down last OFFICE APPOINTMENT Estacada, Oregon. City, Wednesday, from Spring- 44 to 17- However, Garfield will Men, we have today’ s prices He organized a Sunday School, Saturday night to a banquet at water were Preston and Archie aiiain try for the honors Friday, on shoes. Morton’s. | with the following officers: j Hotei Estacada. E. OWEN This lodge D R Howell, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. ^ ay Superintendent, Mrs. R. B. Gib- which formerly met at Eagle R. H. Carter of River Mill, DENTIST Shibley, Mrs. H. Horner and Be sure and remember you who has been very sick w'ith ^on; assistant superintendent,! Creek, since it transferred its Estacada, Oregon, daughter, Kathleen, and Mrs. J. have a date Friday evening, ! Mrs. Roy Douglass; «wimtarv I sessions to Estacada, has grown secretary, | pneumonia, is now improving. T"\R. R. MORSE, F. Mager. April 28, at 8 o ’ clock at Garfield Edna Evans; treasurer. Naomi from 15 to 100 members. After CHICKEN DINNER served at P H Y SIC IAN a n d SU R G E O N . Mr. and Mrs. Guy Grable and Grange. Ihe children of Gar- the Estacada Hotel Dining Room, Paddison. The teachers nomi-j | the banquet an entertainment Office and Residence Second and Main field school will put on a fine streets, Estacada, Oregon. Telephone baby from Eagle Creek, visited Sunday. Price 50 cents 2-16tf j nated were, Mrs. Will Douglass, was given at the high school au­ program, for which they have connections. | Mrs. Linda Hoffmeister, Mrs. with Mrs. N. Grable, Sunday. Pointer sells an Oregon made Mattie Cahill and Florice Doug­ ditorium to which the public was been practicing several weeks. A/TRS. J. E. GATES, Prayer meeting to be held invited. Head Consul I. I. Boak Following the program a “ Pie paint at $2.00 and $2.75 per gal. lass. iVA P I A N O I N S T R U C T O R , of the Woodmen of the World, Thursday night. Everyone wel­ Social” will be held. Every lady Let me estimate your job. 3-9tf Phone or call at The Bazaar, Estacada. come, Mrs. R. B. Gibson and Mrs. spoke, and a three reel motion Frankness is our watchword. Baumgartner were calling at the p i c t ure entitled “ rhe Wood- T E. GATES, Mr. and Mrs. James Park and bring a pie. Gentleman bring a We never,misrepresent our goods. home of Perry Murphy on Thurs- man,” in charge of Charles H. J* F U N E R A L D I R E C T O R family and Mr. and Mrs. I. M. i !>ocket ful1 o f money to buy Pies- and Emb.dmer. Night and Day Tele­ Park left for Appleton, Wash-, Mrs- K- Coe of Portland has —The Square Deal Twins. day evening. Ellis, was shown. Other head phone. Lady Assistant. Saturday only, 49 lb. sack Flour ington, Monday, where they will been visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Duus, Mr. camp representatives present ALBERT t . e l o t t commence operation of their Mr. an(^ Mrs. J- W. Dillinger, $1.69 while it lasts. McKinney’s. and Mrs. Will Douglass, Mrs. were Deputy Head Consul E. P. ATTO R N EY A T LAW sawmill. | the Past week, Mr. Coe joining Cocoa, 21bs. 25c this week at Viola Douglass, Jesse Douglass, Martin, Head Manager J. O. RESIDENT L A W Y E R McKinneys. Ed Chapman and Florice Doug­ Wilson and District Manager F. The condition of Mrs. Akens bei ^01 tbo 'veek en(h ESTACADA. - - OREGON who is in the Lovelace hospitai H. H. Battin spent the week . Beard of Portland. The re- Ha/e you seen those little lass spent Wednesday evening A. W M . G. DUNLAP end with his family and in look­ “ chink” suits for the kiddies? with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Doug- j mainder of the program consist- remains about the same. A TTO R N EY AT LAW ing over his ranch. They are the latest and very ser­ lass. It was Waller Douglass’ ed of a piano solo by Mrs. J. E< Mrs. Genserowski is reported At Estacada, in the office of Woodle Realty Co., on Saturdays—Portland of­ quite ill with congestion of the Gates and a vocal solo by Mrs. Mrs. O. E. Lamberson has re­ viceable, you can get them at birthday. fice 1521 Yeon Building. Rose.s. turned after spending the Easter Mr. and Mrs. Rucker gave a Milton Weatherby. lungs and an attack ol heart D EBY, week with her sister at Salem. trouble. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Allen visi­ party at their home on Saturday a t t o r n e y a t l a w . Loses Eye Mrs. Minnie Eash is about ted at Bull Run last Sunday. evening. There were about 63 Mr. and Mrs.Carl Zurcher of General Practice. Confidential Ad­ present and all had a good time. again after a week’ssiege of cold They were accompanied by Mr. Lust Thursday evening, the Portland were guests of Mr. viser. Oregon City. Oregon. Allen’s niece, Miss Francss Mur- After playing games for a time little daughter of W. H. Dwyer and Mrs. Joe Guttridge, Suaday. and sore throat. ]\>TcGUlRK & SCHNEIDER, and dancing and singing, delic­ of Garfield, was standing by her Bible study will be held at No­ phey. The Geo. Guttridge f a m i l y 1VA ATTORNEYS a t l a w . ra Memorial church Wednesday Miss Maud L.' Hughes of Los ious refreshments were served brother while he was splitting At Gresham office—Tuesdays, Thurs­ who have the flu are some bet­ and Sunday evenings. C o m e Angeles,-California, arrived Fri­ and all departed for their homes. some stove wood. A chip flew days ana Saturdays, lavi. 203-5, Withrow ter at the present writing. Portland office, 609-15, Fen' building Miss Irene Hayden was the up and struck her left eye, punc­ and spend a profitable hour. day for a visit here with her un­ ton bui ling. When you think of shoes think week end guest of Miss Florice turing the eyeball and letting cle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bruce are AUL C. FISCHER. Douglass. o f Rose’s the guaranteed all moving into their home which Lawrence, out the fluid. Dr. Carey was ATTOR NEY AT LAW. leather line, as it pays to get the was formerly the Paulie ranch. Dick Gibson sold five hogs to summoned w h o dressed the Dr. C. K. Carey has been ap­ Beaver building, Oregon City, Oregon. best. wound. The following morning Smith & Gohring on Monday. The Bruces came from Vancou­ pointed surgical and medical rep he took her to St. Vincent’s hos­ ver, B. C. W o o d le r ea lty co . resentative for the National hos­ Mr. and Mrs. Ed Douglass BARTON ITEMS pital at Portland, where the eye Real Estate. Insurance, Loans, Sunday school at 2 p. m. Sun­ pital association for this district. were visiting with Mrs. Viola Mrs. S. P. Pesznecker and sons was removed. The child is back Collections, Notary Public. day at Nora Memorial church. Miss Frances Murphey return­ Douglass at Estacada the other Justice of the Peace. home and is doing well and has Joe and Leo, were visitors at the Preaching at 3. day. ed to her home in Portland Mon­ They Jet results Phone Estacada George Forman home Sunday. Mrs. Carl Rhenstrom made a the sympathy o f every one in Mr. and Mrs. Dart were Port­ day, after a two weeks stay at her misfortune. Mr. Pesznecker is helping Mr. trip to Astoria recently. this place taking care of her land visitors last week. Forman put in the crops. grandma Allen and aunt Mrs. , Mrs. Rosa Baker was a Gresh­ FIR E INSURANCE. Community Club am visitor the other day. Mr. and Mrs. William Rivers DODGE NEWS Surfus who were sick. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gibson and The regular monthly meeting of Gladstone called on their un­ Mrs. Maude Graham, who is Mrs. Will Douglass were Esta­ London Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Colson cle James Rivers Sunday. of the Community Club will be teaching at Seaside, was a week held tomorrow evening in the Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rivers and family spent Sunday with end visitor at the home of Mrs. cada visitors on Monday. Keep your policy in our Fire Mr. and Mrs. Hedges. High School auditorium. A fine Proof Vault, free of charge. were visitors at the E. Kingston Margaret Schock. Mrs. Graham D O VER musical program has been ar­ David Horner Sr. and Mr. and was a teacher in the Estacada home Sunday. H. C . S T E P H E N S ranged, and the speaker of the Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bates visited Mrs. Fred Horner and family schools a few years ago. Little Charles Udell has been evening will be George L. Rauch, went to Oregon City Sunday at the Bracket home Sunday. A gent . A successful Silver Tea was quite sick but seems to be im­ president of the Ad Club of Port­ evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grandma Bracket, who has been given by the Rebekahs Tuesday proving some at present. land. Horner sang with the Colton ill for a long time, is yery low. Mrs. J. R. Akin entertained afternoon at the Estacada hotel. Oratorio society in giving the Mrs. Clyde McMurry and baby Judge Campbell Id The committee in charge was her mother Mrs. Green, and “ Holy City,” at the Congrega­ of Gresham, was calling on old Mesdames Dan Mattson. Gerald cousin Mrs. Paul Cook, of Cher- Judge J. U. Campbell of Ore­ tional church. Wilcox and Jim Linn. friends here Suuday. ryviile, Wednesday. gon City and the circuit court, that we carry Mrs. Jochimsen made a trip to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Oxen are was taken suddenly ill Monday The Sunday School and servi­ Mrs. Augusta Simmons, sister Portland on Thurseay to see her LIGHT HARDWARE ces were largely attended Sun­ of Mrs. G. E. Lawrence, E. It. spending several weeks on their morning. He was taken to a nephew. •j’ Toys, Notions, Hosiery, Needle- Simmons and family and S. W. Dover farm putting in the spring hospital and as a result the cases day. Rosa B. TenEyck spent the Laurence and family motored crops. w ork, Candy, Etc. before his court have been in­ A farewell surprise party was week end in Portland shopping out from Portland last Sunday Mrs. H. F. Shaw is visiting definitely postponed. } 5c, 10c, 15c and up. given Friday night to Mr. and and visiting with her sisters. ? CALL AND SEE US and were guests at the Laur- friends at Pleasant Home this Mrs. Charley Lor.ev and Mr. and Dr. Morse Worse week. Mr. and Mrs Lacey and Ivan rence home. Mrs. John Batie, at the home of Sunday school every Sunday, Lacey and wife and Mrs. John Dr. Morse we regret to report, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Johnson. What $1.00 will buy Saturday preaching service every ether Keller went to Oregon City on has had a relapse which com­ Everybody enjoyed the evening. at Rose’ s the place to buy: 4 I. O. O. F. Bldg., Estacada Thursday to attend the funeral large bottles Gold Medal catsup, Sunday at the Dover church. pelled his return to the hospital. Founder’s Day. of Mason Warnock. Both he and Mrs. Morse will re­ 9 tall cans Borden’s or Alpine All are invited to attend. The 79th anniversary and 22nd Kenneth Keller celebrated his milk, 8 packages Kingsford corn Walter Kitzmiller and family ceive the general sympathy of ♦ SAVE YOUR I celebration of Founder's day will birthday on April 20, by having j starch, 4 cans Armour’s peaches, were visiting the home folks the community, and all hope Sunday. be held at Champoeg, Marion his cousins Lloyd Kaake and j 22 bars white laundry soap. that the good doctor’s condition county, on Saturday, May 6th. David Horner to supper. Nine C. E. Seward was in Eagle will soon yield to treatment and Harry Johnson has leased the The president o f the day will be candles adorned Creek Monday buying seed oats. vitally improve. his birthday building on Main street occupied Judge P. H. D. Arcy. pioneer of cake. USE Mr. Anderson has returned by Roy Way as a racket store, Be Careful, Campers 1857. A basket dinner will he M. Pedersen has gone to Port­ and will move his shoe shop into from eastern Oregon with a served at noon and the program land where he expects to stay in­ According to records o f the it the first week in May. His team of mules which he recently begins at 1 p. m. Pioneers, sons definitely. Federal foresters on the 23,072,« purchased. present location will be taken and daughters of pioneers, and 793 acres of national forest lands Mrs. Iva Parks and Miss Alice Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Keller by Dr. Rhodes, osteopathic phy­ 90c—Gallon the public generally are cordially spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. in Washington and Oregon, 1206 Udell were visittng at the Lone sician, for an office. 35c—Qt. invited. forest fires occurred during the Elder farm Sunday. Joe Keller at Viola. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Sparks en­ year 1921. Of this number 469 20 c- Pt. tertained Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tax Investigation Postponed Websterian-Adelphic Program Highly Commendable fires, or 39 per cent were started Mifcheltree, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. The committee on tax inveiti by lightning, which no man A joint program of the Adeb We learn from a copy o f the gation o f the state of Oregon, Hjjfh gchoo, paperi that lhe Jur. Morrow and two sons, Frank phic and Websterian literary so­ could possibly prevent. The next has postponed its senes of meet-1 ¡or Clasg devoted m of the pn}. and Walter, and Miss Ruth Sal- cieties of the Estacada Hi g h highest number was 434, or 36 ings in southern and western ceeds from its play, towards pav­ mg, all of Portland, last Sunday. School will be given tomorrow, percent of the total, and these The Store Oregon until after the state pri­ ing off the debt owed by the After dinner the company drove Friday, April 28, beginning at were due to careless, thought­ ♦ I ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ mary election. The rea-on given 8tudent M y tQ the school board to Eagle Creek fails and tiied 1:15 p. m less or ignorant campers, mostly ♦ * * •» t is that the committee does not The class is to be commended in their luck at fishing, but were The two societies invite the ¡our own people. Frank Branch wish to be involved in politics, its action, as, although it may unsuccessful. eighth grade pupils of all school Riley is now preaching to the I will pay the Portland price districts tributary to Estacada to East the gospel of the scenic as Walter M. Pierce of La not have been responsible for Grande, one ol the members, is the debt, yet as part of the stu­ for eggs, Saturday. McKinney’s. be their guests at this time. Fob glory o f the Northwest The running for nomination for gov­ dent body, it was morally respon­ Cvrift Laurence arrived M on-¡loving |™^...r, the ...... program a baseball Northwest is asking the world ernor on the democratic ticket. - f r o m Portland to jrarr • i played betweei and on»« again» PLACE Y O U R IN­ sible visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. tacada High School and Oregon1 but will blackened mountain- SURANCE THROUGH Christian Church BORN YOUR HOME AGENT WHO G. E. Laurence. He was accom- City High School. All visiting sides and smoke-covered peaks WILL PROTECT To Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Dyke- pamed by Miss Dolsie Robinson, eighth grade pupils will be ad-j attract the world tourist? Eter- There will be services at the YOUR INTEREST Christian church next Sunday at man at the Maternity hospital in who was intending to remain a mitted to see this game free of nal watchfulness and thought- the usual hours. Bible school at Portland, Friday, April 21. 1922. week, but received word that charge, An exhibit o f manual fulness regarding the u-e o f fire a son. 10 and preaching at 11 a, m .; and In Estacada. Wednesday. April her aunt was taken seriously training and domestic art work in the forests are essential if we 1:30 p. m. The Rev. E. Atchley 2 * 5 , 1922 , to Mr. and Mrs.’ Homer 9'ck and 80 they both returned done by the High School students may expect the tourist dollar to Cary Real Estate Co. of Portland will officiate. Saner, a daughter. to Portland Tuesday morning. will be displayed at this time. roll northwestward. P j Don’t forget T E BAZAAR, ¡ EGGS: WATER GLASS Rexall For Fire Insurance