J EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS, THURSDAY, MARCH 3 0 , 1922. Eastern Clackamas News En'ered at the postoffice in Estacada, Oregon, as second-class mail. Published every Thursday at Estacada. Oregon experience shows has been es­ sential to the development and preservation of human life in its highest possible sense, can be safely affirmed to be true, and not a baseless superstition. j The Story of i j Our States ! By JONATHAN BRACE K0DAKS-- ALL KINDS and SUPPLIES GUNS-- And AMMUNITION XXVI.— MICHIGAN FISHING TAC K LE IE French I misslomir- | .. ies and fur Get * Hunting and traders were T HIGHER EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT N O T I C E O F ADMINISTRA­ T O R ’S S A L E In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. In the matter of the partnership estate of J. W. Reed and Earl Shibley, as Reed & Shibley. In pursuance of a license to me grant­ ed by the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, on the 23rd duy of March, 192?. I, Lucy Mae Reed, ad- ministratiix of the partnership estate of J. W. Reed and Earl Shibley, as Reed & Shibley, will proceed to sell at private sale to the highest bidder on and after MONDAY, MAY 1st, 192?. at the hour of 2:00 o’clock p. m., all the right, title, interest and estate of the said partnership estate in and to the following described real premises, to-wit:— The westerly 30 feet of Lot thir­ teen (13) Block six (6) Estacada, Clackamas County, Oregon, accord­ ing to the duly recorded map and plat thereof. All of Lot fourteen (14) Block six (6) Estacada, Clackamas County, Oregon, according to the duly re­ corded map and plat thereof. TERMS OF SALE, cash or half cash, Fishing The producers Call publi.-hes a the first Licenses Here list of salaries paid to the pro­ whites to pen­ fessors at the 0. A. C.. the U. S u b sc riptio n R a t e s etrate into of Oregon and the Portland Medi­ Camping Outfits, Electric __ M 1 c h 1 g a n. One year Their first visits to this region cal school, all of which are state Six month* Flashlights. Baseball date hack to 1010. It was not institutions and supported by the until 1008 however, that the first Supplies state, With the exception of the Thursday. March 30, 1922. actual settlement was made. This was the mission at Suult —------------------------ - "“ — salary paid the head of theO. A. KodakPicturesDeveloped Sainte Marie, founded by Father C., which is $ 10 , 000 , and the head THOUGHTS ON LIFE Marquette. Mackinac was es­ and Enlarged of the U. of Oregon, which is tablished a few years later, and Detroit's growth was slow. $8,000, the others range from VI After the French and Indian There are three little books by $ 4,000 to $ 4 , 500 . To many, these wars the English took over tills territory, and in 1774 it was for­ the late John Fiske of Harvard, salaries may seem liberal, but it mally declared a part of Canada. which are well worth reading. should be remembered that these Detroit rapidly grew in impor­ They are “ From Nature to God,’’ gentlemen are supposed to be tance and during the Revolution wiir the base of operations for “The Destiny of Man,’, a n d experts in their respective lines. many raids by the British and “ Eternal Life.” In them he has If these institutionswere commer­ r—I Indians against the Americans. given a record of his reasoning cial enterprises the salaries fcr By the terms of the treaty of Paris in 1783 this region became whereby, beginning with the such expert knowledge would a part of the United States. W orld’s agnostic, he reached nigh to amount to double or more than What Is now Michigan, Wiscon­ the above. Besides there are that of the Christian position.. sin, a part of Minnesota, Illinois, L o w e st Priced Indiana and Ohio was known as Piofessor Fiske was an evolu­ many calls on a professor at a the Northwest territory. After FU LLY tionist, the disciple of Herbert state college which substantially Ohio was set off as a separate reduce his income for personal Spencer, and he is emphatic that state the Lower Peninsula of EQ U IPPED Michigan was joined to Indiana eternal life is the natural goal of uses. These salaries are not ex­ territory. In 1805 Michigan be­ evolution, that the evolutionary cessive but the reverse. While A utom obile came u separate territory with process cannot stop short of that. it is true that under present fi­ atiout Its present boundaries. There was, however, a great In a brilliant lecture on “ A Cen­ nancial conditions more aid can­ dispute over a small strip of tury of Science,” he sums up as not be given to these institutions, land in the extreme southern that now given should not be re­ follows: portion which was claimed by f . o. I F lint , M ick. Ohio. This almost led to blood “The lessons that might be duced. It is possible that a re- but was finally settled by fThe ^People’s Car derived from our story a r e arrangement of courses and the j shed, Michigan releasing her claim to many. But one that we may es­ elimination of some, maybe ad­ See it the disputed area and receiving pecially emphasize is the dignity visable, but the amounts thus! as compensation an addition to Com pare it of Man, whose persistent seek­ the Upper Peninsula. On this T ry it as O ur Guest ing for truth is rewarded by such saved should be devoted to the basis Michigan was admitted to strenghening of the departments! fruits. We may be sure that the Union In 1837 and became the creature whose intelligence which are maintained. The mil- j : the twenty-sixth state. measuree the pulsations of mole­ lage tax should neither be re­ ♦ Michigan has a unique situa­ cules and unravels the secret pealed nor reduced. : tion, ns it Is bounded by the Estacada, Oregon. t three largest of the Great Lakes, of the whirling nebula is no and divided Into two peninsulas. creature of a day, but the child This gives It a coast line larger day. She has been visiting here of the universe, the heir of all LOOKING BACKWARD I in proportion to its area than the ages, in whose making and at her son’s home for some time any of the other states. It Is perfecting is to be found the con­ We had a birthday last week named after Lake Michigan, and was taken sick while with summation of God’s c r e a t i v e which Is the Algonquin word, and are now in the shadow of the I them. Mr. and Mra. Paddison “Mlchl-gnn,” meaning "great work” . sixties. We have been reliably were also on the sick list but are sea.” It Is entitled to 15 votes The evolutionist, according to in the electoral college. informed that when we first recovering. his own theory as to the origin (© by McClure N e w spa per Syndicate.) Mrs. Rheustrom visited with of man, is almost forced to ac­ made our appearance, it was i.a..»..a..« unanimously decided that our Mrs. Evans and Mrs. Perry Mur­ cept the idea of eternal life, oth days would be few. But in spite phey Sunday afternoon. erwise the long protracted crea her niece Mrs, James Closner. of that expert opinion we are tive effort in nature to bring forth Mrs. It. I. Guttridjje’s mother, Wedding Bells man, is abortive, and the result still on deck, and probably better Mrs. Raney, went to Gresham physically than ever before. It an anticlimax. Besides, as Fiske A very pretty home wedding to visit for a few days. notes, in human evolution the cost our paternal parent a goodly took place, March 22nd, at the Our old friends Jeffey Lincoln groping after a spiritual world sum to pull us through the first home of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. has played an enormous part in years of our life, and on looking and wife of Portland, but form- Shaw of Dover, when their the whole development of hu­ back on our record, we wonder ly of Springwater, attended daughter, Miss Olive was united man society, and that nobody whether it were worth the price. church here Sunday. in marriage to Manley Childs, can imagine what mankind would We confess to having serious the Rev. T. B. Young of Garfield have been without it. He goes doubts on the subject. U P P E R E A G L E C R E E K officiating. There was a large on to state: attendance of their relatives and The United States senate has Mrs. Buckley, school supervis­ friends to wish the newly weds “ As a general thing in the whole history of evolution, when ratified the Four- Power treaty l or and Mrs. Church, truant offi­ a very happy and long life of you see any internal adjustment in spite of the strenuous efforts cer, were school visitors last wedded bliss. They left Satur­ reaching out toward something, of the irreconcilables. Mu c h Mondav afternoon. day for Prineville in Central Or­ it is in order to adapt itself to credit is due Presiden Harding Last Wednesday evening Mr. egon, where they will make their something that really exists; and if the religious cravings of man for the wisdom and tact he dis­ and Mrs T. C. McKay were the future home. constitute an exception, they are played in the matter. recipients of a pleasant call from the one thing in the whole pro­ Mr. and Mrs. Ray Woodle, son Changes Location cess of evolution that is excep­ SPRINGWATER NEWS. Leslie, Charles Murphey, Mr. tional and different from all the H. L. McKenney owing to the rest. And this is surely an argu­ Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Glover and Mrs. Will Douglass and E q . crowded condition of his store Chapman, ment of stupendous weight.” will move into the building now and son Clifford, Mrs. Glover's Mr, and Mrs. Walter Douglass occupied by Thomas Morton, and Man has the witness to eter­ mother, Mrs. J. H. Cole and nal life within himself, for the daughter Elaine of Portland. and daughter P'lorice were Port­ will share it with him. This ar­ highest faculties of his nature visited Sunday with Mr. and land visitors on Saturday. rangement will prove beneficial conscience, spiritual insight, re­ Mrs. Wm. Still. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Woodle to both as it will cut down their j ligious aspiration and m o r a l Mrs. Peter Erickson is in Port­ and children, and Mr. and Mrs. over head expense, and the store | choice, testify to it. The force land this week. Malcomb Woodle and children is large enough for the two. of conscience lies in the thought wore guests at the home of Ray Everett Shibley’s class in Sun­ NOTICE T O C R E D I T O R S of a judgement to come; spiritual Woodle on Sunday. day School was the winning class NOTICE is hereby given that the | insight opens up vistas eternal, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Douglass, has been duly appointed religious aspiration soars with for the highest marks for the Mrs. Ed. Douglass and little undersigned executor of the estate of William W. past three months, and will be deceased, and any and all per­ the soul up to God, and moral daughter Betty Jean, were visit­ Davis, having claims against the said choice deals with the eternal entertained next Saturday at the ing with Mrs. Viola Douglass and sons estate are hereby required to present Grange ball, by the other classes said claims, duly verified as oy law re- values and the distinctions be­ also at the home of Ernest Duus j quired, at the office of my attorneys, tween right and wrong. These of the Sunday school, with a pro­ last Sunday afternoon. Schuebel & Beattie, Oregon City Ore­ gram and picnic dinner. gon, within six months iron, the date laeulties are the m e d i a by Fred Paddison took his grand­ | of this notice. which he breaks through his Mrs. Walter Strumk returned Dated March 11, 1922. time environment and enters I to Estacada last Friday from the mother, Mrs. Paddison, to her Date of first publication March 16, 1922. home in Gladstone last Wednes- ,)ate of last publication April 13, 1922. into one which deals with eter­ St. Vincent's hospital and is with ELMER T. DAVIS, nal issues. And his possession Executor of the estate of William W. Davis, deceeaed. of them is only to be accounted 1 Schuebel & Beattie. Oregon City, Ore­ for, on the ground that he is the I gon, attorneys for executor. heir of immortality. NOTICE FO R PUBLICATION Man’s highest development has ; Department of the Interior, U. S. Land been along this line and in keep­ Office at Portland, Oregon, March 13th, 1922. ing with it. It is that which has NOTICE is hereby given that Leo kept him above the animal level, I. ehnfield, of Cherry ville, Oregon, who, j on August 13th. liU8. made Homestead in spite of overwhelming oppo­ Entry, No, (6105, for NJ N Fl. Section BOUGHT, l)re»»ed or Alive. sition both from within a n d II, Township 3 S., Range 5 E. Willa­ mette Meridian, has filed intention to without In fact without the See our Delicatessen Department, containing Pickles. Rel­ make thrie-vear Proof, to establish inspiration of eternal life there claim to the land above described, be­ ishes. Catsups. Cheese. Bttter. Milk, Salt and Smoked Pish fore the Register and Receiver of the would have been no human pro­ U. S. I and Office, at Portland, Oregon, gress worth the name. Unless on tht 28th day of April, 1922. man can rise to better things Claimant names as witnesses: Eliza­ beth Green, of Cherryville, Oregon; than his temporal existence af- j Chnrles Harris, of Cherryville, Oregon; fords, his guiding principle w ill Harry Dods-.n. of Sandy, Oregon; Mary Corron, of Cherryville, Oregon. be that of the Eipicureans, “ Let Act 6 9-191«. us eat, drink and lie m^rry, for Estacada :: Oregon A lexander S week . Register. 3-23-4-21'. 1 tomorrow we die. ” What thenl UPTON H. GIBBS Editor anil Manager. ed T boners J k WILCOX BROS. THE ESTACADA MEAT CO. BEEF CATTLE VEAL and HOGS Fresh Fish Latter Part of Week SM IT H & GO H RING balance to be Becured by first mort­ gage upon the real premises sold, to be approved by Court. Bids will be received by the under­ signed administratrix at my residence at Estacada, Oregon, or at the office of my attorney, O. D. Eby, at Oregon City, Oregon. Dated March 28th, 1922. LUCY MAE REED. Administratrix of the partnership estate of Reed & Shibley. O. D. EBY Attorney for Administratrix. 3-30-4-27. Dr. W. W. Rhodes, osteopathic physician, located at Hotel Esta­ cada, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from 8:30 to 4 p. m. _______________________ 9-8tf RE-NU -EM TAILORS. Cleaning, Pressing. Dyeing. ALTERING AND REPAIRING, SUITS MADE TO ORDER. Low Prices. WM. BASS, Prop. ï i SAFETY AND SERVICE T IS the desire of this Bank to I extend to each customer the very best service obtainable in every de­ partment of Banking, To this end we invite you to consult us freely in the matter of your banking prob­ lems. ESTACADA STATE BANK “ Safety and Service.” rjs . i * « i « * Facts You Should Know When You Buy a Car Surplus Power is furnished by Buick Valve-in-Head Motors. Carburetors are automatically heated. Ctankcase or Radiator drained by turning a handle. Oil Pumps are self thawing. Rocker Arms automatically lubricated. Radiator easily repaired by inserting sections. Clutch positive in action, still a child can operate it. Gear Shift made by a slight touch of the hand. Steering a Buick is like child’s play. Steering Rod or drag link all one piece. Universal Joint automatically lubricated. Frame scientifically designed extra strong. Third Member absorbs all driving strains not the springs. Brakes very efficient, easily adjusted. Rear Axle special design correctly built. Head Room plenty, not too much. Twelve Models of Buick cars make it possible for you to secure the type of car you desire. Willard Storage Batteries for Sale. CASCADE GARAGE W ILCOX BROS. 1